Immortal Asura

Chapter 196: Meng family meeting

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"You mean Meng Yuer, the ancestor of your Meng family, hasn't died? And is it true that she and Gui Qi, the ghost emperor?" Yan Luo looked at Meng Yao with an unbelievable expression. Meng Yao

Meng Yao nodded and said, "Of course it is true. The ancestors were only stopped by the Qiugui Emperor Zhou Shouxue Stone Gate Blood. This time the reincarnation ship was born, and the ancestors were also born. Place, it won't be long before the ancestors will return to Bacheng, and everything in our Meng family will be solved. "

"Oh my God! How many years have that happened? It's incredible that you can live to this day," Yan Luo shook his head and muttered to himself.

Zhang Yan interrupted the conversation between them and asked, "Do you know when the Meng family will hold a family meeting?"

"The Meng family held a family meeting?" Yan Luo Wenyan thought for a moment and said, "I remember, it is really time for you to come back. If you can't catch up with the day after you return late, the Meng family elders meeting will be held tomorrow. Many of the elders in Tianmeng's family have rushed back one after another, and there should be a meeting tomorrow morning. "

"If that's the case, then we will pass tomorrow morning, and we will stay here today, lest it be bad to go out and be found," Zhang Yan said.

Meng Yao nodded and said, "Well, I listen to you."

Yan Luo said with excitement: "I asked someone to prepare a good order for us. This time, the two of us haven't had a drink together for a long time. This time we must be drunk. By the way, you Tell me about your prosperity on Huangquan Road and what happened after you entered the Ghost Gate. Since you are following the Ghost Emperor, there must be a lot of fun things happening.

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "This is nothing, but here I have two good things brought back from Huangquan Road, just for our taste," Zhang Yan said, and took out ten ice spirit fish from the ring. He handed it to Yan Luo and said, "Do you know what this is? Let your family do it, and bring it together at that time."

"Bingling fish? You can get Bingling fish?" Yan Luo saw the Bingling fish with both eyes straight, and looked at Zhang Yan with a look of excitement, "I didn't expect you to get The ice spirit fish in Huangquan Road, you must know that this ice spirit fish is very difficult to catch, and the environment in Huangquan Road is so bad, it is very difficult to find ice spirit fish. I did not expect that you can get alive. Bingling fish, it's amazing. "

"Not right? How could your ice spirit fish be alive? Where did you put it?" Yan Luo realized that Zhang Yan had taken out a living ice spirit fish, and asked in confusion.

"What do you ask so much? It's over for you."

Yan Luo heard nothing and said nothing, but took the ice spirit fish and gave it to the servants at home to let them prepare a table of the best wine and dishes.

Not long ago, people prepared a table of wine and dishes and brought it to Yan Luo's room, and Yan Luo said with excitement: "Brother Zhang Yan, try my wine, this is old. Good wine, try it. "

Zhang Yan heard the words and shook his head and said, "You forgot I just said that I brought back two things from Huangquan Road? Ice Spirit Fish is just one of them. I still have one thing, but it is much more precious than Ice Spirit Fish." Zhang Yan took out a jade wine jar, and the jar's mouth was also made of jade, and the wine was sealed in it.

When Yan Luo saw this, his eyes became even brighter, and he looked forward to asking: "What kind of wine are you? Is it a baby I haven't drunk?"

"Forget Sichuan wine, I don't know if you have heard of it?" Zhang Yan asked holding the wine jar.

"Forget Sichuan wine? The legendary forgot Sichuan wine?" Yan Luo Wenyan shouted in astonishment: "Have you got the legendary single forgot Sichuan wine? This forgot Sichuan wine is very rare and very precious. This is It is difficult to get these two kinds of wine made from the water of Wangchuan River and the other shore flowers, let alone make them into wine. This is a bar that only the ghost emperor in Huangquan Road can drink. "

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "You're right, this wine is really precious, and I also came from Emperor Zhou Qigui. How about a bite?"

"Of course I do," Yan Luo nodded, while looking at Zhang Yan's forehead with full of anticipation.

Zhang Yan poured a cup for Yan Luo and Meng Yao, and then poured himself a cup, and then the three of them sat down and drank together.

Yan Luo impatiently took a sip of Wang Chuan Jiu directly, and was immediately drunk by the scent of Wang Chuan Jiu. I saw Yan Luo with his eyes closed and his face full of happiness. There, it seemed to be remembering something beautiful, and Meng Yao, on the side, couldn't help pouting and chuckling, "This Yan Luo is really drunk."

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "You can take a sip, forget these worries and take a good rest. All problems will be solved tomorrow."

Meng Yao nodded when he heard the words, and then took a sip. As a result, Meng Yao was drunk. Only Zhang Yan was there by himself, eating with a sullen head and eating it. After all, forget about Sichuan wine for Zhang Yanlai It doesn't have much effect, it just tastes particularly good.

"Good wine, really good wine!" After Yan Luo sobered up, he was still thinking about his previous dreams, and at this time looked down, watching a mess on the table, could not help crying and said, "I said You're eating too fast, so you've eaten this table all alone? "

"Is it short?"

Yan Luo had no choice but to let his subordinates make another table again, and the three of them had been eating late, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

In the early morning, there was no bright sunshine in Badu City. Some were still lights, but Zhang Yan woke up early and saw Meng Yao pacing in the yard early. Zhang Yan couldn't help but smile and said: "Rest assured, today's things will definitely be what we think."

Meng Yao nodded and said, "I believe it will be exactly as we imagined, but I did not expect that my uncle would do this kind of thing. For the sake of being the owner, he could send someone to kill me at all. Is he really disregarded Are you close? "

"This world is like this. For the sake of rights or training resources, every warrior has no choice, and you don't go too far. Since he doesn't care about you, why should you think about him?" Zhang Yan advised with a smile .

Meng Yao nodded and said, "You are saying the same, it's not too late now. Let's rush to Meng's house. If it is late, everything will be irreparable."

Zhang Yan heard his words and nodded, followed Meng Yao and hurried over in the direction of the Meng family, and Yan Luo also just got up and passed, and four soul walkers walked towards the Meng family. This time Meng Yao No need to pretend, but walked towards the Meng family generously.

The Meng family in Bacheng City is holding a family elders meeting at this time. Many elders are talking about how to do this. Among the brothers Meng Guanglin and Meng Guangzhi, who should choose the head of the family, everyone was discussing for a while. But no one dared to stand up and say who to support, and everyone was waiting for the elders to express their opinions.

However, the elder has been sitting there watching the crowd calmly, without any intention to speak, and it seems that this matter has nothing to do with him at all, but Meng Guanglin in the position of homeowner can't help it, Meng Guanglin I patted the table very angry and questioned loudly: "I don't know what the purpose of this elders meeting is? Do you think I did something wrong? And Meng Guangzhi, don't you think I don't know you are Hey, what are you trying to do at this meeting? "

Meng Guangzhi sneered and said, "Brother, I didn't say you. I don't think you have the strength to lead our Meng family. How could our Meng family have always been partial to this capital city? If I were the owner, I would definitely Will take the Meng family out, what city owner Zhong family, we have been following them for so many years, what good are we? It might as well leave this place as soon as possible. "

"Yeah, we also want to go outside to develop, this capital city is not suitable for the development of our Meng family," a group of elders who supported Meng Guangzhi echoed.

Meng Guanglin yelled loudly: "Do you think what you think is right? Let's not leave Huangquan Road and Bacheng City. Can our Meng family stand on the outside world, do you all forget our Meng family? Zu Zuxun? Zu Xun told us the four big families, let us work together to help the Zhong family, guarding the capital city together, can you forget these? "

"Yeah, that's our ancestral instruction. If we violate the ancestor instruction, our Meng family will definitely go to ruin," a group of elders who supported Meng Guanglin echoed this time.

In the face of Meng Guanglin's questioning, some elders had no words to talk to, and looked at Meng Guangzhi aside, and Meng Guangzhi sneered and said, "Don't always use our ancestors to press us. It ’s just a rule. The rule is that dead people are alive. Do we have been willing to be a tortoise in Batu for the ancestral training? There are great rivers and mountains waiting for us outside. ”

Meng Guanglin laughed and said with a laugh: "It's ridiculous, which treasure land outside the land has no gate? Where do we go after going out? Besides, the Zhong family is much stronger than our Meng family? You see the Zhong family's people move Aren't they always guarding in the capital city? "

"What's wrong with Bacheng? No matter whether it's a dynasty or a kingdom of God, which forces come here don't look at our faces? What do you think we can do when we go outside?"

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