Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1027 Testing each other

Facing Lin Youde's inquiry, Ikari Yuantang replied quite calmly.

"The people who are staying in Neo-Tokyo III now are those who are disappointed with the unified military, but have nowhere to escape."

"Although I am very grateful to your army for the rescue, the people in the city may not be able to understand it this way."

"After all, the unified military has not come to the rescue for more than ten years. People in our entire city can only be trapped underground, never seeing the light of day."

"There are many people who have resentment towards the unified party, because they generally believe that the unified party has abandoned them."

"Of course I know that's not what happened here, and it's quite complicated."

"But in the past ten years or so, in order to stabilize the situation, we did not explain too much to avoid civil unrest."

"So, please give us some time to slowly evacuate the people so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

What Ying Yuantang said was reasonable and well-founded, and Lin Youde couldn't find any fault with it.

After all, it is an irrefutable fact that the unified party has not come to the rescue for more than ten years.

Without knowing the truth, it is human nature for people in New Tokyo-3 to have a certain degree of resentment towards the unifying party.

In fact, as unified people. Even Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, and even Lei Meng didn't know there were still people alive here.

If it wasn't that some people at the top of the unified body deliberately blocked the news, then it was that the people at the top of the unified body really thought that there were no living people here in the old Neon Islands.

No matter which one it is, it is true that the people on the unified side have given up on the Third New Tokyo City.

As for the people of the old Neon Islands, they betrayed the unification and fled overseas to establish the Second New Tokyo City, holding high the flag of rebellion and so on.

It is impossible for ordinary people living in New Tokyo City to know this kind of thing.

Therefore, they will only blame the monsters that blocked the ground and the unified party for not coming to rescue.

" much time do you need?"

"It's not that I don't understand your difficulties, but you must also understand that as a rescue party, we cannot bring back anyone."

"It took a lot of manpower and material resources to fight back this area, but in the end no one was rescued."

“This is the kind of thing that would make unification a laughing stock in the international world.”

"Commander Ikari Yuantang shouldn't have thought about the consequences that such a thing would have, right?"

Lin Youde's words made Ikari Yuantang nod in response.

"Yes, of course I have considered this aspect."

"So I will report on the unified party's rescue during this period."

"The young people in Third New Tokyo still have great enthusiasm for returning to the ground and returning to integration."

"So I will arrange for the children and those who are willing to return to integrate to leave with the rescue force."

"But I can't guarantee that everyone has this will. People's emotions are still very complicated."

"Therefore, I implore your army not to enter the Third New Tokyo City for the time being, so as not to provoke conflicts."

"As long as the military is not stationed directly, we will not impose restrictions on other matters. Please understand."

When Lin Youde heard this, his heart became bright.

‘This guy probably said this because he was afraid of what we would find in New Tokyo City 3. ’

‘As long as the city is not taken over in an all-round way, it is impossible to have a clear grasp of what is in the city. ’

'Referring to the original work, there may be the body of the second apostle Lilith or the first apostle Adam in this NERV base. ’

‘After all, this is the situation in the original work. ’

‘In order to prevent the first apostle and the second apostle from coming into contact with other apostles, triggering the second and third impact. EVA will be created to resist. ’

'Although anyone who has read the original work knows that the real purpose of EVA's creation is to complete the plan for mankind. ’

'But on the surface, EVA was created as a weapon against the apostles. ’

‘Although the situation in this world is somewhat different, the root setting should be the same. ’

‘Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many apostles on the ground. ’

Knowing what the NERV base wanted to hide, Lin Youde was not very interested in getting to the bottom of it.

As long as it does not cause an impact, turn the sea water red, and do not carry out the so-called human completion plan.

Buried in the deepest area of ​​the NERV base is the first apostle Adam or the second apostle Lilith. Lin Youde didn't care at all.

Lin Youde was not interested in being an apostle or anything like that.

Lin Youde, who had already set Demon God ZERO as his future goal, could not look down upon the corpses of the apostles.

"Okay, it just so happens that it will take a few days for us to clear out other mass-produced EVAs and apostles on the ground."

"Take advantage of these few days to arrange the first batch of evacuations."

"As for the others, I will allow you to stay here on the grounds that you have been trapped underground for a long time and have some kind of mental illness."

"But this is just a temporary measure. I am only the commander in charge of combat. I am not the person in charge of reconstruction, rescue and other related matters."

"Whether you can convince others depends on your ability."

Lin Youde's meaningful look made Ikari Yuantang twitch his eyebrows and return.

"You are worthy of being the strongest new human being. You are really powerful."

Knowing that Ikari Yuantang was making it clear whether he had discovered something, Lin Youde also shrugged and laughed.

"Commander Ikari Gendo is ridiculous. The new humans are not as magical as you think. They are just slightly evolved humans. In essence, they are still humans."

"But as a slightly evolved human being, I personally believe that human beings still have a very bright future."

"It is very foolish to confine human beings to this planet, don't you think?"

Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng both glanced at Lin Youde and thought to themselves.

‘What did Youde discover? Are you deliberately beating up this Ikari Yuantang? '*2

Ikari Yuantang's pupils shrank and he smiled slightly.

"What Colonel Lin Youde said is that it is indeed better for mankind to continue moving towards the universe."

Behind Ikari Gentang, Akagi Ritsuko and Ikari Wei looked at each other, their eyes full of astonishment.

Ritsuko Akagi thought: ‘What do you mean? Did this Lin Youde discover the human completion plan? ’

Ikari Wei seemed to understand the meaning of Ritsuko Akagi's eyes and shook her head slightly.

‘I don’t know, but it’s best not to expose any clues related to the human completion plan now. ’

‘This Lin Youde obviously knows something, but he hasn’t revealed it yet. ’

‘Since he is willing to pretend to be confused, we can just follow his wishes. ’

Ritsuko Akagi nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Lin Youde smiled: "Yes, I think so too."

"So, Commander Ikari Yuantang doesn't mind if I wipe out all the apostles without leaving a single one alive, right?"

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