Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1012 Too violent

Fei Long Kai successfully activated the BGM and defeated Thunder Angel with one shot.

No matter which one it is, it is an exciting and good thing.

In particular, Refina is the first captain of a battleship that can inspire the BGM field, which makes everyone feel proud.

Not to mention that the important enemy like Thunder Angel, who specifically asked Lin Youde to change battleships, was defeated, which was even more exciting.

Amid the cheers of everyone, Rafina changed her thanks to Fei Long, quickly composed herself, regained her composure, and gave the order.

"Now is not the time to be happy. The battle is not over yet. Everyone continues to be vigilant."

"Ruri-chan, re-deploy the super-gravity barrier and head towards the sky above New Tokyo City 3."

"At the same time, check to see if there are any creatures similar to Thunder Angels and mass-produced EVA around."

"According to Makiha's information, mass-produced EVA and apostles appear to be biological weapons."

"Use life detection radar to detect."

Lin Liuli nodded quickly, performed the operation, and reported back.

"Many mass-produced EVAs are following this ship and gathering in the direction of Third New Tokyo City."

"This ship is expected to arrive at the area where Thunder Angel was located in 60 seconds. There are many mass-produced EVAs gathered above the Third Tokyo City, and there will be a huge reaction with several apostles...huh?"

Rafina asked: "What's wrong?"

Lin Liuli narrowed his eyes slightly and replied: "It is detected that there is still a life reaction in the direction of the Thunder Angel explosion."

"Thunder Angel may not have been killed by this ship's super-gravity blaster."

Yi Xiaozhen exclaimed: "No way?"

Refina thought for a moment with a stern face and replied: "It's not impossible. According to Makiha and the others, apostles are different from mass-produced EVA."

"The apostle seems to have a core that they call the N2 mechanism, which is a device similar to the human heart."

"As long as this core device is not destroyed, the apostle can regenerate in a way that mass-produced EVA cannot."

"In addition, the apostle also possesses EVA's AT stance. Relying on the super defensive power of the AT stance, it is possible to protect the core of the N2 mechanism at the last moment."

Refina's calm analysis made Yi Xiaozhen and others on the bridge look astonished.

These things were deliberately told by Refina to everyone.

What humans fear most is actually the unknown.

Facing unknown enemies, humans will be afraid and their morale will be affected.

But on the contrary, once you know the details of the enemy and understand the enemy's tricks and abilities. Human fear will be reduced and turned into thinking, thinking about how to defeat the enemy.

As a qualified captain, when necessary, he needs to explain to the personnel on the bridge to a certain extent, so as to stabilize the morale of the military.

After all, a battleship is not controlled by the captain alone. There are also a series of complicated personnel such as helmsman, fire controller, and navigator.

Once one of these key people loses control, it will affect the performance of the battleship.

Refina had learned this lesson in school, so she knew what she should do, so she deliberately explained what she thought of.

Moreover, Refina continued to issue instructions non-stop.

"Since the Thunder Angel is not completely dead, let's take advantage of the opportunity while it is still regenerating to close the distance, and use EVA, which also has an AT stance, to neutralize the AT stance and deliver the final blow."

"All gun ports are ready to fire. In 30 seconds, the ship will begin to slow down and the ejection bays will be opened, allowing the Demon Team, Geta Team, and GGG Team to take the lead in attacking to clear the enemies on the ground."

"After clearing the ground, the ship lowered its altitude and began to drop the EVA team."


Lin Liuli nodded, quickly issued all the instructions, and conveyed them to the people in the Gnaku who were waiting for him.

Genaku Du Jianlong: "No problem, Dingbang, Longma, we are ready to go."

Kang Dingbang, Liu Longma, Wang Kai: "Oh!"

As the hatch opened, Mazinger Z took the lead.

Du Jianlong: "Du Jianlong, Demon God Z, GO!"

Kang Dingbang: "I'm about to attack, Great Demon God, attack!"

Driven by the red flying wings, the two Demon Gods flew out of the flying dragon.

After rushing out of the Feilong Kai, the two Demon Gods quickly separated. One on the left and the other on the right, they circled from both sides of the Feilong Kai to the rear of the Feilong Kai, and launched an attack on the mass-produced EVAs that were chasing after them.

Du Jianlong: "Ugly guys, watch your moves, chest flames!!!"

Kang Dingbang: "Compared with real EVA, these mass-produced EVA are really ugly. Just destroy them, chest flames!!!"

Two red flame beams began to fire behind Feilong Kai.

The red flames shone on the mass-produced EVA and were blocked by the orange AT stand.

Du Jianlong was shocked: "Blocked?"

Kang Dingbang replied: "After all, this is an AT position. The defense is strong. Don't hold back and do your best!"

Du Jianlong: "Okay, chest flames..."

Kang Dingbang: "The biggest..."

Du Jianlong: "POWER!!!"

Two flames, hotter than before, erupted from the chests of the two demon gods.

Under the surge of these two flames, the AT stance of the mass-produced EVA shattered.

After each mass-produced EVA was hit, it turned into a cloud of blood mist, causing countless blood and air to scatter...

Feilong Kai·Gnaku

Liu Ryoma: "It seems that Jianlong and Dingbang are working hard, so it's our turn to play. Follow closely, Hayato and Musashi, this battle is destined to go down in history, don't be embarrassed."

God Hayato: "Oh, you are the one."

Tomoe Musashi: "Stop talking nonsense, let's go up and build the tower..."

Liu Ryoma, Kami Hayato, Tomoe Musashi: "Combined!!!"

The three aircraft rushed out of the Feilong Kai, quickly formed a single vertical formation in the air, and then combined together to form a red Getalosaurus.

God Hayato reminded: "Ryoma, don't hold back. The mass-produced EVA also has an AT stance, and ordinary attacks cannot break through the defense."

Tomoe Musashi smiled and said, "So, you know what to do, right? Ryoma?"

Liu Longma showed a ferocious smile: "I have long wanted to try the strength of the AT stance."

"I just have the opportunity today, why not give it a try."

Two axes popped out of Getalosaurus and were held in Getosaurus's hands.

Seeing this scene, Kang Dingbang was surprised and said: "Hey, Longma, are you thinking..."

Du Jianlong also couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't Getasaurus have Geta Rays? Why do you need fighting weapons?"

Liu Longma said with a ferocious smile: "Of course it's because it feels better this way. Rather than shooting softly, it's more exciting to kill these guys directly by shooting them."

Picking up two Gettar axes, the red Gettaraurus rushed straight towards the group of mass-produced EVAs that could fly in the air.

"Let me see how thick your skin is."

"Take the move...Build the tower...Whirlwind!!!"

During the sprint, Getalosaurus began to spin at high speed, and his hands turned into a white light blade, which appeared around Getalosaurus.

With high-speed rotation, like a huge red top spinning continuously, Gaitalong finally collided with those mass-produced EVAs.

The huge red top flew by, and one AT stand after another was smashed on the spot, and one mass-produced EVA was smashed into pieces, causing countless broken limbs and broken arms to fall from the sky, which looked extremely bloody.

Looking at this scene, Kang Dingbang kept shaking his head: "This is too violent..."

Du Jianlong, on the other hand, said with a cheerful smile: "I can't help it, this is Longma's style..."

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