Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1059 Specialties of Intermediate Channels

When asked by Lin Youde, Lin Xu quickly replied.

"That's not true, except for a few lucky ones who got a few Gundam G03-D Dendrobiums from the previous Axis landing mission."

"Currently, the only one in "Mech War" that owns this machine is the special operations force of the Space Force, which we are affiliated with."

"The purpose of establishing our special operations team is to adapt to the combat methods of the Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium Lan, so that it can be used in real life after mass production of this aircraft."

"Right now, all the data of this aircraft have not been corrected to the limit, so we can only train in the game."

"Anyway, the difference between the training in "Machine War" and the training in reality will not be too big. And there is no need to take into account issues such as ammunition loss. Training here is more suitable."

After hearing this explanation, Lin Youde finally felt relieved.

"That's it. That's okay. I thought the body that Hu Luobo finally obtained was already on the street and worthless."

Lin Xu waved his hand quickly: "That's not the case. The principle of "Machine War" is that only those who obtain the machine for the first time will have the data."

"The Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium doesn't seem to have a follow-up machine, so we already have the information about this machine firmly in our hands."

"Although some people have opened a few machines from previous treasure chests, those machines can only be used in the game and cannot be taken out."

"Although the body data may be at risk of being exposed, the one we use in reality is not the one in the game, but a modified version that has been corrected and completed using our own technology."

"We can also obtain certain data from mainframes owned by other countries from the game, so everyone is the same in this regard."

"For these reasons, the above does not actually prohibit Hu Luobo from manufacturing certain accessories of the Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium Orchid and selling them in the game."

"Anyway, other people in the game only have the right to use it. If they can make some extra money, the higher-ups will turn a blind eye."

"After all, some common sense of physics in the game is different from reality, so the data obtained by testing in the game may not be accurate."

"This is one of the reasons why the above is not very strict about certain aspects of new body data owners."

Lin Xu's words made Lin Youde stunned for a moment: "Making certain parts for sale? What is this about?"

Lin Xu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized and patted his forehead.

"Oh, I forgot, Colonel Lin Youde, you just came to the intermediate channel and you are not familiar with the situation here."

"It's like this. Unlike the primary channel, the intermediate channel has the function of players making certain parts independently and selling them at will."

"Because the mid-level channel supports free modification of the body, there is a high demand for various parts, accessories, and systems."

"There are many corresponding parts available for purchase in the exclusive mall of the intermediate channel of "Machine War"."

“But those things are either too expensive or their performance is too poor to meet expectations.”

"This leads to the fact that when everyone in the intermediate channel modifies the body, the parts they need are purchased from the auction house or the stall area unique to the intermediate channel."

"Players who own specific body, parts, and system data can pay some currency or resources and use the data they own to manufacture and sell specific bodies, parts, and systems."

"Whatever is available in the mall, everyone will sell it at a slightly lower price than the mall."

"If it's not available in the mall, the price can be set casually. Whether anyone will buy it is another matter."

"So don't be surprised if you see other people flying the Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium in the intermediate channel, or using a body with similar parts."

"Those are probably the goods Hu Luobo sold in the game."

This explanation surprised Lin Youde, but also felt it was reasonable.

‘Isn’t this the unique equipment creation and equipment sales trading system of traditional online games? ’

‘I didn’t expect that there would be something like this in “Machine War”. From this aspect, this game is indeed moving towards gaming. ’

Regarding the magic of "Machine War" and various weird but logical settings of the game, Lin Youde wanted to complain, but he didn't know where to start.

It can only be said that "Machine War" can always magically return to the origin of the game after something beyond your imagination makes you think that this thing is not a game, making you understand that this is a game.

While Lin Youde sighed secretly, Lei Mengmeng took the opportunity to ask.

"So, Hu Luobo made a lot of money?"

"Also, I remember that the G-force of the Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium is so strong that it is difficult for the body to bear it when it reaches full speed, right?"

"Have you solved this problem now?"

Lei Mengmeng asked, and Lin Xu replied respectfully.

"Are you Lieutenant Colonel Lei Mengmeng? Nice to meet you."

"I don't know much about how much money Hu Luobo made in the game."

"I only know that his family is living a very prosperous life now, and the whole family is not short of money. Only Hu Luobo looked so heartbroken when he was paying taxes that he wanted to take a beating."

"As for the excessive G-force load of the Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium, we have just used the latest anti-G-force driving suit and anti-G-force cockpit to neutralize it, but the effect is not very obvious."

"In the end, in order to cooperate with subsequent mass production, all members of our special team were selected as warriors with superhuman physiques."

"After relying on internal strength to improve physical strength, the G-force tolerance will be higher."

After hearing this, Lei Mengmeng said thoughtfully: "If the software is not good, how about forcibly raising the lower limit from the hardware?"

"This is a good solution, but it is not a long-term solution after all."

Lin Xu responded: "Of course we know this, but what we lack now is time."

"We have been racing against time to close the distance with the other two space armies."

"So at this time, we can only adopt this expedient measure."

Lei Mengmeng nodded helplessly: "Yes, this is also an impossible solution. At least it is better than forcibly using the pilot as a consumable."

"By the way, what kind of martial arts are you practicing? How long have you been practicing?"

Lin Xu shyly touched the top of his head and returned.

"As you can see, I practice hard external skills such as Iron Tou Kung + Iron Clothes Shirt."

"Because I have planned to join the army since I was a child, this kind of martial arts that can ensure my survival rate and strengthen my body, making it easier to be selected as a mobile weapons driver, is my top priority."

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Xu's bald Mediterranean hairstyle, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"I can see that you are practicing well."

With that said, Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde. Lin Youde was startled and quickly glared at Lei Mengmeng.

"What are you thinking about? Even if I want to practice martial arts, I will definitely practice the Nine Yang Magic Technique and the Great Shift of the Universe."

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes after hearing this: "You must have read too many novels. Nine Yang Magic does not exist in reality."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xu interrupted: "No, the Nine Yang Magic does exist in reality."

Lei Mengmeng: "Huh?"

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