Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1028 The secret hidden deep in NERV

Facing Lin Youde's inquiry, Ikari Yuantang also nodded in response.

"Of course I don't mind. The apostle is the enemy that prevents us from returning to the ground."

"If Colonel Lin Youde can eliminate all the apostles once and for all, we will naturally not be able to refuse such an offer."

Hearing this, Lin Youde showed a satisfied smile: "Then let's do it."

As he said that, Lin Youde thought to himself: 'Whether you really don't want to carry out the human completion plan, or you are just pretending that you don't want to carry out the human completion plan. ’

‘As long as I kill all the apostles, without the necessary link of the apostles, the human completion plan will not be able to proceed. ’

‘If you cut off the key points and scrap this plan, there should be no problem. ’

After all, the contact with Ikari Yuantang was still too little, and the other party's mood swings were minimal and he was extremely calm.

This made it impossible for Lin Youde, a new human being, to detect much useful information from his emotions.

Fortunately, Lin Youde knew the general outline of mankind's completion plan from the beginning, and it was not a big problem to contain it.

Just for insurance purposes, it would be safer to clean up all the apostles.

"Then, we need your intelligence support."

"We want all the information you know."

Faced with Lin Youde's request, Ikari Yuantang was very cooperative.

"No problem, we will fully cooperate. Please leave Colonel Lin Youde to worry about the situation on the ground."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "If that's the case, it should be."

After some speeches, Ikari Yuantang stood up and invited.

"It's getting late. Although our Third New Tokyo City's supplies are not abundant, we have arranged some things to help Colonel Lin Youde."

"In addition, Quanzi and his friends have been taken care of by Colonel Lin Youde during this period. As a father, I am also very grateful."

"Therefore, please don't refuse Colonel Lin Youde this meal."

Seeing that Ying Yuantang was talking about this, Lin Youde naturally couldn't refuse. He could only stand up and said: "In this case, I will be disrespectful."

Ikari Yuantang: "Please."

After a meal, Ikari Gentang arranged for five locals, Ikari Shinji, Ikari Rei, Asuka, Makiha, and Nagisa Kaoru, to take Lin Youde around the Third New Tokyo City and NERV headquarters to show his sincerity.

Lin Youde was also very smart and pretended not to know that there was a hidden place at the bottom of NERV headquarters. He visited it casually and got to know the customs and customs of the Third New Tokyo City before returning to Feilong Kai.

As soon as she returned to Feilong Kai, Lei Mengmeng couldn't wait to ask.

"Youde, what did you find in the Third New Tokyo?"

"What riddles were you and that Ikari Yuantang playing before?"

Looking at Lei Mengmeng, whose curiosity was aroused and itching, and Lei Meng, who was obviously interested but pretended not to care.

Lin Youde smiled and told them the summary of the human completion plan.

"The above is the general content of the human completion plan that I know."

Lei Mengmeng was shocked when she heard Lin Youde's words.

"I really didn't expect that EVA and apostles could have such an effect. EVA is not a pure mechanical weapon, but a biological weapon similar to apostles. It's really..."

Lei Mengmeng was shocked, and Lei Meng also showed an expression of realization.

"No wonder the sea in my world turns red."

"It turns out that that is what is hidden in the NERV base, and the result of contact with the apostles."

Lei Mengmeng sighed: "No wonder the other Youde specially asked Youde himself to come here to deal with the apostle."

"It seems that the other one has virtue and already understands the ins and outs of this."

Upon hearing Lei Mengmeng mention another Lin Youde, Lei Meng's eyes looked a little sad.

Lin Youde hugged Alufemi, pinched Alufemi's face, and said.

"Anyway, that's what happened."

"The earliest apostles captured by humans must be hidden underground in the NERV base and studied."

"Leaving that special apostle and the other apostles alone will cause a disaster in which the sea water turns red. It will cause irreversible planet-level ecological pollution."

"How important the ocean is to humans, I believe you two understand it without me having to explain it."

"So, we must eliminate all the apostles and completely break the chain."

"As for whether Ikari Yuantang has other ideas, it doesn't matter at all."

Understanding the seriousness of the matter, Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng also cheered up.

Lei Mengmeng: "I understand, I will notify others to clean up the apostles."

"But Youde, are you sure you want to hide the fact about the apostle at the bottom of NERV headquarters for Ikari Yuantang?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Well, it's not suitable to talk about this matter for the time being. After all, theoretically, I shouldn't know."

"And the power of EVA will inevitably not be coveted by anyone in the future."

"Are those mass-produced EVAs on the ground based on black box EVA?"

"Or is it based on the apostle underground and copied?"

"It's something we don't know yet and neither does anyone else."

"It may cause some people within the unity to have unnecessary ideas and cause chaos for us. Let's hide this matter for the time being."

"Of course, what I mean here is hiding it from other people in the military. Li Xingke and Zhao Zheng can write the report how they want."

"With Li Xingke and Zhao Zheng's abilities, I believe they will understand how to deal with it in the future."

Lei Mengmeng heard this and responded: "That's right. Rather than worrying about this kind of thing, it's better to leave it to Li Xingke and Zhao Zheng to worry about."

"As long as it doesn't cause impact and pollute the sea water, the rest is not important to us."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "That's it, I'm informing everyone to take a short rest and prepare for the second wave of clearing activities."

"Although the Old Neon Islands are only one province in size, we only have one unit responsible for cleaning up the apostles, and we can't just clean them up casually."

"This will be a protracted battle that takes a long time, so everyone should be prepared."

Lei Mengmeng responded: "Yeah, I will notify you."

After Lin Youde and others left.

Ikari Gendo took Ikari Yui and Akagi Ritsuko, took the secret elevator of NERV headquarters, and came to a very deep place underground.

As the elevator door opened, the three of them each took out a card and swiped the card against the key slot of a door, opening a sealed door.

Inside the gate, there was a place that resembled a laboratory for a while.

In the center of the laboratory stood a huge green jar.

In this jar, floating is a young girl with blond hair.

Looking at this young girl, Ikari Wei looked at her husband and asked, "Dear, are you really not going to tell that Lin Youde about her existence?"

"He seems to be a very responsible person."

Ikari Yuantang shook his head slightly and said nothing.

Ritsuko Akagi put his hands in his pockets and said: "You know people, you know faces, but you don't know hearts. Who knows what that man is thinking."

"Anyway, he has only discovered the Human Completion Plan, not her, so we must continue to hide it."

"After all, this is what Mr. Kabutojuzo entrusted to us."

Ikari Gendo pushed up his glasses and said solemnly: "Yes, Mr. Kabutojuzo said that she is the key."

"A key that opens the door to heaven and hell."

"Her existence cannot be exposed until we are completely sure whether that man is trustworthy."

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