Immortal Asura

Chapter 1255: Come from Lingtiange

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Under the attack of the dual forces of ice and fire, the people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas can only resist with their powerful Buddha light. For a time, the Buddha light was dazzling, the dazzling Buddha light resisted the frost and the flame, and the three forces were colliding with each other.

At the same time, the power of Daochen ’s laws also played a role. The power of various laws urged them to attack the people of Wanfo Zen, while the people of Wanfo Zen were also a little confused, but they still had More than a dozen people survived, and these people came together to bring this situation under control.

I saw the people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas still besieging the Daochen crowd. The Daochen crowd could barely resist, and Xuan Yuanming and Wang Zongzhuang were also in a hard fight there. The people on this side could only protect themselves temporarily. There was no time. He took care.

Dao Chen holds the largest number of people, followed by the Flame Jinzhao Beast. Under the fierce hair of the Flame Jinzhang Beast, its attack power is very strong, and the people of Ten Thousand Buddhas can't help it. Finally, an old monk , Took out a steel ring in his hand, this steel ring looked cold flashing, it has a very powerful power on it.

The sight-seeing person knew that the steel ring was also the sacred weapon at least, and after the old monk took out the steel ring, he smashed directly into the flame of the golden maggot, shouting in his mouth: "Animals, don't hurry to accept, dare Are you fierce here? Wait until the old lady takes you. "

The steel ring was thrown out by the old monk, and instantly became large in the air, directly becoming a huge steel ring with a diameter of over one foot in length, which contained a very powerful force. This steel ring was suppressed from the air toward the flame golden jinbei Going down, the rotation exudes strong power.

The flaming golden beast was not to be outdone, Yangtian roared loudly, and then opened his mouth to spray a powerful flame directly, spraying it against the steel ring, blocking the steel ring, and for a time the two were deadlocked. Were together.

The old monk said with a look of shock: "This flaming golden beast is really strong, and even my fu magic circle can't suppress it."

When everyone was fighting here, Zhang Yan and Miao Fa Jin Lian had already fought together for a long time. Both of them reached the extreme strength, both speed and strength were comparable. Miao Fa Jin Lian relied on the Buddhism and Buddhism. His magical powers are also countless, relying on the means to attack Zhang Yan there.

And Zhang Yan is not to be outdone. After casting the Eight Doors, Zhang Yan's strength has reached the limit. He has been deadlocked with Miao Fa Jinlian here. The two have already been fighting a lot, and Zhang Yan's strength is It is the more battles and the bravery, the magic lotus is a little weaker. After all, such a powerful consumption, even the magic lotus can not afford it.

The magical power of the magical lotus is a bit outdated, but Zhang Yan has nothing to do. Now Zhang Yan Shura's immortal body is about to be completed, and its recovery ability has reached an unprecedented level. These consumptions are nothing to Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan also gradually saw hope, and saw that the magic power of Jin Lian ’s attack power had decreased. Zhang Yan knew that he could n’t support it. If he continued to consume it, Zhang Yan,

However, when Zhang Yan saw the dawn of victory, a scream came from the distant demon monk, and then he saw that the demon monk was knocked down by the dragon and Luohan, and afterwards, The demon monk didn't say a word, even before he landed, the demon monk quickly fled away.

Luolong Luohan originally wanted to catch up, but when he saw that the battle was so fierce, he didn't chase the demon monk, but snorted and said, "Let's run fast, you will kill you next time."

After Luolong Luohan finished speaking, he focused his eyes on Zhang Yan, and walked towards Zhang Yan step by step. A little sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth and said, "Boy, this time I see where you are going Run? Today is your life lost here, what about your bodyguard? If you don't let him out now, you will never have a chance. "

Zhang Yan saw the Dragon Lohan win, and he couldn't help but smirk. He heard the Dragon Lohan speak like this, Zhang Yan couldn't help sneering, thinking that if the Soul Eater was here, would he let you be so presumptuous? Killed you long ago.

However, at present, Zhang Yan can only choose to fight desperately with them. If this is not the case, Zhang Yan can only be used to show Shura's true body, and he can't lose to the dragon dragon Luohan anyway, let alone Zhang Yan sees the dragon dragon. The anger in Luo Han's heart could not stop, his eyes suddenly became blood red, and he said coldly: "Dragon Luo Han, I will kill you today."

"Kill me? Hahaha."

Luolong Luohan laughed loudly, then looked at Zhang Yan with disdain, and said sarcastically, "Just because of your cultivation? You also want to kill me? Don't dream here, under this martial arts cultivation, I am invincible, and no one will be my opponent. "

"Really? Then I would like to teach," Zhang Yan said, biting his teeth.

Immediately I saw Zhang Yan's eyes turned blood red, exuding a chilling killing, and boundless murderous power was released from Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan's hair also turned silver at this moment. The fetal blood red formation of the substantive murderous gas was released from Zhang Yan's body, spreading around.

The people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Zen couldn't help but be very shocked. They looked at Zhang Yan with a look of astonishment. They didn't know what was going on with the inflammation. This breath seemed very cold and ruthless, full of scary murderous spirit.

Just when Zhang Yan ’s Shura Zhenshen was about to be fully exhibited, a sound suddenly sounded. This sound was very familiar to Zhang Yan, and there was some irony in the tone, and there was even a hint of joking: "What? Dazzling Mantra Zen, actually besieging others here, isn't it like you can do that?"

After Zhang Yan heard this voice, the breath on her body disappeared instantly, and disappeared in no time. Zhang Yan's hair instantly changed back to the original color, and her eyes became much normal. Watching everyone walking step by step in the distance.

The person headed by is a handsome boy in white clothes, with a lot of warriors behind him, all of them are imposing, giving a kind of high-cold style that people do not want to enter, and the momentum on them really makes People looked at each other, and even the people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Zen had to stop and turned to look at the people.

The visitor was not someone else, it was Ling Feng that Zhang Yan knew.

Luolong Luohan looked at Ling Feng and snorted coldly, "What? You Lingtian Pavilion also wanted the fruit of the space laws here? But you really need it, if you want it, you can take it away. As if it was given to you by our Zen Buddha. "

"But the grudges between me and them, please don't get involved," said Dr. Luo Han, coldly.

The headed Ling Feng heard a smile and said with a smile; "Under Ling Feng, presumably you are a dragon and a dragon, right? It's been a long time, and all said that your physical skills are unparalleled, but I don't know how it compares to our Lingtian Pavilion?"

"Of course my physical training is better than Ling Feng's Ling Tianti. You are immortal. I naturally can't compare," Dr. Luo Luohan said reluctantly, "but it depends on how your cultivation is. , To what extent can the strength be exerted. "

Ling Feng heard the words with a smile and said, "Since that is the case, then why don't we learn from each other? Let me feel what your physical skills are."

"Well, I don't want to be your enemy today. I just came to understand some personal grievances. I also ask all of you in Lingtian Pavilion not to go through this muddy water." Luo Longhan coldly threatened.

Ling Feng said with a smile, "I don't know if this is a coincidence, or is it a coincidence? If you are fighting with others here, I must not even take a look, and leave with the fruits of the rules."

"But this time it doesn't work. The person you want to deal with is my friend. If you can give me a thin face, then please leave here now. If you don't give face, then, Your opponent is our Lingtian Pavilion, "Ling Feng said, very coldly.

As soon as Ling Feng's words fell, the people in Ling Tian Ge behind him were ready to fight. As soon as a command was given, they were all destroyed immediately.

Luolong Luohan looked at Ling Feng coldly and asked, "Couldn't you Ling Tiange want to make Zen with us?"

"No, no, no, we are not going to fight against you, but whether you want to fight against us," Ling Feng said with a calm smile.

Luolong Luohan did not expect that this flame would even know the people in Ling Tiange, and he could not help humming and said, "It's your kid's life."

Luolong Luohan waved his hand and said, "We'll give Ling Tiange a face. This time, it's like nothing happened, let's go."

As soon as the dragon dragon Luohan waved his hand, the people of the Ten Thousand Buddhas immediately turned around and left, and the corpses on the ground were taken away by them, leaving only a messy surrounding environment.

Ling Feng walked towards this side with a smile, and smiled incredibly as he walked, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, but that is the Zen of Buddhism. You were not injured under the siege of the Zen of Buddhism. It seems I still underestimated your strength before. "

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "This time thanks to Brother Ling Feng's rescue, otherwise I don't know how much effort it will take."

"Listening to you, you seem to be someone who is not afraid of Zen Buddhism. I wonder if you have any secrets from Brother Zhang Yan?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "Spoken words, misled words, how could we be the opponents of Wanfo Zen? We were so scared that we were about to surrender directly on our knees."

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