Immortal Asura

Chapter 1303: Rank gradually

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The two also hurriedly looked at Shixian Shi to see what happened. As a result, when the two looked at it, they also took a breath and looked at Shixian Shi in shock.

At this time, all five people on the test fairy stone reached the ninety-fifth floor. This is something that everyone didn't expect. Everyone was shocked. Looking at the situation here, they couldn't believe it. Even the elders and the elders were shocked. Looking at the situation in front of them was unbelievable and shocked.

The old guardian of law enforcement looked at the situation in front of him and was shocked, but more happy. Haha laughed and said, "My tribe can show so many geniuses at once. It is really a great tribe for my tribe. It ’s good to make our people flourish, okay. "

Everyone around them also discussed there: "It's too strong. It was unexpected that I could see so many geniuses with my own eyes this time. It was really unexpected that these five people have come to this point. "

"Yeah, who can think that so many people are so strong. It seems that it is not easy for these gates to separate the winners. Maybe, these people may be tied in the end," said a martial artist. Then said.

"This is not easy to say, but if Zhang Yan is the same as Wuren, it will be difficult to handle," said the warrior on the side with a hint of lively mood.

The former heard it gloatingly and said, "If that's the case, I hope the two of them are not the same. Besides, Zhang Yan may not be among these five people, and there must be a son of Xuanyuan's family."

Xuanyuan Mountain is also proud of it at this time. After all, no matter what the ranking of their Xuanyuan family is, Xuanyuan Ming has given them a face to their Xuanyuan parents. The Xuanyuan family who has not been born for so long has finally let the world see them again. The strength of Xuanyuan Family, see who would dare to be there? Who would dare to talk arrogantly there?

The elders of Yunhai Pavilion also frowned. Originally, they thought that this time the sword was unrivaled. After all, the swordless Kendo had been passed down by the owner, and even the owner himself acknowledged that the swordless talent of the sword was far from him. On top of that, it's normal to win first prize this time, but I didn't expect that so many people were killed halfway, and their talents were so strong, which surprised him.

However, no matter what, he still has enough confidence in the sword without marks. After all, he sees the talent of the sword without marks. The square eyes are all in the royal world, and the sword without marks will not be weaker than anyone.

At this moment, the crowd exclaimed again. The five people on the test fairy stone went up one level again. These five people seemed to be in good negotiation, but they were not much worse. All of them were reached. Ninety-six floors.

Not only are these five people reaching the 96th floor, the following warriors who have been falling behind are already catching up at this time, all of them have reached the 90th floor, and they are still rising steadily, only the strange one People are still on the eighty floor.

On the side, the elders of Emperor Huangzong and the elders of the law enforcement guardians discussed there. The former sighed and said, "I originally only knew that in this era, our human genius was born, but I didn't expect that there were so many geniuses at once. In addition to those geniuses who do not come to Xianlu, our people are really amazing this time. "

"Yeah, this time it ’s a godsend to my people. Let us raise so many geniuses at once. If we let them grow up steadily, we must be the people who carry the banner of our people." Said excitedly.

The elder Emperor of the Emperor Emperor Zong shook his head and said, "It is a good thing to have a peerless genius, but it may not be a good thing to see so many geniuses at once. You must know that geniuses are not in the right place. If life and death fight together, then our people will probably be hit harder in the future. "

The law enforcement guardian suddenly hesitated and said, "Isn't this our law enforcement guardian? We must not let them lose some of these geniuses, otherwise it will be a big loss for our people." , We must protect them from growing up smoothly. "

"Genius has never grown up steadily. Otherwise, it can only be flowers in the greenhouse, which cannot withstand the wind and rain. This is why your law enforcement guardians are not allowed to participate in the sect's affairs, only to allow them to compete freely. Then you can get a real genius, "the old man of Emperor Huangzong said flatly.

The law enforcement guardian snorted once again, but could n’t say what he wanted to say. He could only look at Xianshi, and sighed, "Anyway, there are people in your gates who are there, how can you say that? It will leave your predecessors in trouble. In the end, it will only depend on their creation. "

Just as the two talked, a warrior on the test stone fell from it, in an elegant dress, with a folding fan in his hand, but a smile on his bland face. For this test of the test stone He was quite satisfied with himself, and he did his best.

Everyone looked at this person for a moment, because they still do n’t know this person, these old people do n’t know who this person is, just looking at the test fairy stone, a name flashed on it, Wang Ninety-three storeys.

Everyone was surprised when they saw this. Although the ninety-third floor now looks a little worse than those people, it is also difficult to reach. You must know that so many amazing talents in the past can reach the ninety floor. There are only a handful of people above, and the owner of the Yunhai Pavilion only reached the 93rd floor that year. This shows that this person named Wang Zongheng has the talent strength at least comparable to the original Yunhai Pavilion. The cabinet owner.

This kind of talent strength has shocked everyone, and angered everyone with envy and jealousy. When Zhuge Qingfeng saw Wang Zongheng, his eyes became more sullen, and the killing in his eyes was full. He did not expect that he was better than However, the sword has no trace, and even Zhang Yan can be ignored, and now even Zhang Yan can't compare with the people around him.

The old guardian of law enforcement came to Wang Zongheng excitedly. He was not very clear about Wang Zongheng's identity. On the other hand, the elders of Emperor Huangzong knew Wang Wangzong and said with a smile, "Yes, we did n’t give us anything. Domain shame. "

The people around were also stunned when they heard the words. I didn't expect that this person came from the East Chaos Realm. No wonder they didn't know this person, but they didn't think that the East Chaos Realm had such a powerful genius besides the Emperor Zong. Surprisingly, when have there been so many amazing people in this small area of ​​Eastern Chaos? Almost to catch up with their Zhongtianyu.

When Zhuge Qingfeng heard about Dongchaoyu, his eyes suddenly lighted up, and then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Wang Wangzi with disapproval, thinking about something in his heart.

Wang Ziheng saw that Dao Chen came out earlier than himself, and couldn't help but ask with a little doubt: "Why did your boy come out earlier than me? Don't tell me that you haven't passed many layers yet, then I don't believe it. "

Of course, Wang aspect knows the strength of Dao Chen. Among them, except Zhang Yan, no one is Dao Chen's opponent. After all, it is the heavens and Taos, one of the four immortals, not to mention they have seen Dao Chen in person. Means, if it is said that the dust is not as good as his, he would not believe it.

Dao Chen smiled and pointed at the test fairy stone, "You look up."

Wang Zongwen heard a glance towards the test fairy stone, but he was seeing Dao Chen's name engraved on the top. He even stood side by side with the legendary Emperor Haotian sword. I was mentally prepared and was taken aback by this result. I didn't expect Daochen to be so strong.

Wang Ziheng could not help but re-examine Dao Chen and said meaningfully: "Your boy is not authentic, it seems that you have been hiding your strength and not doing your best."

Dao Chen heard a smile, scratched his head and said, "I don't need to work hard, do I?"

Everyone looked at the two men there talking and laughing there. Some people remembered that Wang Zongzhuang was also standing next to Zhang Yan. They all came here together. Everyone thought they couldn't help but be shocked. The guys are too perverted, each one is so strong.

At this time, the people realized that one thing was Zhang Yan's group, and now only two people came out. What does that mean? Everyone thought that they were all stunned here, and the things they represented couldn't be more obvious.

Some warriors opened their mouths and looked at the remaining people on the test fairy stone with a shocked expression, saying shocked, "So, those people around Zhang Yan are now in the test fairy stone?"

"That is to say, the talent strength of these people are above the 90th level? Even higher?" Some martial arts were completely stunned, how could they not think that Zhang Yan and these people were all of them Hidden.

The people in Yunhai Pavilion also thought about this situation. Several elders in Yunhai Pavilion were also frowning. If only Zhang Yan was fine, but there were so many geniuses against Yunhai Pavilion all at once, what could be done? How about it?

Several elders glanced at each other and the headed elder said: "It's okay, so many people are better than our invisible son, not to mention just a few young people, at most they have some talent, but they can't do anything to them now. Climate, if we insist on opposing us, it will be a big deal ... "

The old man didn't say anything, but he did a cleansing of the neck, and everyone would not hesitate. The original worry was a little less. After all, they have stood in Zhongtianyu for so many years. Not everyone can Shocked, those gates will not work, not to mention how many juniors?

While talking, a figure flew out of the test fairy stone again. This figure looked a little embarrassed, his breath was a little disordered, and he was holding a spear in his hand, his body was astonished, and his powerful warfare let everyone Look at it.

When Xuanyuan Mountain saw Xuanyuan Ming coming out, he couldn't help but immediately flew up, and everyone in Xuanyuan Family hurried to follow him. He looked at Xuanyuan Ming with a worried expression, and Xuanyuan Mountain said with some concern: "Minger, are you okay? ? "

Xuanyuan Ming saw that he was coming out, could not help but put away the spear in his hand, and his momentum gradually faded. Looking at Xuanyuanshan, he said, "I'm fine, but I still didn't rush out of this layer."

"Which floor have you been to?" Xuanyuan Mountain asked urgently, raising his head and looking at Shixian Stone while asking.

Someone on the side saw the excitement and said, "The elder, ninety-five, is the ninety-fifth floor."

The people of Xuanyuan Family were extremely excited at this time. I did not expect Xuanyuan Ming to reach the 95th floor at once, which was really exulting.

"Okay!" Xuanyuanshan said three times in a row, then patted Xuanyuanming's shoulder, and smiled, "It's really good, you really show our face to Xuanyuan's family, but it's very expensive to see you. Yes, you can rest here first. "

Xuan Yuanming looked back and tried Xianshi, but when he saw Dao Chen's name, Xuan Yuanming was also a dad, but then just smiled with relief, watching Dao Chen and Wang Zongheng come over and said with a smile: " Brother Zhang Yan doesn't seem to have come out. There should be no problem depending on his strength. "

"It should be, but you have also seen those five guys, and whoever wins or loses is still bad," Dao Chen said.

At this time, a bloated figure also came out of the test fairy stone. This figure seemed very calm and unhurried, and there was no change in the breath of the whole person. A smile came out, as if it was inside the test fairy stone. Reward him with special satisfaction.

When everyone saw this man, they were also stunned, and then immediately remembered his identity, and they all cast their curiosity and envy.

The old man of the law enforcement guardian laughed when he saw this. He said with a smile, "Your boy is also good. It has reached the 96th floor, which really surprised the old man."

The fat man laughed and said, "Yeah, I don't know if there is a reward? I'm doing a good job for our law enforcement guardians? You must not reward me for something good?"

The old man seemed very happy at this time and said with a smile: "There must be a reward, but you have to tell me what good things you got in the test fairy stone? You are on the 96th floor. Of these five people, I did not expect one of them. It's you alone. "

The fat man said angrily and said, "What? Listen to what you mean by saying that I shouldn't have reached the 96th floor? Am I so bad?"

The old man laughed and said with a laugh: "Of course not, but this time you really represent our law enforcement guardian, doing a good job, going back must reward you."

The crowd also reacted at this time. It turned out that one of the five people they looked at was this fat man. Who are the remaining four people? Who was not among those five people who originally thought? Isn't Zhang Yan failing?

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