Immortal Formula

Chapter 929: Cangminghai, Devil City (Part 2)

  Chapter 929 Cangminghai, Devil City (Part 2)

Gu Yan smiled and said, "Of course I wouldn't be so gullible, but my spiritual sense also knows that there is really a Jedi near here, and it's not something that we can pass through with our strength, so we should take advantage of it. , They have a plan, and we are not unprepared. When the time comes, we will use our means. Feng Zi, your Zhu Yanjing is the most suitable for suppressing these demonic qi around you. When the time comes, you have to help me. "

Ning Fengzi yawned boredly, "Okay, anyway, I've been in a panic for a while now. Speaking of which, I have some expectations for this trip to Tianji. I always feel that when I get to the mountain One end, I can find something."

  Gu Yan couldn't help but move in his heart and asked, "Fengzi, what did you sense?"

Ning Fengzi had a dazed look on his face, and said, "I don't know either, it seems to be my own memory, and it seems to be from Zhu Yanjing. The two are mixed, so I can't tell the difference myself, I only know, Keep going east, keep going east, don’t stop. Once you enter the Tianji Mountains, this feeling seems to begin to have, and as you go east, it becomes more and more intense.”

  Gu Yan's brows moved slightly, revealing a smile of understanding, "I think, I have to go to that place again. It's an interesting place, I'm sure you will think so too."

  Ning Fengzi said disdainfully, "You're really not suitable for this kind of thing."

  In the Tianji Mountains, especially in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, the sky is always dark, and you don't know the passage of time. Only on the fifteenth night will the full moon stick its head out of the sky. Everyone was speechless, just waiting quietly. Du Que released the Kun Ling lamp to protect himself, and Zhou You, Fang Shuo, and others also released their own magic weapons, only Ye Yunting, after he cultivated the invisible sword energy, he No longer use other magic weapons, and only rely on its own sword energy to dominate the world.

   In the valley, countless shadows rise and fall one after another, looming, and hundreds of millions of demon spirits are floating around them, but the five people headed by Gu Yan are calm, and there is no sign of fear or shake. The three demons such as Yin Jiuxian didn't seem to be any different, they just closed their eyes slightly, waiting for that moment to come.

   Four days passed in the blink of an eye. Just when Mingyue stuck her head out from the side of the valley, Gu Yan's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened and said, "Everyone, can you prepare?"

  Yin Jiuxian laughed loudly: "After waiting for so many years, this moment is finally here!"

The three demons screamed at the same time, and they transformed into their bodies at the same time. Each person's body covered an area of ​​tens of feet and made an "angang" cry. In the valley, hundreds of millions of demon spirits echoed at the same time. The sound is earth-shattering.

  As their whistling continued to rise and fall, the bright moon slowly rose to the middle of the sky, casting a huge shadow below. It complements the pattern below, forming a strange scene. Against the background of the shadow, it is like a huge castle rising from the ground.

With a long howl of the **** Jiao, in the big pit, at the edge of the array, countless rays of light have burst out at the same time, and tens of thousands of colorful rays of light rushed straight up, and The layers of fog in the valley were very bright and chaotic.

   Those demon spirits in the mist all chirped and chirped, like a group of demons dancing wildly, chaotic.

   At this moment, Gu Yan whispered: "Be careful, the formation is about to move!"

  Yin Jiuxian had already flown to the sky above the eye of the formation, and it occupied the "Kun" position opposite Gu Yan. It shouted in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoists, be careful, the formation is about to be activated!"

   As he shouted, eight straight beams of light suddenly rushed upwards from above the ground. The shadow in the sky finally appeared. It was a huge castle. In the castle, there was a floating jade sea, and countless figures were floating in it.

   The faces of the three demon spirits showed excitement at the same time, "That's the Cangminghai back then!"

The castle that appeared    was just a phantom, but the underground formation began to run intensely, and eight beams of light shuttled like revolving lanterns, passing over everyone. The entire ground seemed to be shaken slightly by a force that came from nowhere.

Gu Yan, who was in the dry position, was the first to bear the brunt. At this time, she had sensed that eight different forces were constantly charging towards her. Each force contained a very heavy demonic energy. The degree of purity is no less than the spirit and demon energy that Xuan Ting cast on him back then.

When the eight beams of light kept spinning, the blood-red altar in the center remained motionless, and was not affected by the surrounding forces at all. At this time, Gu Yan's ear, the voice transmission of the travels sounded: "Be careful, I I feel that in that altar, there is a demonic energy that is deeper than the ground!"

Eight snow-white beams of light, under the constant rotation, continuously absorb the magic energy from the ground, and the color slowly turns from white to gray, and finally becomes a color like black ink, living in the eyes of the formation. Every one of them is bearing the repeated impact of the eight forces, even the giant giant ape, and the Yin Jiuxian, they are all struggling to support, even showing a look of helplessness, but still gritted their teeth and endured it. .

  Gu Yan and the others are still fine, especially the three demon spirits, they are the body transformed by the demon spirits. Under the successive impact of the demonic energy, the color of the body has become lighter and lighter.

   The demon spirits in the valley sounded more and more eagerly, as if they were still deeply worried. At this moment, the last beam of light on the kun position was finally filled with black. Shen Jiao has shouted: "The order to sacrifice to the nine heavens, call me the devil, come to the world!"

   With the sound of it breaking, the eight beams of light suddenly seemed to be fixed in place, and the huge castle supported by the eight beams of light was solidified as if it were real. There are countless pavilions and palaces, immortals and jade girls, walking around, from a distance, it looks like a fairyland on earth.

   But Gu Yan, who was on the scene, did not have this feeling. On the contrary, she had an incomparably strange feeling.

  The fairies and girls walking through the castle were all expressionless, like walking dead.

  Zhouyou said in a low voice at this time: "This is the summoning of demons, the method of ghosts and shadows!"

  Gu Yan said through voice transmission: "According to the changes!"

  After the eight beams of light were solidified, the castle was also fixed, and the buildings and human figures inside were also fixed at the same time, and the corpse-like expression on his face became more eye-catching.

   At this time, the mouths of the three demon spirits have begun to recite an incomparably obscure incantation at the same time. Every note seems to come from the void of ancient times, which makes people tremble.

   With the sound of their chants, the altar in the center finally opened slowly.

  The incomparably huge altar, from the center, slowly cracked a gap, and then kept separating towards both sides.

  Gu Yan and the others all looked at it in astonishment.

  This altar, which covers an area of ​​100 zhang, is sealed like a tortoise shell. The shell is so thick that it keeps cracking until a sphere in the center is exposed.

  This sphere is only about the size of a wine jar, and it is pitch black, exuding a heart-pounding black, as if it can absorb all the brilliance around it.

  Gu Yan's heart suddenly moved. At this moment, she was very keenly aware of the approaching danger. At this time, Zhou You also shouted, "Quickly retreat, this is the Primordial Beginning Magic Crystal!"

   The five people rose to the ground at the same time, and the eight pillars of light supporting the castle had already exploded towards the surroundings at this time, the earth suddenly collapsed, but the castle was still floating steadily in the air.

The    black ball cracked again, and this time, a piece of spar the size of a fingernail was exposed in the middle.

  This black spar, in the night sky, reveals its incomparably dark radiance, as if communicating with another mysterious and unpredictable world.

  The Primordial Primordial Primordial Crystal, the great demon **** of the spirit and demon world, the Primordial Primordial Primordial Crystal left behind by the body burned by the sky fire after flying into the sky.

   A strong demonic energy rushed towards the surroundings, as if it was going to devour everything around him.

   What is shocking is that the demon spirits floating around did not flee outside, but rushed into the demonic energy like moths to a flame.

  Gu Yan was already quickly activating the magic trick, the seven treasures golden tower turned into a long rainbow, and Du Que also released the Kunling lamp at the same time, blocking all five of them from the magic energy.

   But the thick magic energy around them was still rolling towards them.

   Gu Yan coldly snorted: "This is your method, right? Do you want to sacrifice our lives to the devil?"

   She said coldly: "I'm just curious, where did you gather so much death energy to be able to wake up a monster like Primordial Beginning Magic Crystal?"

The three demons don't care about the magic qi surrounding them. They all surround the primordial magic crystal. On the magic crystal, there is an incomparably small hole. In the hole, a long black silk thread is sticking out. Head over and probe towards the castle in the air. A faint breath passed from there.

   And those buildings and human figures in the castle, as if nourished by this breath, are slowly revitalizing, no longer as rigid as the zombies just now.

  Yin Jiuxian laughed loudly: "You are really naive, human monks have become so stupid now, do you really believe that there is such a good thing in the world, let us marry you for no reason?"

  Du Que shouted in a deep voice: "Don't forget, the oath you made in the name of the dragon!"

  Yin Jiuxian let out a long laugh: "Yes, we will never attack you, but you yourself lost to the spirits and demons and died in the battle, what does it have to do with us?"

  Gu Yan said lightly, "That's not necessarily true. Do you naively think that we won't leave behind?"

  Yin Jiuxian was stunned for a moment, and then, the three demons all let out a voice of exclamation that could not be concealed!

   (end of this chapter)

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