Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 995 Spiritual Command

When Lin Youde woke up again, it was already the morning of the next day.

He glanced at the quilt on his body and Alfemi who ran into his arms at some point. He then glanced at Lax who was sleeping on another sofa and who was sitting by the window reading a book and drinking tea. Raymond.

Lin Youde was still a little confused: "Am I... asleep?"

Lei Meng heard Lin Youde muttering to himself, turned around and whispered.

"Did I disturb you?"

"That's not true."

After receiving Lin Youde's answer, Raymond smiled, placed the tea cup by the window, closed the book in his hand, and explained.

"You were so tired yesterday that you fell asleep not long after Du Jianlong, Liu Longma, and Wang Kai left."

"After Lux informed us of this, we thought that moving you back might wake you up. So we let you rest here."

"Because I was worried that you might wake up in the middle of the night, Lux decided to stay here with you."

"It's just that Alufimi keeps clamoring to sleep with you, and Lacus has no choice but to let her go and sleep with you. Lacus himself is sleeping on another sofa."

Lin Youde glanced at Lux, his eyes full of tenderness: "Really, thank you for your hard work. By the way, where is Mengmeng?"

Raymond replied: "She just went to rest."

"So many things happened yesterday, and she has to deal with a lot of them. Once all the reports are written and approved, I will let her rest. I will take care of the rest."

"After all, unlike you, I basically didn't expend much energy yesterday."

"And my body structure is a little different from yours. For me, staying up all night is no big deal."

Hearing this, Lin Youde opened the quilt and gently placed Alufemi on the sofa. After covering the quilt again, he came to Raymond's side.

"Then you have to rest. Now I'm awake. There's nothing wrong. You should go and rest too."

Raymond shook his head: "There are many things, but some are not very important."

"And, now that you're awake. Then come with me. There are some things we need to reconfirm."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Raymond didn't explain, but just pulled Lin Youde out of the conference room and closed the door.

As soon as he came out, Lin Youde saw Lei Mengmeng walking over with a cup of coffee.

"Huh? Youde, you're awake."

Lin Youde: "Well, Mengmeng, didn't Raymond tell you to take a rest? Why are you still here?"

Lei Mengmeng handed the coffee to Lin Youde: "I figured it was time for you to wake up, so I prepared a cup of coffee for you."

Lin Youde took the coffee and asked, "What if I don't wake up?"

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes: "Then give it to Lei Meng, or I can drink it myself."

"Rest or something, I'm not busy for the moment. It's already dawn anyway, when is the right time to catch up on some sleep?"

Raymond also received: "Okay, since you haven't slept yet, let's confirm that again."

"After all, it is different from the possibility of a second body in the black box. Youde has to decide how to write a report about another strange ability and whether to report it."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment before reacting: "Are you talking about spiritual instructions?"

Lei Mengmeng was surprised: "Spiritual command?"

Raymond thought deeply: "Is that strange ability called spiritual command?"

"Okay, since this is what you named it, let's call it this. Let's go and confirm the details of those spiritual instructions first."

With that said, Lei Meng pulled Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng towards the data room.

Lin Youde was holding coffee and drinking while following the two of them to the reference room.

He looked at the various strange phenomena that erupted when he drove the Ancient Iron Titan yesterday on the computer screen in the data room. Lin Youde suddenly understood what Raymond wanted to ask.

Raymond asked, pointing to the picture on the screen.

"Youde, do you understand the functions of these various special effects that appear on the ancient iron giant?"

"Especially this shield-like thing that can actually shatter after the Soul Reaver's attack ends."

"I was wondering before, whether this thing could offset the attack of the Soul Reaver on behalf of the ancient iron giant."

Lei Mengmeng also looked at Lin Youde curiously: "Sister Axelin told me how to activate mental commands, but she didn't tell me what the mental commands are used for."

"And judging from your previous battles, mental commands seem to be different from the BGM field. There are many types and effects?"

Lin Youde nodded, adjusted the screen to the beginning, and said.

"That's right, the field of mental commands and BGM is not a single one, but has many types."

"Every special effect in the picture represents a spiritual command."

"The mental power consumption and effects of each mental command are different."

"And the spiritual commands that each person can inspire are also different. It depends on their own abilities and circumstances."

"We'll discuss the specific details later. Let's first talk about some of the mental commands I inspired with the Ancient Iron Titan yesterday."

Raymond nodded slightly and adjusted the screen to the one where the mental command started to be triggered.

On the screen, two white light balls rise from the soles of the huge ancient iron, continue to entangle, continue to rise around the ancient iron, and then disappear...

Raymond: "What is this?"

Lin Youde: "The effect of mental command·"Acceleration" is to increase the propulsion of the body. The specific improvement effect varies from person to person, and also depends on the body and the degree of stimulation. There is no specific value or percentage. "

Lei Mengmeng thought: "This mental command is useful for both real-type and super-type machines. But on the other hand, the speed is too fast and difficult to control, right?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Well, it's just like the previous white knight without BGM field. Unless the BGM field is activated. Otherwise, if you use acceleration casually, something might happen."

"The speed of the aircraft does not mean that the faster, the better. As long as it is not just a straight line. Whether the pilot can operate it and whether the G force can withstand it is also a question."

As Lei Mengmeng nodded, Lei Meng adjusted the screen again. This time, blue cyclones appeared from directly in front of the huge ancient iron, spinning twice and then gradually disappearing...

Lei Mengmeng asked curiously: "What is this? It feels like some kind of stored energy."

Lin Youde explained: "It's a kind of energy storage, but it's not physical or physical, but spiritual."

"This mental command is "concentrate". Its effect is to improve the pilot's reaction ability in a short period of time, allowing him to operate faster and improve his hit and dodge abilities. The extent of improvement also varies from person to person. "

Lei Mengmeng suddenly said: "Oh, this is easier to understand. It's just about concentrating and paying attention, right?"

Raymond thought: "Actually, I think that many ace pilots can do this technique of concentrating on improving their combat status even without mental instructions."

"After all, focus and focus during combat. Each ace pilot has his or her own skills."

Lei Mengmeng nodded: "That's true."

The screen was adjusted again. In the screen, a green spherical light mask unfolded from the top of the huge ancient iron, wrapped the huge ancient iron, flashed twice and suddenly disappeared...

Raymond asked curiously: "Is this some kind of protective shield?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "Yes and no."

"Mental command·"Assault", the effect is to isolate the influence of external factors on the movement of the body, and enhance the stability of the body when moving, so that weapons that cannot be accurately aimed while moving can be used while moving, and a small increase Boosts speed and increases defense as you move. "

Lei Mengmeng slapped her palm: "I understand, this mental command is matched with acceleration, right?"

Lin Youde chuckled and said, "That's right. This kind of mental command is generally used by aircraft and pilots who are good at assault."

"I'll explain the rest later, so let's continue reading."

The screen was adjusted again. In the screen, two huge white sights appeared from both sides of the huge ancient iron, merged into one in front of the huge ancient iron, and then disappeared...

Lei Mengmeng nodded: "I understand this. This is the effect of improving the hit rate, right? This scope is simple and easy to understand."

Lin Youde nodded: "The mental command "Must hit" has the effect of greatly increasing the hit rate within a certain period of time. The improvement is huge. However, if there is a huge gap between the two parties, or due to environmental factors, etc., they will still be dodged. "

The screen was adjusted again. In the screen, a white stream of light appeared from in front of the huge ancient iron body. After hitting the huge ancient iron body, it turned into several streams of light and disappeared...

Raymond was curious: "Is this also an ability similar to acceleration?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "No, this is the opposite ability of "must hit". The mental command "must dodge" has only one effect. When the driver wants to dodge, the dodge probability will be increased to the maximum extent. However, it is ineffective when facing an AOE with no blind spots in the range. "

The screen was adjusted again. In the screen, three orange light balls appeared out of thin air on the upper left, upper right, and directly below the huge ancient iron body. The three light balls rotated in front of the huge ancient iron body from three directions, forming a translucent shield. Then it flew away from three directions and disappeared...

Lei Mengmeng glanced at Lemeng: "Is this the spiritual command that Sister Lemeng cares about most?"

As Raymond nodded, Lin Youde explained: "The mental command "Unyielding" has only one effect. When the body is attacked, it is forcibly triggered, negating all damage, and has an effect similar to invincibility. But it can only withstand one attack. A combo like Soul Reaver's is also considered an attack. If the attack frequency interval is greater than 10 seconds, it will be judged as a second attack. Therefore, the timing of use is very important. "

Hearing this, Lei Mengmeng took a breath and sighed: "Dear me, is this too perverted? Although it is only one time, it is an absolutely invincible defense skill? If you use it well, can you even use nuclear bombs? Resistance?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, the nuclear bomb causes continuous damage. As long as the time interval does not exceed 10 seconds, the unyielding effect will not be interrupted. The default is one attack."

"But not everyone can be unyielding, and it is very difficult to inspire. It is best not to think about popularizing it, it is impossible."

Raymond hummed and adjusted the screen again. In the screen, a translucent triangular pyramid-shaped cover appeared from around the huge ancient iron. After locking the huge ancient iron inside, it disappeared instantly...

Lei Mengmeng asked curiously: "This thing feels a bit like the floating cannon pyramid protective cover of ν Gundam (Bull Gundam). Is it also a defensive mental command?"

Lin Youde replied: "Well, the mental command "Iron Wall" has the effect of increasing the body's defense within a certain period of time. The improvement effect varies from person to person. It is suitable for machines with thick armor such as Demon Z and Big Demon. Because this improvement seems to be a percentage increase based on the body's defense power. "

Lei Mengmeng suddenly realized: "In other words, if it is as crispy as Xiaobai's, adding an iron wall will be useless, right?"

Lin Youde: "Well, that's right."

Raymond reminded: "But don't forget, there is such a thing as the BGM field in this world. Once this kind of defensive mental command with a certain duration is superimposed on the BGM field, the defense power of the super system will probably It’s desperate.”

Lei Mengmeng was shocked: "Then the reality department is finished?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "Although my ancient iron giant was not activated before, there is a mental command called "direct attack" among the mental commands. The effect is that an attack completely ignores any defensive mental commands and protective shields, and invalidates the special abilities of the body in the attack, directly attacking the body. "

"As long as there is this mental command, the attacked body can only rely on its own defense to resist, or rely on mobility to dodge. Special abilities such as "Clone" cannot be activated. "

Raymond said in surprise: "So perverted?"

Lin Youde shrugged: "There are advantages and disadvantages. Just like "Unyielding", not everyone can use "Direct Attack". It's about looking at people, at least I haven't been able to use it before, right? "

Lei Mengmeng quickly adjusted the screen and asked: "What about this one?"

On the screen, dots of blue fluorescence appeared around the ancient iron, and converged on the huge ancient iron from all directions, turning into a blue flame that rose twice and disappeared out of thin air...

Lin Youde explained: "Spiritual command·"vigor" enhances the pilot's personal fighting will, thereby affecting the body's ability. "

Lei Mengmeng was surprised: "Huh? That's it? This mental command seems quite ordinary, even useless."

Lin Youde rolled his eyes: "It's useless? No, this mental command is very useful, but you don't know how to use it."

Lei Mengmeng asked curiously: "How do you say it?"

Lin Youde explained: "Qi may seem useless, but it is very useful for a martial artist like Zeng Jia... no, it should be the martial artist that Raymond mentioned."

"The spirit of Zengjia can enhance the will to fight. For martial artists, the improvement of the will to fight is likely to lead to many moves being used more smoothly and more powerfully than before."

"Furthermore, after we activate the BGM field, our personal fighting will will be suppressed by the opponent, causing the BGM field to be overshadowed by the opponent, thus reducing the intensity of the BGM field."

"At this time, if you can inspire courage, you can increase the intensity of the BGM field, which in turn suppresses the opponent's BGM field. This will achieve an improvement in the body's performance."

"Now, do you still think that the spiritual command "Qi" is useless? "

Lei Mengmeng shook her head quickly, while Lei Meng continued to adjust the screen and asked: "What about this spiritual command that is very similar to Qi?"

On the screen, after the blue flame of the mental command "Qi" disappeared, a purple flame spurted out from the soles of the huge ancient iron again, like a rocket jet, covering the entire ancient iron in the stage. The flames rose twice and suddenly disappeared... …

Lei Mengmeng complained: "Yes, this mental command and "Qi" are both flames, but one is blue and the other is purple. "

Lin Youde explained: "The effect of the mental command·"Soul" is the effect power of another attack, which is increased by at least 3 times. There is no upper limit. The specific amount that can be increased depends on each situation and situation. "

Lei Mengmeng exclaimed: "So powerful? Just magnify it 3 times? If you are driving the Gundam GP02 that has appeared in the game before, and drop a nuclear bomb. Can the power of the nuclear bomb also be magnified 3 times?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Theoretically, it is possible, but the requirements for the soul are also very demanding, and ordinary people will never be able to use it."

"On the contrary, it is a lower-level substitute of the mental command "Soul". The mental command "Hot Blood" can be used by many people. "

Raymond was curious: "Substitute? Is the effect the same as "Soul"? "

Lin Youde nodded: "Well, the mental command "Hot Blood", the effect is to increase the effect of an attack by at least 2 times. There is also no upper limit, but the improvement is more difficult than that of the soul. "

Raymond nodded slightly: "Twice? This is much more reasonable."

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes: "It's just as perverted, okay?"

After complaining about Lei Meng, Lei Mengmeng adjusted the screen to the last screen.

On the screen, colorful streams of light wrap around the huge ancient iron body. After surrounding a colorful ball of light, they slowly disappear...

Lei Mengmeng asked curiously: "Youde, what is this spiritual command? It looks very special."

Lin Youde explained: "It is very special. This spiritual command must be a spiritual command with special abilities, "awakening" that only a very small number of people with special abilities possess. "

"Spiritual Command·"Awakening"", the effect is to forcefully activate all special ability effects and completely exempt the negative effects of special abilities. "

"Although the duration is not long, if it is some special ability with a krypton life effect, under the effect of this mental command, it can be replaced with mental power, and the cost is very small."

Lei Mengmeng was surprised: "Krypton Life's special ability?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, whether it is the special abilities of the machine or the special abilities of the pilot, they can be forcibly activated."

"To put it bluntly, as Raymond mentioned before, the Free Federation and Silla Alliance must be piloted by warriors and have different styles of aircraft."

"For those two machines to be piloted by ordinary combatants, there will be various costs to pay."

"But if this spiritual command is activated, these costs will be waived."

"There may even be some special abilities and special effects that may not exist now but may appear in the future that require overdraft of vitality to activate. You can also use this mental command to perform exemptions."

"Now, do you understand the specialness of this spiritual command?"


PS: This chapter is a two-in-one chapter, so it will be updated as a single chapter today.

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