Immortal Asura

Chapter 152: Forgot wine

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Zhou Qi heard a happy laugh and said, "Thank you very much, thank you for your help."

"Don't thank me. I'm just a young master's guardian now. I want to stay with the young master at all times to protect the young master. If the young master didn't speak, I wouldn't help you," Soul Eater said nothing. The face of the cycle, said coldly.

Zhou Qiwenyan nodded immediately and said, "Yes, yes." He turned around and thanked Zhang Yan and held his fist. "Thank you Zhang Yan for your help. I must remember your great deeds. Wherever I need it, despite your speaking, I will bow down. "

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "You can let me enter the pool and rescue my brother, that is a great help to me. Since we have met each other and you have difficulties, then I will certainly help you. Don't be polite with me. "

"Friend? Friend!" Zhou Qi muttered to himself, and then laughed happily: "Yes, I have finally got friends for so many years, for your friend, and mine Teacher, let's have a good meal today. "Zhou Qi was in a good mood, and then called everyone to the stone table.

Zhou Qi entered the room and took out his treasured wine, and introduced: "This is the most famous Wangchuan wine on Huangquan Road. It uses the river water in Wangchuan River and the petals of the other shore flowers unique to Huangquan Road, plus Huangquan fruit. The forgotten wine brewed because it is taken from the river in the Forgotten River, so it has such a name. This wine can only be produced after thousands of years of brewing, and this bottle is what I have treasured for a long time. It's been 20,000 years, and you taste it. It's definitely a good wine. "

"This forgetful Sichuan wine is not only delicious, it has a very powerful soothing effect on the souls of human warriors or our ghosts, it can calm our souls, let us forget all our troubles, and reach the purity of our hearts, whenever I miss When I was in Yuer, I would take a sip of forgetful Sichuan wine, so that I could alleviate some of my misery. "Zhou Qi said to him and missed Yuer again.

And Zhang Yan and the fat man can't wait at this time. The fat man is even drooling and is about to drool. Zhou Qi is holding a jug and pouring wine for everyone in person. If only this scene is seen by others, You will be shocked. No one can believe that the supreme ghost emperor in Huangquan Road even has to pour wine for Zhang Yan. This is really incredible. After all, it is the ghost emperor. The most powerful ghost in Huangquan Road, ordinary warriors ca n’t find a way to make a good relationship with the ghost emperor, and Zhang Yan is good. They not only talked and laughed with the ghost emperor, but also let the ghost emperor pour them wine. This is simply incredible.

The scene in front of me was just seen by the ghost who came up to deliver food to everyone in Zhang Yan. Before he drank, Zhou Qi had passed a message to the ghost so that he could find a few special ice spirit fish from Huangquan Road in Baodu Mountain. Here, the ghost eel has steamed the ice spirit fish. When he came over, he just saw the scene in front of him. The whole person was shocked and was about to start off his chin. The hands holding the dishes were shaking. He couldn't believe his eyes, and he couldn't help but blink hard, but saw that Zhou Qi was very polite to pour Zhang Yan, and he could not help but open his mouth wide, fearing that he would scream out of shock.

Guishi calmed his mood, and then smiled and said, "Emperor, I'll send you the ice spirit fish you want."

Zhang Yan saw her eyes straightened and said with a smile: "How do you know that I like to eat ice spirit fish? The ice spirit fish in Huangquan Road is so delicious that I ca n’t eat enough every time. I did n’t expect you to have ice here. Spirit fish. "

Zhou Qiwenyan laughed and said, "Yes? Since Brother Zhang Yan you like to eat, then I will let the ghost escorts grab more for you, and today I promise you to eat enough, come drink first, taste mine Forget the wine. "

When Zhou Qi said something, he stood up and toasted everyone, and everyone drank happily, and when he forgot about the entrance of Sichuan wine, Zhang Yan could not help but sigh loudly: "Good wine, really good wine, this forgetful Sichuan The wine really deserves to be a fine wine. It smells fragrant, the entrance is very sweet, and there is a strong floral fragrance. Presumably it is the floral fragrance of the other shore. "When Zhang Yan was talking, suddenly The voice stopped, and the whole person felt as if he was floating, and his mind was blank at this time, but he felt that the whole body was very comfortable, and he really forgot all the troubles and unhappiness.

It ’s just that this feeling is short-lived. It ’s only been less than five minutes that Zhang Yan has already returned to this feeling, but the fat man and Meng Yao on both sides have their eyes closed, as if they are remembering forgotten. The taste of Sichuan wine has not yet come out of the feeling of being so immortal, and then the ghost emperor and the soul-eater beasts looked at them with a smile on their faces.

Zhou Qi couldn't help but smile and said, "Brothers Zhang Yan are really powerful. The wine strength of this forgetful Sichuan wine is very great. It also has a very strong test on the soul of the warrior. You can see that they are just drunk after taking a sip. The wine was in the fragrance, but I didn't expect you to be sober after only a moment of hesitation. I really admire you. "

The ghosts on the side saw Zhou Qi as a brother and brother to Zhang Yan, and even if he forgot the Sichuan wine, he would be drunk for a long time, but this Yan could sober up in such a short period of time, and could not help but confront Zhang in his heart. Yan glanced at the same time, and the more he looked at the ghost's heart, the more shocked he was, thinking that this Yan really deserves to be called a brother and brother with the emperor. Such a weak cultivation has such a strong soul power, it is really a strange person! When the ghost saw the emperor said that he would catch some ice spirit fish, he immediately turned to catch Zhang Yan and catch the ice spirit fish.

"Brother Zhou Qi is polite, but I do have something unique in my soul, and he knows this soul eater a bit," Zhang Yan pointed at the soul eater with a smile.

Soul Eater heard a smile and said with a smile: "This is really not my bragging master. Zhang Yan's soul is indeed the most special existence I have ever seen. If it weren't for him, I really couldn't come out of the seal. After all, the reincarnation fairy emperor However, I used the Soul Relief Tablet to suppress me on the mountain of Bacheng City, but I did not expect that Zhang Yan could rely on such a weak cultivation practice of the martial arts. When it comes out, this soul strength can be called against the sky. "

"Really? You actually got the second floor town soul monument?" Zhou Qi asked in amazement: "What exactly is the town soul monument? It is said that it is the nemesis of all our souls. I have never come back to see the town soul. What about the monument, brother Zhang Yan, can you take it out and open my eyes? "

"No problem," Zhang Yan said, taking out the town soul tablet, and saw a rectangular slap with laughter. The stone tablet flew from the center of Zhang Yan's eyebrows, and fell into Zhang Yan's hands. Rotating, and the word "Soul" is written on the stele.

Zhou Qi widened his eyes and watched the Zhenshui Monument. After a few glances, he quickly put Zhang Yan away and said with some dread: "It is truly the treasure that Xiandi used in the reincarnation. Even if you took it out like this, I I can feel the repressive force in it, as if my soul is shaking, this monument to the soul is really well-deserved. "

And Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "This town monument is very powerful, but now my cultivation is too low, and I can't exert the power of town monument, otherwise I will be the absolute overlord in this Huangquan Road. After all, there is a soul-stabilizing monument and a soul-eater, who can mess with me? Who dares to mess with me? "

Zhou Qi heard his words frown and said, "No one dares to mess with you now. If anyone messes with you, you tell me, as long as you don't get into the gate of the gate, you can say that Zhou Qi is not afraid. Anyone, even if the human Emperor Wudi comes, he is not my opponent. Of course, when the teacher is at its peak, I am not my teacher's opponent. "

Soul Eater waved and waved his hand and said, "Swing it, it's all the past. Now I am just a residual soul, barely relying on Master Zhang Yan's Xuanyin holy water to maintain my soul, and It's very difficult to train my soul, and I don't know when I will return to the top. "

"Don't say we drink," Zhou Qi said, toasting again, and at this time, the fat man and Meng Yao awoke from the first sip of forgetful Sichuan wine. The first sentence when the two woke up was, "This wine is really amazing. It's so delicious."

The two took another sip as they spoke, and immediately fell into the fragrant aroma of Wangchuan wine again, and continued to flutter. Zhang Yan and Zhou Qi could not help laughing.

Several people had been drinking for almost an hour, and when Zhou Qi's pot of wine was completely consumed, the people stopped.

Although Wangchuan Liquor was very drunk at the time, but this liquor had no stamina at all, plus Zhang Yan was a warrior, so they were not drunk. Zhou Qi even talked to Zhang Yan at the wine table. Yuer's past, said the depth of love can not help but left sad tears.

Zhang Yan also listened to so many things about Yu'er, and couldn't help but ask very curiously: "Brother Zhou Qi, what exactly do you look like? You must be a big beauty? Let's take a look Well, and you quickly wake her up, hasn't Soul Eater already said that he can help you find the reincarnation ship, this time you can safely wake her up so that you don't have to suffer from acacia. "

Meng Yao also said very curiously: "Yes, it is said that she is the most beautiful beauty in our Meng family, and I really want to see the appearance and strength of our ancestors."

Zhou Qi nodded his head and said, "You are also right, since I will wake Yuer up this time, the success or failure is here."

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