Immortal Formula

Chapter 1003: overseas magic repair

   Chapter 1003 Overseas Magic Cultivation

  The head of Taiyimen, Long Yuanzi, was sitting in the Qiankun Hall of the main peak of Taiyimen at this time, discussing important matters with eleven brothers and sisters, and the real Haohui that Gu Yan had just met was also among them.

   These twelve people in the country of Yue are all highly respected monks, but the faces of each of them are extremely solemn at this time. Eleven people sat around Long Yuanzi in a fan shape. On the jade table in front of Long Yuanzi, there was a black jade slogan with very strange patterns engraved on it, which looked like a skull when combined. , which makes people look terrified.

  Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and was speechless for a long time. Finally, Long Yuanzi said, "The White Bone Gate has disappeared thousands of years ago. At this time, a jade letter was suddenly sent. Let's discuss it. What's the reason?"

Haohui said: "Back then, the White Bone Gate was in the southeast of Shenzhou. It was powerful and unstoppable. There were many masters in their sects, and there was even the existence of Demon Venerables, which was enough to run amok in the world. The great master named Ai Zhenzi will drive them overseas, I am afraid that the land of China will be slaughtered."

Long Yuanzi said in a deep voice: "The Xuanmen and the magic cultivators are inherently incompatible with each other, but, for thousands of years, I have never heard the appearance of the White Bone Gate. Obviously, they have been hiding overseas. Why is this? The second time suddenly came to the Central Plains. And the first one found us?"

A tall, crimson-faced Taoist who looked more like a butcher than a monk, said loudly at this time: "What is the White Bone Gate? , I still need to think about it, if we just rely on this letter to be afraid, will we still have the face to meet people in the same way in the future?"

A lanky middle-aged cultivator with a pale complexion said slowly at this time: "The strength of the Demon Sect in the Shenzhou Continent has been declining, and there are only some remnants in the north, but the Central Plains have never had room for them to intervene. It's just a flash in the pan, if we really are so afraid of them, we listen to the instructions on the letter and let them out of Tianmu Mountain, I'm afraid even the disciples below will not be convinced."

Long Yuanzi lightly clasped the table with his hand, and the letter made a ding ding sound, he whispered: "On the jade plate, let us give up the Tianmu Mountain within seven days, otherwise we will bloodbath our sect, this matter is related. I will definitely not agree to this sect’s major taboo, but the matter is very important, so I invite all the brothers to come to discuss it, since everyone’s intentions have been decided, my heart can be at peace.”

   His hand suddenly stretched out, a spiritual energy swirled in the air, and the jade was sucked into the palm of his hand, and with a slight squeeze, it turned into fly ash.

   Everyone also stood up, and the group was enthusiastic, shouting: "Never agree!"

Before the words fell, the black smoke and dust that the jade butterfly was shattered had just dissipated. In the original position, a loud bang suddenly came, and everyone stepped back in shock, a black smoke column, Going straight into the sky, the boundless demonic fire soared up, actually smashing the top of the entire Qiankun Temple into a hole.

Everyone's faces were ashen. Obviously, the person who put down the jade scorpion sealed a demonic fire inside the jade scorpion. Face can be lost really big.

Such a bizarre method also made everyone present startled, and one person whispered: "The country of Yue is just an ordinary place on the mainland of Shenzhou, and Tianmu Mountain is not a fairyland. Why do they Look here?"

  Long Yuanzi said lightly: "No matter what, Tianmu Mountain is our foundation and we must not give it up. This time, we will not hesitate to fight!"

He stood up and said in a loud voice: "The order goes on, all the disciples of Taiyimen will return to the mountain immediately, and the triple protection of the mountain protection formation will be activated. The twelve of us are divided into six groups and are on duty day and night. If there is an enemy attack, an alarm will be issued immediately. News, this time is a battle of life and death, and there is no room for loss!"

   Everyone stood up and said solemnly, "Follow the Sect Master's orders!"

The atmosphere of the entire Tianmu Mountain suddenly became tense. Those who came and went, all the comrades from various places were politely invited out of the mountain, and then every important place in Tianmu Mountain was stationed by the disciples of Taiyi Sect. The appearance of the war is imminent, and the atmosphere is already startled overnight.

It's just that these influences are at the top for the time being, and they have no influence on Gu Yan at all. At this time, she was still chatting leisurely with the two brothers, Shouqing and Shouzheng, and listened to a lot of Taiyi's gossip. The two regarded her as a small child. Junior sister, there is nothing to hide, from their mouths, Gu Yan also learned a lot of what happened in China over the past few hundred years

In the hundreds of years since she left Shenzhou, there have not been any earth-shaking changes on this continent, nothing more than ups and downs. In contrast, there is still some decline. The local monks either went overseas or went to In the extreme north, they want to seek the Dao, and the disciples who stay here, they just don't focus on improving their strength. As for the pursuit of the Dao of Longevity, it is too illusory, and few people take it to heart.

From their mouths, Gu Yan had a little understanding of the current situation in the Shenzhou Continent. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and from their mouths, she tried to test the golden bird, but the two obviously had no impression of it. Gu Yan's original intention was to estimate that there must be a golden giant bird somewhere on the mainland of Shenzhou. Seeing that the two were completely puzzled, he lost interest and was thinking about finding a way. , slipped away quietly, so as not to reveal his tracks. At this time, a white light flashed outside the door, and Master Haohui had already landed in front of the door. Both of them stood up respectfully and shouted, "Master!"

Haohui's face was very serious, he first glanced at Gu Yan and said, "The two of you will take her to the refining room first, find out the books of entry, and let her watch first, I don't have time these days. I will teach you how to get started."

   Immediately, he said to Shouqing and Shouzheng: "Then you will go to the outside of the mountain to take turns. This time, all the disciples must take responsibility. At the moment of our life and death, this battle with the Demon Sect will never end!"

   The two of them obviously knew something, they pulled Gu Yan with a serious face and walked towards the back of the mountain.

  Gu Yan's heart moved, and after avoiding Haohui, he asked in a low voice, "Two senior brothers, what happened, there won't be any danger here, right?"

Shouqing shook his head very seriously: "It's not necessarily, I heard that the White Bone Gate that came this time was the most prosperous sect on the mainland of China thousands of years ago, and was later named by an old senior named Ai Zhenzi. After arriving overseas, this time it made a comeback, and I don’t know why I took a fancy to it, we Tianmu Mountain, if we insisted that we give up this place, the teachers will naturally not agree, I am afraid that a war is coming.”

   Shouzheng clenched his fists and said confidently: "Evil has been invincible since ancient times, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be the opponents of master and uncles!"

  Gu Yan couldn't help laughing, this young man, his thoughts. It's so simple. According to him, the White Bone Gate should be a long-lost Demon Gate inheritance. Why did it suddenly appear here? Does this matter have anything to do with Zhouyou?

   Gu Yan's heart suddenly became curious, and she no longer wanted to leave this place, but wanted to check again.

   Shouzheng and others took her to the quiet room in the back mountain, and gave her two introductory books, so that she would not run around and leave on her own.

What was recorded in those ancient books were all superficial weapon refining and fire control methods. Gu Yan naturally didn't take it to heart. She casually threw it to the side and used it to step her feet. Beside him, he stretched his arms lazily, and yawned: "I didn't realize when you became so childish, and you were willing to joke with two children?"

Gu Yan smiled and shook his head, "I'm just a little curious, since the war in which the demons killed each other tens of thousands of years ago, their forces have been swept away in the mainland of China, especially in the Central Plains. Where did it come from?"

  Ning Fengzi said lazily: "What's so strange, maybe it's your good friend who travels around, and what about the disciples he accepted overseas?"

Gu Yan shook his head: "It's not his style of being so domineering, I think there must be something strange about the origin of this white bone gate, after all, Zhouyou and Mingkong are both my friends, it's fine if we don't meet, this time coincides with I'll at least stay and take a look at the meeting."

In fact, there is still a bit of intention in her heart. She always feels that this Tianmu Mountain is actually very mysterious. Otherwise, the ancestors of the Gu family would not have settled here, but the mystery here must not be known to outsiders. Qing and others said that Baihumen is a sect with deep roots thousands of years ago. After disappearing for many years, they suddenly found this place. The intention behind this is also worth scrutinizing.

  Ning Fengzi yawned and said lazily: "You are really thinking more and more now, that's all, I'm too lazy to care about you." After that, she hid in again and fell asleep.

  Gu Yan stayed in the bedroom quietly, and no one came to disturb her. She released her spiritual sense slightly, covering the whole mountain, and every grass and tree in Tianmu Mountain suddenly appeared in her heart.

   Hundreds of cultivators were running non-stop, and Gu Yan could already sense the location of the twelve real people who had formed the core. The disciples of Taiyimen have been converged to a very small range. What they need to protect is only this **** formed by more than ten peaks. Obviously, this is the essence of Taiyimen.

  Gu Yan sensed the surrounding mountain protection formation, and couldn't help but smile: "Their formation arrangement is quite meaningful!" Just as she was about to ignore the divine sense, her heart suddenly moved, and her eyes suddenly lit up!

   (end of this chapter)

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