Immortal Formula

Chapter 930: Zhuxiantai (Part 1)

   Chapter 930 Zhuxiantai (1)

   At this time, the five people have gathered together, and with the power of the Seven Treasures Golden Banner and the Kunling Lamp, they resisted the surrounding demonic energy. Zhou Youdao: "They use the nine-sentence method of Lingxu to absorb all the resentment around them, but their real purpose is to awaken the primordial magic crystal and communicate with the true primordial power of the spirit and demon world. In this case, in addition to the primordial spirit of monsters In addition, there must be the baby spirit and blood of human monks to truly awaken the blood of the king of the devil world. No wonder they must have us at the beginning and then quickly. It's just that they used what method to **** up so much. Resentment?"

   Ye Yunting suddenly shouted, "Look, what is that?"

   The eight beams of light collapsed, and after the earth collapsed, the valley was completely enveloped by demonic energy, and no one noticed what was hidden under the formation.

Ye Yunting pointed, and everyone let out a cry of exclamation that could not be concealed. Under the original ground of the array, there was a huge pit that was so deep that the end could not be seen at all. What was buried in the pit was Countless bones and corpses!

   Ye Yunting said in a trembling voice: "That's the golden ape, the giant tortoise, and the green phoenix, all of them are ancient alien beasts! This is actually a big pit where the bones of the beasts are buried!"

Yin Jiuxian said with a voice of hatred: "Yes, this is the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts! Do you know the true meaning of the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Cangming Sea? A beast's body becomes ten thousand bones, and it takes countless discarded bones to accumulate it. A divine beast in the Cangming Sea. This place was originally a training ground for human monks, and it is also a **** for all the spirit beasts in the monster world!"

   Everyone couldn't help taking a breath of air, and Ye Yunting said suddenly: "So that's the case, Wan Beast Mountain was the animal taming field of those human monks back then!"

Shen Jiao said bitterly: "Yes, since the defeat of the battle between the demon clan and the human race, except for a small number of divine beasts who were able to survive on their own, most of the spirit beasts were captured by those monks. Cultivation of people, use us people as their mounts, or guard the mountain beasts. But it is so difficult to cultivate a beast. With the countless bones under the mountain of thousands of beasts, there is an endless stream in the sea of ​​​​blue seas. The divine beast is born. When a beast is formed, ten thousand bones are withered!"

The giant ape said sternly: "Compared to the real Myriad Beasts Mountain back then, the bones here are simply inferior. Every descendant of the ancient beasts, in the deepest heart, will always remember that they want to level the Myriad Beasts Mountain. Recreate the old beast ruled the world!"

Everyone's faces showed anger, but Gu Yan's expression was still very calm, she said lightly: "In my opinion, since people and beasts have reached their current state, there is not much difference, nothing more than It is only a powerful existence in this world. If it is said that the nature of beasts is inherently evil, how can human nature be different? Therefore, under my sword, I will act in a straight way, only right and wrong, and I will not judge the likes and dislikes because of the difference between humans and beasts. There is a good friend, his wife is the princess of the orcs, and I do not take it lightly. The nobles, as the powerful pole in the world back then, have their own inheritance, why did they end up in such a despicable situation now?"

Yin Jiuxian sneered and said, "You're saying it nicely. If you were placed in the Heaven and Human Realm back then, I'm afraid that the human race would not tolerate you, and the orc race would regard you as a thief. How can you imagine that back then? A scene where the two sides want to get rid of the flesh and blood, and then quickly?" There was a desolate voice in its voice, "At this moment, all we think about is survival, as for whether the means are bright or not, it is better to survive first. !"

  God Jiao roared, "If I met you in normal times, I would have made you my confidant. At least you were the first monk I met who had no grudge against the orcs."

Ye Yunting whispered: "Do you think it's still the time when humans and orcs confronted each other? In this world, everyone lives in their own places, and most of them fight for survival, how can there be so much hatred? ?"

Shen Jiao didn't seem to hear what he said, and shouted: "It's just today, you are related to our plan to rebuild Cangminghai, you can only sacrifice your lives, in the future, if you have a soul, you can come to me and ask for it. Life!"

Gu Yan gave a light high-five and said, "You guys used the Primordial Beginning Magic Crystal as the base and the bones of countless mythical beasts in the Wan Beast Mountain as the source to try to rebuild the Cangming Sea. It really is a good idea, but I'm afraid I will disappoint you today. already."

The giant ape laughed loudly: "Now that the sea of ​​resentment of the devil soul is ready, as long as you gather the Nascent Soul of the five of you and use it as a sacrifice, then Cangminghai can be reborn. Can a half-baked magic weapon be able to turn things around?"

  In the valley at this time, there is an extremely strange scene, and the thick magical energy emanating from the surrounding magic crystals seems to separate the place into two distinct layers. The upper layer is filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the spiritual spring flows, creating a clear and bright scene, while the lower layer is full of demonic energy, and it is very sinister, like a ghost in the world.

   In these two scenes that are incomparably contrasting but intertwined, it seems that there is a door from the void that is slowly opening, and a black shadow that cannot be detected by the naked eye is floating out from the middle.

  Zhouyou said in a low voice: "They are summoning demons, and they use the power of the Primordial Magic Crystal to absorb the spirits and demons in them, and use them to rebuild the Cangming Sea in their mouths!"

Hundreds of thousands of miles away in the deep valley of the sky, Xuan Ting, who had been cultivating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and his face was slightly surprised, "In such a world, other than this place. Besides, there is still such a pure spirit and spirit, could it be that there is another inheritance in this world?"

He suddenly stood up, his huge body, and looked into the distance, but there was darkness in the extreme, he said to himself: "Even I can't detect the specific location, this shouldn't be the four old guys. What I did, it seems, am I going to take a walk in the east?"

  Gu Yan and the others were now compressed into a very small corner by the power of the formation, only relying on the support of the Seven Treasures Golden Banner and the Kunling Lamp. Countless ghosts of resentful spirits rushed forward one after another, and together with the suppression of the formation, the mask made by the two magic weapons became thinner and thinner, and it was almost impossible to support it.

But there was not much worry on Gu Yan's face, she just sighed lightly, "Those human overhauls back then were really amazing, and it's a pity that they could build a place like Cangminghai. , before it can survive, it will be destroyed..."

   The hands she had been carrying behind her back suddenly flashed a magic trick, and a dazzling light suddenly shot down from the sky.

This is a beam of light that is several feet wide, just like a bolt of lightning, covering the Primordial Beginning Magic Crystal impartially. In an instant, countless rays of light quickly spread to the surroundings, and the brilliance is overflowing, illuminating the whole world. . Illuminate everything around you as bright as day. The originally thick demonic energy was immediately dispelled.

  Yin Jiuxian's throat made an unconcealed exclamation, "This is Zhu Yanjing, this is the treasure mirror of the heavens, so you really know the three old guys from that year!"

Almost at the same time, the three demons abandoned Gu Yan and others in front of them, and rushed towards the Primordial Beginning Magic Crystal, and the brilliance released by Zhu Yanjing also enveloped the Cangming Sea, which was being rebuilt.

  No one noticed, at the junction of Yin and Yang, a faint azure suddenly appeared.

This azure air is inconspicuous at all, as if it was produced at the same time with the large black shadow coming out of the gate of the void, and suddenly it skyrocketed towards the surroundings, completely wrapping the entire primordial magic crystal, a golden shadow, Appears immediately.

It was a little man with flames all over his body, just like a shrunken Gu Yan, in her hand, holding a small cauldron as big as a fist, the three demons exclaimed at the same time: "Second Yuan god?"

Yuanshen's face was solemn, she swiped the magic formula with one hand, and let out a soft scolding, the treasure cauldron in her hand suddenly became bigger and bigger, and countless blue energy quickly rolled towards the outside, like a long whale sucking water. The shadow, combined with the spirit of the spirit, sucked in all of it.

The three demons let out a heart-piercing roar at the same time. They no longer rushed towards the Primordial Primordial Magic Crystal, but instead rushed towards Gu Yan's Primordial Spirit. If they devoured all of them, then the gate of the void they summoned would also be closed, and the power of backlash from the failed summoning demon would be enough to destroy the Cangming Sea above their heads. .

   The three demons rushed at the same time, and a huge pressure suddenly fell on the primordial spirit.

  Gu Yan said solemnly: "Start!"

She had known for a long time that these three demons were not easy to get along with, so she secretly reserved a back-up, in addition to letting Ning Fengziyu make Zhu Yanjing ambush on the top of her head, she also secretly separated her Yuanshen from the body, The other immortal artifact that controls her, the Jiuyi Ding, is hiding in the center of the Nine Great Formation Eyes. On top of the primordial spirit, there is also the golden robe she got from Mo Zichen to protect her body. This magic weapon of unknown origin is so wonderful that even the phantom golden lotus can be concealed, plus the Jiuyi Ding As an immortal weapon, they concealed the eyes and ears of the three demons, but they didn't even notice. And they could not have imagined that Gu Yan, with the cultivation level in Yuanzhong, was able to cultivate such a powerful second spirit, and it was a big loss for her.

  The two sides were full of scheming, and each stayed behind. It was a tie, but what followed was a real life-and-death battle. At this moment, everyone no longer leaves behind. The three demons rushed out of Gu Yan's primordial spirit in a zigzag shape, and the five people from the outer periphery rushed towards the three demons again. The wind and clouds swirled in the sky, shaking this small space into chaos.

   (end of this chapter)

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