Immortal Mansion Longevity

Chapter 421: See the first dream again (please subscribe)

   Chapter 421 Seeing the first dream again (please subscribe)

   Liu Yu calmly flipped through the spell books, waiting patiently for the Zongmen order to arrive.

   Now that the war in the Yan Kingdom has been decided, the rest is to deal with the aftermath, and there should be no more major wars.

   In the aftermath, the leaders of Qingfeng may or may not need to participate.

   It all depends on whether the elders value it.

   Liu Yu has nothing to do with it.

  Since the general situation has been set, there will not be too much risk in the country of Yan, so it is the same wherever you practice.

   On the contrary, in this sect enclave, it can be more "free".

   There is no need to worry about the spiritual land. With his current strength and position, it is not a problem to occupy a second-order top-grade spiritual mountain.

   And Liu Yu also had a vague idea. Outside of the sect, it was better to cultivate his own power and let go of his hands and feet.

   However, it is also beneficial to return to the sect as soon as possible. After all, the sect is much safer and more stable, so there is no need to worry about sudden danger.

   No matter where he goes, he can accept it, and there is no situation where he has to worry about gains and losses, and his heart is very peaceful.


   immersed in the ocean of knowledge of cultivating immortals, and the night passed quickly.

   The next day, noon.

   Liu Yu put down the ancient book in his hand, and was about to use his magic power to warm up a few spiritual tools, but suddenly there was movement from the storage bag.


   He secretly said in his heart, quickly took out the sect token, and sank his consciousness into it to check.

  As Liu Yu thought, this is exactly what the three sects united.

   Order all monks who have cultivated above the foundation period to go to a hall in the original Baiyun Temple to discuss matters.

   After receiving the message, Liu Yu got up quickly, opened the formation and went out.

   Outside the wooden house, Jiang Qiushui, Leng Yuexin and others were already waiting.

   Wei Guang was waiting for the cultivator who later took refuge, and he was talking with the two women around him, and from time to time he said a word or two of flattery.

   In the distance, there are also cultivators in the team coming here.

   It can be seen that these local forces of Yan State headed by Wei Guangzheng are still a little uneasy at this time.

   After all, abandoning the old club and taking refuge in the new club, the morality is indeed a bit unpleasant.

   And I still don’t know the new owner, how will they treat them in the future, of course at this time it’s up and down.

   "Qingyang Taoist Friends"

   "Liu Daoyou"

   Seeing Liu Yu's appearance, Wei Guangzheng and others stepped forward and bowed their hands one after another, greeting with a smile, with a very enthusiastic attitude.

  Under the circumstance that they don’t know enough about Yuanyang Sect, Yuanyang Sect also doesn’t know enough about them.

   At this time, Liu Yu became very important.

  Wei Guangzheng and others need a cultivator who can help them speak in the sect and protect their existing interests.

   And this monk, there is no more suitable person than Liu Yu.

   First of all, they came to the Yuanyang Sect through Liu Yu's channel, and the relationship between the two sides was naturally "closer".

   Secondly, Liu Yu's weight is heavy enough, and in the eyes of these monks, he has enough right to speak.

  Because the contact time was too short, and they didn't know other monks, they didn't have much choice.

  Because of this, after the war, the team lost its meaning of existence and would disband soon, but they were as respectful as ever.

   "You, fellow Daoists, don't be polite."

   "Since you are summoned at the sect, you can go there by yourself, you don't have to wait for Liu."

  Liu Yu didn't care about the elders, he greeted the fellow cultivators, and then said with a smile.

   He was well aware of the thoughts of these monks.

   But if you can have one more subordinate or friend, why refuse it with a cold face?

   "The team has not been disbanded yet, and we still follow the leadership of fellow Taoists."

   "I'm used to listening to Daoist Qingyang's instructions, and it's a little hard to change."

   These are more subtle words, euphemistically expressing the meaning of long-term friendship.

   "The Taoist friends of Qingyang are well-known, and the old man is very convincing. I hope that only Taoist friends will follow suit!"

   These are the words of Wei Guangzheng.

  This old and mature old fritters survived the fierce battle and became the most senior "leader".

  Because of a lot of benefits, the Wei family is a staunch supporter of Liu Yu and has always been able to put himself in his place.

  In the battle of Yan Kingdom, the Wei family not only did not decline, but instead gained benefits that were enough to make many monks jealous.

   is an outright vested interest.

   To get so many benefits, in addition to the reason for buying horse bones, the credit of the Wei family itself is also extremely important.

   Of course, what satisfied Liu Yu most was his attitude.

   The two maids, Yingge Yanwu, who brought tea and water, only accounted for a small factor.

  beautiful, can't shake his position in the slightest.

   "Easy to say, easy to say."

   "Since all the fellow Daoists have raised it, let's go together."


   Liu Yu said in a loud voice, and walked ahead of the pack, Jiang Qiushui and Leng Yuexin walked side by side with him.

   Wei Guangzheng and others were half a step behind.

   "Old Demon Qingyang?!"

   "This person is unremarkable and looks nothing more than that. Could it be that the rumors are just groundless speculation by Yuanyang Sect?"

The group of    walked mightily to the top of Yunxiao Mountain, which attracted the attention of other monks, some monks talked a lot, and there was no lack of malicious speculations by the other two monks.

   However, the attention of most monks was quickly drawn to other more famous figures.

   From the simple wooden houses everywhere, monks kept coming out and going up to Yunxiao Mountain.

   Among them, there are many famous monks, as well as top figures in the foundation-building period.

   Such as the "Three Heroes and Four Heroes" of Yuanyangzong, the "Six Sons of Hehuan" from Hehuanmen, and the "Seven Swords of the Waning Moon" from the Waning Moon Valley.

   As soon as these monks appear, they can cause bursts of exclamations, and they have a lot of influence among low-level monks.

   Although Liu Yu has enough prestige in his own team, his influence on the sect disciples outside the team is very limited.

   Compared with the influence of the three heroes and four heroes, it is still far inferior.

   In this regard, there is still a long way to go.

   Liu Yu looked at this scene thoughtfully, but kept walking, walking up the mountain quickly.

   As he passed the ruins, where the original Baiyunguan Patriarch's Hall was, he saw hundreds of Baiyunguan disciples kneeling on the ground.

   The mana of these captives has been sealed and cannot be used half a point. Except for the physical strength, other aspects are not much different from mortals.

   To the monks guarding them, they were like lambs to be slaughtered, with no resistance at all.

   At this time, these prisoners looked low and worried.

   Although he is not wearing shackles and handcuffs, he is a de facto "prisoner".


  Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded.

  A guard monk shot without warning, driving the magic weapon to slash at the head of a captive, with a hint of frenzy on his face.

  The corpse fell to the ground with a thud, and the bright red blood flowed quietly.

   As if a certain signal was released, the guard monks of the three sects took action one after another, and the imperial instruments began to slaughter.

  The cultivator of Baiyunguan, who was banned from mana, had no resistance, and fell to the ground in large numbers under the sharpness of the magic weapon, and the screams came one after another.

   is like cutting rice, the sickle is gently waved, and the rice falls in a large piece.

   Looking at this scene, Liu Yu who was walking suddenly stopped, frowning slightly.

   Of course he didn't feel sympathy, he just felt that this way of dealing with it was really too wasteful.

   gave Jiang Qiushui a wink, and the woman immediately understood, and immediately called a guarded sect disciple and began to ask the reason.

   "Report to Uncle Qi, this is the order of the elders, and the disciples just act according to the order."

   "The disciples and other guards received orders from the elders of their respective sects to execute all these Baiyunguan captives."

The guard disciple who    called over, saw that it was a foundation-building master, and immediately answered honestly.

   Liu Yu frowned, waved his hand to let the disciple leave, and moved on.


   "Hundreds of qi-refining cultivators can still have thirty to fifty degrees of fuel."

   He is a frugal man, and he sincerely regrets the waste of fuel.

   But these captives are the property of the three sects, even if they become corpses.

   If Liu Yu rashly burns with magic fire, his behavior would be considered to be "enriching his own pockets".

  Unless you have consulted the elders, there will be a lot of trouble in the follow-up.

   The main thing is to be safe, so he finally put out this tempting idea.


   Liu Yu sighed with regret and moved on.


   Behind him, screams continued.

   But under the efficient killing of the guard monks, it soon became sparse, slowly becoming inaudible, and finally there was only silence.

   Pools of blood pooled together, dyed the ground reddish-blue, looking shocking.

  Perhaps, these monks from Baiyunguan who chose to surrender and were captured, would feel remorse at the moment before they died.

  Since both sides are dead, why not choose vigorous?

  Since death is unavoidable, then it is as if the grace and righteousness have been fulfilled, and a happy death in battle!

   Hearing the screams that sounded and disappeared, Jiang Qiushui, Leng Yuexin, Wei Guangzheng and others did not fluctuate.

  Death, I have seen too much in the past two years, and there is no mercy for these unrelated white cloud monks.

   Even Jiang Qiushui, who had little experience in this area, has experienced too much in two or three years, and he is already used to it.


   Walk along the road that has been initially cleared, and walk through the ruins of collapsed buildings.

   Not long after, a group of people stopped in front of an antique and solemn hall.

  This hall occupies a very wide area, with length, width and height of several tens of feet in size, and the overall architectural style is biased towards Taoism.

  The main halls are all made of materials that are enough to make magic instruments. The surface is bronze and there are many Taoist "immortal statues" carved on the four walls, which have been passed down as legends forever.

   Around the corners, there are also huge bronze pillars, which add a bit of solemnity to the hall.

   Ordinary monks will inevitably feel a little small when facing such a huge, empty and solemn hall.

   "Zhengqing Hall"

From the side of   , a crisp voice came, and Jiang Qiushui read out the name of this temple.

  Zhengqing Hall is the high-level meeting place of Baiyun Temple. It is guarded by a formation and has been less affected, so it is still intact.

After    destroyed the White Cloud Temple, the three sects used this temple as a temporary meeting place.

   Liu Yu glanced at the plaque, without any fluctuations in his heart, and led the cultivators into it.

   At a glance, the scene in the hall can be seen.

   On the main seat above the main hall, there were three top-notch Jindan cultivators sitting impressively.

   It is the real Changfeng, the real Sanjie, and the real Chongxuan.

  The three real people closed their eyes and fell asleep, and the atmosphere was a little subtle.

Below   , thousands of foundation-building cultivators were clearly divided into three groups based on sects.

   Each large group is divided into small groups, keeping a certain distance from each other.

   "Bai Yuxuan", "Zao Wou-Ki", "Li Buyu", "Zhou Zhuofeng"

Among the thousands of foundation-building cultivators, Liu Yu saw many familiar figures.

   It is extremely rude to stare at an unfamiliar monk all the time.

   He didn't look too much, took Jiang Qiushui, Leng Yuexin and others to find an unoccupied area to stand.

   Twenty foundation-building cultivators stood together, like another small group, with signs of self-contained unity.

   "Junior Brother Liu."

   A slightly cold female voice came from his ear.

   Liu Yu turned his head to look and saw a female nun in a silver uniform, who was it if it wasn't the eldest sister Li Buyu?

   After saying a few words to Jiang Qiushui, he walked towards Li Buyu and cupped his hands:

   "I have seen Senior Sister."

   Looking at this little junior brother, Li Buyu's frosty face showed a slight smile, saying:

   "You are still so polite."

   "Junior brother came just in time, let me introduce to you, these are the leaders of this sect."

   "Between the same family, you should get to know each other well."

"Who is this"

  Li Buyu released his goodwill, changed his arrogant appearance when we first met, and introduced a famous fellow from Zhuji.

   Indeed, as she said, she is considered a "best in class".

The    cultivation base is generally high, and there are not a few people in the late stage of foundation establishment. Compared with those Liu Yu knew as an alchemist, the level is obviously higher.

  Liu Yu was very kind. Under the introduction of Li Buyu, he met a famous monk and greeted him politely.

   Now he has indeed reached this level.

   Whether it is with the fierce power of "Old Demon Qingyang" or the credit of "Qingyangzi", it is completely enough.

   Even if Li Buyu did not introduce them, these monks would get acquainted sooner or later.

   Liu Yu was able to become the leader of the Qingfeng team, and he had the reputation of Qingyang Old Demon. In the eyes of these sect leaders, he was indeed barely considered a figure.

   All of this communication went very smoothly, and there was no slap in the face.

   "I have seen. Senior Sister Bai."

   "Liu's dialogue with Senior Sister Bai has been famous for a long time."

   Liu Yu paused for a while, a trace of unnaturalness flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and his expression was as usual.

   The female cultivator in white clothes Shengxue was the one he had dreamed of in his dreams when he was a boy.

  If I remember correctly, the last time we met was in the Zongmen Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

When    was just promoted to Foundation Establishment, twenty or thirty years ago.

   "Junior Brother Liu."

  Bai Yuxuan was not too enthusiastic, just nodded modestly and said hello.

   She looked at the unremarkable classmate in front of her, and a trace of curiosity flashed in her eyes.

   In less than 30 years, he has grown from a newly promoted foundation-building practice to his current state, and looking at his breath, he is not far from the mid-term peak.

   What is even more rare is that he can also become one of the leaders of Qingfeng, and can do many things that his peers in the later stage of Foundation Establishment could not do.

  Bai Yuxuan didn't ask any more questions, although she was a little curious.

   She is a traditional female cultivator, with a reserved or indifferent personality. She abides by the great defense between men and women, and will not get too close to male cultivators.

   He will not go to ask people's private affairs just because of a few interviews.

   The two just chatted for a few words, and Liu Yu, under the introduction of Li Buyu, got to know each other with another fellow of Zhuji.

   At this time, his heart was as calm as water.

   Thank you Shuyou Ai Life Ai Yifei for the reward of 1500 points!



   (end of this chapter)

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