Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1056 Promotion Task of Advanced Channel

Lin Youde had a question in his mind and asked directly.

There is a veteran player at the scene. How wasteful it would be not to ask?

When Lin Youde asked the question, the middle-aged mule father shook his head and returned.

"We don't know much about the advanced channels."

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that we don't know."

Other players joined in the conversation.

"Yes, ordinary players don't know anything about advanced channels."

"The promotion task in the high-level channel is too difficult, and ordinary players can't handle it at all. That task is too perverted."

"It would be better to say that players who can be promoted to the advanced channel are all ace pilots."

"Not only that, ordinary ace pilots can't get in at all. Without good machine support, they won't be able to pass the first stage of the promotion mission."

"That's right, so the players who can be promoted to the advanced channel are all ace pilots with certain abilities. These pilots have their own circles, and no one will come out to make strategies."

The players' explanations made Lei Mengmeng puzzled: "What do you mean? Is the environment of the advanced channel very closed?"

"Also, what is the advanced channel promotion task you are talking about? Is it different from the elementary channel unlocking task and the intermediate channel unlocking task?"

The middle-aged mule father nodded slightly and explained.

"Yes, if you want to continue to enter the advanced channel from the intermediate channel, it is no longer an ordinary unlocking task."

"If you want to enter the advanced channel, you need to complete the "Trial Task·Promote Ace". "

"It's different from the previous unlocking tasks in the primary channel and intermediate channel that only require shooting down a number of enemies."

"The trial task is divided into two parts, and can only be completed by one person."

"Only when the player completes this task alone can he be promoted to the advanced channel."

With that said, the middle-aged mule father sent a screenshot.


Mission: Trial Mission·Promote Ace

Stage 1: Pilot any aircraft alone and fight against 30 to 100 unknown enemy aircraft. (The specific situation depends on the body the player drives)

Phase 2: Pilot alone and participate in "Phase 1", and compete against the mirror images of players piloting the same aircraft. (When the mirror image combat level is insufficient, he will be forcibly promoted to a standard ace pilot)

Rewards: General title·"Ace Pilot"·unlocked, advanced channel·unlocked.


Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng looked at this so-called trial task with beautiful faces and some confusion.

Lei Mengmeng asked doubtfully: "Is this task not too difficult?"

"In the past, when there was no BGM field, it might be difficult to do 1 V 30 or 100 alone."

"But after the BGM field becomes popular, won't it be easy to get better machines?"

"And isn't it possible for the intermediate channel to magically modify the body?"

"As long as the body is changed to a more abnormal state, wouldn't it be easy to survive?"

The middle-aged mule father smiled bitterly and said, "It's not as easy as you think, Mr. Meng."

Other players: "Theoretically, we should be able to have a higher pass rate, but in fact, it's completely the opposite."

"In the era without the BGM field, you could still use the machine to forcefully pass the first stage. But with the BGM field, many people can't even pass the first stage."

"The promotion tasks are automatically adjusted according to the player's driving machine, and because of the popularity of the BGM field, the characters are more difficult."

"That's right, that's right, because regardless of whether you have the BGM field or not, the system judgment for promotion tasks will default to you having it."

"The first stage of the promotion mission also includes the BGM field in the judgment, and the robots sent are quite monstrous and cannot be defeated at all."

The middle-aged mule father agreed: "That's exactly it."

"In fact, some players used to rely on the performance of their aircraft to survive stage one and reach stage two."

"But since the BGM field became popular in games, many people can't even get past stage one."

"A strategy team in the forum has tested it, and the system seems to default to players having an advanced BGM area and starting to configure the intensity and number of enemies."

"Currently, most of the players in the game are only in the primary BGM field, and only the better players are in the intermediate BGM field."

"The intensity in the BGM field is one level less than the system's default judgment, so it will naturally be more difficult to fight later."

"Even if the first stage is forcibly passed, the second stage players will still have to face a mirror image of a pilot who is the same as themselves, or even stronger than themselves, or at least an ace pilot."

"With the support of the system's AI, the mirror has all the levels that an ace pilot should have, and the BGM field is also an advanced BGM field."

"If the level is not good enough, even if the machine is strong, it will be overtaken by the mirror image in terms of machine performance under the suppression of the BGM field, and it will overturn."

"Therefore, after the system was updated and entered the 2.0 BGM field era, the difficulty of promoting the intermediate channel to the advanced channel has more than doubled."

Listening to the complaints of the middle-aged mule father and others, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng felt for the first time the difficulty of these ordinary players.

Unlike Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng, they have no power support, their means of acquiring the BGM field are very limited, and their BGM field strength is not high. The body can only be modified by its own magic. Although the strength is high, the flaws will definitely be obvious.

After all, a body that is not modified by one's own efforts is still a modification by non-professionals, and is bound to have certain limitations.

Moreover, the proficiency in using the machine body is also a key issue.

If there is a problem in any link, the promotion task will fail.

For ordinary players, it is difficult to keep up with every aspect.

Not to mention that the most critical driving skills need to reach the level of a standard ace pilot. Otherwise, he will be overtaken by the mirror image in driving skills and be crushed.

This requirement may not seem high individually, but when added together, it is ridiculously high.

This is why Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng are filled with emotion.

The version update of "Machine War" is not necessarily a good thing for ordinary players.

As the saying goes, everything has its pros and cons. In reality, because of the BGM field, it has made great achievements against foreign enemies such as dimensional beasts.

But in the game, I was troubled because the system forced me to judge that I couldn't pass if I didn't meet the standards.

These pros and cons, in a sense, really complement each other.

However, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng do not need to pay too much attention to these things.

Whether it’s the strength of the BGM field, the performance of the aircraft, or the driving skills.

Both of them met the standards, so there was no problem.

It can also be seen from this aspect that there is a huge gap between the two and ordinary players.

Lin Youde looked at the distressed middle-aged mule father and others and thought to himself.

‘It seems like the classification of “Machine War” is very clear. ’

‘The novice channel is purely cute and new to learn to walk, the junior channel is novices pecking each other and making progress together, the intermediate channel is free to make any magic changes and let yourself go, and the advanced channel is not allowed for non-ace pilots. ’

‘According to this logic, the number of people in the premium channel must be very small. Even now it’s not certain whether there are 100 permanent residents of the premium channel...’

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