Immortal Asura

Chapter 1304: Final ranking

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The fat man also looked at the ranking on the test fairy stone with some concern. Although they believed Zhang Yan's strength in their hearts, they still cared about Zhang Yan very much, fearing that Zhang Yan would have any unexpected situation. After all, this is the test fairy stone.

When the fat man saw Daochen, he asked in amazement: "Why are you earlier than me? It doesn't make sense, depending on your strength, even if you can't rank higher than me, how can you say that?"

Before waiting for Dao Chen to speak, Wang Ziheng pointed to the top of the test stone and said, "You can see if you look at the top."

The fat man looked at the ranking carefully, and then he was surprised to find that Dao Chen was on the 97th floor. After being surprised, it was normal for the fat man to think about it, but he did not expect Dao Chen to come out so early, but he could be so. Reaching the 97th floor is amazing.

The fat man said with some worry: "I don't know where Zhang Yan has gone? Are there four of the 96-story people?"

Dao Chen shook his head and said, "I don't think there are any Zhang Yan among the four."

"How do you say that?" The fat man asked, turning puzzled.

"Don't say Zhang Yan is better than us?" The fat man asked loudly.

Wang Zongheng and Xuan Yuanming looked at it with great concern, looked at Daochen with a doubt, and wanted to ask him why he said so. After all, in their view, even if Zhang Yan's strength could not reach the top, it would be better than They are much stronger, at least not weaker than Dao Chen. Why does Dao Chen say so?

Dao Chen looked at them with a smile and said, "Don't worry, you come out late and don't know much about the situation. In my opinion, these four people should be the two heirs of the Emperor's Sect, plus the sword has no trace. And Lingfeng. "

"And Brother Zhang Yan, I'm afraid it's here," Dao Chen said, pointing to the bottom grid.

Everyone heard the words and looked in the direction of Dao Chen. As a result, they saw that the person at the bottom of the 80th floor was frowned, and his heart was a little uncomfortable. The fat man would almost swear, if not Dao Chen Then, the fat man will open his mouth and scold him. This is an insult to Zhang Yan. With Zhang Yan's strength, how can he be at the bottom?

Dao Chen also saw the anger in the eyes of fat people and other people, and quickly explained: "Don't be angry first, listen to me to explain."

Everyone heard the words and looked at Daochen curiously. Daochen said immediately: "The reason why I said this is because the person at the bottom is really weird."

"Strange!" The fat man asked, puzzled.

Dao Chen nodded and said, "It's strange, you haven't noticed that this person hasn't moved for a long time?"

"This man has been like this since I started watching, staying in one place, as if practicing, and then sing along all the way, as if this test is nothing in front of him, he wants to It depends on the mood, so I think this person is probably Zhang Yan, and he doesn't know what he is doing, but there must be his reason, "Dao Chen continued.

The fat man brightened his eyes, stared at the man tightly, thought for a while and said, "Listening to you, I think this guy is the boss of Zhang Yan, no doubt, maybe this guy is trying Xianxian Test it. "

"Cultivation in this case?" Wang Zong asked, puzzled.

The fat man said with a smile: "This guy can't be judged by common sense."

Everyone heard the words and suddenly felt that the situation that the fat man said was really possible, which was also in line with their understanding of Zhang Yan. If it were not for training here, now Zhang Yan is probably ahead of everyone, after all, Zhang Yan's strength is there. Those who know Zhang Yan have never doubted Zhang Yan's strength.

When the fat man and others looked at Zhang Yan curiously, another warrior flew out of the test fairy stone.

The shadows of white clothes flew from the test fairy stone. When she appeared, the air around her seemed to drop by a few degrees, and everyone's eyes were instantly attracted to the past. Compared with Jinghong Fairy, the appearance is better than that of Jinghong Fairy, especially the cold temperament, which makes everyone fascinated.

The person who came out was Qin Shiyan. Qin Shiyan tried her best to reach the 96th floor in the end. It was impossible to go further, but she had no choice but to withdraw from the test fairy stone. .

When everyone saw Qin Shiyan's ranking, it was also a moment's horror. I didn't expect that the cold and beautiful beauty was so strong. It was the 96th floor, but it was the 96th floor. The woman even arrived.

Now the people in Yunhaige are more worried. I didn't expect that Zhang Yan and others could reach this level. I thought that they would be very strong with Zhang Yan. I didn't expect this woman to be so strong. This made the elders of Yunhai Pavilion frown, and his eyes looked colder and colder in his eyes. I thought that in any case, the group of Zhang Yan could not stay, otherwise they would grow into a big one in the future. disaster.

And at this time, another beautiful figure floated down from the test fairy stone. Compared with Qin Shiyan, this figure should be more charming and sexy, and the woman also smiled. This smile made everyone smile. Could not help but move.

Seeing this man, the fat man could not help but smile and said, "I did not expect that the two sister-in-law came out one after the other, as if the two of you had negotiated, and they both reached the 96th floor. It was really amazing. "

Hu Meier smiled, and then walked to Qin Shiyan's side. The two whispered a few whispers, and then they looked in the direction of Shi Xianshi together, and their eyes were full of worry.

Everyone around them saw these two beautiful women. Not only were they beautiful, but even their talents were so powerful. It was surprising. I wondered how could there be such perfect two women in this world? If they could get one of them, it would be no regret in this life, but these two are Zhang Yan's women.

When they think of it, everyone can't wait for Zhang Yan to die in the test fairy stone. Even if they can't die in the test fairy stone, everyone hopes that Zhang Yan will be killed by the sword without a trace. If they can kill, then these two women No flower?

When everyone was thinking wildly, another figure in the test fairy stone came out. When everyone saw this figure, they suddenly froze. The person who had never thought of it turned out to be an invisible man. From the perspective of everyone, Invisible boys are among the top talented warriors among them, and this time they are the first powerful contenders.

However, no one expected that the swordless mark would come out at this time. Although the results of the 96th floor are already ancient and modern, compared to these people, it seems a bit ordinary, after all, Qin Shi Both Yan and Hu Meier are on the 96th floor. The remaining three people who have not come out are also the 76th floor, not to mention one of them who directly reached the 97th floor.

In contrast, Jian Wujin looked less stunning and suddenly gorgeous, and suddenly felt a little disappointing. No one expected that Jian Wujin would come out at this time.

When the sword came out, he thought he would be the highest ranked person. After all, he had reached the 96th floor. Compared with his master, he was much stronger. This time no one was stronger than himself.

However, when Jian Wujin turned his head to look at the ranking on Xianxian, he was directly stunned on the spot, and Jian Wujin shook his head and said in disbelief: "Impossible, impossible, how could it be, how could someone be Better than me? How could these guys have reached that level? "

Jian Wuhen didn't believe it, but after a few glances, he had to believe the fact in front of him, but Jian Wujian prayed in his heart and prayed that the remaining three people would not surpass themselves.

The people at Yunhai Pavilion on the side immediately came to greet the sword without marks, and the elder also saw the sword without marks, and could not help but persuade him, "Don't care about these things, this is only a temporary assessment. I will know how I will be better in the future than I tried. After all, did the original reincarnation Xiandi not rank too high? But in the end, did he still achieve the position of Xiandi? "

"What's more, the strength of our patron was not as good as you are now, but now I still say nothing in Zhongtianyu? This doesn't mean anything," the elder said lightly.

Jian Wuwen nodded and nodded, saying, "I understand, but I didn't expect that these guys have reached this level, which is really surprising!"

Jian Wuchen said something, looked at Daochen deeply, and said with a sneer: "I did not expect that this guy next to Zhang Yan was the deepest guy, ninety-seventh floor, hum!"

Dao Chen felt the sword's indiscriminate hostility, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he looked at the test fairy with a smile, waiting to see what happened to Zhang Yan.

And Jian Wuhen also glanced at the crowd, but he didn't see Zhang Yan. At this time, Jian Wuren's heart could not help but tremble, thinking that Zhang Yan could not succeed among the three people who didn't come out? If that's the case, he can't win Zhang Yan in the test fairy stone.

When Jian Jian was worried, the three men went up one level at a time, and all of them reached the ninety-seventh floor. This time the crowd boiled again, and no one thought of the remaining three. I personally did all of them. Counting Dao Chen, four people reached the 97th floor all at once. This is incredible.

On the other side, Emperor Huangzong and the elders of Ling Tiange also laughed, which meant that they couldn't understand anything.

Jian Wujin saw these three people surpassing himself, and could not help but clenched his fists, his face became very ugly for a moment, staring at the test fairy stone, gritted his teeth and said, "What about it? The real strength is not in the test fairy stone. It can be seen that even if you have reached the summit, I still have no sword without losing you. "

While everyone was watching, two successive figures came out of the test fairy stone. These two figures were Lengtu and Lingfeng. Both of them had exhausted their spiritual power, and finally retired from the test fairy stone. Come out.

At this time, there are only two people left in the test fairy stone. Everyone analyzes them. One of the two is Emperor Heaven, and the other is Zhang Yan. It's hard to say which one is Zhang Yan and which one is Emperor Heaven. After all, one is a descendant of Emperor Huangzong, and the other is Zhang Yan, who is invincible with the sword. Both are not weak.

However, the sword could not help but sneered, and sneered loudly: "It seems that the top person is the emperor, and the person who has not moved below this is Zhang Yan. Only on the 80th floor, dare to challenge me? It's just death. "

"This time I'm waiting for you here, waiting for you to die," Jian Wuchen snorted coldly.

The fat man on the side couldn't hear it anymore, and couldn't help but snorted and said, "What's your energy? Aren't you just the 96th floor? What do you call the first genius in Zhongtianyu? Now it seems that at least four Individuals are higher than you. What are your first talents? Really shameless. "

Jian Wuhen snorted and said, "Strength and weakness depend on actual combat, and nothing can be better than here."

"But this Yan and my bet offer is testified by everyone. If he can't keep coming out of the 80th floor, his life is mine," Jian Wuchen said coldly.

The fat man retorted: "How do you know that the bottom person must be Zhang Yan? If the person above is Zhang Yan?"

Jian Wuwen heard the words for a moment, but then sarcastically said, "Only Zhang Yan? He wants to compare with Emperor Heaven? It's just a joke."

"Do you believe this sentence yourself?" Jian Wuzhen asked.

The fat man snorted and said coldly: "Walk and watch, but just hope that if you lose then, you will be willing to gamble and lose, but don't give you a shame on Yunhai Pavilion, let the world think you Yunhai Pavilion It's a villain who doesn't believe in words and is greedy for life. "

Jian Wuhen heard a snorting sound, and Dayi said suddenly: "I can say that Jian Wujian can do it. If Zhang Yan wins, I will arbitrate in front of Zhang Yan."

"Okay! Well said! It's worth noting that there are no traces," the martial artists clapping.

At this time, the soldiers on the 97th floor saw another step up and went straight to the 98th floor. This time, everyone was exclaimed again. This is the highest record so far. It was shocking that no one had arrived.

Jian Wujin also felt a little embarrassed in his heart at this time, always comforting himself, this must be Emperor Heaven, not Zhang Yan, only Emperor Heaven can have such powerful strength.

At this time, the people on the 98th floor suddenly flew out of the test fairy stone. Everyone saw that it was the Emperor Emperor of the Emperor Emperor Sect, and the elders of the Emperor Emperor Sect laughed very happy. This time their emperor's emperor was one of ninety-eight and one of ninety-seven. It can be said that they overtook everyone's edge, and the old man was naturally very happy.

However, at this time, one person was even happier than the Emperor of their emperor. This person was Jian Wujin. The hanging heart of Jian Wujin was finally put down. He stood there and laughed loudly, with a mocking expression on his face. Looking at the fat people and all of them, he said with contempt: "Is Zhang Yan worthy of comparison with me? I am waiting for him to come to death."

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