Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1023 Instant kill?

Although Shinji Ikari is not afraid of fighting now.

But since he drove EVA in New Tokyo City 3, he has been surrounded by various partners.

Since childhood, he and Nagisa Kaoru have been watching various robot animations. Although he has always been fascinated by driving robots. He is also firmly committed to the idea of ​​driving robots to protect the people around him.

But that doesn't mean he won't be afraid.

Before, he had more or less reliable partners accompanying him.

Even if he makes a mistake, others will immediately come to make up for his mistakes and check for his mistakes.

Precisely because he has a variety of reliable partners around him, he can keep fighting.

But now, because of Lin Youde's order, he has no other partners around him, only him.

Such a situation made him feel a little nervous.

Shinji Ikari didn't blame Lin Youde, why should he face an apostle like Grave Angel alone.

Because he understood that Director Lin Youde, who seemed to know everything, must have deep meaning.

Director Lin Youde did not arrange for him to come alone to face the apostle just to punish him.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of it.

But Asuka, Makiha, Rei, and Kaoru Nagisa all around him praised Lin Youde.

Everyone trusts Director Lin Youde so much, and he also believes that Director Lin Youde will not harm him.


"I can do it, I will definitely do it."

After a few words of self-encouragement, the Graupel Angel, which was exactly the same as an ordinary EVA and was painted in black, came to the purple EVA Unit 1.

Looking at this machine that was exactly the same as an ordinary EVA, Shinji Ikari held the joystick with trembling hands, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger.

"I am also a warrior. Sister Setsuko has taught me so much. I will not lose to you!"

Through the previous Dimension Beast War and the teachings of Setsuko Ohara from the Glory Star Team in the Lin Research Institute, Shinji Ikari was worried and uneasy, and his nervous fingers were trembling.

However, his previous sufficient training allowed him to instantly enter combat mode and quickly pull the trigger.

The purple EVA stuck the huge shield on the ground, squatted down half-crouched, placed the submachine gun in his right hand above the shield, and held the gun in one hand.

A series of bullets were continuously sprayed from the submachine gunner, hitting the AT position in front of the black grazer one after another.

Lin Youde, who was not far away, raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene.

"Oh, he actually didn't rush forward directly, but chose to use long-range weapons to contain him. Shinji seems to have learned a lot."

Lei Mengmeng also looked at Shinji Ikari and smiled.

"After all, you can be considered a person who has experienced a large-scale war. This kind of improvement is still necessary."

"But Youde, are you sure that Shinji alone can defeat the Grave Angel?"

"Although they are all EVA, that Grain Angel is probably an EVA parasitized by an apostle."

"Can Shinji do it alone?"

Facing Lei Mengmeng's inquiry, Lin Youde also touched his chin and thought deeply.

"If the BGM field can be stimulated, Shinji may be able to win."

"But if not, Shinji probably won't be able to win with his current equipment."

"So, Alufemi, please prepare a little bit."

"If Shinji is really in trouble, follow my orders and teleport over to save others."

"Similarly, without my order, no matter how dangerous the EVA Unit-1 is attacked, don't take action easily."

"I want to see how much power Shinji can unleash without the help of others."

"Theoretically, every EVA is a black box body and will have a BGM field."

"But for so long, no EVA has inspired the field of BGM."

"It won't work if it goes on like this. I need to put some pressure on him."

Lei Mengmeng shrugged: "Okay, as long as you know what's going on."

Alfemi nodded slightly: "I understand."

Under the gazes of Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, Alufimi and the Third New Tokyo City, Ikari Gendo and Ikari Yui.

Shinji Ikari, who faced the Grave Angel alone, fired all the bullets from his submachine gun and looked at the Arch Angel that was unharmed, and began to sweat on his forehead.

"Isn't it possible? I have obviously used my AT stance to neutralize its AT stance."

"However, it still cannot defeat its AT stance."

"Sure enough, this kind of attack alone is not enough."

Throwing away the submachine gun that had no bullets, the purple EVA Unit 1 pulled out the long gun behind him, stood up with a shield in his left hand and a gun in his right hand.

"Since long range is not enough, then use close range attacks!"

Taking violent steps, the purple EVA Unit 1 was like a sharp arrow, running wildly.

The black EVA Grain Angel, which had not reacted when attacked before and was just swaying forward, finally raised its head at this moment, spread its hands, leaned back, and let out a roar like a wild beast.


With a roar, the black EVA·Graupel Angel also started to charge, heading straight towards the rushing purple EVA·Unit-00.

In the cockpit, Shinji Ikari gritted his teeth and recalled in his mind Setsuko Obara's previous teachings to him.

-Memories kill-

Setsuko Obara: "Shinji-kun, although your EVA has an AT stance, this magical defensive stance."

"But this defensive stance is not only possessed by your EVA. Those monsters called apostles who are entrenched in the old Neon Islands to prevent you from leaving also possess it, right?"

Shinji Ikari nodded: "Yes, Sister Setsuko."

Setsuko Obara: "Then have you ever thought about what you would do if you faced those monsters alone and were unable to break through the opponent's defense?"

Shinji Ikari shook his head: "No. But Asuka said that the AT position and the AT position can neutralize each other."

"As long as we use EVA's AT stance to neutralize the apostle's AT stance, we should have a chance of winning."

Setsuko Obara asked: "What if it cannot be neutralized, or it cannot be neutralized quickly?"

"Apostles are the same as dimensional beasts. They are giant monsters that cannot talk to each other, right?"

"I have also talked with Asuka and Rei before, and I know that some of the apostles from the old Neon Islands are even bigger than EVA."

"Once you face an apostle who has a particularly powerful reminder and a particularly strong AT stance, and if you are unable to break through the opponent's AT stance immediately, even EVA will be very dangerous, right?"

"After all, for EVA, the only real defense method is the AT position. Once its AT position is broken through, and it cannot break through the apostle's AT position, won't EVA be at the mercy of others?"

"Are you prepared to face this situation?"

Shinji Ikari was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "This... really doesn't happen."

Setsuko Obara thought for a moment and said: "It is too dangerous to face a monster like the apostle without any preparation."

"It would be great if you could activate the BGM field. You can rely on the BGM field to enhance the body."

"But you can't do this yet. It's still too dangerous to rely solely on the AT position as a defense method."

Shinji Ikari was a little nervous: "But no matter how dangerous it is, we have to go. Mom and Dad are still over there."

Setsuko Obara nodded and responded: "Well, I understand this too, so I think it's best for your EVA to be equipped with some physical weapons."

Shinji Ikari looked puzzled: "Weapons? Mr. Director has prepared them for us. There are long-range positron sniper rifles, beam rifles that use energy clips, and live ammunition submachine guns."

"At close range, there is an enlarged anti-ship sword from Strike Gundam for offense, and a shield made of New Super Alloy X for defense."

"As for equipment, there are a lot of them now."

Setsuko Obara smiled: "As expected of the director, the arrangements are thorough."

"But I think this is not enough."

"I have talked with Nanye and Cai before. The AT position is a double-edged sword. Once the AT position is suppressed in strength, EVA will probably be at a great disadvantage even if it relies on weapons."

"So, you still need some trump cards."

Shinji Ikari became more energetic: "A trump card, what a trump card."

Setsuko Obara smiled and said: "That's it..."

Listening to Setsuko Obara's explanation, Shinji Ikari's eyes were filled with surprise and excitement: "Is this also possible?"

Setsuko Obara nodded and said: "It should be possible. This is the idea proposed by Nanye, and Cai used telekinesis to imitate it and succeeded in doing it."

"Although I can't read power and can't use AT stance, I think if it were you, you should be able to do it."

—Memory Kill·End—

In his mind, the trump card taught by Obara Setsuko was quickly recalled in Shinji Ikari's mind.

Shinji Ikari took a deep breath and said to himself.

"Sister Setsuko has taught me that when faced with an AT position that cannot be neutralized even by EVA, I must condense the AT position at one point and make a breakthrough at a single point."

"Concentrate, focus your AT position on the spear, and break through it in one go!"

"Look at the move, EVA's special move: Fearless submachine gun!!!"

In the roar of Shinji Ikari, the purple EVA Unit-0 held up a shield and rushed in front of the black EVA Graupel Angel at an extremely fast speed, aiming his right hand spear at the chest of the black EVA Grape Angel and stabbing it.

The moment the tip of the spear touched the Archangel's AT stance, an AT stance appeared from the tip of the spear and instantly turned into a triangular pyramid shape.

This triangular cone-shaped AT stance with the tip of a spear instantly penetrated the AT stance of the Angel Angel and stabbed towards his chest.

Although the Graupel Angel made a blocking action, because the purple EVA Unit 1's previous run-up and charge was too fast, the shot was as fast as thunder and there was no time to block it.

As soon as Graupel Angel stretched out his hands, the tip of his spear had already pierced his chest.

There was a pop.

The spear instantly pierced through the Grave Angel's chest and penetrated from behind.

As the chest was pierced, blood spurted out and sprinkled on the face of the purple EVA Unit 1 on the front. The Graupel Angel's hands hung down weakly, hanging on the spear, motionless.

Seeing this scene, Shinji Ikari's inner nervousness and anxiety were swept away, and he danced excitedly while sitting in the purple EVA cockpit.

"It worked. The special moves taught by Sister Setsuko are really useful. I did it successfully!"

"Yay! I did it!!!"

The excited Shinji Ikari was very happy.

On the bow of Feilong Kai, Lei Mengmeng looked at the EVA Unit 1 that killed the Grave Angel with one blow, and her expression was a little subtle.

"Youde, things seem to be different from what you think."

"This guy Shinji, I don't know where he learned a lot of strange tricks, but he actually killed this apostle like this?"

"In this case, does your plan fail?"

Listening to Lei Mengmeng's words, Lin Youde's mouth twitched slightly.

To be honest, Shinji Ikari's operation really surprised him.

In the original work, there was a scene where the AT stance was manipulated to transform it from a defensive method to an offensive method.

But those who can do this are either the apostles or the Deified Unit-1.

The Unit 1 in front of me, which was neither deified nor parasitized by an apostle, could actually do this.

This surprised Lin Youde.

"Is this EVA special? Or is it the result of Shinji's own efforts?"

Lin Youde was struggling, but Alufemi suddenly said something.

"This is your credit, Youde."

"Huh? My credit?"

Lin Youde looked at Alufemi in surprise, and Lei Mengmeng also looked at Alufemi curiously.

"How to say?"

Alfemi puffed out her chest and explained with a proud expression.

"Although I came to Youde not long ago, everyone in the institute regards Youde as their idol."

"Other people in the institute will watch videos of Youde's battles for research and study."

"Everyone is in awe of Youde's various tactical operations and learns from them with an open mind. Everyone thinks that as long as they can learn a few points, they can defeat the strong with the weak."

"Obviously, Shinji Ikari's actions are the result of learning virtue together with others."

"The cause is virtuous, and the merit is certainly virtuous."

When Alufemi said this, both Lei Mengmeng and Lin Youde had to admit that it did make some sense.

But it was precisely because it made sense that Lin Youde was so entangled.

‘Although everyone is working hard to study, practice, improve their skills and make themselves stronger, I am very happy. ’

‘But, in this case, wouldn’t the crisis that can awaken you under normal circumstances not be enough to become a crisis at all? ’

Looking at the Grave Angel who easily drove Shinji Ikari and Purple EVA Unit-000 to a dead end in the original work and could not win without relying on rampage, he died so easily at the hands of Shinji Ikari and Purple EVA Unit-00 at this moment.

Lin Youde didn't know whether he should be happy or helpless.

Our own personnel are stronger than in the original work, so the crisis in the original work is not enough to become a crisis or something.

"Is this really...huh? No, Shinji, be careful!!!"

Suddenly hearing Lin Youde's exclamation, both Lei Mengmeng and Alufemi looked in the direction of the purple EVA Unit 1 in confusion.

Then, the two saw a horrifying scene.

The chest had been penetrated, and the dead figure had been revealed before. The motionless Grap Angel suddenly raised his hands and pinched the purple EVA's neck.

The originally drooped head was raised again, and the closed mouth even split open, revealing a creature-like bloody mouth and scarlet tongue.


As he roared, the hands of the angel continued to exert force, causing Shinji Ikari's face in the purple EVA cockpit to turn red instantly.

"Let, let me go..."


PS: Too lazy to separate chapters, so I posted them together. Single update today.

It's clearly 520, but the author can only stay at home and type, Kuluxi...

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