Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1058 The grievances of the Space Army

"Hello, Colonel Lin Youde, I am Second Lieutenant Lin Xu from the lunar surface force of the United Space Force, the Third Special Forces Team."

As the communication window popped up, Lin Youde saw a young man with a somewhat bald head appearing on the screen.

Since the opponent was not wearing a helmet, the Mediterranean-like hairstyle on his head was particularly conspicuous.

Such a striking hairstyle attracted Lei Mengmeng's sideways glances.

Lin Youde was a little surprised that the other party was bald at such a young age.

‘It’s so pitiful to be bald at such a young age. It seems that I have to pay attention to taking care of my hair. ’

Resisting the urge to take off his helmet and stroke his hair, Lin Youde responded politely.

"Hello, Second Lieutenant Lin Xu, it's our first time meeting you. What advice can you give me?"

Second Lieutenant Lin Xu replied very politely: "Hello, Colonel Lin Youde."

"I am friends with Hu Luobo, and I often hear him mention things about you."

"I met you in the game today. Please don't blame me for disturbing you."

Lin Youde smiled slightly when he heard this: "It turns out he is Hu Luobo's friend. I haven't seen him for a long time. Is he okay?"

"I heard that he went to the Space Force and didn't come back for the Spring Festival for two full years. He seems to be quite resentful?"

Lin Xu smiled and said: "There is nothing we can do about this, Colonel Lin Youde."

"The training of our space army is more stringent than that of the ground army. In addition, the Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium piloted by Hu Luobo is a fortress-type special machine that the superiors attach great importance to."

"The bosses of the Space Army will not let him go until he submits complete data."

"After all, this is a machine that we finally obtained through integration and can carry out large-scale suppressive firepower."

"Those big guys won't give up until they figure out whether it can be mass-produced."

"Our space army is far inferior to the other two countries in terms of combat power. It has endured countless hardships and anger over the years."

"Now we finally have new machines and new weapons, and our combat effectiveness has been greatly enhanced. Everyone is holding their breath. We want people from the other two countries to take a good look at our integrated space army. They are not all wimps."

Listening to Lin Xu's story, Lin Youde could clearly feel that the other party was holding a lot of resentment and grievance in his heart.

As mentioned before, the black box body of Human Innovation and Integration is far inferior to the other two countries. The most important Four Sacred Beasts and Yinglong Emperor need to be based in the mainland.

The rare and extremely rare Titan III, a super-type machine, was sent overseas again.

With such a layout, the space army that allows human beings to innovate and integrate does not have black box machines and powerful machines at all.

The lack of combat power will definitely be accompanied by oppression and humiliation from the other two countries.

Lin Youde once heard similar things from an old leader of the War Ignorance Bureau who often appeared on TV in the Earth before he traveled. He also heard about various grievances that the old leader had to say that he was so wronged that he cried.

The human innovation and integration in this world has obviously gone through something similar.

It's just that the place where the world takes place here is not the sea area of ​​​​Aqua Blue Star, but the cosmic area.

The competition for air supremacy in the cosmic era is equally severe. Once you lose air supremacy, no one knows when the other two countries will surprise you from the universe.

Therefore, in the fight for air supremacy in the universe, the soldiers of the Human Revolution and Integration must have paid a very heavy price to ensure that air supremacy was not suppressed.

Lin Xu didn't need to talk about these things. After using the new human's mental sensing ability to sense Lin Xu's grievances. Lin Youde, who is in his current position, can naturally relate to it.

The battle for sea control near the Old Neon Islands is already serious, not to mention space control, and it will only become more fierce.

Feeling the other party's emotions, Lin Youde sighed: "It seems that it's not easy for you in the universe."

Lin Xu shook his head: "Fortunately, at least we persisted."

"Now the Space Force has begun mass production of Gundam GP01-FB and begun distributing it on a large scale."

"I believe that relying on the mass production of this new machine body and its powerful propulsion and maneuverability can gain us many advantages."

"The Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium Orchid is the top priority here."

Lin Youde could feel the importance Lin Xu attached to Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium Orchid.

This machine should be the hope and expectation of many people in the space military.

Hu Luobo has not been able to come back for two consecutive years, which is very illustrative of the problem.

However, Lin Youde also understands that Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium Orchid still has great limitations.

Although its firepower is fierce, its weapon transmission system is very backward, and its armed supplies also require specialized troops to replenish them, which is very troublesome.

In this regard, the meteor system in the C.E world is much simpler.

It's just that the Meteor System is still held by Lin Youde and has not been taken out.

In some dungeons in "Machine War", Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam equipped with meteor systems have already appeared.

However, since Lin Youde has not yet come up with the meteor system, others can only speculate whether Lin Youde possesses this technology.

After all, no one knew that C.E series technology was actually monopolized by Lin Youde.

‘Then let Liu Mi find an opportunity to use the meteor system of the C.E world to discuss cooperation with the Space Army. ’

'Sooner or later this technology will have to be brought out. Now that we know the current dilemma of the Space Army, it is not the time to hide our secrets urgently. ’

‘Compared with large refrigerators, which have certain limitations of the era, the Meteor system is undoubtedly more convenient and more adaptable. ’

Although he thought so in his heart, Lin Youde did not say it out loud.

Instead, he nodded, agreed and comforted.

"Well, with Dendrobium Orchid's firepower, we can certainly reverse some of the disadvantages of the battle."

"I will also find time to go to the universe later to prepare for the new mass-production machine dedicated to the space army."

Hearing this, Lin Xu was overjoyed: "Really? That's great. I'll go back and tell everyone right away. Everyone will be very happy."

Lin Youde quickly stopped him and said, "Don't worry, although I plan to go to the universe, this period of time is still a problem and I can't get through it for the time being."

"You can say this, but don't be too anxious. After all, I can't go there right now."

After Lin Youde said this, Lin Xu calmed down.

"That's right. After all, Colonel Lin Youde should be preparing to participate in the "True Super Robot Competition" recently, right? "

"This event is world-class, and it is hosted by "Machine War". It must be as important as the Olympic exhibition event."

"It's right to do this first and then come to the universe."

Lin Youde nodded slightly and responded: "Yes, that's it. You have to eat food one bite at a time, and you have to do things one by one."

"So, can you tell me now why you can drive Dendrobium Orchid?"

"Is this machine as bad as the Psychic Gundam and Destruction Gundam in "Mech War"?"

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