Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1024 Neon Genesis Evangelion

Due to EVA's unique synchronization rate operation method, all injuries suffered by EVA will be fed back to the driver synchronously and felt.

Although it does not mean that EVA's hand was broken off, the driver's arm was also broken off.

But the feeling of a broken arm will be 100% fed back to the driver.

This is also the reason why EVA is difficult to drive and not many people are willing to drive it.

But now, the purple EVA Unit-01 is being choked by the black Grael Angel. The feeling of being suffocated makes Shinji Ikari extremely painful.

He had obviously won just now, so why was the other party alive and able to move now?

Shinji Ikari now has no time to think about these things.

All he wanted now was to break free from the clutches of the Graupel Angel and get out of his predicament.

But the suffocating feeling of having his neck strangled and having difficulty breathing meant that he couldn't use much strength at all.

EVA is different from conventional machines. It's not a type where you can just press buttons and make the machine move randomly.

How much power EVA can exert depends entirely on the driver himself.

Therefore, even if EVA Unit-01 does not need to breathe, the strength of the struggle is not strong because Shinji Ikari is so suffocated that he cannot use any force.

But the black Grain Angel seemed to be going crazy at this moment, grabbing the neck of the purple EVA Unit-1, as if he would not give up until he broke the opponent's neck.

In such a situation, the resistance of the purple EVA unit No. 1 was like a cricket shaking a tree. It grabbed the Angel's wrist with both hands and pulled it together, but it failed to even shake it.

As the feeling of suffocation deepened, Shinji Ikari felt that his strength gradually weakened and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

'Am I going to die...'

In a daze, his eyes gradually turned white due to suffocation, and his consciousness gradually faded away. There was only such a vague idea in Shinji's mind.

'Obviously I will be reunited with my parents soon...'

'We have obviously made up our minds to drive EVA to protect everyone...'

'I'm going to die here soon...'

'This kind of thing...'

The gradually blurring consciousness caused countless memories to flash back in Shinji Ikari's mind.

Looking at those fast flashback memories, Shinji Ikari complained to himself in a blur of consciousness.

'It turns out... that all memories before death will be played back in a revolving lantern, is it true...'

In a trance, a fragment flashed through Shinji Ikari's mind.

That was a scene where Shinji Ikari met Lin Youde in the garden one day while he was at Lin's Research Institute.

In the garden, Lin Youde sat on the lawn with a glass of happy water.

Shinji Ikari looked at himself in the memory, standing aside with some hesitation, and was a little puzzled.

'Eh? What am I going to do at this time? ’

In doubt, Lin Youde in the memory turned his head and greeted Shinji Ikari in the memory with a smile.

"Hey, Shinji-kun, what do you want from me?"

In the memory, Shinji Ikari walked over with a little hesitation.

"Mr. Director, I want to ask you something."

Lin Youde smiled and replied: "But it doesn't matter. As long as I can answer your questions, I will try my best to answer your questions."

In his memory, Shinji Ikari looked at Lin Youde and asked, "Mr. Director, how can I become as powerful as you?"

In Lin Youde's surprised expression, Shinji Ikari lowered his head and said.

"I watched all the battles between Mr. Director and the native species and members of the Shadow Mirror Force before."

"Although it's been some time since those things happened, I still find them incredible every time I think about them."

"If it were me, I would have run away long ago when faced with that desperate situation."

"Why can Mr. Director keep fighting? Aren't Mr. Director afraid of those enemies?"

Lin Youde was startled for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

"Afraid, of course I am afraid too. As a human being, how can I not be afraid of death?"

Shinji Ikari was a little surprised: "Eh? Is Mr. Director also afraid?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Yes, of course I will be afraid. You also saw the situation when I was fighting the Soul Reaver driven by Axel. It was a truly desperate situation."

"How could I not be afraid when faced with a situation where I could be killed at any time?"

Shinji Ikari: "But..."

Before the words were spoken, Lin Youde interrupted: "But there are some things that scare me more than death."

Shinji Ikari was stunned: "What scares Mr. Director more than death?"

Lin Youde nodded and looked up at the sky: "Yes, compared to my fear of being killed, I am more afraid that Mengmeng, Lamia, and Cai will die because of me because of my incompetence."

"They are the people I cherish most, and I don't want anything to happen to them because of my incompetence, so I have been working hard."

"In fact, when I saw Lamia being defeated by Axel's Soul Reaver in order to save me, and exploding together with the Archangel, my heart was completely filled with anger."

"The fear of death and the fear of death were all thrown out of my mind."

"Because of my incompetence, Lamia died in front of me. What could be more outrageous than this?"

"So, at that time, I didn't think about whether I would die at all. Instead, I only thought about revenge for Lamia."

In Shinji Ikari's completely stunned expression, Lin Youde turned his head meaningfully and gave instructions to Shinji Ikari.

"Shinji, if you don't want to be like me and experience the heart-rending pain, the guilt and anger of causing the most real person to die because of your own incompetence."

"If you don't want someone you cherish to die in front of you and you can't do anything, then work hard."

"Compared to your own death, the feeling of powerlessness when someone you cherish dies in front of you is more frightening..."

Looking at Lin Youde's words in his memory, Shinji Ikari was startled.

‘Yes, after I die. What will happen to others? ’

‘If I don’t stop this monster, what if it goes to find Rei, Asuka, Aunt Makiha and Kaoru-kun? ’

‘Although Mr. Director is powerful, there are times when he is weak. The battlefield is so big, if he can't take care of it, wouldn't everyone be in danger? ’

When I think about the fact that after my death, the Mare Angel may attack or even kill Ikari, Asuka, Makiha, and Nagisa Kaoru.

When he thought of this possibility, Shinji Ikari, who was originally unconscious, suddenly woke up, gritted his teeth, and roared.

"Don't even think about it..."

The scenes of being with Rei since childhood, bickering with Asuka, being teased by Makiha, and walking with Nagisa Kaoru flashed through Shinji Ikari's mind.

The belief in wanting to protect everyone made Shinji Ikari burst out with unprecedented strength.

Shinji Ikari roared angrily because of his belief that he would break his own body into pieces and kill the Grave Angel to prevent it from harming others.

"I will never let you do that!!!!"

Amid Shinji Ikari's increasingly crazy shouts, the hands of the purple EVA Unit-0 gradually exerted force.

As the light in the purple EVA Unit No. 1's pupils became stronger and stronger, the purple EVA's head gradually recovered from the tilted back state, and looked at eye level with the black graupel angel.

The angle of view was restored, and Shinji Ikari, who was holding back his breath, used all his strength to pry apart the hands of the angel.

But even though he held his last breath, Shinji Ikari found that he was still a little short of breaking apart the angel's hands.

‘Damn it, it still doesn’t work? ’

‘Is this all I can do? ’

‘It’s obviously EVA, why did you lose the first opportunity to this guy? ’

‘Even if this guy is parasitized by an apostle, his body is still EVA. ’

‘Why is this happening? Is it a problem with the body? ’

‘No, they are all EVA, there should be no difference in the body. ’

‘Then there’s only one problem, and that’s that I can’t do it. ’

‘I was the one who dragged down Unit 1, causing Unit 1 to lose to this guy. ’

When he thought of this, Shinji Ikari was filled with unwillingness and annoyance.

‘Unit 1 will lose because of me. ’

'Because of my incompetence, everyone is in danger. ’

'This kind of thing...'

"I don't want it!!!!!!"

As he roared, Shinji Ikari's pupils were bloodshot, the blood vessels on his forehead bulged, and his voice gradually became hysterical.

"I won't lose to you!!!!!!"

On a dashboard of EVA Unit 1, the percentage of synchronization rate between the aircraft and the pilot was displayed, gradually breaking through from 100% to 110%...120%...130%...

"Black box machines are all machines with self-awareness. When you desire power, speak out your thoughts. Only in this way will the machine respond to you."

In his mind, the words Gu Lincai once said to him flashed through his mind.

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Shinji Ikari started shouting.

'I need strength...'

'I need the power to protect everyone...'

‘If you really have your own consciousness like Sister Cai. ’

‘Then please lend me your power. ’

‘I will fight to protect everyone, even if my body is shattered, I will never regret it. ’



The cry that filled Shinji Ikari's whole body with all his strength caused the synchronization rate instrument panel in the cockpit of the purple EVA Unit 1 to finally reach 200%.

In an instant, a dazzling light burst out from the eyes of the purple EVA Unit-1.


The seal sealing his mouth shattered.

The purple EVA Unit No. 1 opened its mouth like a Graupel Angel parasitized by an apostle, and let out an angry roar.

At the same time, the exciting BGM began to play.

[BGM: Cruel Angel's のテーゼ-V.A]

At the moment when the BGM field was playing and the purple EVA Unit 1 roared, the purple EVA Unit 1 was holding tightly, but the hands belonging to the Grape Angel were easily opened by the purple EVA Unit 1 without any effort.

Grasping Angel's wrists, as soon as the Purple EVA Unit No. 1 exerted force, Angel's wrists clicked twice and were broken on the spot.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

After the arm was broken, the Graupel Angel let out a painful cry.

In the roar, two flesh balls rose up from behind the Grael Angel. In the blink of an eye, a pair of human-like arms broke out of the flesh balls. The arms stretched out from behind and grabbed EVA Unit 1 on the spot.

But now Shinji Ikari has no fear when facing this kind of attack.

After breaking free from the clutches of the Grave Angel, his neck was not strangled, and he breathed heavily, Shinji Ikari smiled happily after surviving the disaster.

"Thank you, Unit 1, thank you for responding."

"Now, let us fight together."

"Apostles or something like that are not our opponents!!!"

After Shinji Ikari's shout, the purple EVA Unit-0 also roared at the nearby Grave Angel.



The AT stances on the left and right sides popped up out of thin air, blocking the hands that grew out of thin air.

The purple EVA Unit No. 1 grabbed both of the Angel's arms and threw it over the shoulder, causing the Angel to hit the ground behind it. It made a huge noise and rolled nearly a thousand meters before it came to a stop.

Looking at the Graupel Angel gradually getting up from the ground, the purple EVA Unit 1 standing there picked up the spear that had been dropped before and made a throwing motion.

The previously deployed AT stance deformed on the spot and turned into a huge triangular cone, which was placed over the spear.

"This time, I will completely eliminate you."

"Kill it, EVA!!!"

Following Shinji Ikari's shout, the purple EVA Unit-0 shot hard.

A dozen huge sonic booms exploded from the front of the purple EVA Unit 1.

Facing this attack, the Graupel Angel, who had just stood up, waved his hand in front of him and deployed seven or eight AT stances.

However, this defensive method is of no use at all.

With a huge roar, the spear was thrown out, and the AT stance in front of the Graupel Angel was instantly shattered.

The long spear wrapped in the triangular cone AT stance, carrying the AT stance, instantly smashed the entire torso, neck, and head of the Graupel Angel on the spot...

After the body was torn apart, countless blood burst out from the body, and a cross beam of light rose from the place.

However, as soon as the cross rose, it was shattered on the spot by a huge shock wave.

And this sudden shock wave was caused by the spear thrown by the purple EVA Unit 1 falling on the ground in the distance and creating a huge mushroom cloud...

Looking at this sudden explosion, he killed the Grape Angel with one shot, and launched the purple EVA No. 1 unit with the effect of a nuclear explosion.

Ni Xingxing was stunned: "Wo, Wo Cao! This casual throw actually had the effect of a nuclear bomb? Isn't this EVA too powerful?"

While Ni Xingxing was shocked, Asuka, Ikari, Makiha, and Nagisa Kaoru cheered.

Asuka: "Well done, you idiot Shinji!"

Ikari: "You did it, Shinji."

Makiha: "Well done."

Nagisa Kaoru: "You worked very hard, Shinji-kun."

The bow of Feilong Kai, the cockpit of the Ancient Iron Titan.

Lin Youde looked at Shinji Ikari who had successfully awakened initially and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was such a risk, but it was finally done successfully."

The pure white knight waved and greeted the Soul Seat, which had already risen into the air and made a gesture of drawing a sword.

"It's okay Alufemi, you don't need to take action anymore."

"But Youde, did you do something just now?"

Lin Youde looked at Lei Mengmeng in surprise: "Have you become a new human too?"

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes: "I would like to, but unfortunately not."


PS: Today is also a two-in-one single update. It is not appropriate to publish this kind of chapters separately.

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