Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 994 The day finally ends

"Finally, it's over, this day."

Lying on the sofa in the living room, Lin Youde felt extremely tired.

He experienced too much on this day.

Although it is only a short day, not even 24 hours.

But what happened on this day, Lin Youde felt that he would never forget it in his entire life.

What does it mean to never forget it?

What happened today is probably nothing more than this, right?

"Thanks for your hard work……"

Lux came behind Lin Youde, placed her hands on Lin Youde's head, and kneaded it gently.

"Thank you, Lux..."

Lacus shook her head slightly: "No, this level is not worth mentioning at all."

"Because now I suddenly realize that you are working too hard for Youde."

"Whether it's other worlds or this world, you seem to be running around without stopping to take a good rest."

"And I can't do anything but watch you."

"I don't have the fighting power like Sister Mengmeng and Sister Lei Meng, nor do I have the huge connections and amazing business acumen like Sister Liu Mei."

"It seems that all I have done is help Youde take care of this house and wait for you to come back."

Lin Youde closed his eyes, gently held Lux's hand, and said softly.

"that's it."


In Lux's stunned expression, Lin Youde whispered.

"Whether it's another me or the current me. All I want is to live a peaceful and happy life with you."

"But the world is too dangerous. If nothing is done, what awaits us in the end will be a sad end."

"I already understand this very clearly from my other self."

"So, it doesn't matter, just keep it as it is now, Lux."

"Although fighting is hard, having a home to return to is even more important."

"Because I believe that the battle will end one day."

"When all the battles are over, it would be perfect to have a place to go back to."

"That's what I said, just keep it like this."

"Mengmeng and I will definitely go out often because of our responsibilities and other reasons."

"You and Liu Mei can take care of this family while we are away, and wait for us to come back. When we come back, it is enough to say welcome back."

"At least for me, as long as this is the case, I'm satisfied."

Listening to Lin Youde's words, Lux murmured in a low voice.

"But, will this make me look useless?"

Lin Youde chuckled and said, "How could it be?"

“Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.”

"Just grasp the areas that you are good at. There is no need to force yourself to work in areas that you are unable to do."

"And I also think that the battle may not end so quickly."

"Cultivating our successors is also a very difficult task."

"As you said, Mengmeng and Raymond will either fight with me or be busy in various experiments from now on."

"Yoo Mi will definitely have to run for our various funds in the future."

"In this case, aren't you the only one who can take care of this family and teach Lita and Fleet well?"

"Although this era is turbulent, I will work hard to end these turmoils while we are still alive."

"War should not be left to children."

"Of course they need to learn combat skills. But they also need to know how to behave."

"I can't teach them this aspect, and Mengmeng and Raymond probably can't either. Liu Mei is even more of a genius. If you ask her to teach, she might teach some monsters."

"So, how to teach children is an arduous task that only you can do."

"We are fighting not because we want to fight. We are fighting because we want peace."

"Unlike us who only know how to fight, Lux knows what peace is and what gentleness is."

"When the battle is over, it will be the time for children~!"

"How to teach children to be gentle to others, how to cherish peace, and how to work for peace is what children should do."

"It's enough for us to do the killing."

Lin Youde's words deeply impacted Lux's heart.

After a long silence, Lux nodded.

"I... understand. Since this is the responsibility you gave me, I will work hard."

Lin Youde closed his eyes, leaned on the sofa, and leaned his head on Lux's arms.

"Well, that's up to you."

"Mengmeng is too lively, Raymond is probably more of a scientific researcher now because his two souls have merged into one, and Liu Mei is thinking about how to make money. Although they are also very kind, it is difficult to say that they can have the glory of motherhood now."

"So, how to educate your children can only be left to you who is the most maternal among you."

Lux's face turned red: "Mother, motherly glory, what the hell is that? We don't have any children yet."

"Also, was it because of the brilliance of motherhood that you fell in love with me in the first place?"

Lin Youde raised his head and said helplessly: "Don't make trouble, I am not Kaspar, and I will not find anyone with maternal glory as my wife. What I want is a wife, not a mother."

"I thought you were too naive in the beginning. That soul that is so pure that even new humans are obsessed with it is what attracts me the most."

Lux was stunned for a moment, narrowed her eyes, and asked, "Really, is that the reason?"

Lin Youde coughed lightly, his eyes a little wandering: "Of course, it's also because Lux is so beautiful that I'm a little greedy for your body."

"As the saying goes, everyone has the love for beauty."

"I'm a normal man, a man going through puberty, and this is normal."

Lux snorted and gave Lin Youde a light hammer: "I knew that you deliberately approached me with evil intentions. You big bad guy..."

He grabbed Lux's hand and pulled her into his arms amidst Lux's exclamation. Lin Youde smiled and pinched Lux's pretty face.

"I don't know if it's bad or not, but others don't know if it's big or not. Don't you know?"

In an instant, Lux's face turned red and she pushed her.

"Don't make trouble, this is not a bedroom. If someone comes in, you will be in trouble."

Lin Youde joked: "In other words, it's a bedroom, so it's no problem, right?"

Lux blushed, lowered her head, said nothing, and waited silently.

But Lux waited for a long time, but did not wait for Lin Youde to take any further action.

Then, Lux raised her head in confusion.

Then, she saw Lin Youde holding her, leaning on the sofa, closing his eyes, breathing steadily and falling into a deep sleep.

Lux was stunned for a moment, then gently stroked Lin Youde's face with her hand and said softly.

"Good night, Youde. Also, thank you for your hard work..."

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