Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1068 Escape NT

Char didn't know about Amuro's complaints on the air wall.

Or maybe he knows, but doesn't care.

Or maybe he deliberately plotted against Amuro like this.

Char has always had mixed emotions about Amuro, his old enemy.

The fate of being friends and foes, entangled with each other like old enemies, makes the relationship between the two very delicate.

Furthermore, Xia Ya's emotions towards Lin Youde, the successor chosen by Amuro Lei, also had a subtle subtlety.

Especially after seeing that the successor he chose was not as good as Lin Youde in every aspect, and even after Kasbal himself was still unable to come online recently, he became more and more dissatisfied and disappointed with Kasbar.

These dissatisfactions and disappointments have been accumulating in my heart until now.

Under Char's control, Xin'anzhou, wrapped in blue flames, was like a real red lightning, traveling rapidly through the universe at a speed that dazzled others.

Many people can keep the body sprinting at high speed, but it is very difficult to perform various irregular maneuvers while maintaining the body moving at high speed without reducing the speed.

Not to mention that it is even more difficult to maintain this state when the opponent is also a super ace pilot.

After all, being too fast can easily lead to operational errors. Before the enemy can defeat you, you can easily hit obstacles or miss the mark at all because of your too fast speed.

But this kind of problem is not a problem at all in Xia's hands.

The beams of light passed by Xin'anzhou, but did not hurt him at all.

Seeing such a superb operation, Ful Front, who lost control of his body, was shocked.

‘It’s unbelievable. Is this kind of speed really achievable in Xinanzhou? ’

‘Obviously the BGM field is still the same as before, and the body of the machine has not changed significantly. ’

‘Just with the addition of a strange NT-B system, the body can have such a big difference. ’

‘What on earth is this NT-B system? ’

'Also, with such super speed, how does he manage to operate so smoothly? ’

‘What kind of reflex nerve is this? ’

Ful Front was shocked, but even more excited.

Although he had only vaguely said that there were new human souls hidden in the world of "Machine War", these things were just legends and had not been confirmed, so he was not sure.

But in the conversation between Lin Youde and Xia Ya just now, as a new human being, he was one of the parties involved, but he could still hear it clearly.

Therefore, he completely confirmed that the previous rumors were true.

There are dead souls of new humans in "Machine War", and those who can be recognized by these dead souls will gain new powers.

The legendary red comet Casbar is one such lucky person.

And now, Char, the real red comet that once favored Casbar, has descended on him.

How can this not surprise and excite you?

Seemingly feeling Ful Front's emotions, Char said to Ful Front.

"Don't think too much, study hard, and study hard. How much you can learn depends on your ability."

"If you really want to surpass Kasbal, this will be one of your best chances."

Hearing Char's words, Ful Front, although unable to speak, still responded in his heart: 'Yes, I will study hard, Commander Char! ’

Char did not respond to Ful Front's words.

Because he needs to focus on someone else now.

Looking at the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) covered in blue flames on the screen, Char narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered.

"Sure enough, you have grown up. You can actually stabilize your emotions by provoking and teasing like this. It seems that you have benefited a lot from what happened before."

In the cockpit of the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), Lin Youde felt the meaning conveyed by Xia Na from the new human's mental induction, and responded with a calm face.

"So, Char, what exactly do you want to do?"

Faced with Xin'anzhou, who was completely unable to hit no matter how hard he tried to target, and whose speed was extremely fast, Lin Youde was not anxious.

As Amuro Ray's old enemy, Char's skills are not as good as Amuro Ray's, but he is still the best pilot after Amuro Ray.

After all, when it comes to technology alone, Char is the only one who can compete with Amuro Raid. Looking at the entire "Super Robot Wars" series, Char is the only one who can do so.

Although in theory Kira Yamato after the end of the second season of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" should be able to compete with Amuro Ray when SEED breaks out.

But Kira's psychological problems are too serious, and he cannot be compared with Amuro Ray in terms of tactics.

In front of Amuro Ray, Kira was as pure as a little white rabbit.

In addition, these two people have never played against each other, so it is really difficult to say in this regard.

Only Char, as Amuro's old enemy, has been entangled with him for a lifetime since his debut.

Facing such a person, Lin Youde would naturally not be careless.

Char's most famous thing is his ability to dodge ghosts and gods while driving the machine at super high speeds.

It is not surprising that it cannot be locked by itself under normal circumstances.

After all, this is one of his special skills. If you can't hit it under normal conditions, there is no shame in it.

Who knows that I haven't fully shown my true ability now?

Beams of light were shot from Xinanzhou's beam gun. Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam), wrapped in blue flames, showed a speed that was not inferior to Xinanzhou's full charge.

The two machines ran fast in the space like two lightning bolts, showing a speed that stunned everyone in the audience.

The beams of light that were shot out one after another but avoided by both sides were actually less conspicuous.

Xia Ya smiled when she realized that her motives actually failed to hit Lin Youde.

"As expected of you, even I can hardly lock you."

"Although the performance of the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) is attributable to this, it is indeed commendable that you are able to utilize the body to such an extent."

Lin Youde asked: "Xia Ya, what on earth are you doing?"

Xia Ya replied: "I told you, I just saw your fight, my hands were a little itchy, and I wanted to come to you to practice."

Hearing Xia Ya's answer, Lin Youde said helplessly: "Anyway, you just want to have a fight, right?"

Xia Ya smiled and said: "If you can understand, it is naturally the best."

"How about showing your true ability?"

"After testing for so long, you should also understand that you can't do anything to me now, right?"

Char's words shocked Ful Front.

'What? What was just shown was not Lin Youde's full strength? ’

In Ful Front's shock, Lin Youde sighed.

"Well, since you want to have a fight so much, then I will make it happen for you."

"But let's talk first. If I defeat you, you are not allowed to complain."

Xia Ya smiled lowly: "If you can do it."

Lin Youde did not answer and directly released his full strength.

A seed exploded in his mind, and Lin Youde's pupils became dim.

In an instant, a strong sense of crisis came from the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), which shocked Ful Front with goosebumps all over his body.

'What does it feel like? The sense of crisis that seems to be about to be shot down at any time is so strong. ’

‘The strongest new human being, Lin Youde, is so powerful? ’

Feeling Ful Front's shock, Char comforted him.

"That's right, remember it well, this is the power of the strongest new human race."

"But he is special, and regular new humans cannot compare with him."

"In this regard, you are destined to be unable to surpass him, so you don't need to worry too much."

"But as long as you're half as good as him, it's easy to surpass Kasbal."

"So, take a good look and remember what is the true realm of a super ace pilot!"

Char's words surprised Ful Front even more.

‘A special new human being? Destined to be insurmountable? What exactly is going on? ’

Char did not answer Ful Front's question because he did not have the energy to do so now.

After liberating the SEED·D ability, Lin Youde entered a full combat state.

The blue flame that originally enveloped Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) by about 1 meter exploded suddenly, expanding to a height of 5 to 6 meters.

The Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), which was originally only about 20 meters long, was wrapped in blue flames and seemed to have reached a height of 30 meters.

This was only a visual change. What really shocked all the onlookers was the speed after the complete explosion.

A blue light suddenly appeared between Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) and Xinanzhou. Xinanzhou, also wrapped in blue flames, suddenly moved sideways, and a bunch of blue light foam splashed out of thin air on the shield of his left hand.

When the blue light droplets splashed out and the blue light stopped, others could clearly see the nature of the blue light.

That was not a long-range beam weapon at all, but a blue arc of light caused by the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) sprinting.

The blue light foam splashing from the Xinanzhou shield was caused by Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam)'s hand turning into a blue beam sword and slashing at the shield.

"Yes, you are actually able to control the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) under such an explosion. Your growth is gratifying."

Although Char's words were relaxed, Ful Front discovered that Xinanzhou's shield was almost destroyed.

The charging sword from Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) just now was blocked by Char using Sinanju's shield.

But even relying on the growth in the BGM field and the explosion of the NT-B system, Xinanzhou's shield still failed to hold up.

A huge gap appeared on Xin'anzhou's shield.

If the frames on both sides of the shield weren't still slightly connected, I'm afraid Xinanzhou's shield would have fallen off from Xinanzhou's left arm.

The retainer of Xinanzhou's shield and left arm had disappeared, melted in the attack just now.

If Char hadn't piloted this machine himself, the blow just now would have been enough to end the battle, right?

Ful Front asked himself this question, and came up with a definite answer.

If it wasn't the real Char, but him. He definitely couldn't react to the blow just now.

The sword strike just now was plain and simple, just the word "quick".

That extremely fast sword was beyond his ability to react.

The gap between him and Lin Youde was almost as big as a world of difference, so huge that it was despairing.

But even so, Ful Front could still feel Char's joy and excitement.

Faced with such an attack that flew right in front of him before he could even see it clearly, Xia Ya didn't seem to be afraid.

Feeling Char's emotions, Ful Front also cheered up.

'It's not over yet. Commander Xia Ya hasn't given up yet. This battle isn't over yet. ’

Feeling Ful Front's emotions, Char whispered.

"Yes, that's what it has to be."

"If you give in now, you can only go so far."

"The moment you surrender, the battle is over."

"As long as you don't give up, the fight will continue!"

Ful Front: ‘Yes, Commander-in-Chief Char! ’

The atmosphere on Xia Ya and Ful Front's side was very good, but the atmosphere on Lin Youde's side was much more deserted.

Amuro lay on the wall of air, unable to move and unable to contact Lin Youde.

Only Lin Youde was silently feeling the astonishing speed that Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) had just burst out.

‘Is this the true strength of Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee)? ’

‘After turning on SEED·D, I almost couldn’t react at all. ’

‘How fast was it just now? I felt like I was about to turn into light. ’

‘The speed just now can’t reach the speed of light, right? ’

Lin Youde actually knew in his heart that the speed of Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) just now did not reach the speed of light.

Theoretically, the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) equipped with a telekinesis frame can reach speeds close to the speed of light.

But if you do that, your body will not be able to bear it and collapse.

Unicorn Gundam Unit 3 Phoenix can do this because there is no pilot inside the unit.

Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) still has him as its pilot, so it's impossible to do it.

So the feeling of almost light speed just now was just his illusion.

But even so, it was already shocking.

Because this is something he has never experienced before. He has been unable to control a machine since his debut.

The performance of Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) far exceeded his imagination.

After adjusting his mood a little, Lin Youde controlled the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) and turned around to look at Xinanzhou whose shield was damaged.

"Xia Ya, do you think you still have a chance of winning?"

"Sinanzhou is not Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) after all. Even if it relies on the NT-B system and BGM field, it can't reach the speed just now, right?"

Xia nodded slightly and responded: "Indeed, the nearly sub-light speed just now cannot be achieved by Xin'anzhou alone."

"But that doesn't mean I have no chance of winning."

"You haven't fully understood how much performance the NT-B system has."

"Today I will make an exception and demonstrate to you another capability of the NT-B system."

Xinanzhou was seen throwing away his shield and raising his left hand high.

The next moment, the entire battlefield was filled with blue flames that suddenly lit up like dots of stars, with the potential to start a prairie fire.

After the little bits of starlight were lit up, in the starlight, it seemed like endless beams of light were coming from all directions to Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam). Instantly submerses everything around the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee).

A group of dozens of machines that stood between the light and the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) were all destroyed by the bombardment of these beams.

The Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) used these bodies as shields to block it, and used this gap to turn into a blue light and beam to quickly travel through it, successfully dodging this sudden wave of attacks.

Under Lin Youde's all-out superb skills, Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) avoided all the beams without any damage.

This scene left everyone dumbfounded and amazed, and it also aroused everyone's curiosity.

"What? What happened?"

"What happened to those lights just now? Where did they come from?"

As Lei Mengmeng and many curious players looked around, they suddenly discovered that at some point, the floating cannons originally controlled by other players had all pointed their muzzles at the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam).

The attack just now was caused by these floating cannons.

It was only then that the players in the dungeon discovered that the floating cannon they controlled had completely lost control, causing quite a commotion.

But not many people care about these things. What everyone is more concerned about is the battle that is not over yet.

The real leader in the battlefield, Lin Youde, suddenly looked at Xin'anzhou.

Xia Ya smiled and said: "Is it unexpected? All the floating cannons here are under my control."

"Although Sinanju's speed cannot reach the near-sublight speed of Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam)."

"But as long as the floating cannon is used well, I can completely block your activity space to the extent of space blockade."

"Using a speed close to sublight speed, you can indeed avoid it. But how long can you maintain that level of sublight speed?"

Under Xinanzhou's wave, all the small, medium, large, and super large floating guns in the entire battlefield began to rush towards the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam).

"Try the power of the space blockade attack."

Countless rays of light almost flooded the space around Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), leaving Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) without any room to escape.

But faced with this attack, Lin Youde had no intention of running away.

Lin Youde, whose eyes were dim and dull, looked at Xin'anzhou and asked lightly.

"Xia Ya, have you forgotten something?"

"Huh? What did I forget? I can forget... um..."

Xia Ya, who originally thought she was sure of victory, suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and her expression froze.

‘Oops, I forgot that Lin Youde’s new human level is unprecedentedly high. ’

‘This guy can completely break away from the NT-B system to form a telepathic stance to block these attacks. ’

‘With his perverted new human level and the telepathic stance created by the NT-B system, the strength is absolutely astonishing. ’

'This time...well, no, he is...'

Before her thoughts could settle down, Xia Ya noticed something was wrong.

Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) did not dodge, threw away its shield, and pulled out two beam swords lying on both sides of its body. and quickly expanded to a length of 2,000 meters.

"Space is blocked, right?"

Wrapped in blue flames, the two beam sabers quickly expanded to a length of 2,000 meters.

"Since you can't dodge the attack, wouldn't it be better to just knock them all away?"

Hearing Lin Youde's words, Xia Ya instantly felt that he understood Lin Youde's intention again.

‘Doesn’t this guy plan to rely on his telepathic position to resist all attacks? ’

‘He relied on the level of the perverted new human to use a super-large beam sword to neutralize these attacks? ’

‘Miscalculation... Nani (what)? ’

Before Xia Ya could finish her thoughts, her eyes widened.

Because things seemed to be different from what he thought.

After that, Char, Ful Front, Lei Mengmeng and other other players saw an extremely shocking scene.

At the same time as the two beam sabers exploded, the body of Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) also began to rotate rapidly.

As the machine rotated at high speed, the blue flames on the surface of the machine also rotated rapidly, faintly turning into a huge blue gyro-shaped tornado.

"Watch the move, God kills Typhoon!!!"

The massive amount of light hitting the huge blue gyro-shaped tornado was not offset, but was bounced away and flew back.


"do not!!"



Boom boom boom...

As countless rays of light flew upside down, many unsuspecting players were hit by various beams of different sizes that flew out.

The various floating cannons originally aimed at the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) were also blown up by the beam rebound.

Under the splash of these beams, one machine after another and one floating cannon exploded on the spot, setting off brilliant fireworks in the dark space.

The rotating blue tornado gradually stopped, revealing the intact Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam).

Looking at the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) wrapped in blue flames, Char's face turned pale: 'This time... it's bad. ’

Lin Youde: "Xia Ya, don't forget, what you can do, I should be able to do."

As Char's cheek muscles twitched crazily as he watched, Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) also imitated Sinanju and raised his hand.

Brush brush brush.

There were not many floating cannons left, and they were still aiming at the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee). They turned their guns and aimed at Sinanzhou.

"Back to you!"

Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) put down his left hand and pointed at Sinan Continent. Countless beams of light emerged and flew towards Sinan Continent.

And at this moment, the blue flame that originally enveloped the surface of Xin'anzhou suddenly disappeared.

Ful Front heard only one sound.

"Work hard, I'm optimistic about you."

Just hearing this sound, Ful Front's Xinanzhou was hit by numerous beams on the spot and exploded.

After turning into a ghost state, Ful Front finally came to his senses from his confusion.

‘Commander Xia Ya... slipped away? ’

Ful Front was stunned and shocked.

But after discovering a red dot appeared on his personal panel and mailbox, Ful Front put all this behind him.

"Exclusive title: The red comet returns, and the Xin'anzhou body data is completely lifted?"

Looking at these rewards, Ful Front was ecstatic and completely forgot about what happened just now.

After all, Char himself said that Lin Youde was special, and there was also a performance gap between Xinanzhou and Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam).

In this case, it is not surprising that Commander Xia Ya cannot defeat Lin Youde.

After all, neither hardware nor software are good enough. Technology alone cannot bridge the gap.


"Don't worry, Commander Xia Ya, one day, I will help you take revenge!"

The top level of the copy space.

Amuro looked at Char lying next to him gloatingly.

"I thought you were going to struggle a little more, Char."

Char glared and said: "That boy learned the new human level and crushed me. Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam)'s performance crushed Xinanzhou. SEED·D made up for the technical gap and learned things so fast."

"The gap is almost as big as the sky, and I'm still struggling."

"You should have discovered this a long time ago, so you didn't remind me on purpose, just to make me laugh, right, Amuro."

Amuro sneered: "Who told you to plot against me?"

Char: "Amuro!"

Amroel: "Char!!!"

In the space below, the guiding elf silently glanced at the two guys hanging on the air wall above, shook his head, and glanced at an old man in purple robes on an asteroid not far away.

The purple-robed old man was looking at the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, in the cockpit of the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), Lin Youde also released his SEED·D state and looked at the exploding Xinanzhou speechlessly.

‘Should I say that I am a prolapsed NT? You ran too fast, Char...'


PS: Sorry, the update is late. For the sake of reading experience, try to finish writing this battle and publish it in one breath.

Today's update will be like this for now, the author touched...

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