Immortal Mansion Longevity

Chapter 420: Not my hometown (please subscribe!!)

   Chapter 420 It's not my hometown (please subscribe!!)

   "Even if an earth-shattering accident does happen, it's something that the sect has to consider. You just need to save your life."

   "With the current strength and the Immortal Mansion in hand, where can't you be safe?"

  Thinking about this, Liu Yu smiled slightly.

   Then she looked at Leng Yuexin who came over, her face was straight, and she began to ask about the casualties.

   "Senior Brother Qingyang, 19 cultivators in the Qi refining period were killed or injured in this battle, and 32 were lightly or seriously injured."

   "Among them, three of the sect disciples died."

   "As for the foundation-building fellows, none of them died, but a few suffered injuries of varying severity."

   Leng Yuexin threw her hands over her hands and reported in 1510.

  Although she has always been rejected by other monks because of her magical practice, her personality is not extreme.

   The relationship with other monks is relatively cold, but there is no problem with normal communication.

  Because of her good strength and her status as a disciple of Yuanyang Sect, few monks would provoke this woman.

   So deal with some things and do a good job.


  Liu Yu nodded lightly, and then inquired about some specific situations.

  Although he seldom intervenes in specific commands, he still needs to know what he needs to know, otherwise he may be deceived by his subordinates due to lack of key information.

  Thousands of miles will collapse in the ant's nest, and this aspect cannot be avoided.

   So every time Jiang Qiushui, Leng Yuexin and others were summoned, Liu Yu would ask about the specific situation and learn more about the situation in the team.

   This level of casualties is expected, he is not surprised and can accept it.

   After all, the cultivator of Baiyunguan is not weak, and he is desperately under the threat of life and death. Even if he has the advantage, he cannot be unscathed.

   "Junior Sister Leng did a great job."

   "Ryu already knows the specific situation, and according to the injured monk, he will leave it to Junior Sister Leng to handle it."

   "Be sure to place them properly, and don't let your colleagues chill."

   After learning about the situation, Liu Yu ordered.


   "Yuexin will definitely live up to Senior Brother Qingyang's high hopes!"

   Leng Yue gave up her hands with a heavy heart and said immediately.

   She was struggling in the sect, and she finally had an opportunity to improve her situation, of course she didn’t want to miss it easily.

   Therefore, this woman has always been more attentive to what Liu Yu arranged.


   Liu Yu waved his hand, signaling the woman to step back.

   Leng Yuexin nodded slightly, turned and walked towards the area where the disciples were resting not far away.

   In the hazy night, her bright red long hair was exceptionally eye-catching.

  The flames are burning, and the smoke is rising.

   Within dozens of miles of Yunxiao Mountain, there are ruins and broken walls everywhere, and everything is devastated.

   On the Lingshan Mountain, which is straight into the sky, the flag representing the White Cloud View has fallen.

   represents the flags of Yuanyangzong, Waning Moon Valley, and Hehuanmen, and they are listed in their original positions.

   Liu Yu put his hands behind him and looked at the scene after the war.

   Gradually, the mind that was originally tense because of the fighting skills relaxed, and returned to the state of no waves in the ancient well.

   He stayed quietly where he was, taking out two middle-grade spirit stones to restore his mana, while waiting for the elders to summon him.

   Immortal cultivators have good hands-on ability and are assisted by various spells. As long as they are willing, it is naturally impossible to use the sky as the bed and the earth as the bed.

   Less than two quarters of an hour after the end of the war, there were shabby wooden houses that stood up and stretched out on top of the ruins.

   As a winner, you can do whatever you want, tall ancient trees can be cut down arbitrarily, and the number of simple wooden houses is still increasing.

   After all, cultivating immortals is a very private matter, and not many cultivators are willing to let other cultivators know about their own situation.

  Barbarism and civilization are really staged in front of us, but they are so harmonious.

  Liu Yu looked around and saw that the three cultivators were clearly divided into three areas without interfering with each other.

  Although because of the order of the alliance, the three sects united for a short time and perished the White Cloud View.

   But to say how good the relationship is, it is not necessarily.

   At least in the eyes of Liu Yu and other Yuanyang sect cultivators, the Hehuan Sect is still a hostile sect, and there will be no change.

   And the traditional ally of the waning moon valley, it is better to say a little.

   But the huge legacy left by Baiyunguan is in front of us. Whether this ally is an ally or not is a matter of two things.

   At this time, the war was basically over, and the three sects maintained a good order as a whole, and there was no chaos.

  Most of the monks from the three sects stayed at the foot of the mountain to camp and rest. Only a small number of monks could, under the leadership of the senior leaders of the three sects, climb the Yunxiao Mountain to count their property.

   While observing the situation, while restoring mana, time gradually passed.

   Until half an hour later, the mana was restored to perfection, and there was still no order from the sect, and there was no news from the cheap master.

   "It seems that although I have a strong root and a red seedlings, I can't be regarded as a true sect master right now."

   Liu Yu gave a wry smile.

   He witnessed Zao Wou-Ki, Bai Yuxuan, Li Buyu, Zhou Zhuofeng and other sect true biography, not long ago climbed Yunxiao Mountain, but he still stayed at the foot of the mountain.

   In the eyes of the senior sect, it is clear at a glance which of the two weights is more important.


   "It's only been about thirty years since I built the foundation."

   "Although his reputation is rising now and he has shown good potential, he has not given too much credit, and the time he has served for the sect is too short."

   "After all, the foundation is still shallow."

   Liu Yu quickly figured out the reason, but being treated so differently still felt a little uncomfortable.

   "Hopefully, with the credit for this time, I can do it well after I go back, and I can be promoted to True Inheritance."

   He turned and walked towards a large wooden house.

  Since you can’t wait, you can’t wait.

   Anyway, some resources are just in exchange for spirit stones, and he is not short of spirit stones now.

  We have both strength and resources, and there will be opportunities to slowly climb up in the future.

  Jiang Qiushui was very careful, and he personally directed the construction of a wooden house for Liu Yu, which was equally simple but relatively spacious.

   waved his hand to arrange a second-order mid-rank formation, to ensure a certain degree of protection, and at the same time, other monks' spiritual senses could not be snooped.

   It’s not that there is no second-order high-grade formation in his storage bag, but carrying a second-grade high-grade formation with him is too high-profile, so he doesn’t plan to take it out in front of everyone’s eyes.

   Taking out the futon and sitting cross-legged, Liu Yu took a book explaining the release of spells and slowly looked through it.

   In this situation, he may accept orders from the sect at any time, and is not suitable for cultivation.

   In addition, this second-order mid-grade array method can block the spiritual prying of cultivators of the same realm, but it is difficult to say that it has a certain blocking effect on the spiritual scanning of those top-level Jindan real people.

  Liu Yu has too many secrets, but he doesn't want to be known by the high-level monks in the situation when he was cultivating.

   Therefore, when I was under the nose of a high-level cultivator, I didn't plan to cultivate. Anyway, I didn't rush to cultivate for a while, and safety was the most important thing.

   His attention was quickly immersed in the magic books, and he was fascinated by the knowledge of cultivating immortals.

  's rich experience allows him to understand the contents of the classics more easily, and to know many small details that he hadn't noticed before.

   In the past, the places where I was struggling to understand, I also realized one by one, and gave birth to a lot of my own insights.

   If it weren't for the inappropriate venue, Liu Yu immediately wanted to try it out.

  Resources include tangible resources and intangible resources, elixir spirit stones, medicinal herb raw materials, magic tools and spirit tools, etc., which belong to tangible resources.

   And exercises, secret techniques, classics, experience, etc. are intangible resources.

   Neither is better or worse, it depends on the specific situation, but both are indispensable.

   In addition to the harvest of tangible resources such as spirit stones, Liu Yu has also gained a lot from destroying many large and small forces and killing countless monks, and intangible resources such as kung fu books.

   He attaches great importance to these exercises and books, and will keep those that are of little use, ready to read them from time to time.

  If the conditions are right, Liu Yu also wants to build a "library room", which contains various books that he has collected.


   On the other side, on Yunxiao Mountain.

   After arguing for a period of time, the three Jindan monks finally reached a preliminary consensus and made a preliminary division of interests.

   Commanded the disciples to count the income, and the top three golden cores gathered together to discuss the treatment of the captives of Baiyun Temple.

   People with "hard bones" naturally have "soft bones".

  Under the crisis of life and death, most cultivators in Baiyun Temple would rather die than become prisoners, but there are also a small number of people who are greedy for life and fear death, and choose to surrender in order to save their lives.

   "What do you think, Daoist Changfeng, about these captives?"

   Sanjie Sanjie, with a shiny bald head and a red robe, spoke with great interest.

   After finishing his words, he did not wait for Master Changfeng to reply, and then continued:

   "According to a certain family, among these prisoners, there are also many juniors with good qualifications."

   "It's really a waste if it is handled hastily."

   "Why don't I divide it into parts, absorb it into the sect, and demote it to the servants as cattle and horses?"

   Sanjie real person smiled, but there was a hidden plan in his words.

   Of course he knew the news of the damage to the source of Jin Dan, the real person of Changfeng, because of the breach of contract by Baiyunguan, but he deliberately did not mention it.

  The Acacia Gate is hostile to Yuanyang Sect, and their relationship with these Jindan cultivators is also hostile, so there is an opportunity to disgust each other, of course not to be missed.


   "You bald head sounds nice."

   "It's impossible to forget the revenge of the sect. The Taoist friends use these captive monks, I'm afraid that the backyard will catch fire!"

   "When the time comes, it's really a good show. When Daoists watch it, don't forget to inform me."

   "However, this kind of thing happens often in Hehuanmen, and it's not a big deal if you think about it."

After    coldly snorted, Master Changfeng responded unceremoniously, not giving the other party any face at all.

   For a while, the two sneered at each other.

   A lot of nasty words were spoken, and the scene became tense. How could there be any demeanor of Jin Dan?

   "Wait a minute, two fellow Daoists, and listen to me."

   "I agree with Daoist Changfeng's statement that it is best to deal with all these Baiyunguan captives."

   "The feud of destroying the sect is not shared by the sky, and it will be a disaster to keep it sooner or later."

   "The potential threat is greater than their role, so staying is not advisable."

   Real Chongxuan interrupted the argument between the two and interjected.

   As soon as these words came out, the field suddenly became quiet.

   Master Changfeng had a smile on his face, while Master Sanjie had a displeased expression on his face, but he snorted and did not speak.

The fact that    is two to one is in front of us, and it is useless to say it now.

   Master Chongxuan also had a smile on his face. The reason why he stood at the step of Master Changfeng was not because of the alliance between the two sects, but because of the interests of his own sect.

  Otherwise, when we were arguing, it would be time to join in.


  An hour later, at the foot of Yunxiao Mountain.

   Liu Yu was flipping through the books in the wooden house, and suddenly felt a wave of the array that was arranged, so he opened the array calmly.

   A cold female cultivator in a purple dress walked in gently with Lianbu.

   It is Jiang Qiushui!

   "Senior brother."

   After saying hello, the woman sat next to her and said:

   "Qiu Shui brought the cultivators of this battle team and killed the enemy cultivators. Do you need to take a look at the situation?"

   "This is the list. If there is no problem with Senior Brother, then submit it according to this list?"

   said, she took out a thin booklet.

  Liu Yu didn't say a word, took the booklet and flipped through it, nodding slightly from time to time to express his satisfaction.

  This list of applications to the sect has naturally many things that can be done.

   For example, you can slightly exaggerate the credit of the confidants and the cultivators who are close to you, while those cultivators who are more indifferent to you can get the credit down.

   This one comes and goes, and the gap is huge.

   Everyone has a distinction between close and distant. Although Liu Yu treats him equally on the surface, he treats his cronies and sect disciples more preferentially.

   It’s just that compared to many teams, it’s not so obvious on the surface, and it’s easier to accept.

  Similar things, Jiang Qiushui has done it many times, he understands the thoughts of his brother very well, and this list basically satisfied him.

   So he no longer hesitated and left his own mana mark.

   "Senior brother, the two countries are basically destroyed, the war in the immortal world should be over soon?!"

   "Then, can we return to the sect soon?!"

   After talking about the business, Jiang Qiushui asked with wide eyes, a faint longing in his eyebrows.

   Liangyuan is good, but it is not my hometown!

  Although she is like a duck to water here, and she is considered a high-ranking authority, but after a long time, she still wants to return to the sect.

  Jiang Qiushui is also a disciple from another courtyard. She grew up in the sect, and for her, the sect is home.

   After a long time away from home, any cultivator will inevitably miss it. This is human nature.

   "At the moment, the state of Yan has been decided, and the three sects have divided all the sites of Baiyunguan, and the situation has not completely stabilized."

   "The sect needs manpower to maintain the interests it already has. Even if the war is over, it is impossible to withdraw all the disciples."

   "I'm afraid that Junior Sister will have to wait a year or two if she wants to return to the sect."

   "But sooner or later, I will go back. I just stayed here for a few years, so don't worry, Junior Sister."

   Liu Yu patted her shoulder lightly and comforted.

  It's normal for female nuns to be more sentimental than male nuns, he can understand.

  Because of the environment, neither of them had the heart to think about "that thing", so after chatting for a while, Jiang Qiushui said goodbye and left.

   (end of this chapter)

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