Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1004 Convenient and safe

Regardless of whether Kallen wants to admit it or not, the facts are indeed as C.C said.

Except for the Neon people in District 11, there is currently no country on Aquamarine that is willing to recognize Neon as a country and nation.

Since the arrival of the dimensional beasts, the world has changed drastically, and Neon has been incorporated into the human revolution and integration.

The Neon people became the He tribe, one of the many ethnic groups within the human innovation and integration.

Since the unification of East Asia, Neon, which has lost its strategic significance, has also been abandoned by the Free Federation, and the Silla Alliance is too lazy to get involved in such a thankless matter.

All three major countries turned to self-protection because of the dimensional beast incident.

In a time of life and death, who cares about the life and death of a mere neon.

If it hadn't been for human innovation and integration to absorb Neon, the Neon people trapped in the old Neon Islands would have died in the initial invasion of dimensional beasts.

If not for the establishment of the Human Innovation Union, they would have helped the residents of the Old Neon Islands defend themselves. Those Neon people who abandoned the innovative integration of mankind had no chance of running to District 11 to build the so-called Second New Tokyo City.

Everyone present may not be aware of some of the details of these matters.

But C.C is one of those rare people who understands everything.

Because of this, C.C had no choice but to persuade Kallen, or let her recognize the reality.

The current situation cannot be disrupted by Kallen because of a neon sign.

Not to mention that Kallen was devastated by C.C's words.

While Lin Youde and Lelouch were chatting happily, something also happened in other places in the human innovation and integration.

Human innovation integration·a certain conference room.

The heads of the four major families who once relied on the four holy beasts to do whatever they wanted are now gathered together.

But now, they no longer have the high spirits and arrogance they once had.

Now they are a bunch of bereaved dogs. Although their clothes are intact, they don't look embarrassed.

But their momentum was very sluggish, and their eyes were slowly filled with hatred.

"Damn's all because of this inexplicable Lin Youde. If it weren't for him, how could the Four Sacred Beasts wake up!?"

Li Jiacheng slapped the table angrily, gnashing his teeth in an extremely crazy manner.

Ma Fubao on the side glanced at Li Jiacheng, then turned to look at Liu Chongmei on the other side.

"The matter has come to this, no matter how you complain, there is no point."

"Let's discuss what to do now."

Zhou Bapei sneered: "At this point, do we have any other choice besides running away?"

"Because of those damn native species, the four holy beasts have fully awakened."

"The Dragon King Machine and the Tiger King Machine were completely mastered by that untouchable. The Bird King Machine and the Wu King Machine were also recalled in response to the Dragon Emperor's edict."

"Now, the four holy beasts have completely left us."

"Our foundation is gone."

"Don't tell me, you don't know what the situation is now."

"Zhao Zheng, Wu Mu, and Yang Ye's gang are arresting people from our four families everywhere."

"Gaoqiu, He Shen, Dong Qi and those guys are also adding insult to injury, waiting for an opportunity to eat us."

"That guy Bao Zheng has also completely convicted us, and there is no possibility of overturning the verdict."

"The guys named Feng, Ye, and Lei have also blocked the border."

"They are going to kill us completely and have no plans to give us a way to survive."

Li Jiacheng glanced at Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao fiercely, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said.

"This matter was caused by you two in the first place. Lao Zhou and I were implicated by you and suffered an unreasonable disaster."

"Now that things have turned into this, you have to bear the overwhelming responsibility."

Ma Fubao's face was as dark as ink: "Now is not the time to talk about this."

"If we engage in internal strife at this time, we will only die faster."

Ma Fu's words stopped Li Jiacheng from continuing. Instead, he took a deep breath to calm down and then looked at Liu Chongmei.

"For today's plan, we can only leave from the integration."

"Unification no longer has a place for us, but outside of integration, there is still an opportunity for us to make a comeback."

"Lao Liu, what's your master's attitude now?"

"Your Liu family has been on good terms with the core group of people in the Free Federation since 200 years ago."

"In the past 200 years, you have delivered so many benefits to them."

"Now that things have happened, they won't turn against each other, right?"

Knowing that Li Jiacheng was trying to squeeze her, Liu Chongmei wasn't angry at all. In other words, although he was also very angry, at this time, he forced himself not to show anger and remained calm.

"Lao Li, I know you are very angry. Lao Ma and I are indeed responsible for a large part of what happened."

"If Lao Ma and I hadn't allowed the kids below to get the Dragon King and King Tiger machines out, causing heavy damage to the Dragon King and King Tiger machines, things would never have turned out like this."

"But it's useless to talk about it now. Let's put aside these old accounts for now. After we get through the difficulties together, we will settle the matter slowly."

"And don't forget, our real enemy is that untouchable named Lin Youde."

"How could we be like this if it weren't for him?"

When Ma Fubao and Zhou Bapei nodded slightly, Li Jiacheng had to snort and asked.

"Okay, let's not mention these things for now."

"Now let's talk about how to escape."

"Your master has no intention of abandoning you, right?"

Li Jiacheng's speech was extremely insulting, but Liu Chongmei was not angry at all, and was even vaguely proud.

"Don't worry, there's news from over there."

"The Free Federation has not given up on our Liu family and has already arranged for evacuation."

"The four of us have been advancing and retreating together for many years. Naturally, I will not abandon you or ignore you."

"I have already made an agreement with the other side that I will take you with me when we retreat later."

After hearing this, Ma Fubao, Li Jiacheng, and Zhou Bapei looked much better.

Ma Fu Bao asked curiously: "How does the Free Federation plan to support our evacuation?"

Zhou Baping was equally confused: "The border has been blocked now, right? Are they really willing to come in specifically for us?"

Li Jiacheng didn't speak, but the look on his face showed that he didn't quite believe that the Free Federation would do such a thing for them.

In fact, the Free Federation does not have any real plans to go to war with the Human Revolutionary Unification for their sake.

Liu Chongmei said with a proud and proud smile.

"Don't worry, we don't have to go to the border, and we don't have to go to war with the United Army."

"We can use the space teleportation system developed by the Free Federation in the parallel world to teleport us directly out of the unified territory. It's convenient and safe~!"

Thanks to "Arrogant Little Nightingale" for the reward of 5,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Ziyan" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

The author will continue to work hard to update~!

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