Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1014 Group fight against Water Angel

Lin Youde's words made Shinji Ikari and others who had landed on the ground immediately look at the water angel displayed on the communication screen.

Shinji Ikari looked at the huge figure of Water Angel and showed an excited expression.

"In order to save my father and mother, I must defeat these guys. Everyone, please lend me your power!"

No one rushed over in a hurry. Shinji Ikari very rationally sought help from his relatives and friends.

Asuka rolled her eyes angrily: "Idiot Shinji has already talked about this, so I will reluctantly help you."

Shinoba had a happy smile on his face: "Oh, oh, Shinji-kun, I will definitely help you if you ask."

Nagisa Kaoru also chuckled: "As long as this is what you expect, Shinji-kun..."

The four EVAs charged side by side and began to rush towards the Water Angel.

The pink EVA No. 8 machine picked up two machine guns and started shooting at the Water Angel from the left.

Countless bullets flew out and struck the AT stance spread out in front of Water Angel, causing countless ripples, but they were not able to penetrate Water Angel's AT stance.

Makiha was not discouraged and turned around and shouted: "Asuka!"

Asuka: "Here you go, look at me, drink!!!"

He picked up two machetes that were similar in style to the sword-mounted Strike Gundam anti-ship swords, but were much larger. The red EVA Unit 2 jumped up, split Huashan with one move, and turned towards the water angel.

Of course, Water Angel will not resist without resistance when faced with an attack.

In fact, when Makiha's pink EVA Unit 8 launched an attack, Water Angel raised his two arms with long knives that could almost touch his knees.

It's just that originally the Water Angel aimed his hands at Makiha's pink EVA Unit 8, but after Asuka's red EVA Unit 2 jumped up, he raised his right hand and aimed at the red EVA Unit 2 in mid-air.

The red light in Water Angel's hand flashed, and a red laser shot out. This laser hit the red EVA Unit 2 head-on. Fortunately, the special effect of the AT stance suddenly exploded in front of it. The entire body was protected by the AT stance. He was knocked upside down and flew out.

Asuka: "Wow...what the hell...this damn thing can also attack from a distance?"

"Has this kind of thing been recorded in the previous information?"

The red EVA Unit 2 was knocked flying in mid-air. It turned around and managed to stabilize its body, and successfully landed smoothly without being too embarrassed.

The pink EVA No. 8 machine on the other side was in a similar situation. The AT stance in front of him suddenly unfolded, and the AT stance and the pink EVA No. 8 machine were pushed by the red laser and slid back dozens of meters before stopping.

"Be careful, we don't have much information about this water angel. This is probably its hidden ability."

Makiha's persuasion made Asuka grit her teeth and feel very unhappy.

But fortunately, others were not idle. Ikari Shinji drove the purple EVA Unit 1, rushed forward with a special shield in one hand and a red fork-like weapon in the other.

"Xunjun, let me create an opportunity for you and try to blow its head off with one shot!"

Shinji Ikari's words made Nagisa Kaoru nodded, squatting on the ground while driving the black EVA Unit 6, holding a positron sniper rifle in his hand, and responded.

"No problem, although now there is no way to charge the load and carry out 300% extreme shooting mode."

"But Water Angel is not Thunder Angel, and it does not have such strong firepower."

"At this distance, even if you just use the built-in battery and increase the power to 70%, it should be enough to penetrate the AT position of Water Angel."

Hearing Nagisa Kaoru's response, Shinji Ikari's eyes became firmer.

"Leave it to you, let me attract this guy's attention."

"For everyone, I can do it!!!"

Holding a shield, the purple EVA Unit 1 rushed forward.

Upon seeing this, Water Angel turned its head on its chest slightly. There was a flash of light in the eyes, and two red lasers shot out from the eyes, hitting the shield of the purple EVA Unit 1 on the spot, stopping its charging posture.

Shinji Ikari's pupils trembled, and there was a little panic in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by determination.

"Yes, after the AT positions neutralize each other, this monster's light attack cannot penetrate this shield made of New Super Alloy X."

"As expected of Mr. Director, this is the defensive shield specially prepared to resist the Thunder Angel. The defensive power is really strong."

Amidst Shinji Ikari's excited whispers, the voices of Asuka and Makiha also sounded again.

"Well done, you idiot Shinji, just come here and watch me cut it into fillets and sashimi!!!"

Following Asuka's voice, the red EVA Unit 2 flew forward and rushed to Water Angel's side. The two anti-ship knives slashed at Water Angel again.

This time, Water Angel didn't react. The two light blades of his anti-ship knives struck the AT position and picked up countless light droplets.

On the other side, Makiha also drove the pink EVA Unit 8 and rushed over from the other side of the Water Angel.

"Since ordinary bullets don't work, beam attacks do."

Two pink light blades suddenly popped up from the butts of the two submachine guns, tracing the beam saber mode.

Facing the two submachine guns with beam sabers, the pink EVA Unit 8 sent them forward, and the light blades of the two beam sabers pierced the AT stance of Water Angel.

The attacks from the left and right gradually deepened the colors of the AT positions appearing on both sides of the Water Angel.

Seeing this scene, Shinji Ikari drove the purple EVA Unit 1. He held up a shield in his left hand to block the light from the Water Angel's eyes, and picked up a spear in his right hand to stab forward from outside the shield.

AT stances also appear on the front of the Water Angel to block it, but the colors of the AT stances in the first three directions on the left and right have deepened again, from pure orange to orange-red.

Faced with attacks from three sides, Water Angel's hands, which did not terminate the light attack on his eyes, flashed red again, and two red light guns popped out and condensed in the palms of his hands. He raised his arms and prepared to stab the two EVAs on both sides.

Nagisa Kaoru, who had been waiting for the opportunity, shouted with a flash in his eyes.

"Now, Shinji-kun!"

As Kaoru Nagisa shouted, Shinji Ikari's purple EVA Unit 1 instantly retracted its gun and turned sideways.

A ray of orange-red light rushed from behind, passing by the side of the purple EVA No. 1 fuselage, piercing Water Angel's AT stance on the spot, defeating Water Angel's eye light, and instantly piercing Water Angel's head.

The moment the orange light penetrated the Water Angel's head, the Water Angel's movements also stopped, and the AT stance shattered. The two EVAs on both sides took action on the spot.

The two ship-cutting knives of the red EVA Unit 2 cut off Water Angel's arms, legs, and body on the spot, cutting it into three parts.

The pink EVA Unit 8 used the beam swords of two submachine guns to pierce the water angel's body and torso, fixing it in mid-air.

The purple EVA Unit 1 that had just dodged turned around again, raised the spear in its hand, and aimed a shot at Water Angel's chest.

As the red spear penetrated, the red sphere on Water Angel's chest shattered on the spot, exploding a massive amount of blood and a cloud of blood mist, blowing away the three surrounding EVAs.

At the same time, a huge orange light beam, like a cross, slowly rose from the blood mist...

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde, one of the ancient iron giants, nodded slightly and praised.

"Well done."


PS: I am not in a good state today due to some things. In addition, I didn't get enough rest, and my overall energy was not good.

So there is only one update today, and the author needs to adjust his mental state.

But thankfully, it's not a major problem and the doctor said it's just a minor problem.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Du Niang was indeed unreliable and almost scared the author to death...

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