Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1013 A decent person who looks like a villain

Through Feilong Kai's communication, everyone in Gnaku who had not yet attacked also saw the battle between Mazinger Z, Big Mazinger, and Geta Dragon.

Especially Gaitalong's simple and crude violent fighting method made a bunch of girls shake their heads.

Asuka's face was full of disgust: "This is basically a collision with the machine, right? This kind of fighting method is simply more barbaric than barbarians."

Mahiha smiled and said: "However, this method is surprisingly simple and easy to use."

Gu Lincai complained: "But this kind of fighting method can only be used by super-type machines. Moreover, ordinary people can't stand such high-speed rotation."

Veretta also echoed: "And the G force generated by such high-speed rotation is definitely a very terrifying level. If you are not a martial artist with a body strength that is different from ordinary people, ordinary people would have vomited blood long ago."

Latoni responded: "Mr. Ryoma and the others are not ordinary people."

Nanye shook his head and said: "I feel that those mass-produced EVAs are suddenly a little pitiful."

Compared with the complaints from the girls, the boys were full of enthusiasm.

Wang Kai: "Oh, oh, you are worthy of being a dragon and horse. This way of fighting is really full of courage. I can't lose, my king Zhanya, let's go!"

Ni Xingxing: "This is the super system, it's so hot, Lai, let's quickly merge into SRX and go blast those fakes with flying kicks!"

Ladis was also a little moved, but he still held it back: "We'll talk about it later. The SRX combination will put a lot of burden on Cai. It's better for us to fight in the separated state first."

Ni Xingxing scratched her head: "Yes, then, let me use R-1 to blow them up."

Li Te reminded: "R-1 is not a super-type Gaetasaurus. It may not be able to defeat the AT position without opening the BGM field. You'd better not be arrogant."

Shinji Ikari said excitedly: "It's so amazing. Everyone is so amazing. We will definitely be able to save our parents when we come back this time."

Nagisa Kaoru smiled and said, "Yes, this time, it will definitely work."

Amid the complaints from everyone, one machine after another attacked one after another.

The first one to rush out was Wang Zhanya who couldn’t wait.

As an upgrade from our King Kaiya, he has long-range attack methods and the ability to fly, and is the new King of Braves who has been combined with Galeon as the core for the first time.

Wang Kai has long wanted to try out the strength of the new King of Braves who now has the real Galeon as the core and merged with him, and then merged with our King Zhanjiang.

"Roar, GAOFIGHGAR (GFG for short), drill knee kick!!!"

The drill on his knee rotated at high speed. Wang Zhanya also gave up the long-range attack method and kicked his knee with a flying kick. He forcibly penetrated the AT stance of the mass-produced EVA and kicked a mass-produced EVA into two pieces on the spot.

The mass-produced EVA, which was kicked off at the waist, fell from the air with blood on its upper and lower body, and looked very bloody.

"Well done, Kai. As expected, those who use drills are friends. Look at me, Geta turns around and turns into a whirlwind!!!"

I don't know when the Getter Robot changed from the Gettasaurus in the air combat form to the Getter Liger in the land combat form.

Geta Liger stood on the ground, raised the drill in his right hand, and a huge whirlwind roared out, rolling up the mass-produced EVAs that could not fly into the sky.

"It's now, Jianlong, Dingbang!!!"

Under the shouts of God Hayato, Mazinger Z and the Great Mazing also launched an attack on the mass-produced EVAs that were swept up by the whirlwind.

Du Jianlong: "Drill flying punch!!!"

Demon Z raised his right hand, and after launching it, the blades on both sides of his right arm rotated at high speed.

This high-speed rotating drill flying fist pierced through several mass-produced EVAs on the spot, which were turned into dizzy spells and had no time to even deploy their AT positions.

The big demon pulled out a big sword and jumped up high.

Kang Dingbang: "Kill them, Demon Sword!!!"

The flying wing thrusters behind him burst out with dazzling flames. The Great Demon Z descended from the sky at super fast speed and slashed at the tornado created by Geta Liger with one sword, cutting the group of mass-produced EVA into two pieces. cut.

As the tornado stopped, countless mass-produced EVAs were sprinkled with blood, like blood rain, and the broken limbs of various mass-produced EVAs fell from the sky.

Standing on the ground, Geta Liger was drenched in bright red blood, but remained unmoved.

God Hayato grinned: "Hey, it's the same as what I thought. These mass-produced EVAs also think in a similar way to biological beings."

"As long as it is a creature, it is difficult to defend against it when it is dizzy."

"AT stance also requires mental energy to maintain. So as long as these guys faint, the AT stance will not be used."

"See? Ryoma, fighting is easier with your brain."

Liu Longma sat in the cockpit and covered his mouth, muttering: "Hayato, you guy, let me let you be arrogant for a while. Later I will let you understand what the real fighting party is... Well."

Compared to the ferocity of the super type, the fighting style of the real type SRX team is much gentler.

Various physical bullets and beams constantly cooperated with Feilong Kai's various artillery and beam cannons to attack. They also penetrated the defenses of many mass-produced EVAs and shot them down one by one.

It's just that without activating the BGM field, the speed of shooting down mass-produced EVA here is simply not as fast as that of the super team.

Regarding this, Ni Xingxing resented it: "It's great. It's great to have a super system."

Ladis rolled his eyes and said: "Okay, let's talk about it. The mission is important."

When Ni Xingxing was complaining, Lin Youde was driving the Ancient Iron Titan, the Pure White Knight, and the Soul Seat on the bow of Feilong Kai.

"This scene cannot be used."

"If this scene is seen by people who don't know the truth, they might think that Ryoma and the others are villains who came out of nowhere."

"Compared to those ugly mass-produced EVAs, Ryoma and the others are even more scary."

Listening to Lei Mengmeng's complaints, Lin Youde laughed.

"No way, maybe Ryoma and the others are so-called decent people with villain aura."

Lei Mengmeng curled her lips and said: "Forget it, let's not film them. As materials for documentaries and promotional films, the SRX team and the EVA team are more suitable."

Lin Youde shrugged: "It's up to you, you are in charge of the shooting anyway, you have the final say."

"By the way, Raymond, are you sure you don't want to participate in the battle?"

On the communication screen, Raymond crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Don't miss me. I won't participate in this kind of battle that I can handle with you."

"Rather than fighting on the battlefield, isn't it better to fish in the office?"

"Just work hard."

Seeing that Lei Meng was obviously influenced by the previous Lei Meng's personality, Lin Youde did not force it.

After all, the original Raymond had already made it clear that he no longer wanted to fight.

Before, Raymond fought again only for himself.

Now that things are over, if she wants to take a good rest, let her.

"The EVA team has landed. Mr. Captain, what is our next mission?"

Listening to Shinji Ikari's impatient inquiry, Lin Youde took a look at the giant monster that was flying in the distance. It had arms and legs like a human, but its head was on its chest, and replied.

"Rei piloted Unit Zero, charged up the positron sniper rifle, and prepared to hit the regenerated Thunder Angel."

"The others are preparing for close combat. Apostle Water Angel is here."

"You don't need to use martial arts to fight this kind of monster, just go up together and beat it in a group!"

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