Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1003 Not recognized by the world

Lin Youde finally understood the motivation behind Lelouch and others' coming.

This group of people just came here to visit.

During the Chinese New Year, I go out to visit relatives’ houses and so on. They are very common in areas covered by Chinese culture.

But Lin Youde didn't expect that people from overseas would come back to visit. We even dropped by Ladis' house.

Although it is a bit surprising, it is not unacceptable.

After all, the person who made the suggestion was Princess Xia Yin. So Lin Youde can still understand.

"I have a general understanding of the situation."

"Although the integration is currently peaceful, we will probably leave the integration and set foot on the battlefield again soon."

"As a member of the SRX team, Leidis is about to return to the team."

"Lelouch, do you have any plans for the future?"

Lelouch looked at Lin Youde curiously: "Huh? Are you going to set foot on the battlefield again? Isn't the situation in the three major countries relatively stable now?"

"Is the unity going to war with someone?"

When it came to serious matters, Princess Xia Yin and Nunnally were very obedient and didn't interrupt. Lin Youde and Lelouch were allowed to chat.

"It's not a foreign war, it's about recovering lost territory."

Lin Youde's words made Lelouch curious.

"Recovering lost ground?"

"That's right..."

Lin Youde briefly explained the subsequent arrangements.

Lelouch became even more curious: "Conquer the old Neon Islands? Save the people in the Third New Tokyo? This is really beyond my expectation."

"I thought that all the Neon people went to Unity or Britannia."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, there would still be people holding on."

Kallen was startled when she heard this: "There are still Neon people, in Neon?"

Lin Youde glanced at Karen and corrected: "No, those are not neon people. They are the unified people."

"The Old Neon Islands belong to our human innovation union. It was only because of the attack of dimensional beasts that the islands fell and turned into a wasteland where dimensional beasts were rampant."

"And those people did not abandon the Human Innovation Unity, they were just trapped there."

"That's why we have to save them."

"They are the people of the He clan who were reformed and integrated by our humanity, not the Neon people."

Lin Youde's rude words made Kallen's face stiffen. Lelouch also quickly interrupted.

"Youde, when do you plan to set off? Can you let people from our side go with you?"

"I am also very curious about how the people living in the third underground New Tokyo City in the old Neon Islands survive."

"Although the Principality of Lixent is currently relatively peaceful, no one can say what it will become in the future."

"If possible, I would also like to obtain some technical assistance in building cities underground."

Lin Youde glanced at Princess Xia Yin in surprise, then looked at Lelouch: "Is the situation bad over there? Are you actually considering building a city underground?"

Lelouch replied calmly: "Be prepared for a rainy day. Island countries have various limitations."

"Territorial area, resources, and population are all constraints that restrict the development of our Black Knights."

"Although we have joined the Federation of Islands now relying on the relationship with the Principality of Rixent."

"But if you want to have more say in the United Islands, you still have to look at your own strength."

"Just relying on a "Demos" is not enough. "

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Well, I will consider this aspect. But I am curious, has Demos over there been activated?"

Lelouch smiled and replied: "Yes, I was predicted by your prediction. Deimos successfully activated..."

Looking at Lin Youde and Lelouch who were chatting happily, Kallen wanted to say something, but was stopped by C.C.

Looking back at C.C who put her hand on her shoulder, Karen heard C.C whispering before she could speak.

"Just as Lin Youde said, those currently living on the old Neon Islands do not consider themselves Neon people, but consider themselves to be part of the innovative unity of mankind."

"Is this because they have a sense of belonging to the integration?"

"Or is it because the Neon People who went to New Tokyo City 2 abandoned them?"

"No one knows these things at the moment."

"But it is an irrefutable fact that they decided to break out and ask for help from the Tonghe when Lin Youde led the team."

"So, put aside your ridiculous ideas, Kallen."

"Neon and all that, it's dead."

Kallen clenched her fists: "No, neon will definitely be revived, and my brother's ideal will definitely..."

C.C sighed: "You are such a deadbeat."

Jeremiah, who was acting as a guard on the side, also looked at Karen in surprise and asked C.C.

"Your Excellency C.C., I remember that Miss Karen seems to be from one of the eight most famous families in Britannia, the Cudafield family, right?"

"As a well-known noble lady, she would do this for a small and subjugated's really incredible."

C.C rolled his eyes at Jeremiah angrily: "Just leave it alone."

Glancing at Kallen who was glaring at him angrily, Jeremiah shrugged: "Okay, you women's affairs should be handled by yourselves."

"But as His Highness's bodyguard, I have the obligation to remind you, Kallen."

"Although this is not a serious diplomatic occasion, please do not let your personal emotional reasons affect the relationship between His Highness and His Excellency Lin Youde."

"Although His Highness has accepted you, neither the Human Innovation Alliance nor Britannia will recognize Neon."

"Whether you want to admit it or not, this is reality."

"Although you consider yourself a mixture of Neon people and us Brittanians, and reject us Britannia."

"But outside, no one will admit this. Everyone will think you are a mixture of Integral and Breton."

"You can be a Unified person or a Brittanian, but you will definitely not be a Neon person. Because Neon is not recognized by all the countries that currently exist on Aquamarine."

"This is an irrefutable fact. Please recognize it clearly. If you are dissatisfied, you can leave Britnaia with your family and come to live on the land of Unification."

"Other than that, you don't have much choice, that's all I'll say."

C.C looked at Jeremiah in surprise: "You actually said so much?"

Jeremiah said conscientiously: "I just want to reduce some of the burden for His Highness."

C.C chuckled and said, "Okay, keep working hard. Lelouch and Nunnally will both be happy."

Jeremiah: "What an honor!"

Kallen stood beside the two of them, feeling a little lost.

"Neon... not being recognized by the world, this kind of thing..."

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