Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1001 Princess Xia Yin arrives?

Zhao Zheng's question made Li Xingke take out his tablet and take a few clicks before reporting.

"The Gundam GP03-D has been built in Guanghan Palace 2 months ago and has completed the final test." (Note 1)

"Currently, Gundam GP03-D has begun service in Nantianmen." (Note 2)

"The plan to replace the mass-produced Maxi Soldier II with the Gundam GP01-FB has been implemented."

"Based on testing, the mass-produced Gundam GP01-FB, manufactured with the latest technology, perfectly meets the needs of the space army."

"In terms of propulsion, maneuverability, endurance, and team coordination, the mass-produced Gundam GP01-FB is stronger and more usable than the mass-produced Ultra Soldier II·Modification."

"The mass-produced Gundam GP01-FB is a third-generation machine that surpasses the mass-produced Gemini Soldier II."

"As for the Gundam GP03-D, although this body has been improved by our technology, the coordination speed of each unit has been improved a lot."

"But its positioning is still a fortress-type body, and because the body is too huge, the cockpit's G-force relief is still not adequate."

"Therefore, currently, only one unit of this aircraft has been manufactured, with Hu Luobo as the pilot, and his military rank was promoted from warrant officer to second lieutenant."

"Relying on the various actual combat exercises of Gundam GP03-D as a deterrent, the number of Void Messenger attacks has been significantly reduced."

"But in exchange, the frequency of the Free Federation and Silla Alliance's reconnaissance troops has significantly increased."

Zhao Zheng nodded slightly when he heard this. sneered.

"As long as it can achieve a strategic deterrent effect."

"But it's just a third-generation machine, so I'm afraid it won't be able to cope with future situations."

"You go and talk to Lin Youde later and let him find a chance to go to the universe."

"The machines he produces are all designed to deal with the atmosphere. Three and a half generations of mass-produced machines are generally sufficient."

"The universe is the real key. If you can't protect the universe, you won't be able to sleep peacefully."

"Hurry up and let him lead a team to the universe to get a third-and-a-half-generation mass-produced machine for space use, or even a fourth-generation specialized machine."

"When faced with a super system, the real system cannot survive one-on-one without a generational lead."

"The days of continuing to use three real-series mass-produced machines against one super-series mass-produced machine should be over."

Li Xingke's expression froze and he whispered.

"Lord Zhao Zheng, I'm afraid this won't work."

Zhao Zheng looked at Li Xingke in confusion: "What do you mean? Will that kid refuse? Impossible, right?"

"Didn't it mean that the new humans prefer the gravity-free and vast universe to the gravity-laden earth?"

"As the strongest new human being, how could he resist going to the universe?"

"The ground is obviously a place that limits his personal abilities, right?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that he will refuse, but isn't he going to participate in the "True Super Robot Contest" in the future?"

Zhao Zheng was even more puzzled: "There is still some time before the start of the game, right? It won't take that much time to prepare."

Li Xingke handed the tablet to Zhao Zheng: "Indeed, if you just go to the universe, it really won't take that much time."

"But, he seems to want to go to the Old Neon Islands more than going to the universe."

Zhao Zheng looked surprised: "Old Neon Islands? What is he going to do in that kind of place?"

Looking down at the tablet handed over by Li Xingke, Zhao Zheng quickly reviewed it with a look of surprise on his face.

"This kid is really interesting. Before I even mentioned it, he wants to go to the universe?"

"And it's not the moon, but Mars and Jupiter?"

"You haven't learned how to walk yet, so you're going to learn how to run?"

"In order to solve the worries on the ground, we must first rescue the people of the Third New Tokyo City in the Old Neon Islands and regain the lost ground."

"This kid is really good at using justice to oppress others."

Li Xingke asked: "So, Mr. Zhao Zheng, what do you mean?"

Zhao Zheng thought for a while and replied: "Well, since he wants to go, let him go."

"Now the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance are preparing for the "True Super Robot Competition". They want to find out the true and false nature of the Dragon King in the competition and give us a good slap in the face."

"While they are focusing all their energy on this aspect, it would be a good strategy to surprise the Old Neon Islands and regain the lost territory."

"And it would also be good to participate in the competition later so that the Demon God, Geta, and the King of Braves can get familiar with each other in advance and work together to fight together."

"They happen to be friends of Lin Youde, so let's approve it together and let them go together."

"Originally Lin Youde's "Londe Bell" was already the strongest combat force we integrated. "

"Introducing the Demon God, Geta, and King of Braves together will make it more worthy of its name, and it will also save people from all war zones from arguing about who is the strongest rookie."

"The war zones have been in harmony for a long time. Let's take this opportunity to integrate them."

"It's a pity that Meteorite 1 has not been repaired yet. Otherwise, Meteorite 1 should be assigned to Lin Youde's "Londe Bell". By that time, if we unite the strongest troops, they will probably become the strongest troops on Aquablue Star, right? "

Smiling and shaking his head, Zhao Zheng returned the tablet to Li Xingke.

"Okay, let's do it like this. Let Lin Youde gather the people and set off as soon as possible. Be sure to get things settled before the competition starts."

"In addition, I also agree with his proposal. The combination of the Dragon and Tiger King and the black box body can "evolve", and there are also matters of mental command, so let him keep the news to himself. "

"When we regain the lost ground, kill all the witnesses to avoid leaking the news."

"By the way, the people in the Eastern Theater Command will cooperate with Lin Youde to create obstacles for the Free Federation's fleet on the right."

"By the way, the special combat skills training team that was formed earlier will also be brought over to practice and see how good it is."

"To call the replacement of the body in the black box the "evolution" of the body, this guy is really bluffing. "

Seeing Zhao Zheng's happy smile, Li Xingke also smiled knowingly and responded.

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away."

Human Innovation and Integration·City B·Lin Research Institute.

Lin Youde didn't know yet that Zhao Zheng had approved his application, allowing him to lead the team to the Old Neon Islands immediately.

Now Lin Youde is sitting in the reception room with Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Alufimi, with an expression as expected.

Opposite Lin Youde, sat an embarrassed Ladis and a curious Princess Xia Yin. There is also Lelouch who is wearing a mask and black dress, and Kallen and C.C who are also wearing black uniforms.

Of course, these are not the point.

The point is, next to Lelouch, there is a cute little girl sitting in a wheelchair, Lelouch's precious sister, Nunnally V. Brittania.

Lin Youde looked sideways at Ladis: "So, the reason why you didn't come back before was because Princess Xia Yin came over, right?"


Note 1 PS: It is definitely impossible to name the unified lunar city according to the European and American style, so it was decided to use Guanghan Palace as the name of the unified lunar city.

Note 2·PS: Nantianmen refers to the Nantianmen plan announced above as the name of the integrated lunar surface base. After all, this is the base of Shou Tianmen, so it is called Nantianmen, so it is kind, right?

Also, a little notice.

The update plan originally planned for the beginning of this month has been temporarily postponed.

I've been in a very bad state these past few days. I can't write anything, and my mind is feeling groggy. I don't know if I have a cold or something, but I always feel out of place.

Therefore, the author has been throwing away and depositing manuscripts these days, without coding, but taking the opportunity to rest and adjust.

Therefore, we will maintain daily stable updates for now, and the explosive update plan will be postponed to the middle of the month or the end of the month.

Before the end of this month, there will definitely be a burst of 10 updates, or more.

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