Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1002: Coming here to play?

Lin Youde's question made Ladis look quite subtle.

I feel embarrassed, embarrassed, a little overwhelmed and a little guilty.

Of course, Ladis's dead face expression did not allow him to make such rich expression changes.

The reason why Lin Youde was able to know was because he relied on the new human's mental induction to sense Ladis's emotions.

It has to be said that the new human's mental telepathy is really a good ability for people who cannot read the other person's emotions from their micro-expressions.

Of course, this is true for people like Lin Youde who can freely scale the range of new human mental induction.

For ordinary new humans, being aware of other people's emotions all the time is very tiring, and it is easy for them to suffer from mental weakness or even emotional breakdown.

This is one of the reasons why new humans have so many mental illnesses.

Fortunately, these little problems unique to new humans are almost invisible in Lin Youde now.

Under Lin Youde's gaze, Ladis nodded awkwardly and responded.

"Sorry, I couldn't make it back as soon as possible."

Ladis's apology was sincere.

Because everyone now knows the entire story of the previous native species incident.

Not long ago, Lux was responsible for receiving the newly arrived Ladis, Princess Xia Yin, Nunnally, Lelouch, C.C, Kallen and others.

Since they were all on their own, Ladis was also confused as to why Lin Youde was so anxious to call him back.

For this reason, Lux explained to everyone as much as possible.

Knowing the whole incident, Princess Xia Yin and others were surprised, while Ladis felt a little guilty and thankful.

Previously, the strongest combat power in Lin's research institute was the SRX formed by the three-machine merger of the SRX team after the meeting.

The R-2 driven by Ladis is one of the keys to the integration of SRX.

Without him, SRX could not fit together, which put Lin Youde in danger.

If only Lamia hadn't stepped forward to block Lin Youde's knife, and Nanbu Xiosuke and Exelin in the black box would have helped. I'm afraid that Lin Youde's current situation is definitely in danger.

If he were here and SRX could be integrated, the situation would definitely not be so dangerous.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Ladis blames himself very much.

Because of his own reasons, his friend almost died. This is intolerable to a serious and rigid person like Ladis.

Fortunately, Lin Youde is still alive, otherwise, Ladis wouldn't even know how to apologize.

Princess Xia Yin saw her sweetheart's self-blaming apology and quickly followed suit.

"It's none of Lord Ladis's business. It's all because of my willfulness that he didn't come back as soon as possible."

"Master Lin Youde, if you want to blame, blame me. It's all my fault."

Lin Youde did not reply, but blinked strangely: "Sir?"

Nunnally, who was sitting in a wheelchair beside her, also apologized: "No, Mr. Ladis was not able to come back as soon as possible, and part of the reason was because of me."

"It's all because of receiving us that Mr. Ladis delayed his trip."

"If Mr. Lin Youde wants to blame, please blame us."

Seeing that his most precious sister actually lowered her head to apologize to others on his behalf, Lelouch couldn't sit still.

"You are virtuous, actually..."

Before Lelouch finished speaking, Lin Youde raised his hand to stop him.

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you."

"In fact, with or without Ladis and R-2, the outcome of this incident will not change."

"It would be better to say that those guys acted like that because they were sure that Ladis wouldn't come back, right?"

"Even if Ladis comes back, I'm afraid they will find an opportunity to let Ladis leave."

"So, in terms of results, there won't be any difference."

"Plus, this is another arrangement of mine. From the ending point of view, this is already the best."

"I won't force anything else."

"So don't worry, I won't blame Ladis. I'm different from Caspar. I have a lot of courage."

When Ladis heard this, he was startled for a moment, and his expression softened a lot: "Thank you."

Princess Xia Yin even praised: "As expected of a virtuous sir, he is very rich. This is what is called in East Asia, the prime minister's belly can support a boat, right?"

Lin Youde's expression was a little subtle: "Although I can understand what you mean, and it is not inappropriate to use this metaphor. But I always feel weird."

After shaking his head, Lin Youde asked Lelouch.

"So, you have to wear this outfit here?"

Lelouch took off ZERO's mask and said helplessly.

"Isn't this to keep my identity secret from the outside world?"

"After all, I am here this time in the name of ZERO, the commander-in-chief of Princess Xia Yin's escort mission and the leader of the Black Knights."

"Who knows how many people are watching us, it's always good to be careful."

Lin Youde crossed his arms and nodded slightly: "What you said is correct."

"But I'm curious, why did you come here this time?"

Lelouch said nothing, tilted his head and looked at Princess Xia Yin.

Princess Xia Yin's face turned red: "Well, I heard that you were celebrating the Spring Festival here before. It seems to be a big holiday for the whole country."

"Although we in the Principality of Lixent do not have this custom, due to the efforts of everyone in the Black Knights recently, our Principality of Lixent is very peaceful and safe."

"So, I just want to take this opportunity to come over and see Lord Ladis, and bring some souvenirs to everyone who has helped us."

"I was thinking that everyone is on vacation. If I take this opportunity to come over, I shouldn't disturb everyone's schedule."

"But I didn't expect that there would be another accident here. I'm really sorry."

Lin Youde waved his hand and said, "It's okay. Princess Xia Yin's idea is good. In fact, the time you adjusted is also right."

"Before and after the Spring Festival, it is a time for everyone to rest. If you come here at this time, Ladis will also have time to go out with you. If you come at other times, it may not be possible."

"As for what happened before, that kind of thing was purely an accident. Who could have predicted that kind of thing in advance?"

With Lin Youde's comfort, Princess Xia Yin smiled again.

Lin Youde looked at Lelouch, who raised his hand and said, "It's the same on my side. Except that we have to protect Princess Xia Yin. I'm also very interested in your side."

"And there happens to be a big unified celebration like the Spring Festival, and I also want to bring Nunnally over to have some fun."

"After all, Nunnally hasn't been to the Unification yet."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "I see..."

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