Immortal Asura

Chapter 197: Family block

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Many of the elders of the Meng family watched the fierce quarrel between the two brothers at the meeting. For a while, no one knew what to say, but occasionally someone said a few words to help their supporters, but most of the elders were still It is more biased towards Meng Guangzhi. After all, there are many people who don't want to stay in Bacheng, they also want to go outside to make a day.

Zhang Yan, Meng Yao, and others were walking towards the Meng family. Zhang Yan said strangely on the road: "What's going on with your Meng family? How can the Presbyterian Conference have such great power? How can they impeach the owner?"

"Our big families are like this. The head of the family is hereditary, but once there are a lot of people in the main family, then we have to choose one of these heirs. It is just a matter of choosing a homeowner. It was proposed by one of the homeowners, and many elders came to discuss it, but basically it was the homeowner who chose to be who, and these elders are also the parents of our Meng family. Everyone is a relative of the Meng family, so they are in the Meng family. All the powers are great. When there is a major event, all the decisions will be made by the elders 'council, because these elders represent their own branches. Although the homeowners have great power, the elders' club is indeed the biggest Wherever I can, "Meng Yao explained.

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "It's no wonder that this situation happens. The power of your Presbyterian Church is too great. Once someone bribes to your uncle or draws most of the elders, will not your Meng family be like So now, plunged into deep water? "

"This is also the ancestor's rules for pricing. We must also follow the ancestors' instructions. There is nothing to change in this matter. This is also to prevent the owner from acting arbitrarily. There are advantages and disadvantages."

Zhang Yan heard that it was right, that everything has two sides, but this kind of thing Zhang Yan can't manage, Zhang Yan just followed Meng Yao to the door of the Meng family, and when the crowd came to the door of the Meng family, It was found that the Meng family was heavily guarded at this time, and there were only two sons guarding the front door on weekdays, but today ten people stood there, divided into two groups, and five people stood in front of the gate.

When everyone saw Meng Yao, they were very shocked, and some even looked like ghosts. They were very unbelievable, and the head of the guard did not let Meng Yao go in directly, but reached out to stop Meng Yao. Wait, said coldly, "I'm sorry that our Meng family is now under martial law. All idle people must not enter our Meng family without permission."

"Don't you have eyes? Or are you blind? I dare you to stop it? How brave!" Meng Yao suddenly exasperated when she saw this, and reprimanded loudly.

The headed guard was still unmoved, without any respect for Meng Yao on weekdays, but asked in turn: "Who are you? How dare you make a loud noise here?"

Yan Luowenyan suddenly shouted, "I've turned against you, and you don't even recognize your lady? Can't you find death?"

"Miss? Our lady died long ago on Huangquan Road. Who are you? How dare you pretend to be our lady? Take me down," the head guard screamed, and then the people behind him stepped forward to the crowd. Catch.

However, Zhang Yan sighed coldly when he saw this: "It seems that you are all people who have been bought by, but relying on a few of your innate warriors, dare to predominate here? I don't think you want to live. "Zhang Yan spoke and came forward in front of the leading guard, and punched directly into his face, Zhang Yan didn't use much strength, but Zhang Yan's fist was still not what he could take. I could see that the guard was directly punched by Zhang Yan in the face, and suddenly the whole person was blasted a mile away, hit the door aside, and fell heavily on the ground.

The beaten guard spit out two blood, and then wanted to stand up but couldn't stand up. The whole person's breath fell down. Everyone around him suddenly didn't dare to do anything, but he just stood in front to prevent Zhang Yan. They used to show their weapons one after another, but their standing legs were shaking, which also revealed the fear inside everyone.

Meng Yao said softly, "I know you are also acting on orders, and I don't embarrass you, just let it go."

Zhang Yan also waited for a moment. The crowd was frightened and immediately stood on both sides, clearing the way. Yan Luo snorted and said, "You are really underplayed. You should also polish when you choose a team. Eyes, this time you made the wrong choice. "

Meng Yao walked in front and walked towards the Meng family courtyard, but as soon as he entered the courtyard of the Meng family, six middle-aged people from Wu Zongxiu came to Meng Yao and stopped Meng Yao. "Meng Yao Miss, you came back alive from Huangquan Road? This is really good. You are waiting here and I will report this to the owner, "said the middle-aged man, who was surprised.

Meng Yao said with a sneer: "I will not bother you with this matter. I will go to my father in person. I still have a lot of things to tell him," Meng Yao said, glancing at the last of the six people. Young, this person is one of the people who entered Meng Yao Road with Meng Yao, and was the one who wanted to kill Meng Yao, but Meng Yao was rescued by Zhang Yan and they did not succeed.

This middle-aged man was given a cold glance by Meng Yao, and he was suddenly shocked. The whole man suddenly sweated, but when he did not act, the middle-aged man headed back and glared at him loudly. He asked, "What's going on? Didn't you say that the people who entered the Huangquan Road of the Meng family died in Huangquan Road except you? Didn't you say you've encountered an ambush? What's going on here? ? "

"This, this," the man heard the words in a stubborn moment and didn't know what to say. At this moment, the man's eyes suddenly turned out fierce, and the eyes looking at Meng Yao were full of murderous spirit, Zhang Yan. I felt this murderous anger on the side, and the person said nothing. Suddenly he suddenly stabbed directly at Meng Yao with the sword in his hand. His cultivation was also the strength of Wu Zong. Suddenly, Meng Yao and others shot at all. The reaction failed, even if it came over, it could not withstand the attack of a Wu Zong strong.

However, Zhang Yan had already prepared. Although Zhang Yan could not hard-connect the sword, Zhang Yan still had some strength to block it. I saw the stone sword in Zhang Yan's hand suddenly appeared, then directly from the side. The sword stabbed the middle-aged man's sword. Zhang Yan's stone sword was extremely sharp. When this sword went down, the sword in the middle-aged man's hand was cut in half. The power of this sword was greatly reduced. Zhang Yan's sword was directly used to slay this slaying sword, which was not enough to reconcile the man, and he yelled like a heartbroken man, hitting Meng Yao directly with one palm.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the panicked Meng Yao, and greeted him directly with a single palm. The middle-aged man flew out. After the middle-aged man flew out, the whole person was dying. And the person who suddenly appeared was the Soul Eater who had been standing behind and said nothing. The Soul Eater said coldly, "It's really beyond my control."

The other five members of the Meng family were taken aback by what happened before, and everyone didn't respond. After all, what happened just now was too fast. The person between the electric light and the flint changed from the assassination of Meng Yao to The serious injury fell to the ground, and at this time the people reacted, and one of them yelled, "Dare to assassinate my lady and kill me."

Speaking, he quickly and quickly came to the person who fell to the ground, a sword stabbed towards his chest, and Zhang Yan saw a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then came directly in front of him, a sword blocked him. This sword, this person saw that his slaying sword was blocked, and he was still an outsider who did not know, and could not help shouting, "Who are you? How dare you care about our Meng family?"

Zhang Yan said with a cold hum: "What? It turned out that you wanted to kill someone and kill it? It is useful for this person to keep alive."

"Fart, he intended to assassinate Miss. Of course, he wanted to kill the spot. What happened? You haven't hurry up and let me kill this scum. Could it be that you are not with him?" The man immediately exerted his full strength, and stabbed the sword directly to the person who fell on the ground. Before he did not use his full strength, Zhang Yan was able to stand his sword. This time, he could not stop Zhang Yan from using his full strength. Now, and Soul Eater didn't mean to shoot, watching this person stab the wounded on the ground to death.

Zhang Yan laughed and said, "We are all back. It doesn't matter if you kill him or not. Do n’t you kill him and we don't know you're with him? It's ridiculous."

The person said angrily and suddenly said, "Who is your kid? How dare you intervene in our Meng family's affairs? How dare you spit out blood here? I think you are deliberately trying to make trouble."

Talking directly to Zhang Yan, but Soul Eater suddenly appeared next to Zhang Yan, looked at him coldly and said: "You are looking for death!" Talking will kill him.

Zhang Yan waved his hand and said, "You restrain yourself. After all, this is the Meng family. Everything is left to Meng Yao to decide. Do n’t forget that we have a very important thing to do this time. We have no time to waste here. . "

Meng Yao said coldly, "I'm going to see my father, you all give way."

"Miss, the homeowner is having a family meeting with the elders, idlers and others are not allowed to go in. I think you have to wait until the meeting is over," said the middle-aged head.

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