Immortal Asura

Chapter 1254: Fierce battle

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Two palms collided, a loud sound came out, and a strong spiritual impact spread to the surroundings. Even the people standing aside were affected by this powerful impact, and took a few steps back to the impact, showing The spiritual shield resists this powerful impact.

And Zhang Yan and Miao Fa Jinlian both backed away, both of them moved back a few feet to stand up. Zhang Yan shook his arm and felt his arm tingle. I thought that Jin Lian ’s strength was so powerful that it really made Zhang Yan feel incredible. This was one of the few people who made Zhang Yan feel tricky.

Jing Xinlian said in the sea of ​​knowledge: "The magic lotus is also a way of life. Its golden lotus body is still very powerful. Although it is not physical cultivation, its body is comparable to physical cultivation, but compared to your fairy body, It ’s worse, but it is comparable to Dacheng ’s Eucharist. "

"Besides, he still has the blessing of the magical power of the Buddhist family, plus the power of the rules and the golden body, it is normal for you to deal with him with some hardships. After all, your cultivation has not reached its peak yet, and you can't exert your full strength. "Jin Xinlian said there comforting Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "Please rest assured, I am not scared by him, but I think this guy is more difficult. No matter what he is, as long as it is Valkyrie Xiu, then I will have confidence to deal with him. There is nothing I can't pack. "

Zhang Yan spoke firmly and looked at the magic lotus in the distance. At the same time, the powerful killing intention was released from him, and the magic lotus was locked firmly.

This made Miaofa Jinlian feel the body shake. This kind of killing intention is really too powerful, and even powerful is about to affect his fighting spirit. Under this powerful killing intention, Miaofa Jinlian feels her hands are all Some shivering, of course, the palm just came down, his arms have begun to tremble, his blood is also violently there, Miao Fa Jinlian did not expect this inflammation to be so powerful.

The people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Zen also saw their hearts startled, their hearts were trembling, and they were worried about the magical golden lotus. After all, this is the magical golden lotus. If anything really happened, they would be a big deal, but the runner The Holy King comforted everyone and said, "Don't worry, Miao Fa Jinlian must be more than enough to deal with Zhang Yan here. It was just because of the general idea, and this boy's strength is just that. Next he must not be Miao Fa Jinlian. Opponent. "

Although the runner-up King said so, he still had some concerns in his heart. After all, Zhang Yan's strength he had learned was really strong. For the sake of insurance, the runner-up King told him: "You stay. Two people protected the two of us who were injured, and the rest passed together to help Miao Fa Jinlian and kill them. "

Everyone heard the words and rushed towards Zhang Yan side. For a time, the masterpiece of gold and the light of the sky filled the sky. These monks took out their unique skills and attacked everyone in Zhang Yan.

Fat people and others also dare not neglect to see this. Now Zhang Yan is holding down the magical golden lotus. The rest of these people can only cope with them. Although there are more people, they are relatively weak in strength. Together they can still resist.

The people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Zen attacked with a tentative attack first, and they joined forces to blast a powerful spiritual attack on the crowd.

The fat man didn't say anything when he saw it. He directly blocked the crowd, snorted coldly, then stretched out his hand, and let these spiritual powers blast on his body. Then he waved and shouted, "Return to you guys."

I saw the spiritual power in the hands of the fat man blasted back again. The powerful spiritual power blasted towards the crowd in an instant, and everyone saw the support of the spiritual power, blocking the original power that had attacked the past. This is what makes everyone seem a bit struggling.

The old monk headed shouted loudly: "Don't attack like this with your spiritual power. This fat man is a spirit-eating body. Our attack in the past won't have any effect. Let's rush forward together."

The fat man frowned a little helplessly when he saw this. If this group of people rushed over, the role he could play would be minimal, but the flaming golden beast stood up.

I saw the flame of the golden jin beast roar, the flame of the body suddenly burned, and the mouth opened a roar, and then a powerful flame spewed out of its mouth, and it directly burned in front of the zen buddhas of the ten thousand Buddhas.

The people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas were also surprised when they saw this. They had not noticed the flame golden maggot before. Now looking at the flame golden maggot, I know that there is still such a powerful guy here. This is the flame that was built by Valkyrie Nine. The golden beast, none of them can handle it.

The people immediately held up a shield of spiritual power, and joined forces to form a barrier in front of them. The flame of the golden jin beast hit the barrier, and then burned wildly, burning the spiritual power of everyone there. However, there were more people in the opposite direction, and the flame of the flaming golden beast was gradually suppressed.

At this time, Hu Meier on the side moved, Hu Meier waved a hand, and a fire of Samadhi rushed towards the flame of the flame golden jinbei. After the two flames merged together, the flame of the flame golden jinbe suddenly suddenly increased its power. All of a sudden, the barriers of the people were blown away. With the blessing of the true fire of Samadhi, the power of the flames soared, and the barriers of everyone were burned.

The huge flame slammed into the past, and the crowd had no choice but to dodge to the side, but there were still three people who could not dodge. The youngest monk in the center was devoured by the flame and disappeared instantly. Only a scream was left.

The other two monks were too late to escape, and were caught in some sham mad fire. The two had not noticed at first. Instead, they used their hands to stab the flames. However, they found that the flames were burning more and more. Destroyed, even the spiritual power of these two people was burned.

Suddenly, the fire was strung up, and the two of them suddenly became firemen, rolling painfully on the ground, but they were completely burnt and burned out within a short time, leaving nothing, and giving the monks on the side Shocked.

The crowd looked at the flaming golden beast and Hu Meier with shocked faces. The old monk headed by them had rich experience, and they could not help but be shocked when they saw the famous temple. "It turned out to be the legendary true fire of Samadhi I didn't expect this female donor to be able to show the true fire of Samadhi. It was really amazing. "

Many monks were also shocked when they heard what they said. They also know the power of this samadhi. It is said that this is the flame that can burn everything in the world. As long as it is touched, it will not go out if it is not burned. It is very powerful.

Everyone looked at Hu Meier's side and became a lot jealous. The old monk reminded everyone: "Although the true fire of Samadhi is powerful, it costs a lot to cast it once. Do n’t be too scared, but be careful. The true fire of Samadhi is covered. "

The crowd nodded. This time they learned to be clever. Instead of rushing up together, they chose to spread out, rushing across the crowd from all directions, and led by several older monks who were more advanced. The crowd surrounded them directly.

This time, however, there was a problem for Wang Zongzong. The people on the other side were crowded. They were all a bit disappointed. In desperation, the crowd could only stand there back to back, and surrounded the city in a circle, each holding a direction. They ca n’t be scattered. If they are scattered, their strength will be greatly reduced. After all, there are too many people on the opposite side, and their strength is not weak. If they have been placed under siege, they will be more fierce.

The people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Zen united to release their spiritual attacks from all directions. For a time, they were full of light and radiated towards the people. The fat man could only absorb part of it, but could not absorb all of it.

When Qin Shiyan saw this situation, she turned her spiritual power and waved her hand, and an ice barrier was formed directly in front of the crowd. This ice barrier was very solid, and she instantly resisted the light from the Buddhas of all Buddhas. Outside, it's just that these Buddha lights are like a scorching sun, where the ice barrier is burned, and the ice barrier gradually shows signs of melting.

Xuan Yuanming frowned and said, "It's not the way to go. It seems that you can only take the initiative to strike. Be careful, I'll kill him upside down."

Xuanyuan Ming shook the silver dragon gun in his hands, and a sound of dragon groan came. Then Xuanyuan Ming directly held the silver dragon gun and killed the monk in front of him. The power was very powerful. Unexpectedly, he immediately killed one of them. one person.

But before he had the next move, he was directly surrounded by the monks on the side, and he was trapped in the siege.

Wang Zongyuan shouted, "Brother Xuanyuan, hold on, I'll help you."

As soon as Wang Zong's words fell, the whole person turned into a breeze, and instantly disappeared in place, quickly moving through the crowd, attacking the crowds of Mantra Buddha, so that everyone couldn't catch him at all.

Dao Chen also shot at this time. The power of Dao Chen ’s whole body of law turned, and the power of each law attacked the past toward the zens of Buddhas. Everyone was facing one or more of Dao Chen ’s laws. Power, but also the power of the law of just right attributes, Dao Chen directly distracted and attacked everyone.

The pressure on Qin Shiyan and Hu Meier instantly reduced a lot. The two stared at each other, and then attacked the two sides separately. For a time, the fire and the sky were heavy. One side was endless flames, and the other side was frost. .

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