Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 998 Lamia’s Request

Lin Youde was trying to be mysterious, but Lei Mengmeng wanted to act coquettishly and let Lin Youde speak out.

But with Raymond present, she was too embarrassed to act coquettishly.

Even though Raymond is her other self, she still feels that she needs to care about some dignity.

Therefore, in the end, Lin Youde did not say which direction R-GUN would be combined with SRX.

Write a report on the black box's ability to release the second machine and the mental command, and organize it.

Lin Youde specially contacted Li Xingke through a dedicated line and asked him to come over in person. Hand the most confidential report to Zhao Zheng for review.

When Li Xingke heard the news, he flew over on a special plane that day and flew back with the report.

After the native species incident, Lin's Research Institute once again became the focus of integrating various forces.

Although the public does not know that the native species incident is related to the Lin Institute.

But the huge monster (native species Arbitrator) that appeared in the sky outside the city was seen by many people and captured on video.

Therefore, City B, where the Lin Research Institute is located, has once again become the focus of attention of the entire integration, and even the world.

These attentions from various forces have made the Lin Institute extremely busy.

Lin Youde was busy for several days just dealing with previous inquiries and visits from his comrades in the western theater.

Not to mention several other war zones and other forces that are not hostile to the Lin Research Institute.

It can be said that in order to make friends with more people and gather more connections. Lin Youde followed the principle of not hitting the smiling person, and almost never let visitors get turned away.

This also meant that it took Lin Youde 5 or 6 days to put down these social activities. Take time out to visit Lamya in the ward.

"Lamia, are you okay?"

Standing in the ward, Lin Youde looked at Lamia lying on the hospital bed with bandages everywhere on her body, her eyes full of worry.

"Youde, I'm fine. Raymond has already helped me take care of the damage."

"Next, I just need to wait for the wound to heal and I can get out of bed."

Lamia was in good spirits, but Lin Youde looked at the nurse on the other side of the bed with worry.

Nothing else, just because this nurse is called Nan Ye.

Lin Youde looked at Nan Ye who was wearing a nurse's uniform with both emotion and fear, and asked.

"So, Nanye, why are you here?"

Nan Ye returned with a dazzling smile from the sun.

"Because this is the only thing I can do now."

"The three movements were swallowed by the Dragon and Tiger King, and the black box is gone."

"According to your instructions, Director, it is not suitable for the Dragon Tiger King and Tiger Dragon King to be exposed now, so the Dragon King and Tiger King remain in a state of disintegration."

"In addition, we are currently at war and it is not suitable to go out. The Dragon King and Tiger King are bored and stay in the hangar to take a nap."

"The information about the Dragon and Tiger King is not available in the simulation warehouse. The operation methods of the Dragon King and Tiger King are also different from ordinary machines, and the simulation warehouse cannot simulate them."

"I can't train, so I can only go back to my old job and help in the medical class of the institute."

"It just so happens that Miss Lamia is an artificial person, and it's not appropriate to expose her."

"So as an insider, I also happen to know nursing. Naturally, I became the best candidate for Miss Lamia's professional escort."

What Nan Ye said was reasonable and reasonable. Lin Youde couldn't find a reason to refute, so he could only look at Lamia sympathetically.

"Lamia, thank you for your hard work."

Lamia looked confused: "No, I have been resting during this period. It is not hard, the real hard work is for you, the great virtue."

"I've heard from Nan Ye that you, Raymond and Mengmeng have been socializing in various ways recently, and it's been very hard."

"That's why you should pay more attention to rest."

Nan Ye looked back and forth between Lin Youde and Lamia in confusion.

Suddenly, Nanye seemed to understand something. She whispered with a pretty face flushed.

"Mr. Director, what are you thinking about?"

"Miss Lamia is an injured patient, and the injury is obvious physical, not mental."

"For such a seriously injured patient, I will not use her for experiments. I am still debugging the nutritional solution and so on."

Lin Youde looked at Nan Ye with a horrified expression: "Experiment? Nan Ye, you just said the word experiment, right? Sure enough, you..."

The roots behind Nan Yehong's ears turned red, and she quickly shook her head: "No, Mr. Director, you heard wrong."

"Ah, that's right. It's almost time to prepare some medicine for Miss Lamia."

"You guys talk first, and I'll prepare the medicine first!"

With that said, Nanye ran away as if running away.

Looking at Nan Ye leaving, Lin Youde looked at Lamia with sympathy.

Lamia's expression was also a little subtle: "That's a very virtuous person. I also know the power of Nanye Nutrient Solution."

"How could I still drink after seeing so many victims? You are thinking too much."

I remembered that in order to allow everyone to train, Nanye Nutrient Solution was specifically listed as a punishment. Lin Youde suddenly felt that what Lamia said made sense.

"That's right..."

Seeing that Lin Youde finally stopped worrying about Nanye Nutrient Solution, Lamia was silent for a while and said.

"Nan Ye has told me about what happened after Gong Angel and I were defeated in the past few days."

"Nan Ye also told me the truth about our world and the relationship between Daddy Raymond and Daddy Mengmeng."

Lin Youde was startled for a moment and scratched his head: "That's it. That's fine. I was still struggling with how to tell you this."

"Now that you already know, it saves me a lot of effort."

"Anyway, now Raymond has come to our side. Over at the Shadow Mirror, Raymond doesn't seem to be planning to go back."

"From now on, you and Raymond will stay with us."

"The matter of the shadow mirror and the matter of the other side of the world have nothing to do with you."

"Forget those things. From now on, you will be Lamia from our Lin Research Institute. Do you understand?"

Lamia smiled, nodded, and responded: "Yes, I understand... Hmm."

Seeing Lamia suddenly covering her mouth again, her face turned red with embarrassment. Lin Youde chuckled.

"Lemeng didn't help you repair your language system. This is not the case this time. Your language system, like the memory system, cannot be replaced."

"But now your body structure is half human and half machine. If you replace the parts casually, it will cause great damage to the human part of you, which is not conducive to the recovery of the injury."

"In addition, Raymond also thinks that the way you speak now is cute, so he chooses to continue to maintain the status quo."

Lamia blushed, nodded, and put down her little hand covering her lips.

After a moment of silence, Lamia asked.

"You are so virtuous, may I ask, how do you plan to deal with Catalina?"

Lamia looked at Lin Youde nervously, and whispered with a little pleading.

"If possible, can you spare Catalina's life..."

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