Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2090 Curiosity kills the cat

The Yin Yang Soul Beast looked at the blurry figure, waiting for his answer.

Solve the mysteries in your mind.

"You want to do it again."

"What's the meaning?"

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was a little confused about his words. In fact, he had a bold guess in his heart. Perhaps in a certain era, it encountered a catastrophe because of these words or asking about this matter.

However, its memory is incomplete and it is unclear about that past event.

Or maybe it's something else.

"Yin Yang Soul Beast, do you know where it is?"

"What the hell are you talking about, it? Who do you deserve?"

"Also, what did you mean when you said do it again?"

The yin and yang soul beast was really confused by him, maybe it was just a trick.

But it's really uncomfortable.

However, when he said these words, he felt his heart hurt, as if the past had really happened.

Of course, maybe this person's Taoism is too profound and affects him.


The blurry figure said calmly.

Making the Yin Yang Soul Beast even more crazy.

"Who do you mean by it?"

"If you have the opportunity in the future, you will naturally understand."


The Yin-Yang soul beast couldn't bear it anymore and said, "If you don't want to tell me, don't tell me."

"Yin-Yang Soul Beast, think about it again. It was you who took the initiative to ask, not me who asked."

The Yin Yang Soul Beast has nothing to say.

It was clear from the beginning that even if this person knew something, it was impossible for him to tell him the source of the great changes in the world and the environment.

"Why would you target Li Zun's cultivators? What grudges do you have with Li Zun?"

"Besides, Li Zun has disappeared for endless years. It is estimated that he cannot still be alive. Why do we still have to deal with Li Zun cultivators?"

"If you really have a huge grudge against Li Zun, with your height, I believe it won't be any difficult to destroy Li Zun's method."

The yin and yang soul beast didn't want to dwell on that problem anymore, knowing that it was impossible to tell him, so why bother himself.

In the future, as its cultivation level continues to improve, I believe that its memory will be opened step by step, and sooner or later, it will understand what happened in the past.

Let’s get back to the upcoming war.

It can't be said that it was a war. In front of this blurry figure, it was just a one-sided crushing.

I want to take this opportunity to ask some questions if Lin Yi can survive this crisis.

After understanding some things, you can also make some responses in the future.

Moreover, I still want to find out whether there is any grudge between this person and Li Zun.

If there is any grudge, then the grudge is terrible.

It may be the evil in this person's heart.

Even if Li Zun has disappeared, he would rather not destroy his Li Zun method, but still torture Li Zun step by step with his cultivators.

Get the happiness in your heart.

That would be horrible.

If this is really the case, how miserable it would be for those who practice Li Zun Dharma.

Of course, it is also an opportunity for Lin Yi.

If it is true as it guessed, this person really will not kill directly.

On the contrary, if you pass the tests he set up step by step, you will grow up step by step.

Wait until it has fully grown and then destroy it.

The pleasure in my heart is even stronger.

Crazy hatred creates a crazy person.

Do crazy things.

"Yin Yang Soul Beast, you still can't change this bad habit. Don't you know curiosity killed the cat?"

"With your height, even if you say it, you can't do anything."

"I'm indeed a little curious, but that's okay."

"That being said, what you want to do has nothing to do with me."

"Then who are you?"

"I...I didn't mean anything else."

The Yin-Yang soul beast said hurriedly. At this moment, its hair stood on end, and it felt like it had entered an abyss. It had a sense of death that it had never experienced before.

This person...this person can definitely destroy it.

The immortal body in front of him was nothing more than a joke.

In this world, people who can destroy it do exist, but not many.

The person in front of me is one of them.

In his heart, he wanted to find out who it was, but at this moment, the Yin Yang Soul Beast also knew that there must be no more curiosity.

It's really possible that life could end here.

The feeling of death goes as quickly as it comes.

The yin-yang soul beast cautiously glanced at the blurry figure.

"Talk, stop talking nonsense. Not only will it kill you, you will also harm your master."

"Are we allowed to offend such beings?"

Taotie immediately sent a message and said.

Seeing that the Yin-Yang Soul Beast is about to act mean again, we must not let it continue.

Taotie is not aware that even if it is a voice transmission, it is as if it is transparent in front of such beings.

But if you don't speak up, it might be too late.

It’s not like the Yin-Yang Soul Beast doesn’t understand its mouth.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know what I'm doing."

"You're such a mouthy person, just seek death. Sooner or later, you'll die because of your mouth."

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? I am the second most poisonous possessor in the world. I am already invincible. What's more, there is Lin Yi. When Lin Yi becomes invincible, what else can I worry about? ”

"You talkative, you want to die, but don't bring trouble to the master."

"Four-eyed stink bug, you keep calling me master. Don't be hypocritical. You are afraid that Lin Yi will get into trouble and implicate you."

"Mouth Cannon, you are hopeless. Go to hell."

"You deserve it."

Taotie didn't want to say another word to Yin Yang Soul Beast. Even if he didn't get killed by it, he would be pissed off by it.

"Why did I do all this? It's for Lin Yi. I want to find out more information. In the future..."

"Mouth Cannon, please stop talking. You will kill the master. Do you think the sound transmission between us is very concealed?"

Taotie had no way to stop Yin Yang Soul Beast from continuing. It was really scared.

"Look at you, you are so cowardly."

"You have disgraced the ancient four evil beasts."

"From now on, there will be no so-called four evil beasts, only three evil beasts."

"Okay, okay, as long as you are happy, whatever you say is what you want. Okay."

Taotie didn't argue with him.

Fortunately, that person did not have any other reaction, otherwise, those words just now might really make them fall into the abyss.

As time passed, the changes in the cave in the belly became faster and faster.

The transformation of the five elements body may end at any time.

This means that the time for Lin Yi to wake up is getting closer and closer.

Taotie was amazed that the cave in his belly seemed to have become a part of Lin Yi.

As the progress of the transformation continued to reach the end, Lin Yi seemed to have become the incarnation of the five elements, and this world belonged to him.

Gradually merged with this world.


Two golden lights flashed by.


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