Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1069 After the War

With the explosion of Xinanzhou, the battle temporarily came to an end.

The guide elf took a look back at the purple-robed old man, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared without a trace.

Only the old man in purple robe was left looking at the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) whose blue flames were gradually extinguishing, and sighed in a low voice.

"I didn't expect that I can still see this move to this day, and there are still people who remember that stupid disciple."

"Is this what is called fate?"

The purple-robed old man raised his head and looked at Amuro and Char on the air wall.

Amuro noticed that the purple-robed old man was looking over and said quickly.

"Teacher Dongfang, do you agree?"

Xia Ya also held his breath and remained silent.

He just murmured in his heart: ‘Did Dongfang Bubai get emotional? Although this was not within Amuro and I’s plans, it was an unexpected surprise. ’

The purple-robed old man Dongfang Bubai looked at Amuro and said calmly.

"Since we are destined, I will no longer refuse."

"After all, I still remember Duomeng's entrustment."

Hearing this, Amuro and Char were overjoyed.

Amuro beamed with joy and said gratefully: "Thank you, Teacher Dongfang!"

Xia Ya also said: "Thank you."

Dongfang Bubai turned his head, looked at the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) in the center of the battlefield in the distance, and said calmly.

"This is an agreement, no need to say thank you."

"Since you have chosen him, I will do my best."

"But how much he can learn depends on his own ability."

"It's not easy to inherit my legacy."

Amuro and Char looked at each other and said in unison.

"Of course we know this. Teacher Dongfang just does his best."

"How much he can learn is up to him."

Dongfang Bubai withdrew his gaze and turned around, his figure becoming increasingly faint.

"Then, it's up to you to arrange the next thing, change facilitator."

In the confused expressions of Amuro and Char, the purple-haired Tieria appeared out of thin air and bowed slightly.

"Understood, Venerable Asia, I will arrange the time reasonably for this matter."

Dongfang Bubai kept walking forward, his figure becoming increasingly faint.

"Then I'll leave it to you. I'll prepare the rest."

"It seems like my old bones need to be exercised again."

"Humans are still stupid, but not to the point where they must be exterminated."

“It’s up to them to see how far they can go.”

After saying that, Dongfang Bubai's figure completely disappeared.

Char suddenly looked at Tieria and asked, "Tieria, what did you do?"

Tieria raised her head and looked at Char and Amuro with an expressionless face before returning.

"It's not what I did, it's what you did."

"You two have been having too much trouble recently. Do you really think that the one who just punishes you will be able to write it off?"

In the reaction of Amuro and Char's complexions, the air wall behind them instantly turned into a steel cage, hanging them one by one.

The moment they entered the cage, the two regained their freedom.

But the two of them started shouting because of it.

Amuro: "Let me out. I'm innocent. I didn't do anything. I'm unjust!"

Xia Ya: "I was just teasing Lin Youde. I just wanted to make a joke. I didn't mean it. Let me out!!!"

Listening to the yelling of the two people, Tieria shook her head and ignored it, just looking in the direction of a certain meteorite.

The moment Tieria's eyes moved there, a blue light flew out from the meteorite and disappeared into the dark universe in an instant.

Withdrawing her gaze, Tieria looked in the direction of the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam).

"No matter what your original intention is, Xia Ya, it is an established fact that you took the initiative to modify the functions of Xin'anzhou."

"You should reflect on this in prison."

"It's only a period of confinement for you. It's already His grace."

"It's a good thing that other people don't bother like you, otherwise this place would be in chaos."

"But after this incident, he should also understand some of NT-B's hidden functions, right?"

Shaking her head, Tieria disappeared.

Only Amuro and Char were left trapped in the cage, shouting loudly, and no one cared.

After the two of them yelled for a while, they suddenly wanted to start yelling at each other.

As for what the two were spraying, no one cared.

In the very center of the battlefield

Lin Youde, who had finished the battle, also drove the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) and returned to the Z Gundam.

Because of the battle between Lin Youde and Xia Ya just now, many players in the red and blue camps were affected, suffered unreasonable disasters, and were forced to withdraw from the battlefield.

And after such a fuss, the entire battlefield knew about the arrival of Lin Youde and Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam).

In addition, Lin Youde's amazing maneuvers in the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) just showed off to everyone.

After a brief silence, the remaining players in the entire battlefield gave up fighting and rushed to Lin Youde to ask for autographs.

For these enthusiastic fans, Lin Youde, who had just finished the battle, did not directly pull Lei Mengmeng to escape. Instead, he stayed where he was and left autographs for the fans one by one.

In Lin Youde's view, there are not many players left on the battlefield anyway, so just signing a few casually will not waste much time.

So after Lin Youde finished signing, he pulled Lei Mengmeng out of the battlefield and began to summarize the gains from this battle.

Fighting with Xia Ya was not what Lin Youde expected.

Originally, I just wanted to come to the intermediate channel to see what was going on here. Who would have thought that the fake duck would appear and that Xia would break in.

With the powerful performance of Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), Lin Youde defeated Char.

But this is based on the premise that Lin Youde's hardware and software can completely crush Xia Ya.

If all the conditions are equalized and it's a one-on-one battle based solely on skills, it's really hard to say who will win or lose.

But the so-called battle is not fair in an absolute sense. Being able to be ahead of Xia Ya in both hardware and software is also Lin Youde's ability.

Therefore, Lin Youde did not worry too much about this matter, but played the previous battle video in Gnakuli.

Lei Mengmeng approached Lin Youde and asked curiously.

"How on earth did you do that?"

"It is simply outrageous to control other people's floating cannons for your own use."

"What's even more outrageous is that that blue flame can actually act on other people's floating cannons from a distance."

"Does this mean that the power of those controlled floating cannons has also been increased?"

"If I encounter you and Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) from now on, who would dare to use a floating cannon?"

"Youde, did you know that the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) could do such a thing?"

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