Immortal Formula

Chapter 997: hometown

   Chapter 997 Hometown

   Seeing Gu Yan's somewhat excited expression, Lin Ying and Yue Yu looked at each other and felt a little strange in their hearts. They have been with Gu Yan for decades, and they have a good understanding of this master's temperament. She is tenacious and unmoved by external things. Although it has been hundreds of years since he left his hometown, it seems that he should not be so excited.

   Only Yan Huan, looking at Gu Yan's back, felt something in his heart. He probably guessed Gu Yan's state, and now she is in a state of change. She is trying to let go of her heart and quietly feel the changes in this great world and the passage of time in the state of an ordinary person. Joining the world from being born, and being born from joining the world, this is a mysterious realm that can only be experienced by reaching their realm. Yan Huan himself is just a glimpse of the leopard.

Mo Zichen followed Gu Yan quietly. On the way, she still had a quiet temperament. She only practiced the exercises that Gu Yan taught him every day. A few months ago, she was in a boat in the sea , she has quietly successfully established the foundation, and now is the time to stabilize the realm.

   The four of them followed closely behind Gu Yan, all the way towards her hometown. Gu Yan seemed to be quite interested, she suddenly stopped, pointed at a big rock and said, "Yingzi, do you know? Back then, your father and I used to play under this big rock and catch fish and shrimp here together. , salvage shells."

  Lin Ying listened, and if he realized something, he walked to the big rock and bowed respectfully.

   At this moment, Yue Yu raised his head and looked into the distance, and said, "Master, did you live here back then? It doesn't seem to be a very remote place."

  Gu Yan said with a smile: "When I was still living here, it was just a remote fishing village with a dozen families. It must be because of the wars and turmoil in these young people that the population has gradually prospered."

  The country of Yue has experienced a coup d'état nearly a hundred years after she left here. Since then, the country has been peaceful. It is a natural port and faces the sea to the west. It is not surprising that it has gathered popularity.

She smiled and said, "It's densely populated, so my old residence must have been demolished for a long time. I think it should be there..." He stretched out his hand and pointed forward, suddenly a little surprised. In the direction of the barren village, there is a row of extremely grand buildings, and in the center is an ancestral hall, the fierce tiger is bright and incomparably tall. The ground is paved with water-milled blue bricks, and the inner court-style marble is inlaid on the ground. Around the ancestral hall, there are row upon row of houses. human trail. It seems that before this place, it was like the congregation of a large family, forming a huge village, but now they seem to have moved away, only the ancestral hall in the center, there are still incense offerings.

   Gu Yan was not surprised: "Why is this ancestral hall built in such a place?"

   It turns out that this ancestral hall was built just above Gu Yan's former residence, and its orientation completely envelops Gu Yan's former residence.

   Although they were only standing in the distance, the eyes of these people were very keen, Yue Yu had already pointed and said, "Master, look!"

In the middle and rear of the ancestral hall, there is a yard, which is very clean. There are several houses in the yard, which look outdated. All need to be clean, obviously being cleaned every day. Gu Yan knew at a glance that this was his old residence. Those houses were still built by his father, and the felt on them was laid and stitched by himself. Although they had been repaired many times, their appearance remained the same. unchanged.

   She couldn't help laughing, walked slowly, and said, "There must be someone here, let's go take a look!"

  Everyone walked slowly, and after a while, they reached the door of the ancestral hall. Gu Yan raised her hand, knocked lightly on the door knocker, and said, "Is there anyone here?"

Her voice fell, and from behind the door, an old man with gray hair who appeared to be about sixty years old walked out quickly, holding a large broom in his hand, as if he had just finished cleaning the courtyard .

   He saw Gu Yan's group of people with elegant and noble temperament, obviously not ordinary people, and there was a three-point politeness in his words, "This little brother, and these girls, are there any business here to visit?"

Gu Yan stepped forward with a smile. In the past few months, she has abandoned her identity as a cultivator, and completely treats herself as an ordinary person, and has never even made a move against the enemy. At this time, she faced this old man. , although she could see at a glance that he was a mortal, but her words still carried a sense of respect, "I am visiting from another place, my ancestors received the favor of the master here, remember her old residence is here. , so I came here to visit.”

   She raised her head, looked at the surrounding buildings, and said with some doubts: "It's just that I heard that this place was just a barren village. I don't know why, there has been such a big change?"

   The old man twisted his beard and laughed, "Presumably your ancestors also received the grace of the fairy back then, come here, come here as guests, please come in for a cup of tea."

   He was very enthusiastic and asked Gu Yan to enter a bamboo hut before the ancestral hall. This bamboo house is divided into three rooms, which are arranged with winding paths leading to secluded, very elegant.

Gu Yan and the others were seated, and the old man served tea before saying with a smile: "Hundreds of years ago, this place was indeed a barren village, but at that time there was also a big man who once served as a first-rank general in the imperial court. , lead the troops and horses across the world, and be amazed by the situation."

   Gu Yan gave Lin Ying a thoughtful look, and said with a smile, "So, which general built this ancestral hall?"

The old man waved his hand, "That's not true. I heard that the general has no descendants, but the owner of this ancestral hall is also considered to be of the same clan as the general, and all have the surname Lin. The residents of the barren village here, except for one The two people who came from outside were both surnamed Lin. The old grandfather Lin was very famous in the court. He was once named the only king with a different surname in the dynasty for hundreds of years. He fixed it."

The old man is obviously very talkative, and it seems that there are usually no outsiders here, so as soon as he started talking, he continued talking, without waiting for Gu Yan to answer, he continued: "When Mrs. Lin was young, he heard that The aptitude is not surprising, and even the school teacher at the time called him stupid. At that time, his grandmother brought him to this place, and more than ten families gathered, and it was very difficult to survive, but the old grandmother, Born into a wealthy family, she is very knowledgeable. Although she had a hard time, she still gathered Shuyou to read to the young old lady. She is a kind-hearted old man who likes to help others the most. After a few years, a female fairy flew here and said that this is her former residence. I am very grateful to Mrs. Tai for helping to clean the former residence. I gave Mrs. Tai two gold beads and a bottle of fairy. The family's elixir, as a gift. The days were very difficult at that time, and Mrs. Tai spent several years of extreme hardship with the two gold beads. The bottle of elixir was later eaten by Mrs. Lin. After eating the elixir, his wisdom was greatly improved. Since then, Wen Chengwu has finally done some illustrious deeds, and he has made great contributions in the chaos of the imperial court. Live to be one hundred and three years old, and then die peacefully."

He pointed to the ancestral hall: "This ancestral hall was built when the old man was alive. As the descendants of the Lin family, the cigarettes have been passed down for a long time. The General Lin also had a tablet enshrined here. The old residence of the fairy , there is a special person in charge of cleaning, and the incense continues to this day. The Lin family once settled here. When the family was most prosperous, there were a thousand people, and the cigarettes continued. This is the past hundred years, and the tide has gradually risen. The humidity was too heavy, so I moved to the city, and here I am the only old man who is responsible for the daily cleaning."

   After hearing his words, Gu Yan couldn't help laughing. When she returned to this place after the foundation was established, she did meet an old woman who helped her clean her old house. Gu Yan also showed some miracles at that time, and gave her two bottles of self-refining medicinal pills, but they were ordinary refining. It's just a tonic for qi into the body. Unexpectedly, it led to such a long story.

Seeing that the old man was stroking his long beard, she was about to give a lively speech on the heroic deeds of Mrs. Lin back then, she stood up with a smile and said, "The fairy of those days, did she leave a picture, my friend also shared with Lin back then. The general is old, and his spiritual seat is here, and I also want to go to worship."

The old man was interrupted, stunned for a moment, and then said: "That female fairy and Mrs. Tai only glanced at the time. Later, according to Mrs. Tai's description, Mrs. Lin painted a portrait and put it in the ancestral hall. As for Lin Da The ranking of generals is also in there, everyone, please come with me!"

   He led the crowd into the ancestral hall, and sure enough, there were countless rankings, there were hundreds of them, and it was obvious that the Lin family had indeed become a large and flourishing family over the years.

   There is a portrait hanging in the center. The painting is of a girl with indifferent eyebrows, elegant and graceful. She raised her head to the sky, as if she was about to fly through the air. Lin Huzi's ranking was enshrined not far from the portrait. Gu Yan took Lin Ying and walked forward. She stood in front of the spiritual seat and prayed silently, while Lin Ying respectfully saluted.

   After finishing things, Gu Yan said, "Okay, let's go!"

  Yue Yu said stunned: "Master didn't go to your old residence to have a look?"

Gu Yan smiled and recited a verse: "Your heart rises and falls, where you are uneasy, let's go!" She nodded slightly to the old man, "To make the ancestor's house be kind, it should be blessed and long, thank you!" Jin Xia flashed, and everyone was gone.

  The old man was stunned for a while, then suddenly fell to the ground and shouted, "Immortal!"

   (end of this chapter)

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