Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 36: Allocation of Caves

Senior Brother Qian waved his sleeves and put the ten spirit stones into his storage bag. Then he realized that his eating appearance seemed a bit ugly. He coughed twice, asked Liu Yu to sit down, and said to him gently:

"Congratulations to junior brother for being promoted to the inner sect. Three years ago, I felt that junior brother's skills were extraordinary. But I didn't expect that in just a few years, junior brother has already taken a step further!"

"The affairs of the cave will be taken care of by me. I will definitely arrange a satisfactory cave for my junior brother!"

This senior brother Qian always does things after receiving benefits, and he has a good reputation among many disciples.

"No, no, I'm just lucky. Please take care of Senior Brother Qian about the cave."

Liu Yu also had a smile on her face and exchanged a few words with Senior Brother Qian. Then she took out the silver leaf given by Geng Yuanzhang and handed it over.

"Senior Brother Qian, this was given to me by Uncle Geng from the Zhengyuan Hall. I asked you to come to the Zongwu Hall with this thing, saying that you can allocate a cave on Qingling Peak to practice."

Senior Brother Qian took the silver leaf and recognized that it was Master Geng's token. He couldn't help but glance at Liu Yugao. He knew that only two people had been able to give Master Geng the token for more than ten years. They were both from the inner sect. The outstanding person, this junior brother can get the attention of his old man, it seems that there is something special indeed.

Qingling Peak is one of the spiritual mountains with the richest spiritual energy for Yuanyang Sect's Qi-refining period. The spiritual veins in the mountain are already at the limit of the first level and are on the verge of advancement. They are a full 20% higher than the spiritual energy of the peaks where other inner sect disciples live. , which can speed up your cultivation a lot.

Ten spirit stones can only arrange for a slightly better cave, and he will not have the authority to make it even better. If you want to assign a cave on Qingling Peak, you must have a foundation-building deacon in charge of this aspect. This matter must be nodded in agreement by the Foundation Establishment Deacon, but if Uncle Geng of Zhengyuan Palace takes it seriously, there is probably no problem with this matter.

When Senior Brother Qian thought of this, he had already placed Liu Yu on an equal footing in his mind. Whether this Junior Brother Liu was related to Senior Uncle Geng or was really extraordinary, it was not something he could manipulate at will. Thinking of this, Senior Brother Qian immediately got up and went to the Foundation Establishment Deacon to explain the situation and apply for the Qingling Peak Cave Mansion. He did not dare to ask for benefits under the pretense of being a steward.

"Junior brother Liu, please wait a minute. We still need to report to the deacon about the Qingling Peak cave, but with this token, we are sure of it. I will go back as soon as I can for my brother."

Senior Brother Qian said politely to Liu Yu, then stood up and walked quickly to the back hall.

Liu Yu sat quietly at the table and waited. He felt the change in Senior Brother Qian's attitude and knew the reason. However, he did not explain anything. It would be good if he could use Senior Uncle Geng's shareholder style to accomplish this.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Senior Brother Qian walked out of the back hall with a smile on his face, holding a scroll in his hand. He walked to the table, slowly unfolded the scroll, and explained at the same time:

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Liu. Uncle Foundation Architect has agreed to this matter. This is the scroll indicating the location of the Qingling Peak Cave. The yellow light dots represent that it is already occupied by people, and the green light dots represent that it is temporarily vacant. Junior Brother, please choose one!"

Liu Yu glanced at the scroll and saw the situation of Qingling Peak's spiritual veins drawn on the map. There were forty or fifty light spots of various sizes in the spiritual veins. Most of them were yellow light spots that were inhabited. Only a few were inhabited. Dozens of them are green and temporarily vacant.

The new cave will accompany him through the Qi refining period and live for a long time. Liu Yu looked at the scroll carefully and finally chose a cave near the spiritual vein node and pointed at the green light point towards the money. The senior brother said: "Just choose this place, please help me handle it."

"Junior Brother Liu, do you really want to choose this place? Once this cave is determined, it cannot be changed!"

Senior Brother Qian confirmed it again, and after receiving a positive answer, he took a magic weapon and pressed it on the green light spot, and the green light spot suddenly turned yellow.

He put away the scroll and walked to the back hall again. It seemed that he was reporting the situation to his uncle in the foundation building stage. After a while, he came out again, holding a yellow token in his hand.

After Senior Brother Qian sat down, he pushed the token over and said with a smile: "This is the control token restricted by the cave. Junior Brother, you must take good care of it, otherwise it will be very troublesome to replace it!"

"As for the cave at the outer gate, junior brother should return the prohibition token to Zongwu Hall after completing the relocation of the cave. But don't be in a hurry and just come back and return it within a month!"

"I still have to thank Senior Brother Qian for this matter. It's not respectful to be petty."

Liu Yu put the token into the storage bag, took out two more spirit stones, and pushed them over while chatting and laughing. With the improvement of his cultivation, Hua Lingshi no longer had to be so constrained. A dozen spirit stones were very important to the internal affairs. It's just an ordinary thing for the disciples.

"This is just Qian's business. Junior brother, you don't have to be so polite, you don't have to be so~"

Senior Brother Qian said this, but in his heart he felt that this junior brother was very smart. His movements with his hands were not slow at all, and he put the spirit stones into the storage bag calmly.

"Junior brother has just been promoted to the inner sect, and there are still many trivial matters to deal with, so I'll take my leave now. I'll invite Senior Brother Qian for a drink when I have time!"

Seeing that the matter was done, Liu Yu greeted Senior Brother Qian for a while and then stood up to leave.

After leaving the Zongwu Hall, it was already Haishi, and a clear moon hung in the sky, casting a silvery glow.

Liu Yu controlled the giant wooden sword and spent three hours rushing back to Qingmu Peak. It was already late at night and he didn't meet many monks along the way.

Take out the restriction token, open the cave restriction, Liu Yu walked in and sat on the chair. Since there is already a better cave, he plans to pack up his things, return this cave token tomorrow, and move to Qingling Peak to practice.

Reaching out to look at the window, looking at the familiar grass and trees on Qingmu Peak, Liu Yu's eyes gradually blurred, and he was full of emotion for a while. He has been in this world for fourteen years. From a beggar with nothing to the inner disciple of Yuanyang Sect, he finally has the power to protect himself. The countless days and nights of loneliness and darkness have not been in vain.

However, the foundation-building period is the beginning of the real immortal path. The life span doubles, which is completely different from that of mortals. This matter still needs to be considered in the long run. Looking at the bright and shining stars in the distance, his eyes gradually became firm. After a while, he closed the window and walked to the stone bed to sit cross-legged.

Liu Yu took out four jade bottles from his storage bag. These were the common purple spirit pills used for late-stage Qi training. They were all seized from the storage bags of the pockmarked monk and the man in Confucian robes. Now Liu Yu was also considered an alchemist. In his opinion, these pills were normal and had not been tampered with. They could be used without worry.

He stretched out his hand to open the jade bottle, pinched a pill and swallowed it into his stomach. He silently operated the Wood Spirit Technique to refine the medicinal power and slowly improve his magic power.

A few hours passed in a flash during the training, and the sun shone in through the small window.

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