Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1062 BOSS appears?

Although none of the "Super Robot Wars" series explicitly states that the original race is a race with special mental powers.

In fact, compared to mental strength, native species are indeed better at physical aspects.

But as a BOSS-level ethnic group, even a little bit of its terrifying mental power is enough to crush regular new humans.

Lei Mengmeng was able to achieve the explosion just now, and the talent of the native species was indispensable.

‘However, the talent of native species can activate the “biological sensing system”. I wonder if it will respond to the mental sensing framework? ’

‘If possible, then is the talent of the original species considered as a lower-level substitute talent of the new humans in a certain sense? ’

Since neither he nor Lei Mengmeng were pure natives in the true sense, they could no longer be regarded as pure ordinary humans.

Therefore, Lin Youde felt that some situations between the two of them could no longer be speculated using common sense.

If Lei Mengmeng didn't have the relevant body, Lin Youde would have wanted her to give it a try to verify some of his conjectures.

Unfortunately, these conditions do not exist now.

"Hmph, how are you? It's awesome, isn't it?"

"You were only 200 meters that time, but I was 250 meters this time, a full 50 meters more~!"

Faced with Lei Mengmeng's showing off, Lin Youde said with a smile: "Yes, yes, you are amazing, okay."

"Hmph, if you're not convinced, just take out the ZZ Gundam." After Lei Mengmeng replied to Lin Youde, she quickly dodged a large yellow beam cannon and tried to start moving towards Lin Youde's Hi-ν Gundam. .

But as the saying goes, it is easier to go up the mountain than to go down. The situation is similar on the battlefield.

It's easy to break into the battlefield alone, but it's difficult to come back safe and sound.

Previously, in order to show off his majesty, he rushed out with the Z Gundam and blasted out a 250-meter lightsaber to destroy a mass-produced Gaetasaurus. No one could have seen that scene.

Ever since, after discovering that Lei Mengmeng was driving a Z Gundam, a group of people on the opposite side started to focus fire on Lei Mengmeng's Z Gundam.

"That's the Z Gundam, right? And it doesn't seem to have undergone any magic modifications?"

"Isn't it? You actually came to the intermediate channel with the original Z Gundam?"

"But the output power of the beam saber just now is not something that ordinary junior channel players can have, right?"

"Heh, he is probably a newbie who has just been promoted from the junior channel. Even if he is a more powerful newbie, he is just a newbie. Let me teach him a lesson and let him understand the dangers of the intermediate channel. Right. The Z Gundam, which can show off its majesty in the primary channel, is nothing here. Go ahead, float cannon!!!"

Beams of light passed by the Z Gundam. After being narrowly avoided by Lei Mengmeng's Z Gundam, six black flying-wing floating cannons surrounded the Z Gundam from all directions.

Several beams of light roared out, penetrating the mental induction position formed by the pink light on the surface of the Z Gundam on the spot, and shot towards the main body of the Z Gundam.

But fortunately, Lei Mengmeng's driving skills were superb. The Z Gundam was like a ballet dancer in her hands, and she nimbly avoided the beams of many flying-wing floating cannons with a posture that stunned the pilots on the opposite side.

After successfully dodging, Lei Mengmeng controlled the Z Gundam and instantly transformed into the Z Surfer, screaming and escaping back to Lin Youde.

"You are virtuous, please help me. The other side is trying to beat me up, a weak woman with no strength. Come and help me."

Lin Youde looked at Lei Mengmeng who was shouting and yelled and replied angrily and funny: "Weren't you very majestic just now? Why do you suddenly change your face now and want to help?"

Lei Mengmeng pouted and said: "I'm definitely not afraid of one-on-one, but there are many people on the other side."

"And there are floating cannons on the opposite side, even high-power floating cannons such as flying-wing floating cannons. The body has also been modified. I am at a huge disadvantage. I can't launch and hang up. There is nothing I can do."

Lin Youde shook his head slightly: "So you came to see me?"

Lei Mengmeng complained: "Who told you to cheat? Even if you use the original body, your side has the advantage in terms of performance."

"So, go ahead, my husband, kill them, and avenge your wife and me!"

As Lei Mengmeng complained, Z-Surfer ran away from Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) with a red light.

The six flying-wing floating cannons from before were chasing after them.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde certainly couldn't sit idly by and ignore it.

The Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) didn't even move. All the flying-wing floating cannons behind it flew out, and none of them were fully deployed. They fired out a volley of light in the air, creating a beam interception net and destroying all the flying-wing floating cannons on the opposite side.

The drivers on the opposite side also noticed this scene, turned to look at Lin Youde, and then a group of people exclaimed.

"What kind of Gundam is that? How come I haven't seen it before?"

"I don't know, but it looks like ν Gundam (Bull Gundam), so handsome!"

"Wocao, that couldn't be Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam), right?"

"Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee)? As I recall, isn't there only one in the entire server? Isn't it a dedicated machine for the White Devil over there at the Human Revolution Union?"

"Yes, that's that machine! I've seen a video of that machine before, and I remember it has this color scheme. And the mounting method of the flying-wing floating cannon is also different from that of the ν Gundam (Niu Gundam)."

"Doesn't that mean... the person in this Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) is the famous white devil?"

"It seems...that's the case."


After a brief silence, a uniform exclamation broke out on the public channel.

“Brothers, come here and kill Amuro, there’s a BOSS on the opposite side!!!”*N

Other sounds came and went on the public frequency.

"What? BOSS? Where is it?"

"Here, I see it, it's Amuro Ray."

"Wocao, it's really Amuro Ray's special machine, Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), have we encountered the real thing?"

"Come on, kill Amuro Ray, it will prove that we are stronger than Char, the Red Comet. That way we will definitely get a title similar to the Red Comet."

"Is this still happening? Is it true or false?"

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it won't hurt to give it a try."

"You're right, I fell in love, Amuro-san! I'm your fan!!!"

The shouts of several players on the opposite side completely caused the public frequency of the entire side-shift battlefield to explode, and dozens of players from the entire flank were attracted. Even players from other areas tend to abandon the frontal battlefield and flock here.

Feeling the malice coming from all directions, the corners of Lin Youde's mouth twitched slightly.

"Damn it, just open the mass-produced ν Gundam and paint the entire body black."

"It's okay to make the mass-produced ν Gundam black, but you still dare to provoke trouble like this."

"If this doesn't knock you down, how can I be worthy of your paint job?"

While complaining, Lin Youde did not run away, but chose to fight head-on.

He also wanted to see how powerful the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) with full firepower could be.

In addition, he also wanted to see if piloting the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) could activate the BGM field.

Then, Lin Youde activated the BGM field in the same way as he had previously opened other BGM fields.

Then...a very oppressive BGM started playing.

The prelude is extremely oppressive, as chilling as the BOSS is about to come.

As the BGM prelude sounded, this BGM instantly overshadowed all BGM on the battlefield and started playing on the entire battlefield.

[BGM: ν GUNDAM (ニュー?ガンダム)-Saegashira Akira]

The moment the BGM exploded, everyone in the entire battlefield stopped moving, and a big question mark popped up.

"what's the situation?"

"What a strong sense of oppression. This BGM intro is amazing."

"Yeah, is there a BOSS here?"

At the same time, in a corner, a blond man wearing a white mask suddenly looked towards the side-shifting battlefield.

"This BGM, yes, it must be Amuro Ray that Yi said!!!"

"Just wait for me, Amuro Ray. I will defeat you right away and let you understand that Char is not the only one who has the red comet!"

After saying that, a red machine body galloped towards the sideways battlefield at an extraordinary speed...


PS: BGM has been added to the playlist, please listen to it yourself.

PS2: Although both ν Gundam (Niu Gundam) and Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) are in the protagonist's hands, the mass-produced ν Gundam (mass-produced Niu Gundam) is not in the protagonist's hands.

In addition, during the time when the protagonist is not in "Mech War", other people in the game are also working hard to explore the mechas in the Gundam series.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the mass-produced ν Gundam, which will appear in the later stages of the UC world, appears in "Mech War".


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