Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2091 Hundred Years

"Lin Yi, ah, Master, Xiaobai missed you so much."

The moment Lin Yi opened his eyes, his figure had already left the cave in his belly and came to the cave.

At this moment, he finally succeeded in cultivating the fifth transformation, his body was reshaped, and he successfully transformed into the five elements body.

For him, cultivating the five elements body was a life-and-death ordeal.

If it weren't for it, this time the road really ended, and he would have died long ago.

Although the vague figure in front of him still gave him a strong sense of crisis, Lin Yi was still very excited at the moment.

Not only did he successfully overcome the crisis and transform into the five elements body.

More importantly, it turned out that he had already obtained the missing complex and mysterious pattern.

On the road to heaven, the moment he left that space, he had actually entered his body, but it was hidden deep in his body and he couldn't find it.

The reason why he was able to successfully cultivate the wood spirit body was not a miracle, but that the complex pattern was stimulated and emerged in his body.

Of course, it was also fortunate that he had risked everything and cultivated the remaining two spiritual bodies together.

Otherwise, the missing complex and mysterious pattern would not have appeared.

It was in an extremely dim state, and it would only appear when the other four complex and mysterious patterns were stimulated together.

It was precisely because the remaining two spiritual bodies were cultivated together at the same time that it had the opportunity to appear.

There must be a cause and effect in the dark.

Practicing the remaining two spiritual bodies together at the same time seemed to push himself into the abyss, but it was also self-salvation.

After successfully cultivating the five elements spiritual body, he could finally stimulate the dim and complex mysterious pattern from deep inside his body.

It also meant that the strongest obstacle on his cultivation path had been broken, and the insurmountable bottleneck of breaking through the Void Stage was no longer any obstacle.

He did not expect that he had successfully obtained the opportunity to break through the Void Stage.

Before, he had been worrying about how to find a way to break through the Void Stage after surviving the killing calamity.

At this moment, the dark clouds ahead have all dissipated.

After breaking through the Void Stage, I believe that the future path will no longer be any obstacle for him.

Of course, Lin Yi is referring to the kind of insurmountable obstacles.

Other difficulties, for him, I believe will not be too big a problem, as long as it is not the kind of missing heaven and earth that makes him have no way out, I believe that it will not stop his steps.

Because of this, he is so excited.

He saw an extremely bright future.

The Void Stage is not far away from him.

Naturally, he is more excited than breaking through the Five Elements Spirit Body.

"Hundred years of life!"

"Hundred years of life, what do you mean?"

The vague figure suddenly spoke, and the Yin-Yang Soul Beast was a little confused, but I believe he was definitely not aimless.

Moreover, when the vague figure spoke, his eyes were looking at Lin Yi.

"Greetings, senior!"

"Senior is right, I do have a hundred years left."

Lin Yi was not surprised that he could see through his lifespan in an instant.

After all, in front of such an existence, he was probably a transparent person.

As for whether he could see the mysterious bead in his mind, Lin Yi was not sure.

"What, Master, you... you only have a hundred years to live."

Not only Taotie, but also Yin Yang Soul Beast was shocked.

Only a hundred years to live, and Lin Yi has already taken a treasure that increases his lifespan once. It is almost impossible to extend his lifespan through this treasure again.

A hundred years to live, it is almost impossible to break through the Void Stage next.

Breaking through the Void Stage is not that easy.

Not only does it require talent, but it also requires long-term accumulation, and it also requires the understanding of the Great Dao.

For Lin Yi, it can be said that it is a dead end.

The two of them did not expect that this would happen.

What was originally extremely happy was like falling into an ice cellar in an instant.

Lin Yi nodded and said: "I really only have a hundred years to live. There was a problem with the cultivation of the Wood Spirit Body, which almost deprived me of vitality. Fortunately, I successfully cultivated the Five Elements Body and fed back some lifespan. Otherwise, even if I successfully transformed, I estimated that the moment I woke up would be the moment when my lifespan was exhausted."

Lin Yi did not hide this matter.

In fact, if it weren't for the mysterious bead, it would have locked up his last bit of life in the past few years and kept him alive.

He would not have had the opportunity to transform into the Five Elements Body.

Get a hundred years of life.

For this matter, Lin Yi did not have anything to let go and accepted it calmly.

Being able to get a hundred years of life is already extremely lucky.

God is favoring me.

When cultivating the Wood Spirit Body, the vitality was devoured. At that time, there was really no way to stop it.

The mysterious bead locked up a bit of his vitality, won the opportunity for transformation, and then was fed back a hundred years of life, which was already extremely satisfying.

And now, the biggest problem of breaking through the Void Stage has been solved.

Although a hundred years is extremely short, there is still a chance.

So when Lin Yi talked about this, there was no sadness or regret on his face, but it was extremely relaxed.

But these things cannot be told directly to the Yin-Yang Soul Beasts.

"Master, don't worry, Xiaobai will strive for the opportunity to extend your life even if he breaks through this world."

"Moutang, you are talking big again."

"Don't say that... I don't mean that. How about I discuss with you whether the test can be postponed."

"You have also seen that the value of the master will never let you down, and it is even beyond your expectations. As long as you give the master some opportunities, I believe you will definitely gain more."

"You have also seen the current situation of the master. There is only a hundred years left. Next, the master must use all his energy to impact the Void Stage to resolve the crisis of life span. There can be no delay at any moment."

"Wait for the master to break through the Void Stage, and then take the test together?"

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was anxious. He had just passed a life and death checkpoint, but he never thought that there was a more terrifying crisis waiting ahead.

A hundred years of life span is too short for Lin Yi.

A great power of the God of Transformation has a life span of five thousand years.

Although his life span was completely exhausted before he broke through the God of Transformation, he still had a life span of three thousand four hundred years.

How long has it been since he broke through the God of Transformation? Less than a thousand years.

It is almost unrealistic to want to break through the Void Stage with less than a thousand years of accumulation.

Moreover, how long has it been since breaking through the middle stage of the Spiritualization to the present stage of the Perfect Spiritualization.

Yin Yang Soul Beast hopes to win an opportunity for Lin Yi, and even more hopes that this person can take action.


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