Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 999: Going with the flow

Listening to Lamia's pleading words, Lin Youde sat silently on the chair next to the hospital bed, not answering rhetorical questions.

"Why do you want to plead for her? Is it because you are friends?"

Lamia nodded slightly and whispered.

"Well, Katarina is one of the very few people in the Shadow Mirror Army who is willing to take the initiative to communicate with me."

"Unlike others who treat us as mere expendables, Katarina, like Raymond, truly treats us as human beings."

"I know that after Catalina came to this world, she did many things that made you angry."

"I even attacked you twice and three times."

"But, everything happens for a reason."

"In the other world, she encountered too many things that shattered her outlook on life."

"First her parents died, and then she was shot down by you yourself. She was really..."

Lamia did not continue speaking, because Lin Youde patted Lamia's hand gently and whispered.

"Don't worry, I didn't really plan to do anything to her, let alone kill her."

"Eh? Really?"

Lamia looked at Lin Youde in surprise. Lin Youde leaned on the chair, crossed his arms, and sighed.

"I don't have to lie to you about this."

"I already know what's going on in your world."

"I can understand Catalina's difficulties."

"Although she did launch an attack on us, and even wanted to pull me along to blow herself up."

"But when I came into contact with the other me, I also vaguely understood his plan."

"Although there are many helpless reasons for Catalina's madness. But the other me doesn't want her to be implicated. I can understand her feelings in this regard."

"So, even if it's for the sake of the other me, I won't do anything to her."

Lin Youde's words made Lamia very happy.

"Thank you so much. You are so virtuous. Your trust is so broad... ah, no, it's your heart."

Seeing Lamia who was so excited that she said the wrong thing again, Lin Youde smiled and returned.

"Nothing, it should be."

"Although Katarina's parents were not killed by the other me."

"But they are indeed the result of being implicated because the other me took refuge in the native species and took revenge with the native species."

"There is a cause and effect. It is understandable that Catalina seeks revenge from me."

"Plus the other one, I hope she lives well, so naturally I can't kill her."

"However, although I can let her go, I can't really let her go and let her attack me again."

Lamia nodded in understanding and asked, "What does it mean to be virtuous?"

Lin Youde stood up and said to Lamia: "You and Raymond should find a chance to do some ideological work for her."

"The other world should have been destroyed because of the arrival of the other me."

"Let the past be in the past."

"In this world, Katarina's parents should still be alive."

"As long as she gives up the idea of ​​being my enemy, I can reunite her with her parents in this world."

"Because of your arrival in this world, many people who originally existed in this world have disappeared."

"So, Catalina has a chance to start over in this world."

"As for whether she can grasp it, it depends on the efforts of you and Raymond."

Lamia was stunned for a moment and nodded heavily.

"I, I understand. Raymond and I will work hard to convince her."

"Well, that's up to you."

Lin Youde looked at Lamia, whose face was full of joy but also a little worried. He seemed to be worried about how to convince Catalina, and felt a little melancholy in his heart.

The other self has disappeared.

He has done a lot for himself, but he also has a lot of negative legacy.

Lin Youde won't complain about this. After all, he and Lei Mengmeng were able to get here all the way because of the layout and guidance of another person behind the scenes.

Therefore, as long as the other person wants it, he will work hard to do it.

Even if Katarina, who once wanted to kill him, was allowed to live, Lin Youde could do it.

After all, he is still alive now, and Lei Mengmeng is also alive.

This is enough.

Because there is only so much that Lin Youde can do for his other self now.

Not to mention that after seeing part of another person's memories, Lin Youde was somewhat reluctant to do anything to Catalina, who was his student in another world.

The other self dotes on Catalina very much, and even if she makes her hate him, he still wants to let her live.

Guiding her and Raymond into this world is the best proof.

If the other self wants to keep them alive, then Lin Youde will work hard.

Even if they wanted to die, Lin Youde would not let them die.

Because this is the last wish of another self.

In addition, Lin Youde also felt that Catalina was not a hopeless person.

After understanding why she hates him, it is not impossible to untie her knot and redirect her to his side.

In addition, in the "Super Robot Wars" series, turning enemy characters who once fought to the death into allies is also one of the series' features.

Therefore, Lin Youde was willing to try this.

Lin Youde looked down upon the Kraken's fighting ability.

But the time-stop technology that may be contained in the Kraken is designed to deal with real enemies in the future. It is good to prepare as much combat power as possible.

Therefore, Lin Youde wanted to win over Catalina, his student in the other world.

Moreover, Lamia and Raymond also hope so.

Due to various factors, Lin Youde was happy to go along with the situation.

As for whether he could convince Catalina, Lin Youde didn't care.

It's best if you can convince her. If you can't convince her, just lock her up for the rest of her life and raise her for the rest of her life.

Now Lin Youde is not short of this little money.

There were thousands of thoughts in his heart, but in front of Lamia, Lin Youde did not show them.

In Lamia's eyes, Lin Youde still looked at her with a soft smile.

"Since you're fine, let's rest more."

"Afterwards we may go to the Old Neon Islands to regain lost ground."

"You haven't recovered from your injuries yet, so stay in the research institute to recuperate."

"When you have time, talk to Catalina and do some psychological work for her."

"You don't have to worry about other things."

"Take good care of yourself and take care of your house~!"

Hearing this, Lamia agreed happily: "I understand, that is very virtuous, please be sure to pay attention to your safety."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "Don't worry, I cherish my life very much~!"

"I still have a lot of youth waiting for me to spend, but I can't bear to die~!"

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