Immortal Mansion Longevity

Chapter 422: Alliance changes (for book friends-14640256-leader congratulations

   Chapter 422 Alliance Changes

   "A Brief Introduction to Magic Cultivation" brought too many changes, which opened a door for Liu Yu and saw a different scenery.

   Compared to the first time, it is indeed beyond recognition.

   But do you regret it?

not regret!

   Liu Yu does not regret this change.

  Without the guidance of "The Guide to Demon Cultivation", in this cruel world of immortal cultivation, he would probably have died in an "accident".

   This book has benefited Liu Yu a lot, and he is no longer the boy he used to be.

  Recalling the admiration for "Lengyue Fairy" at the beginning, now I really feel a little naive and ridiculous, but somehow I still miss it.

   That is a teenage dream!

   But although I miss it, Liu Yu will not really do anything.

   Despite his current status, he already has the opportunity to realize his dream.

   There are not a lot of female nuns around him now. Not only have he developed a close relationship with Jiang Qiushui and Ji Ruyan, but the two women have also become his assistants and have the potential to become his right-hand man in the future.

   It’s not just about physical pleasure, it’s a long-term consideration.

   At this time, it is very irrational to provoke female nuns and talk about the relationship between men and women.

   The cultivation base in the later stage of foundation establishment only gave Liu Yu a little self-preservation in this world.

   But he is still a chess piece, far from being able to do whatever he wants.

  Under the introduction of Li Buyu, he calmly got to know someone with the same name, and Liu Yu handled it with ease.

   In the black pupils,

   shimmers rational luster.


   It didn’t take long for this brief introduction to be completed.

   Liu Yu returned to his original position, joined Jiang Qiushui and others, and quietly waited for the start of the three joint conferences.

   After a quarter of an hour, as the eyes of the three Jindan real people above opened, the hall of Zhengqing quickly became quiet.

  Liu Yu is only a rough count, and it is estimated that there are at least a thousand foundation-building cultivators in the temple.

   At this moment, the real Chongxuan above spoke up.

  "I am under the order of the Alliance"

  Zhongxuan Zhenren's opening is very standard. At the beginning, he first stated the position of the three sects. He was the "justice teacher" who was ordered by the Nine Nations League to eliminate rebellion.

   Then briefly explained the merits of the three schools, as well as the merits of the various cultivators in the temple, and named and praised some cultivators who had performed well.

   For example, a monk who performed very well in the battle of Xiancheng.

   "Three years overdue, and the rebellion of Baiyunguan was finally extinguished. All of you here have contributed greatly."

   Real Chongxuan's rich voice echoed in the huge space in the hall.

   Counting down the sins of Baiyunguan, and the credits of one's own side, there is a magical sense of ritual.

The foundation-building cultivators below    no matter what they were thinking, their faces were all listening.

   Liu Yu listened carefully, not missing a word, but there was no turbulence in his heart.

   It seems that I heard something, and it seems that I haven't heard anything.

   What this real person said is too "official". In the eyes of real Chongxuan, Baiyun Temple has completely become an "evil" sect.

  Some unwarranted charges were also arranged at this time.

  There are various things wrong with the White Cloud View. There is exploitation and suppression of the small and medium forces below, and the living space of loose cultivators is constantly being compressed.

   But if it is replaced by the rule of three sects, the situation will not change much.

   It’s just that this land has changed its owner.

  Qingzhou under the rule of Yuanyangzong, how is the situation similar to that of Youzhou and Bingzhou?

   This point, Liu Yu has a clear understanding.

   Justice? evil?

   There is no absolute justice and evil, everything is just a matter of interest.

   Although some of the wording is relatively reluctant, but the **** decides the head, of course the three monks will not feel that there is anything wrong.

  The White Cloud View must be evil, it is not right.

   There is no doubt about this.

  Three sects as the righteous party to sweep away the "evil", in order to have enough legal principles to rule Youzhou and Bingzhou, and stabilize the territory and interests that have been obtained.

  Force can't do everything, it can lay down territory and gain benefits, but it can't achieve long-term stability.

  If you want long-term stability, it is better to use the name of righteousness.

   This is ridiculous, but true.

   After Master Chongxuan finished speaking, Master Sanjie of Hehuanmen spoke.

   The words spoken by this real person are similar to those of the real person Chongxuan, but they only emphasize the merits of the various cultivators, especially the merits of the disciples of the Hehuan Sect.

   In this way, the monks of the Hehuan Sect were happy, but the disciples of the other two sects, especially the Yuanyang sect, were secretly dissatisfied.

   But no matter how dissatisfied, you can't contradict a real person who is at the peak of Jindan in public, and even rarely get angry.

After    Sanjie Zhenren, Changfeng Zhenren.

   Many Yuanyang Sect disciples counted on their uncle to speak, and they severely attacked the arrogance of Hehuanmen. Seeing this, they were all refreshed.

   However, contrary to his imagination, the real Changfeng did not say anything that exalted or demeaned.

   Instead, an amazing news was announced in public!

   "The State of Yan and the State of Nan Yu have betrayed the Covenant of the Nine Kingdoms, and secretly connected with the righteous and the devil."

   is the beginning of the standard again, scolding the crimes of the two countries, which disappointed many monks.

   But then the real Changfeng bent down and bowed to the north, the conversation changed, and he continued with a very serious expression:

   "The latest order of the Alliance is now announced."

   "After discussion by the ancestors of the alliance, it was unanimously decided to revise the original covenant. From now on, the Nine Nations League will be officially changed to the Seven Nations League."

   The majestic voice of the real person Changfeng, which has endured in the hall for a long time, announced this heavy news.

   One stone creates a thousand waves!

   The monks in the hall were in an uproar when they heard the news, and they all felt incredible.

   The name of the Nine Nations League has lasted for tens of thousands of years and has not changed since its establishment.

During the    period, although some great powers declined, there were also new great powers joining in.

   It has always been the nine major powers that have the right to speak in the alliance. Now this pattern is about to change?

   This is unprecedented!

   In a trance, some monks seemed to feel a turbulent wave, overwhelming the sky.

   This is the wave of history!


   Liu Yu's face remained calm, but he was also extremely shocked in his heart.

   "Does this mean that after the events of Yan Kingdom and Nanyu Kingdom, the strength of the Nine Nations League has declined a lot."

   "Faced with both positive and demonic ways, I am even more passive."

   "Or is it a struggle for power within the alliance?!"

   Several thoughts flashed through his mind, but he still preferred the first one.

   First of all, the affairs of the Yan Kingdom and Nanyu Kingdom did not happen naturally under normal circumstances, but only resulted from the intervention of the righteous demons.

   If it is the normal rise and fall of great powers, there will be those that fall, and there will naturally be rising, and the overall strength will not change too much.

   But because of the intervention of the righteous devil, the Nine Nations Alliance must cut the mess quickly, otherwise the consequences will be more serious and endless.

   The sudden loss of the pillars of the two great powers can be said to be traumatic, and the decline of strength is normal.

   "And more importantly."

   "With the name of annihilating rebellion, Chu, Qi and other big countries have occupied a lot of interests in Yan and Nanyu."

   "It's almost impossible for several countries to spit out the fat they eat in their stomachs."

   "It is foreseeable that this incident will have a profound impact on the Nine Nations League, and it will be difficult to return to the past pattern."

   "It's an eventful time."

   Liu Yu sighed softly, giving birth to a sense of urgency.

   His sense of urgency is not without reason.

   After such a thing happened, can the various powers in the alliance still maintain the original calm?

   Seeing that the strength of other countries is increasing, can those big countries that have not gained enough benefits remain indifferent?

   The strength of the Nine Nations Alliance has been greatly reduced. Will the two righteous and demons take the opportunity to launch an invasion?

  Everything is still unknown.

  Liu Yu has the Immortal Mansion as the backing, as long as he has enough time, he is confident to become a high-level monk.

   But the current situation in Tiannan made him a little uneasy.

   If the era of stable cultivation is possible, it will be gone forever, which is definitely not what he wants to see.

   is just a mere cultivation base in the late stage of foundation building, what can be changed?

   Hearing the changes in the alliance suddenly, Liu Yu had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and the voices of discussions around him were endless.

  Most monks are a little worried about this.

   After all, the Nine Nations League, no, the strength of the Seven Nations League is there.

   was originally half a chip weaker than the two demons, and after this chaos, the overall strength gap will be even greater.

   But what are the thoughts of the foundation-building cultivators below, Master Changfeng continued to announce:

   "By the resolution of the Seven Nations League, the names of Yan State and Nanyu State were removed and divided into Yuan State and Lin State."

   "From now on, the State of Yan and the State of Nanyu will no longer exist."

   For this news, the cultivators in the hall had already guessed, but at this time it was not a big surprise.

  According to the real person Changfeng, the four continents in the east of the Yan Kingdom will be divided into five small states such as the Yuan state and the Lin state, while the four western continents will be divided up by the state of Qi.

   Yuan Kingdom was controlled by Yuan Yangzong.

   Most of them were Youzhou in the original Yan Kingdom, and a small part was Bingzhou. These sites actually controlled by the Yuanyang Sect became the territory of the new Yuan Kingdom.

  Lin State is the site actually controlled by Hehuanmen. It is located in the middle of the original You and Two Continents, and part of it borders the Yuan State.

   Liu Yu listened very carefully, and quickly understood the approximate scope of the "Yuan Kingdom".

   Coincidentally, the "Jinhua Mountain" and "Han Iron Mine" that were seized from Zhuo Mengzhen were located on the border of Yuan Kingdom and directly bordered with Lin Kingdom.

   aware of this, he was a little dumbfounded.

   "This time, the boundary monument that I set up by myself is afraid that it will become a thorn in the eyes of Hehuanmen, right?"

  Thinking about this, Liu Yu shook his head slightly.

   Things have become like this, so we can only take one step at a time. I just hope that Hehuanmen will find less trouble for itself.

  Besides, Jiang Qiushui had already taken out a paper map, and quickly marked it according to what Changfeng said.

   Seeing her brother looking over, she smiled brightly and moved.


   Liu Yu praised.

   This woman has always been more careful, which made him very satisfied.

  At this point in the conference, what should be said is almost finished, and it can basically be declared over.

After the    was over, the three Jindan real people went up and down and left quietly.

   As for how to govern the newly born small country, it is a matter of their respective sects, and naturally a matter of their own sects.

After    Jindan cultivator left, the foundation-building cultivators also left quickly and left the Zhengqing Hall in a mighty manner.


  The three sects meeting ended and left the Zhengqing Hall. Liu Yu returned to the station with all the cultivators and returned to the cabin.

  Yunxiao Mountain was breached by three sects, and Baiyun Temple declared its demise.

   But before the building collapses, there will always be a few foolish and loyal people, not to mention the Baiyun Temple that has been based on two continents for thousands of years?

   Therefore, there are still many "remainders" of Baiyun Temple active outside, who refuse to accept the reality and destroy the layout of the three sects in various places.

After    and the demise of Baiyunguan, the three sects finally freed up their main energy and could take care of the two continents.

   A famous base-building cultivator led a team to quickly dispatch, disappearing in all directions, to pacify the Quartet.

   There is even the coercion of a magic weapon, flashing around Yunxiao Mountain, this is the real Jin Dan.

   The arrangement of the sect should come down soon, Liu Yu waited patiently.

   "The promise of the demon's oath has been completed, and now there is no restraint, and you can do something to Song Haocang."

   "In order to prevent this person from leaving Youzhou suddenly, it is better to do it as soon as possible."

   "Wait one more day."

   "If the sect has not made arrangements after one day, find an excuse to leave Yunxiao Mountain and wipe out this hidden danger as soon as possible!"

In the    wooden house, Liu Yu's eyes flashed, and he had already made a decision.

   Through the imprint left by his divine sense, he could vaguely sense the person's position. Although the distance was a little far, he was still in Youzhou at this time.

   For some unknown reason, this person did not leave Youzhou directly.

   After thinking for a while, Liu Yu took out the Chiyan Pagoda, Molten Fire Knife, Li Xuanjian and other spiritual tools, and slowly input mana to start warming up.

The news that the "Nine Nations League" became the "Seven Nations League", and the decision that the Yan Kingdom was divided into dozens of small states, quickly spread to the outside world with the end of the Three Sect Conference.

   On the same day, the Piaoxue Pavilion and Qingxu Sect, which had already perished the Yuling Sect, also spread the same news.

  There is also Qi Guozongmen, which attacked the four western continents, and released similar news on this day. Obviously, the two countries' Zongmen have passed the gas.

   Since then, the four sects of the Yan Kingdom will perish, and the name of the Yan Kingdom will cease to exist.

Once the news of    came out, it caused shocking waves in the immortal world of Yan Kingdom, which was initially pacified.

   Some monks accepted it calmly, some monks were filled with righteous indignation, and some monks openly shouted.

   But no matter what the cultivators of the former Yan Kingdom thought, this is an established fact and can no longer be changed.

  Under absolute strength, even if there are cultivators who are dissatisfied, they will soon be suppressed.

   But the situation was only initially calmed down. After the news of Yan Guo’s delisting came out, there were undercurrents and waves again.

   Based on this background, Liu Yu expected that the arrangement of the sect would come down soon.


   One day later, the Zongmen token sent a message again.

   Unsurprisingly, this time, it was to convene the best of the foundation-building cultivators within the sect, and to assign the task of maintaining the stability of the newly born Yuan Kingdom.

   After receiving the information, Liu Yu left the wooden house and climbed to Yunxiao Mountain.

   Immortal cultivators' ability to build is not trivial. In just one day, the post-war ruins around Yunxiao Mountain have greatly improved.

  The gully was filled up, all kinds of spell residues and traces of spells disappeared, and the collapsed tower was also cleaned up.

   Above the original ruins, palaces and pavilions rose from the ground, and they have begun to take shape, and it will not be long before they can be completed.

   However, these are only temporary buildings, and there is still a huge gap between the defensive power and other aspects of the Baiyunguan period.

  The rebuilt palace towers and pavilions no longer have the charm of Taoism, and they have become the style of Chu State.

  The monks who were in a foreign country met, and they could find the slightest familiar feeling.

   Liu Yu saw at a glance that the pattern of the three cultivators was still the same as before. The wooden houses spread into pieces without interfering with each other.

   However, his keen senses allowed him to sense the change in the atmosphere.

   Originally, the three factions had a common goal. Under the general trend of alliance orders, they were naturally able to put aside their prejudices and cooperate temporarily.

   But now this common goal is gone, and the nominal alliance constraints are gone, and the relationship between the three sects has undergone subtle changes.

   From the original cooperative relationship, it has quietly become a competitive relationship.

  The small countries controlled by the three sects all have borders.

   And there are only so many resources, everyone wants to get more, and some controversial places naturally need to be "discussed".

   In addition, there are old grudges between Yuanyang Sect and Hehuanmen, and between Hehuanmen and Waning Moon Valley.

  The occurrence of some small frictions quickly reduced the relationship between the three parties, gradually approaching the freezing point, and the atmosphere became subtle.

   But everything is suppressed by high-level monks, and I don’t want to collide at this time, so there should be no problems in a short time.

   But over time, everything is uncertain.

  Thinking like this, Liu Yu retracted his gaze and continued to walk towards Yunxiao Mountain.

  According to the information he received, he quickly came to a brand new attic.

  This attic is full of traces of new construction, and it is the architectural style of the Chu State. At a glance, you can see that it is not from the Baiyunguan period.

  Liu Yu did not hesitate and walked straight into it.

  Li Buyu, Ma Yingjie, Wei Xiaoqin

   The twelve leaders of the Qingfeng Squad are more than half of them together, and there are some fellows from the middle and late stages of the Foundation Establishment, who can be regarded as the "backbone" monks in the Foundation Establishment.

   At a glance, Liu Yu saw many monks he knew.

   Some of them have known each other for a long time, some are known through Li Buyu, some are familiar and some are unfamiliar.

   "Senior Sister", "Senior Sister Wei", "Senior Brother Ma"

   Liu Yu had a smile on his face, his attitude was neither warm nor cold, and he stepped forward to greet him politely.

   After half an hour, the cultivators who were summoned arrived, there were as many as 30 people.

   It didn't take long for the greetings, and Elder Jin Dan, who was in charge of the matter, quickly showed up.

   With the appearance of powerful spiritual pressure, four figures appeared in front of Zhu Xiu and took their seats in the center of the hall.

   is headed by the real Changfeng.

   And the cheap master Li Changkong was also among them, as well as the more familiar elder Qi Yuntian.

   "The disciples meet the elders!"

   Thirty foundation-building cultivators who were summoned bowed down and saluted in unison.

   Liu Yu salutes in a lawful manner, but secretly delights in his heart.

  Since there is a cheap teacher present to speak, things are much easier to handle, why is it impossible to arrange a very troublesome task for yourself?

The territory newly controlled by   zongmen has only generally settled down.

   In fact, there is still a lot of chaos, and there are scattered cultivators and evil cultivators who make trouble and take advantage of the chaos to rob.

   Now that the sect has freed up its hands, it is preparing to solve these unstable factors.

   This is a very troublesome thing, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to do it well, or they will lose their lives.

   After all, a monk who dares to fish in troubled waters is always in danger, and daring to do it is a bit of a skill.

   This kind of monk is often an old fritter, and rarely fights head-on, so it is very troublesome to deal with.

   If it doesn’t work out, it will take a few years, and if you can’t handle it properly for a few years, you will waste your cultivation time in vain.

   In such a situation, this matter can only be done by a sect monk with some strength.

   As for the current Liu Yu, in the eyes of the high-level sects, he is undoubtedly a strong foundation-building cultivator, and it is more appropriate to deal with the cultivators who took advantage of the fire during the foundation-building period.

Of course he didn't want to see such a situation, but it was unavoidable.

  If you want to be promoted to the True Inheritance, you must naturally show enough value or potential in the eyes of the high-level sects to be recognized and promoted to the True Inheritance.

   In this process, some drives are unavoidable through the way of sect mission.

   enjoys benefits without taking responsibility, which Liu Yu cannot do at present.

   This is a real big deal!

   And there is a cheap master to talk, arrange a simple task without delaying cultivation, that is the best.

   "Not too polite."

   After sitting down, Master Changfeng lightly raised his hand and said casually.


  The leader of the foundation-building cultivators can only obey orders honestly in front of Jindan Zhenren.

   "Although the four sects of the Yan Kingdom are now destroyed, there are still many unstable factors that need to be dealt with on the territory occupied by the sects."

   "It is for this very reason that you have gathered all the disciples and nephews."

   "Only when everything is stabilized and the existing territory is kept, you, the backbone of the sect, can gradually arrange to return to Qingzhou."

  Spirit Changfeng spoke slowly, without too much ink, and directly stated the purpose of summoning the cultivators.

   Liu Yu's heart moved when he heard this, and he calmly looked at Shi Zun, but his face was full of seriousness, and he couldn't see anything at all.

   However, seeing this, he was very determined. In recent years, taking advantage of his position, "filial piety" has a lot of benefits, which makes no sense and does not work.

   In addition, the teacher-apprentice relationship is now a lot closer.

   "If there is no change, it should be that things are going well and there are no changes, right?"

   he guessed in his heart.

   After all, Shizun Shizun and Zhenren Changfeng belong to the Li family, occupying two seats among the four elders and holding more than half of the right to speak.

   Next, as expected, Master Changfeng spoke, announcing the whereabouts of a famous monk.

   The monk whose name is pronounced can choose a few ordinary sects to guard one side of the sect and calm down the unstable factors.

  Ma Yingjie, Wei Xiaoqin

   A famous monk took the order, and soon, it was his turn.

   "Yes, Master!"

  Liu Yu stepped forward, with a serious expression on his face, handing over his orders.

   has a relationship with a cheap master, and he received a relatively simple task as he wished, which is exactly the route he guarded when his team came.

  From Phoenix Mountain to Yongtaifang City, all the forces of immortality and immortality along the way are relatively familiar and do not need to spend too much energy.

   With many corpses in the past, Liu Yu believes that those monks and forces will be more honest and will not cause trouble for themselves.

   "Get ready to set off as soon as possible, and don't live up to the high expectations of the sect."

   "If there is a change, notify the sect in time, and don't lose your life in an impulsive manner."

   "Okay, let's go back."

   Master Changfeng commanded, and waved his hand to signal for the cultivators to leave.

   "The disciple retire."

   Liu Yu bowed and walked out of the attic with the crowd.

   He didn't mean to chat too much with others, he quickly walked down the mountain and came to the original station.

   found Jiang Qiushui and Leng Yuexin, and brought the two women to register as his assistants.

   PS: The remaining two chapters of the first leader will be updated, and there will be one more update on February 1st.

   PS: I still owe the book friend Huazhen Alliance Master three shifts and one shift on February 1st.

   PS: It really took a long time. Cough cough



   (end of this chapter)

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