Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1057 Who are you?

Lin Youde's guess has some basis.

First of all, only real ace pilots are not allowed to enter the advanced channel, and the conditions are strict.

Secondly, most of the ace pilots belong to some faction.

Even if you don't join the army, being a test pilot for a certain research institute or an intelligence collector for a certain force stationed in "Machine War" is a pretty good job.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for an ace pilot to stay in the high-level channel all the time. Instead, he is busy in the real world or collecting data and intelligence in the primary channel and intermediate channel.

If the already sparse number of people goes through this kind of distribution, the number of people will definitely become even sparser.

Once there are fewer people in the advanced channel, other ace pilots cannot match with anyone, so they can only slide down to the junior channel and intermediate channel to play.

After all, except for a few who serve as dungeons, even PVE dungeons sometimes require 1 or 2 other players to form a team.

Under such a repeated vicious cycle, the number of high-end channels must be very small.

Based on this situation, Lin Youde believes that even if he goes to the high-end channel now, there probably won't be many people who can match him.

No matter how interesting the mechanism is, you need someone to play with you.

It is not a pure single-player game. It is difficult to play a multiplayer online game without someone to accompany you.

After understanding this, Lin Youde, who had just arrived at the intermediate channel, had no idea of ​​going to the high-level channel.

‘It’s better to wait until there are more people in the high-end channel before going. ’

After making this decision, Lin Youde also thanked the middle-aged mule father.

"Thank you very much for your popular science. These strategies of yours are very useful to us."

Faced with Lin Youde's thanks, the middle-aged mule father was also very happy.

"Wherever it goes, these are what we should do."

"After all, you are the great hero of our unity. Those of us who cannot go to the front line can only do this."

"By the way, Mr. Amuro, do you want to form a team together?"

"Although we are currently divided into one camp, if we form a team, we can better formulate tactics."

In response, Lin Youde directly refused.

"No need for this. I came here today just to spend some time with my girlfriend. So... next time."

Although the middle-aged mule father was a little disappointed, he didn't force it.

Especially after receiving the friend invitation from Lin Youde, he was even more overjoyed.

Quickly clicking the agree button, the middle-aged mule father requested.

"Mr. Amuro, can you leave a signature on my body?"

"My son and I are both your fans. I want to keep a souvenir and show it off to my son."

Lin Youde certainly did not refuse such a small request.

He bought a graffiti brush specifically for the leisure area from the mall. Lin Youde used the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) to hold the brush, and at the request of the middle-aged mule father, he left a signature on his perfect Gundam.

But with this beginning, other people also came up to ask for autographs.

In view of the good atmosphere at the scene, Lin Youde did not refuse. After signing everyone's signatures one by one, Lin Youde drove the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) and took Lei Mengmeng's Z Gundam to the edge of the battlefield.

After watching Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng leave with other players, in the cockpit of the Perfect Gundam, the middle-aged mule father floated out of the cockpit, took a few photos of his body outside, and said happily to himself.

"Hey, if I go back now, I will definitely give Cheng and Rinko-chan a big surprise."

"After all, this kind of signature is worth a thousand dollars."

"In order not to waste this signature, I really have no choice but to withdraw from the battlefield first, completely solidify the paint, and then come back?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a friend message popped up next to the middle-aged mule father.

After the middle-aged mule father opened it, he saw a handsome blond guy roaring at the camera.

"Yi! You bastard are not even on the frontal battlefield. The promised duel is about to happen. Where are you?"

The middle-aged mule father smiled and replied: "Sorry, Front, something happened on my side and I have to withdraw from the battlefield temporarily."

The man named Front's eyes widened: "You coward, do you want to withdraw from the duel with me?"

The middle-aged mule father shrugged: "How could it be possible? Whether it's you or a celebrity, I will defeat them with my own hands."

"But something really happened today and I had to leave early. Oops, it's too troublesome to explain. Let me show you this."

Turning around and focusing the camera on his perfect Gundam, the middle-aged mule dad pointed his thumb behind him in a showy manner.

"Well, you see. That's why I left early."

Front's eyes widened with disbelief on his face: "Is this... Amuro Ray's signature?"

"Yi, you guy, have you met the real Amuro Lei, the Lin Youde you united with?"

The middle-aged mule father said proudly: "Yes, that's it. In order to prevent this exclusive signature from being damaged, I have to withdraw from the battlefield and use prop body painting to completely solidify it, so as not to cause the signature to be scrapped."

"So, Front, you should be able to understand how I feel, right?"

"Just like I am a fan of the White Devil, aren't you, a Silla native, also a fan of the Red Comet?"

The corner of Front's mouth twitched slightly: "You guy...forget it, if you want to get out, just get out."

"Anyway, the real Amuro is on this battlefield. It would be much better for me to go directly to him than to spar with you."

The middle-aged mule father shrugged: "As long as you are happy, I'm waiting for the good news that you were shot down."

Front glared at the middle-aged mule father: "I'll beat you up sooner or later, you bastard."

After speaking, Front closed the communication.

The middle-aged mule dad smiled, reentered the Perfect Gundam, and exited the battlefield.

Similar practices include all other players signed by Lin Youde.

For them, true gamers, a win or a loss cannot be compared with the signature of their idol.

So they exited the battlefield quite simply.

But other players in the same camp who didn't know anything about it on the battlefield were scolded.

A group of people were surprised when they saw that their own color bar on the camp window suddenly lost a large chunk.

After some people discovered that the sudden lack of color bars was due to their teammates withdrawing from the battlefield, rather than being reduced due to being shot down, the players on the frontal battlefield vomited sweet things and greeted their parents who they said were "retreating in seconds" stand up.

Lin Youde, who was in the same camp, didn't know about this, because he and Lei Mengmeng were on the side battlefield when they encountered the black Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium Lan that they had seen before.

To be precise, it was the players of this machine who were actively looking for it.

"Excuse me, is this Colonel Lin Youde?"

Lin Youde asked doubtfully: "Who are you?"

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