Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1061 Biosensing system reopens

Complaints are complaints, Lin Youde is still very serious when he sets foot on the real battlefield.

Even though he was playing games, he decided not to give up.

After finally getting into a duo queue with Lei Mengmeng, it would be so embarrassing if they were shot down before even showing off.

So Lin Youde was on full fire from the beginning.

The floating cannon of Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) was released directly, freely traveling through various power beams in an irregular manner.

It flew to the heads of two mass-produced Mazinger Zs, giving the two enemy mass-produced Mazinger Z players no chance to react.

Several beams from the floating cannon penetrated the protective cover of the cockpit on the head of Mazinger Z and penetrated it.

Following two explosions, two mass-produced Mazinger Zs were destroyed on the spot.

Since the floating cannon itself is not too big, and there are many beams on this battlefield, the explosion of the two mass-produced Mazinger Zs was not noticed at all.

Only Lei Mengmeng laughed after seeing it.

"You are indeed a virtuous person, well done."

Lin Youde chuckled and said: "It's just so-so. I haven't used the floating cannon for a long time, and I can't feel it anymore."

This is not because Lin Youde is being modest or pretentious, this is really the truth.

Since the last time I piloted the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) and had a fierce battle with the Unicorn Gundam, I was ejected from the primary channel and could not be used again.

Lin Youde basically didn't fly an airframe equipped with a floating gun.

In the game, accompany Casbar to swipe talent cards and drive the Freedom Gundam to clear out the soldiers faster.

In reality, Lin Youde was driving either an ancient iron or a modified Freedom Gundam.

After all, the current floating gun technology cannot be used in the combat environment within the atmosphere.

There are rare space battles, and the earliest one is also in the world of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED".

In that world, Lin Youde had used Strike Freedom Gundam and Dawn Gundam, but whether it was Dragoon or Super Dragoon, they only used quantum computers and Lin Youde's own hand control.

At most, they can only use the spatial perception ability of the new humans to accurately dispatch the Super Dragoons to attack.

Even with the assistance of a quantum computer, the Super Dragoon is not as comfortable to use as the Floating Cannon.

The feeling of being able to control the floating cannon like hands and feet without any operation, just by passing a thought, is simply not comparable to the weapons of the Super Dragoon.

After not using floating cannons for combat for a long time, Lin Youde was not sure whether he could still use this weapon skillfully.

Fortunately, this thought only lasted for 1 second and was abandoned after the floating cannon was released.

The explosion of two mass-produced Mazinger Zs proved that Lin Youde's floating gun control technology had not deteriorated.

This made him feel a little more relaxed.

‘Sure enough, the new humans still have to be on the cosmic battlefield before they can let their hands and feet go freely. ’

‘Gravity is what binds the souls of new humans. ’

Lei Mengmeng didn't know what Lin Youde was feeling. After seeing Lin Youde show off his skills again, she was not willing to lag behind and showed her little trump card.

"It's almost time for me to show off my skills. Let me first show you the mass-produced BGM field I got from the game."

Lei Mengmeng's eyes were fixed, and she skillfully expanded into the field of BGM.

Lin Youde did not turn on the music blocking in the BGM field, so he directly heard a familiar BGM start to play.

[BGM: Water Star Love をこめて - Hiroko Moriguchi]

Lin Youde's eyes lit up when he heard the sounds from the BGM field.

But before he could react, Lei Mengmeng took a deep breath again and shouted softly.

"Let me try to see if I can succeed."

"Biological sensing system, turn it on!!!"

As Lei Mengmeng gave a soft drink, her pupils turned red in an instant.

But it was different from when he was controlled by the original species, his eyes were dim and dull.

Although Lei Mengmeng's eyes are red now, the look in them remains the same.

At the same time, a layer of pink light also appeared around the Z Gundam.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde understood that Lei Mengmeng had succeeded.

Even without the talent of the new humans, she successfully activated the biosensing system.

The talent of native species can obviously also drive the activation of biological sensing systems.

"It's done!"

Lei Mengmeng, who successfully activated the biosensing system, was very happy. After exclaiming, she drove the Z Gundam and rushed towards a mass-produced Gaetasaurus flying towards her.

"Let me try my hand at you."

Controlling the Z Gundam, she picked up the hilt of the beam sword in her hand, and after holding it with both hands of the Z Gundam, Lei Mengmeng shouted softly.

"Extend it, beam sword, I am also the sword that cuts off evil today!!!"

Under Lei Mengmeng's shout, the pink beam sword in Z Gundam's hand instantly expanded to a length of 250 meters.

"Kill it, Z Gundam!"


The mass-produced Gaitaron rushing towards him didn't seem to expect that the humble Z Gundam in front of him could explode like this.

After the beam saber in his hand exploded, its length was several times the height of the mass-produced Gaetasaurus.

Getarosaurus raised his Gettar ax and tried to strike, but was struck first by the Z Gundam. A beam saber cut it off from the waist, turning it into a brilliant fireworks on the spot.

"Yeah~! A good start~!"

Listening to Lei Mengmeng's joyful cheers, Lin Youde also showed a slight smile.

"Well done."

This is not flattery, it is a real compliment.

Although Lin Youde didn't pay attention to many things in the game because of real-life matters.

But there are some things that even if Lin Youde doesn't pay attention to, Jonah, who has been training in "Machine War", will tell him when reporting his homework.

Among these reports, there happened to be things related to the Z Gundam.

Because of the real-life animation, the protagonists of the series are quite popular, and the Z Gundam is also a very popular machine.

In addition, the difficulty of obtaining Z Gundam is not too high, which means that those who own Z Gundam in "Mech War" cannot say that they have one, but they can at least have about 7 or 8 out of 10 new humans.

This situation has resulted in the Z Gundam being frequently used by new humans, and many cases have been verified over and over again.

At first, many people thought that Z Gundam was very strong because of Lin Youde's previous outburst.

But as more and more new humans started to drive themselves, they gradually discovered that it was not the Z Gundam that was stronger, but Lin Youde.

This is because when many new humans fly the Z Gundam by themselves, the biological sensing system can be activated.

But it was different from the situation like when Lin Youde took out the 200-meter super-large beam sword when he fought against Casbar's Hundred Shiki. They could only expand the beam sword to about 50 meters to 80 meters, and the most powerful one was nearly 138 meters at most. They were still unable to Achieve a glowing performance in the 200m.

It's almost not even 50 meters, only about 20 meters is the limit.

Many people wonder why Lin Youde can do it but they can't.

However, with the testing of some strategy groups, everyone gradually discovered that the degree of explosion of the biological sensing system, in addition to corresponding to the level of the new human being, is also related to the individual's explosive ability.

Therefore, even if they are all new humans at LV6, many of them cannot do what Lin Youde can do with 200 lightsabers in one breath.

It is because of this that Lin Youde is quite satisfied with Lei Mengmeng's current results.

After all, when he was a new human at LV6, he could only get the beam sword to about 200 meters.

Now Lei Mengmeng can reach 250 meters in one burst. Obviously this is also the result of extraordinary talent.

From here we can get a glimpse of the horror of the native species' talent...


PS: BGM has been added to the NetEase Cloud playlist "Soul of Eternal Steel", please search and listen to it yourself.

In addition, the author could not find a version without lyrics for the song "Mercury's Love", so he temporarily replaced it with a version with lyrics. There is a version without lyrics in the game, so you can just make up your own mind. When it comes to listening to music, it’s better to have a lyric version.

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