Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 996 Changing mental commands

After hearing Lin Youde's explanation, Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng suddenly realized the power of the spiritual command "Awakening".

Raymond thought: "In this case, the mental command "Awakening" combined with a suitable machine, coupled with the BGM field, might be able to become a strategic weapon. "

Lei Mengmeng asked curiously: "But, doesn't Youde say that spiritual command "Awakening" is very rare? "

"People who can possess this kind of spiritual command must be very rare, right?"

As Lin Youde nodded, Lei Meng asked.

"How are spiritual instructions distinguished? What kind of people will have what kind of spiritual instructions? Can you explain in detail?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Of course."

"Simply put, mental command is an ability that everyone can have, because it is a way of using mental power."

"But if you want to use this ability, a prerequisite is that someone must first teach a person in this era how to use it."

"Only after the first person to use the mental command appears, the mental command can be used by others."

Raymond frowned: "Why is this happening?"

Lin Youde replied: "According to Xiangsuke, this is a restriction set by some kind of existence, and it is also a kind of trial."

Raymond frowned even more: "Trial?"

Lin Youde hummed: "This kind of trial is not only for people of our era. It is also for people from the previous era who were left in the black box."

"Maybe Raymond, you forgot all this after merging with Mengmeng."

"But according to Kousuke, the soul inside the black box of the first person who decides to teach spiritual instructions to this era will be completely dissipated."

"On the contrary, as long as the black box is not destroyed. Even if all people in this era die, the soul in the black box will still exist and will not die."

"So, only when people of this era are recognized by the soul in the black box."

"The soul in the black box will make this decision only when he thinks that even if he is in despair, he can entrust everything to him."

"This is the so-called trial...for people living in this era, and also for people who died in the previous era."

Lei Meng was silent for a moment and glanced at Lei Mengmeng: "Then, why did Axelin come together... Did Axelin herself want to be with Xiangsuke? Or..."

Lei Mengmeng shook her head: "In this case, there is Sister Axelin's own wish to go with Brother Xiangsuke, and there are also other reasons."

"Don't forget, in yesterday's battle, in addition to mental commands, we also received the privilege of liberating the second machine in the black box."

“Freeing that privilege also requires sacrifice.”


Raymond looked astonished: "In other words, the mental command and the liberation of the second machine in the black box. Are the real reasons why Kousuke and Exelin left?"

Lin Youde nodded and sighed: "Yes, that's it."

"Kyosuke and Exelin entrusted us with the full functionality of the black box at the cost of their own existence."

"And they..."

Raymond was silent for a moment and said.

"Then, let's continue the topic."

"Now that the mental commands have been completely unblocked, how many kinds of mental commands can everyone use? What kind of mental commands does everyone have?"

"Let's talk about these in detail first so that I can make a summary."

Lin Youde calmed down and continued to explain.

"After the mental commands are completely liberated, as long as they learn how to use them, everyone can theoretically use them."

"As for how many spiritual commands a person can have, there is no clear limit."

"The mental commands that each person can inspire are determined by their status and fighting style."

"For example, a sniper pilot who likes to hide behind and fire his secret weapon will generally not have the mental command of "assault". Instead, he will have "sniper" to increase the shooting distance and accuracy. "

"Similarly, a machine that likes to charge at close range generally does not have mental commands such as "sniper", but instead has mental commands such as "accelerate" and "assault". "

"Pilots who often fly crispy mechas will not have "iron wall" and "unyielding". Instead, they will have mental commands such as "must dodge" and "concentrate" to enhance their dodge ability. "

"Pilots who often fly aircraft with high defense power will most likely have mental commands such as "Iron Wall" and "Unyielding" to enhance defense power, or "root nature" and "big root nature" that can act on the machine. A mental command that allows the body to directly recover from the damage. "

Raymond's eyes bulged: "Restore the damage to the body directly? Self-repair? Is such a thing available?"

Lin Youde nodded: "It is true, but this kind of spiritual command is relatively rare."

"As I just said, whether or not spiritual commands can be possessed and used will depend on each person's personality, fighting style, and status."

"As long as you specialize in a certain type of organism, biased mental commands will be used more often."

"On the contrary, it will be less, and it will have an impact on personality. The most intuitive ones are "blood" and "soul" that enhance the damage effect. "

"Only people who are passionate, impulsive, and passionate can have this kind of spiritual command."

"People with a relatively calm and calm personality will basically not have these two mental commands. After all, it is difficult for people with a calm personality to have their blood boil and make impulsive actions."

"But this is not absolute. For example, under certain special circumstances. Even the calmest people will be forced to lose their minds."

"At that time, the "hot blood" that he couldn't use originally will be able to be used. Because people who are originally calm will completely lose their minds in this situation, "hot blood" can naturally be used. "

Raymond meditated while recording: "So, people who like to escape and save their lives will most likely have life-saving spiritual commands such as "accelerate" and "must dodge". "

"And everyone may use mental commands that are otherwise unavailable depending on the situation."

"These abilities change entirely based on the driver's mental state."

"Issue some strengthening instructions based on changes in one's mental state."

"Spiritual command is indeed very consistent with the definition of this ability."

Lei Mengmeng was so proud: "Yes, although Youde is very bad at naming people. But in this strange place, his talent for naming is quite powerful."

Lei Meng rolled her eyes at Lei Mengmeng angrily: "Why are you proud? I didn't praise you."

Lei Mengmeng straightened her chest: "Youde is my husband. If you praise my husband, doesn't it mean you praise me? Having such a husband, doesn't it mean that I have vision?"

Raymond chuckled twice and said, "I'm just praising myself."

Lei Mengmeng's expression froze.

Because Lei Meng is really another Lei Mengmeng.

Therefore, Lei Mengmeng's husband is also Lei Meng's husband.

Therefore, Lei Mengmeng's explanation seems to be acceptable when applied to Lei Meng.

After understanding this, it was not surprising that Lei Mengmeng's expression froze on the spot...

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