Immortal Formula

Chapter 996: Nandu

   Chapter 996 Nandu

   She smiled and touched the top of Lu Zhan's head: "You little guy, your knowledge of cultivation is still shallow, and it will take thousands of years to understand the true meaning of what I said."

Lu Zhan raised his head, only to realize that when we first met at Qingyun Mountain, he was still bright like a little girl. At this time, he had a high temperament, elegant and immortal, just like a true immortal who has practiced for thousands of years. , the distance between her and herself was as far away as from Wuji Xinghai to Qingyun Mountain, and she couldn't help but bow her head sadly.

Lu Jiayan looked at Gu Yan nervously, Gu Yan understood her worries and said with a smile: "These two fellow Taoists, what they are looking for is the main road, I'm afraid they won't stay in Luodi too much, if there is a chance in the future You can invite them to visit Qingyun Mountain and explain the wonderful art of this sect, and you will definitely get something."

  Lu Jiayan couldn't help but be stunned. In his mind, the Xuanmen cultivator and the demon cultivator were so clear-cut, how could they be mixed together.

Gu Yan couldn't help laughing and said: "The way of the Dao is the same way, and there is no such clear reason. I have also written a lot of the way of the gods in the devil's door, and I have verified it with the method of the Xuanmen, and I have my own gains. Why be too persistent."

Hearing her words, Lu Jiayan thought about it. He was originally a very savvy person, but he was limited to his inherent thinking. .

Gu Yan couldn't help laughing, she cupped her hands to Lu Jiayan and said: "Young Master Jiayan, you can bring your son back to the south, please tell the sixth brother and the others that if I go back to Luodi again, I will go back to Qingyun Mountain to visit them again. ."

Lu Jiayan nodded, "I hope you come back often!" Lu Zhan looked at her a little reluctantly, Gu Yan smiled and patted his head, "You have good qualifications, but you still lack some training, next time When I come again, if your entry can satisfy me, I will take you to Cangwu for a tour, so that you can experience it.”

  Lu Zhan was overjoyed and said, "Is this true?"

   Gu Yan smiled and said, "Your Seventeenth Aunt, you have never spoken falsely."

   Lu Zhan's eyes showed incomparable longing. At this time, Lu Jiayan took him up, cupped his hands to Gu Yan, and flew straight to the south. When the cultivation base has reached their level, there is no need for mother-in-law and mother-in-law to behave like a child's farewell.

Gu Yan watched them go away, and then turned her head. At this time, Mingkong had walked up to her and bowed to her very respectfully. Gu Yan also accepted it calmly, and then said: "You will have something in the future. What's your plan?"

Ming Kong and Zhou You, although they had just made a couple's appointment, they still looked very indifferent, not as sweet as ordinary couples, after listening to Gu Yan's words, Zhou You replied: "I The husband and wife must first stay in the Haixin Palace for several months, gather the demon cultivators scattered here, and then travel all over the mainland of China to rebuild the Dao line of the demon gate here."

  Gu Yan nodded, suddenly remembered something, and said, "When you went to Cangwu, the magic door was already on the decline, so you must not have found any clues?"

Zhouyou nodded and said, "Yes, when the master took me to Cangwu, the first Dao and Demon War had just ended for thousands of years. At that time, Cangwu, Xuanmen ruled the world, and all the demon cultivators saw it. To kill them, we can only escape to the extreme north in order to escape from the world. Later, before my death, Master used the method of heaven secret calculation to calculate that the Holy Maiden of Yuanling had appeared in Shenzhou, and then let me return to Shenzhou through Tianji. "

   Gu Yan said with a smile: "You just said that there are triple weapons among us, and the Heavenly Covering Armor and the Heavenly Heart Ring have all been in your hands. Is the last one the Demon God Card?"

   Both of them were stunned for a moment, and then they showed joy: "Don't you know where the Demon God Card is?"

Gu Yan nodded: "That's right, and before I left Cangwu, I once played against the person holding the Demon God Card." She said in a deep voice, "That is Hua, who is the number one person in the Yuan Dynasty in Cangwu. strict!"

After the battle between Gu Yan and Huayan, they fled all the way, flew to the extreme north, came across the ridge of the sky, and traveled around and avoided the world in the extreme arctic icefield. They were not very clear about what happened in the Central Plains. After Gu Yan said it one by one, he realized that Hua Yan's true identity is actually the big city lord Cao Ruoyu, and his current strength is almost three points with Xuanmen and Momen. If this is the case, they think It is really difficult to get back the Demon God Card.

There was not much strangeness in Mingkong's eyes. This Saintess of Primordial Spirit, who has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, her expression seems to be light at all times, but she said in a plain but extremely firm tone: "We must get the Demon God Card back!"

She smiled at Gu Yan and said, "This sect has a double cultivation secret method. The Holy Son and I are united in one mind. The cultivation base will be a thousand miles away, and there may not be a chance to fight him in the future." She talked about the tenth weekend of weekends. At the time, his tone was still so indifferent, and there was no hint of embarrassment.

   Gu Yan smiled and said: "If there is a chance. I can help!"

  Zhouyou smiled and cupped his hands: "If that's the case, then thank you very much."

Gu Yan suddenly remembered something, and said again: "Since you guys want to revive Shenzhou Demon Gate, you shouldn't stay in Luodi for a long time, but Qingyun Gate still asks you to take care of it if you have the opportunity, after all, that's where I was born. "

This is just a trivial matter for the two of them. Now that Zhouyou has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is close to the peak of her cultivation, and after Mingkong obtained Tianxinhuan and regained her sanity, her cultivation realm is not lower than that of Zhouyou. If the two of them have their own double cultivation secret method to join forces, they might really be able to compete with Huayan.

   But now, between them and Huayan, there is a Sky Ridge Mountain Range, it is too far to talk about it now.

After the three of them finished speaking, Gu Yan said goodbye and said, "After we were separated in Tianji, Brother Du and the other three agreed to go to Shenzhou and find you in your hometown. They agreed to take the sea route, probably at It started half a year ago, and it must have arrived now, when you return, you can pay attention."

Gu Yan replied with a smile, and said, "I was trapped on Zhuxiantai for 19 years. I didn't expect you to leave Tianji only more than half a year ago. It seems that the journey inside seems to be extremely thrilling. ."

  Zhouyou said with a smile: "Sometimes it is indeed a near-death experience. A dangerous place like the Tianji Mountains is indeed well-deserved. Fortunately, my master once took me there once, and I was able to escape safely with some understanding."

  Gu Yan nodded, then cupped his hands again, and said, "I will go back to my hometown, and maybe I will go overseas for a while, see you by fate!"

   When they reached a level like theirs, they would no longer be mothers-in-law and say so many goodbyes. After Gu Yan said goodbye, he took everyone up and flew south.

   She went all the way to the southeast, and the speed of the flight was not too urgent. After two days, she arrived at the ferry that she passed through when she first came to Lodi.

  The Taihua Mountain in the distance has been razed to the ground at this time. Gu Yan looked at it and couldn't help but sigh. On this pier, people were still coming and going at this time, and it looked like the original scenery. This place has gone through hundreds of years, but it seems that nothing has changed.

  Gu Yan stayed here for half a day, felling trees and making boats, and then set off from the cross to the sea, all the way to the south.

The reason why she didn't choose to fly all the way down is because Zhou You said that Du Que and others were also walking by sea, and she didn't want to be too conspicuous. It is really shocking in China. Gu Yan's trip was just to go back to his hometown and go to the Red Leaf Valley of Qingyun Mountain to have a look, and he didn't want to cause other troubles.

She drove a small boat all the way south, and she was walking on the old road of the year. That time, after building the foundation, she drove the boat back south, and it took a full half a year to reach the country of Yue, and this time she had to Much easier.

  Lin Ying and Yue Yu are still good friends, Yan Huan and Mo Zichen, all of them grew up on the Cangwu Continent in their entire lives, and have never seen the magnificent waves of the sea.

It's just the coastal waters of Shenzhou. Compared with the South China Sea in Cangwu, it's really not worth mentioning. Gu Yan didn't want to watch the scenery along the way too much. That kind of An Ran state of mind, for Gu Yan, who has experienced countless life-and-death struggles in Cangwu, this journey has undoubtedly raised her state of mind again. Killing and killing, before she knew it, Gu Yan's state of mind had already advanced, and she was almost able to match her cultivation at the peak of Yuanzhong.

She walked slowly along the way, which took about two months. Although she saw countless monsters and those evil cultivators who wanted to rob, Gu Yan did not once. She just acted as a bystander, calmly watching the situation change, but Yan Huan and others were very skillful, and she shot away a lot of people who came to ask for trouble. So later, when the monks along the coast saw the small boat floating, they all avoided it, which made Yan Huan feel lonely. It was only a matter of regret for Gu Yan. On the way, he didn't hear news from Du Qu and others.

   After laughing all the way, she finally arrived at the border of Yue Kingdom. After hundreds of years, Gu Yan was born and died countless times, got countless opportunities, changed things in the world several times, and died several times in her life, and she finally came back here. That piece of beach still remained there, as if it had not changed since ancient times.

  Gu Yan stood here quietly, looking at the endless white sand in front of her, she suddenly realized that no matter how the world changes, only this world, the mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon, and the stars remain unchanged.

   She raised her head and looked into the distance. Under the cover of green mountains and rivers, that area was the hometown where she was born and grew up. Gu Yan smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go!"

   (end of this chapter)

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