Immortal Formula

Chapter 928: Cangminghai, Devil City (Part 1)

  Chapter 928 Cangminghai, Devil City (Part 1)

   Gu Yan frowned and said nothing, but Du Que had already said, "This demon's foreword doesn't match his second words, it must be suspicious, and don't be gullible!"

  Gu Yan nodded slightly, indicating that she had heard what he said, and then said: "How do you want me to help you?"

Yin Jiuxian said: "As far as we know, Myriad Beasts Mountain is on the east side of the Tianji Mountains. As long as you pass this place, the Tianji Mountains in front of you, although I dare not say that the road is smooth, but the difficulties and dangers ahead are for all of you. , is nothing. It's just that there is a Jedi in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains. It is said that the ruins of those great cultivators who slaughtered the great monsters of our monster race were extremely murderous, even the cultivators of Nascent Soul couldn't get through, so a few You have thought about the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, and there is hope only when we cooperate."

   Gu Yan smiled and said, "Since it's cooperation, then both parties should contribute. Listening to Your Excellency, it seems that it's just for me to wait to help you. It's not good for us, right?"

  Yin Jiuxian snorted, "Isn't it a good thing that you can pass through the Tianji Mountains?"

  Gu Yan said: "We really want to pass here, but how do I know that you won't play tricks behind your back?"

  God Jiao snorted coldly: "As the ancient gods, we never speak empty words!"

  Yin Jiuxian said: "If you don't believe it, we can swear to the ancient dragon, and we will never do anything to harm you, otherwise we will be punished by the Nine Heavens Thunder, and we will die!"

Du Que nodded slightly to Gu Yan, and said with a voice transmission: "The punishment of the Nine Heavens Thunder is a catastrophe in which the divine beast loses its fur and completely transforms into a human form. The most vicious oath ever."

   Gu Yan suddenly thought of the skeleton of the dragon he had seen in the sky ridge, and asked, "Could it be that there is a dragon in this sky ridge?"

Yin Jiuxian laughed loudly, "Daoist's remarks are a bit exaggerated, Shenlong, flying in the sky and escaping the earth, is the supreme existence in our gods and beasts, even in ancient times, not ordinary immortals can shake , how did he die in the ridge of the sky? You know, even a skeleton of a dragon is enough to make those spirit world immortals fight to the death!"

  Gu Yan's brows were slightly wrinkled, she didn't doubt Yin Jiuxian's words, but since that was the case, who put the dragon skeleton there?

She glanced back, but no one said a word, obviously she was following her lead, Gu Yan said: "If you can really make a poisonous oath before the dragon, it is not impossible, but you must first clarify how you want us to help. ?"

Yin Jiuxian said with a smile: "This starts with the secret of the time when the two worlds were not divided. Everyone knows that the Myriad Beasts Mountain is the birthplace of the spirit beasts, but they don't know that there is also a dark blue sky in the Myriad Beasts Mountain. Minghai, after the spirit beast is born, it must be in the sea of ​​Cangming, cut the hair, remove the bones, change the tendons and wash the marrow, in order to become the spirit beast of the upper world and change rapidly. The sea was removed by those immortals with great magic power, so that even if we, the beast spirits, were to rebuild their original shape, they would still not be able to cast their bodies again."

  Zhouyou said at this time, "Could it be that you want to use the power of the formation?"

  Yin Jiuxian glanced at him admiringly, "Back then, I didn't think highly of those demon cultivators, I thought they would only play some ghost realm tricks. Now it seems that those tricks are not completely useless."

   Zhou Youdao: "Could it be the Nine Songs of Lingxu?"

  Yin Jiuxian said with a little surprise: "This fellow Taoist is so familiar with the methods of the Demon Sect. Yes, this Spirit Void Jiuqu is the method that we borrowed from the Demon Sect to recreate the Cangming Sea."

He said a little excitedly: "Heaven and earth are divided into six emperors, supplemented by heaven, earth, and human beings, it is for nine songs, in order to gather the spiritual energy of the nine earths, and rebuild the Cangming Sea, this is what we have planned for tens of thousands of years. It’s just that we are beast spirits with low mana, and it is difficult for us to control the entire formation with just a few of us, and we need the help of a few fellow Daoists.”

   Ye Yunting said: "I don't know how to help?"

Yin Jiuxian said: "The Nine Queers of Lingxu, there are a total of nine formation eyes, and nine people with similar cultivation bases are required to guard them, and none of them can be lower than Nascent Soul. Several of them have cultivation bases in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, which are suitable for use. As long as you are in the formation, you can sit comfortably, not afraid of changes in the formation, and suppress the eye of spiritual energy. Once the forty-nine days have passed, the formation will be self-sufficient, and you can rebuild the Cangming Sea. At that time, before the Myriad Beasts Mountain , the spiritual energy in the mysterious Jedi will also be led away by the formation, and once the murderous aura is released, you can pass through safely, isn't this a matter of mutual benefit?"

   After saying this, the three of them swore an oath in the name of Shenlong, swearing that they would never do anything to the five.

  Gu Yan's heart moved, and he said, "If it's true as the three said, it's okay to promise you, but you must agree. After the matter is completed, there must be no more trouble, and you must let me leave immediately."

  Yin Jiuxian laughed and said, "This is naturally no problem." After speaking, it fluttered its wings, "Just please follow me to see the true appearance of Wan Beast Mountain!"

Its nine long tails swayed at the same time and flew towards the sky. Gu Yan and the others also followed. Under the leadership of Yin Jiuxian, the surrounding demonic qi all separated to the two sides on their own, and no longer became an obstacle. The speed is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they have already flown over this swamp, and in front of them are large green ridges and winding mountains.

   Ye Yunting couldn't help but let out a "ha", "When I came to this broken mountain, I have seen countless poor mountains and rivers, strange dangers, and now I can't believe my eyes when I see it here."

  Gu Yan also smiled and said, "It must only be seen in fantasy."

Yin Jiuxian glanced back at her and said with a smile: "This is not a fantasy we set up, the Wan Beast Mountain was originally a resort of Xianshan, otherwise why would there be so many beautiful spirit beasts born, here, can't Now it's just in case."

Overlooking the whole earth, Wan Beast Mountain is in the shape of a meandering "zigzag". At the very front, there is a deep canyon, which looks very bare and inconspicuous, but the **** Jiao stopped in the sky at this time, and it waved two With only front paws, he said, "Children, open the door!"

After speaking, he raised his head and let out a roar, and the layers of clouds floating over the valley were like a long whale sucking water, and it was sucked into his mouth, and what appeared below was an incomparably huge valley. .

  The valley is so big that people can't see the edge at a glance. It's just that this valley is surrounded by bare mountain walls, without a trace of greenery, but there are murals carved on the mountain walls. But what Gu Yan first saw was not these murals, but the layers of shadows floating here.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a layer of mist floating in the valley, but Gu Yan can see at a glance that there are countless demon spirits here, layer upon layer, countless, I am afraid there are hundreds of millions. as much!

   She didn't change her expression, but she already knew the sight transmission and the other four people.

   At this time, Yin Jiuxian had already flown to their side and said, "Several, please look down!"

   In the center of the valley, a deep pit appeared, and in the pit, a blood-red gossip pattern was drawn. But if you look closely, you will find that there are some abnormalities in this pattern. In the center of the Eight Diagrams, what is displayed is not the usual yin and yang fish, but a red and black altar. This altar is very large. Incomparably, occupying almost a quarter of the area, above the altar, there are crimson brilliance swaying. Yin Jiuxian said: "Several, when the formation is launched, we need to occupy their respective positions. If there is no opinion, how about I assign the positions?"

Gu Yan said: "However, there are nine formation eyes in the nine formations of Lingxu. When the formation is activated, the nine formation eyes must be suppressed by someone, and a trace of spiritual energy cannot be leaked out. Only in this way can we compete for full power. Let's add up now. , there are only eight, do you have to wait for the daoist brother who was injured by my sword?"

Yin Jiuxian let out a haha, and said, "Old Mo was injured by the sword energy of fellow Daoists, and no one can't be reshaped for hundreds of years. In the center of the formation, we have a magic weapon passed down from ancient times to suppress it. It is enough to suppress it. A Nascent Soul cultivator is more than enough."

   Gu Yan said with a smile: "It turns out that, it must be through this magic weapon that it can withstand the backlash of the spirits brought by the formation, otherwise, I would be really worried."

  Yin Jiuxian's expression was a little embarrassed, but it was quickly covered up by it, "That is natural, if there is no perfect method, we will not ask fellow Taoists to help."

The giant ape had already said by voice transmission at this time: "Old Monster Yin, these guys don't seem to be good masters, especially that little girl, how does she know so much about Lingxu Jiuqu? After that, the Demon Sect has long since declined, and there is no inheritance in this world?"

  Yin Jiuxian snorted in his heart, "According to the opportunity, in short, we will not break our vows, this time we must succeed!"

Although it thought about it in its heart, the expression on its face did not change, and said with a smile: "Gu Daoyou is carrying a treasure like the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar, and he is the leader of the people. Please stand in the 'dry' position." He glanced again and pointed at Du He did say, "Brother Du, the Kun Ling lamp can deter the evil spirits, please occupy the 'Leaving' position." Immediately, it assigned the positions one by one.

Gu Yan had no objection to this, and then Yin Jiuxian said: "The Jedi in front of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, on the night of the full moon on the fifteenth, the spirit and demon energy in it will be particularly strong. There are still a few days left at night, we can just wait patiently, and then we will start it.”

  Gu Yan remained silent, and the others had no objection.

   Everyone took their place, and they all released their own magical treasures. Gu Yan only released the seven treasures golden banner to cover the whole body, and the Dinghaizhu suppressed the surrounding positions. The Jiuyi Ding and Zhu Yanjing did not take out.

  Ning Fengzi probed in the space curiously and said, "Hey, do you believe in these guys so much, what if they plan to plot against you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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