Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 901: The Demon King is rounded up

Chapter 430: The Hunting of the Demon King

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan were not there. Although the Jindan Zifu on the Duyun Boat could resist the masters of the demon king level by relying on the formation, the speed of the Jindan cultivators urging the medium-sized spirit boat was immediately slowed down by about half. Once surrounded by the demon cultivator army, it was basically impossible to break out.

Seeing that it was impossible to catch up with the sixth-level golden eagle, Zhang Zhixuan made a prompt decision and immediately turned around and returned to the Duyun Boat.

Although he did not gain anything, after an hour, Qingchan successfully hunted a sixth-level demon cultivator.

Qingchan had a sixth-level medium-grade Yimu Shenguang Spirit Boat on him. His own magic power was stronger than Zhang Zhixuan. Relying on this sixth-level medium-grade flying magic weapon, his flying speed was already one level higher than that of the sixth-level golden eagle.

In addition to the flying speed, the cultivation of this sixth-level demon king was only equivalent to that of an early-stage Yuanying cultivator.

When the two sides fought, the Golden Eagle King was far from being Qingchan's opponent.

In less than half an hour, the demon died at the hands of Qing Chan.

Seeing Zhang Zhixuan return empty-handed, Qing Chan shook the storage bag in his hand and said: "Time is urgent, so I can only take away the demon pill, feathers, and a pair of sharp claws and a pair of eyes of the Golden Eagle King. The demon king's spirit was destroyed by the purple sun sky fire, and there was no time to take away all his essence, blood and body."

"If I had kept my composure and waited for the demon king to approach thirty miles before taking action, I would have had a 60% to 70% chance of killing the demon cultivator. Killing this sixth-level demon king can also prevent the news from being leaked." Letting a sixth-level demon king successfully escape, Lingzhou's whereabouts would inevitably be exposed. Zhang Zhixuan smiled bitterly and said with great regret.

"If we put the Golden Eagle King too close, it will easily affect the Cloud Boat. The Cloud Boat is only a fifth-level magic weapon, and it is easy to be destroyed by the fight between Yuanying levels. If the Cloud Boat is damaged, countless disciples will be lost.

We have done very well. The next journey depends on whether we have enough opportunities. If we are unlucky and encounter Yuanshen demon cultivators, you and I must make a quick decision and escape separately, leaving a useful body to take revenge in the future."

Seeing Qingchan's serious face, Zhang Zhixuan comforted him: "The Nine Dragon Sea is vast and boundless. Even if it is a Yuanshen demon saint, the consciousness can be projected as far as 5,000 miles. We are constantly changing directions now, and we will enter the seabed and take the water route in seven days. Unless the luck is extremely bad, it is almost impossible to encounter Yuanshen demon cultivators."

After the whereabouts were leaked, Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan urged the Cloud Boat day and night.

All the monsters that harassed them along the way were killed by the two of them.

The Yuanying cultivators rushed at full speed and could fly millions of miles in a day.

Seven days later, the Duyun Boat crossed the territories of eleven demon kings.

After waiting for seven days, Zhang Zhixuan put away the Duyun Boat and led his disciples into the depths of the sea.

Although the speed of the submarine waterway was slowed down by more than ten times, it was not as conspicuous as in the sky, and was not harassed by various demon beasts. Moreover, Qingchan had a large number of fifth-level breath-suppressing talismans in his hands, which could be used to hide from most of the water demon beasts.

Unless you are unlucky enough to encounter a demon king on patrol, your identity may be exposed.

Not to mention that Zhang Zhixuan and others carefully avoided demon cultivators.

The Golden Eagle King flew for more than ten days before returning to his cave in disgrace.

After returning to the cave, the sixth-level golden eagle who had escaped by chance suppressed his grief and immediately sprayed a mouthful of blood on a treasure mirror hanging in the cave.

The demon king's blood sprayed on the treasure mirror, and ripples immediately appeared on the mirror.

A moment later, a magnificent underwater cave appeared on the mirror.

Even though they were far apart, the Golden Eagle King quickly contacted the masters in Xuanwu Cave Heaven.

The Golden Eagle King cast a spell, and a sturdy figure appeared on the treasure mirror.

This person had all four limbs, rough skin, a bald head with many wrinkles, an eagle-hook beak in his mouth, and a huge tortoise shell on his back.

The figure in the mirror was a sixth-level tortoise demon that had transformed.

"I want to see the ancestor and ask the ancestor to help me avenge me." Seeing this sixth-level tortoise demon, the Golden Eagle King immediately knelt on the ground and kept crying to the treasure mirror.

"The ancestor has been in seclusion for one or two hundred years. What happened?"

"A dozen days ago, a human spirit boat broke into my territory. My husband and I went to chase it. There were two late-stage Yuanying masters on the spirit boat. My husband died at the hands of human cultivators. Brother Longgui, please inform the ancestor of this news."

The sixth-level turtle demon's face changed, and he angrily said: "The ancestor is purifying his blood and breaking through the bottleneck. How can you disturb him?

However, the human Yuanying dared to enter the depths of the Nine Dragon Sea. As the overlord of the Nine Dragon Sea, our black turtle clan will definitely stand up for you. I will bring seven fellow tribesmen from Xuanwu Dongtian, and ask the shark king, white whale king, and red dragon king to take action together. Including you, there are a total of fifteen demon king-level masters. Let's hunt down the human Yuanying and avenge you."

The Golden Eagle King waited for more than ten days, and soon joined several nearby demon kings. He and the eight sixth-level turtle demons from Xuanwu Dongtian split into two groups and opened a large net to start hunting.

From the mouth of the Golden Eagle King, several nearby demon kings all understood that the opponent had great magical powers and could kill the tough and thick-skinned demon king masters in a short time.

Therefore, these fifteen sixth-level demon kings did not dare to be careless. The distance between them was no more than ten thousand miles, and they could help each other anytime and anywhere.

In this way, the encirclement formed by the fifteen sixth-level demon kings only had a radius of about hundreds of thousands of miles.

Compared with the vast area of ​​the Nine Dragon Sea, this encirclement was equivalent to a drop in the ocean.

It was like looking for a needle in a haystack for the demon king to find the enemy.

After searching for three months, it was all in vain.

As time went by, the chance of finding the enemy became smaller and smaller.

In desperation, Dragon Turtle and other sixth-level demon cultivators could only ask for help from the Nine-Yuan Demon Saint.

The demon cultivators of the Nine-Dragon Sea belonged to different demon saints, and there were some conflicts among them. If there was no other way, Dragon Turtle Demon King would never be willing to bow to the Nine-Yuan Demon Saint.

After receiving the news, the Nine-Yuan Demon Saint also mobilized thirteen demon kings to participate in the roundup. In addition, a large number of flying demon beasts were drawn to assist more than a dozen demon kings in finding the Duyun Boat.

After entering the deep sea, carrying a large number of purple mansion golden pills, Zhang Zhixuan and others could only advance about 100,000 miles a day.

It is easy to get lost in the deep sea, and sometimes a day's walk is in vain.

Although the deep sea is safe, it may take twenty or thirty years to cross the Nine-Dragon Sea.

After walking for more than twenty days and finding that there were no pursuers behind, Zhang Zhixuan Qingchan discussed and escaped from the sea again, and sacrificed the Duyun Boat to hurry on.

The Duyun Boat flew through the sky, making a series of roaring sounds, and the noise was so loud that it could not be hidden from the high-level demon cultivators.

Fortunately, Qingchan's spiritual consciousness could be extended to 800 miles, and he was able to eliminate the high-level demons nearby.

Unfortunately, the Duyun Boat only flew for eleven days, and its whereabouts were leaked again.

In desperation, Zhang Zhixuan could only escape into the depths of the sea again, walking and stopping like this, and unknowingly spent three years.

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