Immortal Formula

Chapter 1004: where the mystery lies

   Chapter 1004 The mystery

Although Gu Yan has been meditating in the Red Leaf Valley for decades, her attention is all within the Qingyun Mountain and the Red Leaf Valley, and has not expanded to the entire Tianmu Mountain. Checking Tianmu Mountain is still an extremely labor-intensive thing. She had nothing to do just now, and tried to use her divine sense to scan it, but she found that the spiritual veins at the bottom of Tianmu Mountain were indeed somewhat unusual.

  Under the ground hundreds of feet deep in Tianmu Mountain, she was surprised to find that behind the surface underground spiritual veins, there was actually a layer of deeper spiritual veins.

   This layer of spiritual veins is hidden very deep, as if it came from outside the sky, deep underground, and no one has discovered it so far. Above the spiritual meridian, there are hundreds of spiritual meridian base points that have been suppressed, completely locking the entire spiritual meridian, without a trace of spiritual energy leaking out. There will be no clues at all.

  Those base points are scattered, there are hundreds of them, and Gu Yan was even more surprised to find that the mountain protection formation of Tianmu Mountain, whose eyes were built on these base points, immediately aroused her great interest. Obviously, the people of Taiyi don't know the mystery.

Gu Yan also discovered that the Taiyimen's mountain protection formation is based on an extremely powerful high-grade magic weapon. The function of this magic weapon seems to allow the formation to communicate with the hidden spiritual vein in the ground, but Gu Yan felt that it The effect should be far more than that, but it seems to be sealed by some secret method.

   Several days passed in a blink of an eye. Gu Yan had been studying her findings until Shouzheng came to bring her drinking water, and she said in surprise, "You haven't been sleeping or eating for the past few days?"

Gu Yan grabbed a book for her introductory book as a cover, raised her head, and said blankly, "Ah, I actually forgot. Make it normal."

Shouzheng thought that he had spiritual roots and was easy for ordinary people, so he didn't take it seriously. He put down the water, and just turned to leave, Gu Yan said, "Senior brother, there have been people walking around outside the mountain these past few days, so there shouldn't be anything wrong. Bar?"

Shouzheng was very happy to be called by her senior brother, turned his head and sat down, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, someone said that the attack was on the seventh day, and now it is the seventh day, but there is no movement at all. , the mountain protection formation of this sect is extremely powerful, and there is even the mountain protection magic weapon passed down by the old and old, that is passed down by the ancestors!"

   Gu Yan smiled and said: "If it is really passed down by the ancestors, then it must be very powerful?"

Shouzheng said proudly: "That's natural. I heard that the ancestor of the year, traveled thousands of miles across the Tianji Mountains, went to seek Taoism, and finally obtained the true biography, and came back to create the Taiyi Gate. This magic weapon is what he obtained in the overseas fairy mountains It is used to set up the mountain protection formation. It is said that it can resist even the fire of the heavenly robbery. At the beginning of his establishment, it is said that ten thousand demons attacked. Thousands of monks attacked Tianmu Mountain at the same time, all of which were blocked by the mountain protection formation. The indomitable foundation of the door." He raised his chest and raised his head as he spoke, with a sense of incomparable pride.

  Gu Yan didn't fully believe what he said, at most only 30% to 40%. After all, as far as she knew, the founder of Tianmu Mountain, the founder of the sect, did not cultivate into Nascent Soul in the end, and had already exhausted his lifespan and died.

But Shouzheng's words still revealed a bit of useful information. This magic weapon must have been obtained by the ancestor in Cangwu. She calculated the age. When the ancestor went to Cangwu, it happened for the first time. Not long after the end of the Dao Demon War, it happened in a troubled time. I wonder what magic weapon he got?

In the Qiankun Hall, everyone was discussing matters at this time. Twelve people were sitting around the round table. In front of them stood a statue of the Taiyi Sect Patriarch. It was several feet high. Pei Yuyu wants to break through the air and fly away.

  Long Yuanzi said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Haohui, you are in charge of the commander-in-chief of the mountain protection formation. Has there been any movement in the past few days?"

  Haohui shook his head slightly: "Everything is quiet outside the mountain, as usual, there is no change!"

  The other two monks also reported: "All the foreign monks in Tianmu Mountain have been invited away, and the disciples of this sect are on duty day and night, and there is no abnormality."

  Long Yuanzi shook his head slowly, he spread out his palm, and in the palm of his hand, there was another black jade, with a skull on it, which was impressive. He said in a deep voice, "This appeared on my jade case two hours ago."

   There are also two lines of small characters on the back of the jade slogan: "Hand over the rune, don't wait for it to expire, otherwise the chickens and dogs will not stay!"

  The same handwriting is also on the first side of the jade letter, but it lacks the four words outdated and not waiting. Obviously, the deadline of the other party has not changed in the slightest.

   Haohui frowned and said, "What exactly is the magical rune he said, this sect has been passed down from generation to generation, can there be such a thing?"

Everyone's eyes turned towards Long Yuanzi, he pressed the jade on the table, stood up, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, if there is such a thing in this sect, it is also from the ancestors. How can it be handed over to outsiders?”

  The shaggy-looking monk with a red face suddenly said loudly: "Anyway, the head should explain things to me clearly. Now everyone is confused, and they don't know where to sell it!"

  Everyone's eyes turned to look at him, Haohui said in a deep voice, "Senior Brother Dingshan, do you mean to accuse the head of this?"

  Dingshan snorted, "How can I have such courage? It's just that the major matters that concern the survival of this sect, if the head of the sect hides something, wouldn't it make everyone feel chills?"

  Long Yuan didn't answer him, but turned his head to another tall cultivator and said, "Junior Brother Dingchen, the disciples outside are on duty, have they all been arranged?"

   Dingcheng nodded, his expression was serious, and he seemed to be reluctant to talk by nature.

Long Yuan also nodded, he flicked his long sleeves, and the gate of Qiankun Temple was closed. The place that was broken by the magic fire a few days ago has been repaired completely, and a layer of protective mask has been added to the outside. The situation inside would not be leaked at all, so Long Yuan said slowly: "As the head of the sect, I take on the responsibility of this sect, and some things must be made clear. , but in the past few days, after thinking about it carefully, what he was referring to should be this thing."

   He suddenly turned around. Raising his hand, he already grabbed a silk sash hanging from the waist of the statue of Taiyimen Patriarch, with a jade plaque hanging on it. Numerous runes and incantations are engraved on it, making people feel dizzy when they see it.

Long Yuan said slowly: "This jade tablet was the ancestor's personal possession back then, and he always carried it with him until he was sitting. In the statue. And let the heads of the past generations guard it as best they can, waiting for those who are destined to come."

   Everyone showed their curiosity, Haohui said: "Although this jade tablet looks mysterious, it has no spiritual energy. It is obviously not like an illegal treasure. What is the magic use?"

What he said also represented the voice of the rest of the people. This jade plaque has been hanging here for at least thousands of years. It can be said that as long as the statue was carved, this jade plaque has been hung for as long as it is, and it is regarded as a memorial. No one saw anything special about it.

Long Yuanzi shook his head: "This is just a word of mouth from the head of the previous generation. I also learned from the mouth of the head of the previous generation when he was dying. If someone came to the door today, I would not have done this. It was announced to the public.”

   Haohui took two steps forward and looked at the jade card carefully, but did not see the mystery. Dingshan suddenly took a step forward at this time, reached out and touched it, and said, "It doesn't seem to be any different. Could it be that Patriarch and his old man are doing something mysterious?"

Just as his hand touched the jade card again, Long Yuanzi's figure suddenly moved, and he didn't know when he was more than ten meters away, and he came to him in a blink of an eye. With the palm of his hand, a white light flashed out. , slashed towards his wrist.

Dingshan stepped back in shock. On his wrist, an iron arm guard appeared and bounced the short sword issued by Long Yuanzi. He took a few steps back and shouted sharply, "Long Yuanzi, what are you doing? ?" His face was a little pale, and even the honorary title of the head was discarded at this time.

  Long Yuanzi said coldly: "I don't know, when did you cast the White Bone Gate, and what benefits did they give you?"

  Dingshan's face changed greatly: "Don't spit your blood!"

Long Yuanzi burst out laughing. With one hand, he had already taken out a letter from his arms. When Dingshan saw it, his face turned ashen. He didn't say a word. go.

  Long Yuanzi said indifferently: "I have intercepted what you and the White Bone God used to communicate. What else do you have to say today, take him down!"

Dingshan was already flying towards the temple gate at this time. His sleeves fluttered to the left and right at the same time, and two red lights flashed from his sleeves. The two real people who were originally guarding the temple gate were shocked by him. Before reaching the gate of the palace, he found that the two gates were firmly closed, as if they were welded by iron, and could not be shaken. At this time, several blue lights on the top of the head had been used as hoods, tying him up and down firmly. In fact, Long Yuanzi had already flown to his side, holding his air valve firmly with one hand, and everyone rushed up together and immediately captured him.

There was no fear on Dingshan's face at this time, he raised his head and let out a heart-piercing laugh, his face was full of hideous colors, and he shouted loudly: "You are all going to die... "

Gu Yan was chatting with Shouzheng at this time, and between the two laughing, they didn't realize that the time had passed. At this time, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and Shouzheng suddenly woke up, patted his forehead and said, "I have to go outside on duty, little one. Junior Sister, let's talk about it another day..." Before he could finish his words, suddenly, there was a huge earthquake under his feet without any warning. The sound came in an instant, and someone shouted: "Enemy attack!"

   (end of this chapter)

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