Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 900 Alarming the Demon Cultivator

The Jiulong Sea has a very long history of cultivating immortals. It is said that in ancient times, a demon sage came to the world to preach and passed down the demon cultivation method here.

When this sea area was at its peak, there were nine demon souls cultivating in secret.

Since ancient times, the Jiulong Sea has been frequently in war and has always been an important battlefield for the struggle between humans and demons.

In the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Yuanyang Realm, the struggle between humans and demons has always been the mainstream.

In ancient times, human cultivators have always been a delicacy in the mouths of demons. At that time, few humans could cultivate to the Nascent Soul, let alone refine the soul and become an immortal ancestor.

However, since 100,000 years ago, human cultivators in the True Yang Realm have gained a firm foothold and conquered Zhongchizhou.

Although the True Demon Rebellion occurred afterwards, it greatly damaged the foundation of human cultivators, and more than a dozen soul ancestors died in one battle. This made the demon cultivators in this world rampant for a time, but now, the number of human souls has once again exceeded that of demon cultivators.

In recent years, the Nine Dragon Sea monsters have no power to invade the nearby Nan Yazhou and Xiyaozhou.

There are countless islands at the junction of Nan Yazhou and the Nine Dragon Sea.

A lot of people have migrated to these islands.

Human monks and Nine Dragon Sea monsters fight countless times every day to compete for these coastal islands and reefs.

The sect guarding the west coast of Nan Yazhou is Liuyun Valley, the second largest sect in Da Zhou.

There are 23 Yuanying monks and four great monks in Liuyun Valley. The previous Yuanshen ancestors passed down two Yuanshen magic tools and an ancient fairy talisman.

Although this powerful force cannot penetrate into the Nine Dragon Sea to kill the demon saint, it has enough power to guard the gate.

Moreover, the two Yuanshen ancestors of Nan Yazhou are also masters with great magical powers among the Yuanshen monks.

The Nine Dragon Sea Demon Saint did not dare to fight them alone.

The two demon saints of the Nine Dragon Sea each occupied a cave paradise for cultivation. The demon saint near Nan Yazhou is called the Black Turtle Ancestor. The demon saint's body is a deep-sea spirit turtle, and his life span is about 60,000 years.

This old turtle has been in the Yuanshen for more than 30,000 years. He has fought with more than a dozen human Yuanshen and has rich experience in demon Yuanshen.

Four thousand years ago, the Black Turtle Ancestor also invaded Nan Yazhou and once besieged Liuyun Valley with his monsters.

Unfortunately, the demons were defeated in that battle. Liuyun Zhenren invited the Yuanshen cultivators of Zhongchizhou to help. Not only did they force back the two demon saints Qingyuan and Tianlang, but they also severely injured the Black Turtle Ancestor.

For the next four thousand years, this Yuanshen demon cultivator has been hiding in the depths of Jiulong Sea.

After Zhang Zhixuan and others came to Jiulong Sea, they almost did not stop day and night. The Duyun Boat turned into a long rainbow and flew westward.

Along the way, they also encountered many flying monsters.

The depths of the Nine Dragon Sea are sparsely populated. These fourth- and fifth-level monsters are not afraid of human cultivators and constantly harass and chase the Duyun Boat.

The cultivators on the Duyun Boat were about to kill the monsters that harassed them along the way, but were immediately stopped by Zhang Zhixuan.

There were more than a dozen Jindan cultivators and more than a hundred Zifu cultivators on the Duyun Boat, plus the two masters Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan. Even if the entire clan of the demon king was dispatched, they were far from being their opponents.

In this operation, the sixteen Jindan cultivators were led by Zhang Sihong and Tao Jingzhen.

This group of Jindan cultivators were either old or disabled, and had almost no chance of refining into Yuanying.

The future of this trip to Zhongchizhou was uncertain, and the sect could not let the core disciples spend a lot of time and risk their lives to find Yang Xuanzhen for revenge.

On the contrary, there were many cultivators with good foundations among the Zifu cultivators.

However, it is relatively easy to cultivate Purple Mansion cultivators. Ziyang Sect already has more than 700 Purple Mansion cultivators. Although it is not as good as the top ten sects, it is much better than medium-sized sects such as Yunxiao Sect, Lingbao Sect, and Wanfa Sect.

Purple Mansion cultivators have no say in the sect and are unable to control their own destiny. They can only follow the sect's tasks and go with the flow.

Their fate is impossible for Yuanying ancestors such as Zhang Zhixuan to pay attention to.

"Don't act rashly. Killing this blue-eyed golden eagle is tantamount to alerting the snake. If a conflict breaks out with the sixth-level demon king now, it is easy to fall into the encirclement of the Nine Dragon Sea Demon Clan. Even if you want to hunt the demon beast, you have to find a good opportunity to do it."

Seeing that this fifth-level golden eagle was not giving up and kept entangled with Duyunzhou, Zhang Zhixuan stepped hard and suddenly input a strong mana, which increased the speed of this spirit boat by about 30%.

With the 30% increase in speed, the speed of the Duyunzhou can catch up with the Yuanying master. The spiritual boat suddenly accelerated and immediately got rid of the entanglement of the fifth-level golden eagle, leaving the golden eagle far behind.

The golden eagle screamed a few times, angrily returned to its nest, and informed its ancestor of the whereabouts of the treasure ship.

However, the round trip had delayed seven days.

Although the wisdom of the fifth-level monster beast is lower than that of humans, it can also explain the whole story clearly.

Jiulong Sea has been peaceful for many years, and no human cultivator has dared to step into the territory of the golden eagle clan.

Hearing that a human spiritual boat has invaded their territory, the two sixth-level golden eagle kings were immediately furious.

Even though the two sixth-level golden eagles knew that there was a Yuanying cultivator on the spiritual boat, their inner greed still made them lose their minds. After all, swallowing human Yuanying is very beneficial to the advancement of the demon cultivators.

Without much thought, the two sixth-order golden eagles attacked rashly. In order to be swift, the two golden eagle kings did not bring their tribes with them, but actually divided their troops into two groups to capture Du Yunzhou.

The sixth-order golden eagle's flying speed exceeded that of a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.

Although the two sixth-level golden eagles were seven days behind, they still caught up with the Duyun Boat a month later.

Three months after entering the Jiulong Sea, they were spotted by the sixth-level demon king. This bad news immediately made Zhang Zhixuan frown.

Seeing the two sixth-level golden eagles gradually approaching, Zhang Zhixuan shook his head gently. He thought to himself: "Fortunately, these two demon kings are arrogant and did not bring their tribes with them, otherwise it would not be easy to resolve the battle in a short time. It seems that we must go all out to resolve the battle as soon as possible."

Seeing that the two sixth-level demon kings were less than a hundred miles away from the treasure ship, Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan looked at each other, and they formed two escape lights in tacit understanding, stopping one sixth-level demon king respectively.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan both used the turtle breathing technique to collect their own mana fluctuations. Although the two sixth-level demon kings gradually approached, they did not find that there was a great master in the late Yuanying stage inside the spirit boat.

In an instant, the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole was behind.

The two sixth-level golden eagles that they wanted to hunt turned out to be prey.

Zhang Zhixuan and his companions had just escaped from the treasure ship when the two sixth-level golden eagles noticed something was wrong and immediately shook their bodies, turned around and fled.

Although Zhang Zhixuan's cultivation was not bad, his speed was not inferior to that of a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, but unfortunately, his speed was still slightly inferior to that of a sixth-level flying monster.

After chasing for thousands of miles, he was unable to catch up with this sixth-level flying monster.

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