Immortal Formula

Chapter 1005: White Bone Gate

   Chapter 1005 White Bone Gate

  Shouzheng's reaction was very fast, he jumped up as soon as he turned over, dragged Gu Yan behind his back with one hand, and shouted loudly: "You stay here and don't move rashly, I'll go out and see!"

   He flew out and rushed out, pulling the stone gate with force, and affixed the talisman, and then dashed towards the front of the mountain.

  Gu Yan walked to the door with a smile, flicking his finger, the stone door opened on its own.

   In her heart, she still has a good impression of Shouzheng, a young man with a lot of passion. I don't want him to be surprised.

Moments before the warning from the mountain guarding formation, Gu Yan had already sensed that there were faint signs of aura surging outside Tianmu Mountain, but when she looked up into the air, she couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. , is really a big deal.

  Tonight, the moon and stars are sparse. It was originally a very sunny and good weather, but at this time in the sky, the darkness was overwhelming, almost obscuring the moonlight. At this time, there were countless magic cultivators on the top of their heads. They all wore black robes. Thousands of people were densely distributed in all directions in the air, covering all the moonlight above their heads.

  Gu Yan sensed an extreme silence from them, which she had never seen before in any demon cultivator.

   Her brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, the Taoism of each sect is really evil, not like the inheritance of the Zhouyou sect.

   With the keenness of Gu Yan's spiritual sense, she quickly locked the position of the opponent's head. In the middle of Tianmu Mountain, above the main peak, dozens of people surrounded a monk who had completed the formation of pills and was standing there.

In fact, without the power of divine sense, you can see it with just one glance. This person is dressed differently from everyone around him. Everyone else is covered in black robes, with only two eyes showing, and he is full of demonic energy. Only he is wearing a white shirt. There are countless skeletons embroidered on it, the body is extremely tall and thin, and the eyes are glowing with green brilliance, looking down incomparably cold.

   He said coldly: "Long Yuanzi, you have connected this sect's talisman twice, but turned a deaf ear, are you going to bring your Tai sect to death?"

   Qiankun Hall looked extremely quiet. The disciples of Taiyi were all in their respective positions at this time. Although there was no teacher on the side, they were in good order.

   The man laughed and said, "I've been away from the Central Plains for too long, and no one remembers our prestige back then. That's all, just show them some colors, come here, let the bone arrows go!"

Only then did Gu Yan realize that behind him, there were two large bows and crossbows parked. The shape was similar to the bows and crossbows used in the mortal world when they were fighting on the battlefield, but the size was enlarged several times. Gu Yan glanced at it. When I went, I couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. The bow and crossbow were actually made of human bones.

   There are also larger parts, which are made of monster bones, but most of them are human bones. Following his order, the eight disciples controlled a bow and crossbow at the same time, shouted loudly, and a white phosphorescence descended from the sky. It slammed heavily on the ground, and immediately flew away, turning into countless rays of light like tiny calf hair needles, shooting towards the surroundings, and dozens of people suddenly screamed.

The light of the mountain protection formation, this one has bounced off on its own, and countless white beams of light flew upwards. This is the second white bone arrow that has broken through the air, and greeted the brilliance of the mountain protection formation. It flew away, and more than ten disciples below were injured.

   The man laughed loudly: "I heard that Taiyi is so powerful, it turns out that it is nothing more than that!"

   He raised his hand and shouted in a deep voice: "Aim at the gate of the temple, bang me hard, and knock down his Qiankun Temple, I'm not afraid that they won't come out!"

  Two white lights flew towards the gate of the Qiankun Temple at the same time, and in the air, there were actually many ghosts drawn, and countless skeletons were flying around, making people shudder.

Just when the two white bone arrows were about to fly to the gate of the temple, the door of the Qiankun Temple suddenly opened by itself, and a blue-green brilliance had flown out. smashed to shreds.

  The man didn't panic, but laughed loudly: "Long Yuan, have you finally stopped being a tortoise?"

  Gu Yan had come out of the stone room at this time, she was standing on the top of a mountain, hiding her figure, and the surrounding scene was vivid in her eyes. I also saw the head of the Taiyi Sect. He was tall and had three long beards under his jaw.

  Long Yuanzi held Dingshan Zhenren in one hand and walked out of the Qiankun Hall slowly. The other ten brothers and sisters followed behind him. He raised his head slightly and said in a loud voice, "Is Your Excellency the White Bone God? I heard your name from my overseas colleagues. Why did you come to this mountain today?"

The Bone God Monarch laughed loudly: "You connected my two talismans, and you are still pretending to be confused? Quickly take your disciples out of Tianmu Mountain and hand over the talisman. I can guarantee that you will not be hurt, otherwise, Taiyi All the disciples of the sect will become sacrifices under the White Bone Sect!"

Long Yuanzi said coldly: "The foundation of this sect, how can outsiders be coveted?" He suddenly raised his hand, and Dingshan's fat body was slammed into the air by him, shouting loudly: "He is not me anymore. I'll give it back to you now!"

  Dingshan seemed to be restrained by magic weapons. With his cultivation at the stage of formation, he was unable to use any magic power and flew into the air. The aftermath of countless bone arrows all stabbed him, and blood spurted out. He screamed, waving his hands constantly, and shouted: "God, save me!"

   The Bone God Monarch snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes, and then Dingshan shouted again: "I have found the location of the talisman, right here..."

Before he could finish speaking, his huge body suddenly burst open in the air, and blood droplets were flying all over the sky. He lowered his head and realized that a big hole had exploded in his chest. He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but his voice could only "Hehe" loudly, without making any sound, he tilted his head and fell from the air.

  Long Yuanzi smiled faintly, and a azure light flew back into his hand at this time.

   The Bone God Monarch clapped his palms: "I personally kill my junior brother, but I can still be so indifferent, which is really admirable!"

Long Yuanzi said indifferently: "To bully the master and destroy the ancestors, it is not a pity to die! With the power of Baigumen, you dare to challenge Taiyimen, what kind of support do you have behind your back, so that my junior and junior brothers can all defect to the place? under your door?"

  Gu Yan's heart couldn't help but nodded secretly, this Long Yuanzi does have the demeanor of a sect master, with ruthless methods and ruthless actions. And his eyes are obviously very keen, and he has seen the strength of the White Bone Sect. Although it is above the Taiyi Sect, it is not enough to make a real person at the stage of forming a pill abandon the view of righteousness and evil and surrender to the Demon Sect. Obviously, there is someone else behind this Bone God Monarch.

  The White Bone God snorted coldly, "I've been away from the Central Plains for a long time, and it seems that people from Shenzhou have forgotten the prestige that I waited for. Today, I will use your Taimen to sacrifice the flag!"

He raised his hand and waved it in the air. It looked like the sky was covered by countless shady curtains. Suddenly, the clouds opened, and dozens of huge bone bows were revealed, aiming at the numbers of Qingyun Mountain. Ten peaks, on top of the white-bone arrows that are several feet long, are flashing green brilliance, and they will be launched at the same time as long as an order is given.

  Gu Yan's brows moved slightly, she didn't care much about the battle in front of her, her spiritual sense was locked on the bone arrow. Although the power of this white bone bow is not in Gu Yan's eyes, its refining method is quite unique. It connects the countless bones one by one, and each connection is unique. array exists. This method of combining the remaining spiritual energy in the main body into a formation was something Gu Yan had never seen before. It was completely different from the formation technique passed down by Zi Mo, Gu Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart that these strange methods in the Demon Sect emerged in an endless stream, and they were much stronger than the Xuan Sect.

   It was only on those white bone bows that in addition to the extremely dead silence, she also vaguely sensed a familiar aura, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it for a while.

Facing these divine bows with bones, Long Yuanzi's expression did not change at all, but he just whispered: "Junior Brother Haohui, you go to preside over the mountain protection formation!" After that, he stretched out his hand and patted Haohui's head heavily. shoulder.

  Haohui was about to respond when suddenly, he felt that there was something in the leather bag around his waist, but he saw Long Yuanzi wink at him and said, "Take care!"

   Haohui was shocked, and with the brothers, he quickly retreated.

  When he retreated a few hundred feet away, he had time to reach out and touch the leather bag at his waist. Sure enough, Long Yuanzi had already put the magic rune in his leather bag.

  Bone God Monarch said at this time: "Long Yuanzi, I will give you three breaths of time. If you are unwilling to make a decision, then if the White Bone Sword is fired at the same time, your Tianmu Mountain will definitely become ashes!"

  Long Yuanzi laughed out loud: "This sect has been established for thousands of years, how can you decide alone?"

The Bone God Monarch sneered and said, "It's really beyond your own power!" He raised his hand and waved it down heavily. Dozens of Bone Divine Bows scattered in all directions in the air fired at the same time. Forty-nine Bone Arrows fell into seven stars. In the shape of the moon, it quickly fell towards Tianmu Mountain.

The bone arrow just flew into the air, and twelve purple-gold light beams have risen from the twelve main peaks of Taiyimen. The brilliance is dazzling, illuminating the sky and the earth, forming a golden mask over Tianmu Mountain, covering the entire Taiyimen. The scope is all covered.

Gu Yan's spiritual sense had already sensed that the magic weapon distributed around Tianmu Mountain was running fast, twitching spiritual energy from the hidden spiritual veins, but she felt that there were too many people, and it seemed that this magic weapon could not be fully utilized. The formidable power of 100% is only one or two percent at most, but even so, the bone arrows that fell from the sky pierced the golden mask and made a sizzling sound, but they couldn't advance any further.

The Bone God Sovereign shouted at this time: "Shoot again!" This time, the speed of the shot was faster and faster. The sword rained all over the sky, and the golden mask was stabbed like a hedgehog, but no Bone Arrow could penetrate the light. inside the hood. It's just that the golden mask has strangely turned black at this time, and Gu Yan's heart suddenly moved, and she whispered: "No, this is the spirit of the devil!"

   (end of this chapter)

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