Immortal Asura

Chapter 153: Yuer

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Zhou Qi talked and led everyone to his house. Zhang Yan found that there was only a very simple wooden bed in Zhou Qi's wooden house. On the inner bed of the wooden bed, there was a blood-red human-shaped stone. Placed sideways, this stone looks crystal clear, and the inside of the stone is flowing like blood. This humanoid stone is blood red except for the crystal clear white of the outer skin. Yes, it looks like a white stone shell covered with blood.

Zhang Yan couldn't help but startled and said, "This isn't the bloodstone of life? Is it that big?"

Zhou Qi nodded and said, "Yes, this is indeed the bloodstone of life. This is the bloodstone of life that I spent a lot of energy in a dangerous place on Huangquan Road, and this stone of lifestone is also The best bloodstone is a 100,000-year-old bloodstone. Every time the bloodstone is about to run out, I will replace it with Yuer, but I have not been able to do it before the birth of the reincarnation ship. Success, this time with Master ’s help, I think I will be able to successfully make Yuer live again. "

Seeing this, Zhang Yan could not help but rely on his big mouth, and said with a very exaggerated expression: "I didn't expect that I could see a 100,000-year-old bloodstone. Today is really an eye-opener. You do n’t know. I ’m ten years outside. The lifeblood stone will be robbed, and the centuries-old lifeblood stone is rare. The millennium lifeblood stone is very rare. Every piece of it will set off a **** rain. The 10,000-year life is only in the legend, almost Few people have really seen the 10,000-year-old bloodstone, but you're good. It's amazing that the 100,000-year-old bloodstone is a shot. "

"A ghost emperor with absolute strength like you is good. Even the bloodstone used for life is 100,000 years old, it is so enviable," Zhang Yan sighed in shaking her head.

Zhou Qi heard a bitter laugh, and laughed at himself: "What about the ghost emperor? I can't even protect my beloved woman, and I can't even save my beloved woman. I'm so useless."

"Do n’t say that, you ca n’t blame you on this matter. Besides, is n’t there a huge turnaround now? You know, when I saw the fat man died, I was even more desperate than you. The fat man was trying to save me. , I was beaten to death by that old guy. How dare I not accept this fact at that time, but I was only rebuilt by the martial arts, but I still stepped on Huangquan Road, relying on my will. I believe that I can save my brother, and you are the same now. I believe that together we will let Yuer board the reincarnation ship. Even if I ca n’t live again, it is very possible to increase my life by a thousand or ten thousand years. You said yes Is it? "Zhang Yan comforted Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi nodded his head and said, "As long as I can step into the reincarnation ship, the result is good no matter what, this is my last hope," Zhou Qi said, standing next to Shou Xueshi, separated by Shou Bloodstone touched Yuer's face in the bloodstone.

And across the blood-red bloodstone, Zhang Yan, they couldn't see the appearance of Yuer inside, they could only roughly see that there was a woman inside.

Zhou Qi's eyes were full of love, and he gently stroked Shouxue Stone with his hand, and Yuer's name was still in his mouth. He was so affectionate that Meng Yao looked aside and wanted to cry. Fatty and Zhang Yan were also very All moved by Zhou Qi's infatuation.

After Zhou Qi stroked the lifeblood stone a few times, the energy in his hand moved. I saw a lot of cracks suddenly appeared in the lifeblood stone on the bed. Then the whole lifeblood stone cracked from the middle, and finally cracked into two. Half fell to both sides, revealing Yuer's body inside, and when this person was exposed, the broken bloodstone on the side was miraculously merged together, and once again became a good bloodstone. Zhang Yan could not help seeing it, and said that the bloodstone was really amazing.

Looking at Yuer lying on the bed, Zhang Yan couldn't help seeing it. This Yuer was indeed a big beauty, and her temperament and looks were similar to those of Meng Yao. Zhang Yan could not help but shake his head. I thought that when Zhou Qi met Meng Yao for the first time, the whole person was stunned. It turned out that this Yuer actually looked a bit like Meng Yao, but Meng Yao mostly had tenderness and tenderness. It looks very gentle, but the temperament on her body is a little more dignified. I am afraid that this is because she cultivates a higher level. At first, she was a dreamer's talker, so she would have the breath of this superior.

"What a nice view!"

Zhang Yan and the fat man sighed in unison, and Meng Yao was so excited that she almost cried, after all, this was the ancestor of the Meng family, and Meng Yao would inevitably have some excitement when she saw her.

And Zhang Yan also observed that Yuer was holding a jade flute in his hand. The jade flute was white, as if it had a white streamer flowing in it, and it looked very beautiful. Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Presumably this Is that the worry-free flute of your Meng family? "

Meng Yao nodded and said, "This is indeed the forgetfulness flute of our Meng family, but I did not expect that forgetfulness flute was not lost in Huangquan Road, but was always in the hands of our ancestors, but I did not expect that the ancestors could live to It's been hundreds of thousands of years now, it's incredible. "

After Zhou Qi shattered the Shouxue Stone, the whole person gently looked at Yuer, who was still asleep with her eyes closed, and gently called Yuer's name, "Yuer, Yuer."

Soul Eater on the side said, "She has just come out of the bloodstone now, and it takes a little time to wake her up, at least one hour, so don't worry."

Seeing this, Zhang Yan could not help but said: "Then you stay here with Yuer, we will go out without disturbing you, I just go to Baodushan to catch some ice spirit fish and see if I can raise it in my ring some."

Zhou Qi nodded his head and said, "Then you go, I'll let the ghost take you there."

The ghost saw Zhang Yan this time without the arrogance he had before. The whole person was very polite. He nodded and talked to Zhang Yan. After all, Zhang Yan was a person who could be called a brother or a brother with the ghost emperor. It is relatively low, but the identity is there. There are brothers like the ghost emperor, and the soul-eater, beside the ghost. Even the stupid ghost knows that he needs to have a good relationship with Zhang Yan.

Guishi took Zhang Yan and the fat man, together with Meng Yao, and walked towards Baodu Mountain.

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