Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 35 Inner Disciples (Part 2)

"Disciple Liu Yu, meet Uncle Geng. I came here because I have reached the seventh level of Qi Refining. I am twenty-one years old this year and have met the conditions for promotion to the inner sect. I came here to handle the formalities. Thank you, Uncle!"

Geng Yuanzhang took the wooden sign casually, and scanned the information on it with his cloudy eyes. Then he stood up and walked to the bookshelf to look for it.

After a while, he pulled out a thick booklet and leaned back on the armchair to read it.

"Hey, you are a disciple from the other courtyard? You have three spiritual roots of wood, fire and earth. You entered the outer sect at the age of sixteen at the third level of Qi Refining. Hmm~, you cultivated to the seventh level of Qi Refining in five years. This cultivation speed is unusual for three spiritual roots."

Geng Yuanzhang has been cultivating to the late stage of foundation building for more than 200 years. His physical body has begun to fail. There is no hope of condensing the golden elixir, so he took the initiative to accept this leisurely position, which can be regarded as retirement.

He was also a cultivator from Yuanyang Branch Courtyard. He knew that this kind of disciples had to fight for resources for cultivation on their own. Without the care of family or elders, it was very difficult for them to cultivate. So he was a little curious about how Liu Yu, with his ordinary qualifications of three spiritual roots, could advance from the third level of Qi Refining to the seventh level in five years.

"The disciple is quite talented in alchemy. He has some experience in this field and can skillfully refine two or three kinds of elixirs, so there is no shortage of elixirs for cultivation."

Liu Yu was startled when he heard this, but his expression remained respectful. He did not hesitate to answer immediately. He spoke in a slightly respectful tone and at a moderate speed, and explained the "reason" openly.

Geng Yuanzhang nodded slightly after hearing this. Alchemy is indeed one of the most profitable immortal arts. If this young man is an alchemist, he does not have to worry about the resources for cultivation. If he had mastered one of the immortal arts, he would not have wasted so many years and ended up dying. Then he shook his head. This man likes to think about all kinds of things when he is old.

At the age of 21, he has reached the seventh level of Qi Refining and has made some achievements in alchemy. Although he has ordinary qualifications of three spiritual roots, he has a chance to build a foundation and is fully qualified to enter the inner sect. Thinking of this, Geng Yuanzhang put away the wooden sign representing the outer sect disciples and took out a blank jade sign from the storage bag. This jade sign is made by Yuanyang Sect using a special method. A special magic weapon can be used to distinguish the true from the false to prevent impersonation.

He raised his right hand and pointed it at the jade card, with his index finger and middle finger together. A two-inch long yellow beam of light emerged from his fingertips, somewhat like the laser short blade in science fiction movies. He began to engrave Liu Yu's identity information with a move of his fingers.

The jade card continued to shed pieces of debris as the yellow beam of light was engraved, and it was completed in a short while. Geng Yuanzhang then used his palm to make a few spells, input the information, and then handed the jade card to Liu Yu.

"Okay, now you drip a drop of blood on this jade card, and put your mark on this jade card to complete the recognition of the master."

Liu Yu took the jade card with both hands, bit his tongue and squeezed out a drop of blood on the jade card as he said.

The drop of blood slowly penetrated into the jade card as soon as it touched it, and the jade card immediately emitted a faint white halo, and finally gradually converged.

Seeing this, Geng Yuanzhang took out two sets of inner disciples' robes from the room and placed them on the window, then said solemnly:

"Junior Brother Liu, your disciple status change has been completed. From now on, you are an inner disciple of my Yuanyang Sect. Remember to practice hard and not slack off. In the future, you must be loyal to your master and not betray him, and you must not bring down the reputation of the sect!"

"Go to the side room now and change into the inner disciple's clothes. Burn a stick of incense for the ancestors of the sect and you can leave."

After hearing this, Liu Yu immediately went to the side room, took off his gray robe and put it into the storage bag, and changed into the white robe belonging to the inner disciple.

Then he looked in the bronze mirror and saw that he was still the same person, with an ordinary appearance, but after changing into the white robe, he had a sense of transcendence, as if there was a little bit of the taste of the immortal family in it.

You should know that Yuanyang Sect claims to have more than 20,000 disciples in the Qi Refining Stage, but outer disciples account for more than 80%, and inner disciples only have a few hundred people, which shows the difference in status and treatment.

Liu Yu changed into a white robe, and under the witness of Geng Yuanzhang, he walked to the red altar, knelt on the cushion in the middle of the ground, and bowed several times to the portraits of the Yuanying ancestors of the past generations in the sect. Then he picked up a stick of incense next to him, lit it, and inserted it into the incense burner to complete the ceremony.

Liu Yu completed every step of this ceremony meticulously, not daring to be careless. If there was any mistake, the charge of disrespecting the ancestors was not something that ordinary disciples could bear.

"Sorry to bother Uncle Geng, I'll take my leave!"

Since he had achieved the goal of being promoted to the inner sect, Liu Yu didn't want to stay for long. He bowed to Geng Yuanzhang and turned to walk out the door.

"Wait, take my token to the General Affairs Hall and let them allocate a cave for you on Qingling Peak for cultivation."

Geng Yuanzhang stopped Liu Yu and threw something that looked like a silver leaf.

His own life span was almost over, and seeing that a good young man had emerged from the other courtyard, he could not help but want to help him, just like the deceased elders of the past. When he got old, he loved to think about random things. He waved his hand and said nothing more, letting Liu Yu leave.

Reaching out to catch the silver leaf, Liu Yu had many questions after listening to what Uncle Geng said, and did not understand why he helped him, but when he saw Geng Yuanzhang's gesture, he opened his mouth but did not say anything. He just bowed respectfully again and slowly retreated.

Liu Yu walked out of Zhengyuan Hall and met the two outer disciples again.

The two men were still guarding the gate of Zhengyuan Hall. They looked at him with complicated expressions and envy. When Liu Yu passed by, they all called him "brother". Even though they were one level higher in cultivation, outer disciples had to bow down to inner disciples and call them "brother". This was the difference in status and the rules of the sect.

Liu Yu was in a good mood after being successfully promoted to the inner sect. He smiled and nodded slightly after hearing what the two said, and then walked towards the General Affairs Hall.

He could not guess why Uncle Geng sent two outer disciples of the eighth level of Qi Refining to guard the gate. Perhaps he wanted to give some inspiration to the newly promoted disciples!

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, but there were still many cultivators coming and going. Liu Yu walked along the path between the palace pavilions and soon arrived at the General Affairs Hall.

Liu Yu walked straight to a serious and old-fashioned inner sect brother, who was Brother Qian who had been arranging chores for him before. At this time, the two had dealt with each other many times and became familiar with each other.

"Brother Qian, I have just been promoted to the inner sect. Please arrange a cave for me to practice as an inner sect disciple." Liu Yu came straight to the point and explained his purpose.

At the same time, he looked around and saw that no one noticed this side. He took out no less than ten spirit stones from the storage bag, put them on the table and pushed them over without making a sound. He did not become arrogant because he became an inner sect disciple and did not violate the rules in secret.

Brother Qian knew Liu Yu of course. He was very surprised that he was promoted to the inner sect in just three years. However, when he heard that he was going to arrange a cave, his face immediately softened. There was a lot of money in arranging a cave, which was much more lucrative than arranging miscellaneous tasks.

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