Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1082 Sword Finger

Lin Youde was shocked but not surprised by what the God Falcon said.

After all, the origin of Getter Robot is the result of the Getter Line research by Dr. Saotome of the Saotome Research Institute in the world view of "Getter Robot".

Although this world has turned all machines into black box machines due to various reasons in the last era.

From the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, it directly becomes the conclusion that the egg comes first, and then there is the chicken.

However, as someone who has many connections with the Getter Robot, it is not surprising that Dr. Saotome was the first to discover the Getter Robot's black box and conduct research on it.

After all, isn’t Kabuto Juzo from the Demon God system the same?

With the precedent of Kabuto Juzo, Dr. Saotome was unexpected and reasonable.

"But what does this have to do with your name changing to the Revivals?"

Kang Dingbang explained: "Both the Demon God and Geta were the first black box machines discovered in Neon."

"And now Neon has been conquered by us again, and I have taken Shinji's place to participate in the competition."

"As an EVA team that is dedicated to the reconstruction work of Neon Revival, it is best to be able to promote it effectively."

"I took Shinji's place in the competition, so it's appropriate to change the team name to help him promote it."

"In addition, the Demon God and Geta are again in our hands. This also means that the super robots we have integrated will rise again."

"However, the rise this time has never been very useful in our integration. On the contrary, revival is often mentioned in our integration."

"Different from our ancestors who lived sporadic times, and unlike the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation, which basically have no ancestors, our unity has been rooted in the Asian continent for thousands of years, with ups and downs, and more than a dozen cycles of ups and downs."

"For us, there is no need to rise again. We only need to revive to the most glorious moment of our ancestors, which is enough to make the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance tremble."

"That's why we decided to change from the Uprising to the Revival, which is more in line with our unified artistic conception."

"Unification and revival are just around the corner."

After Kang Dingbang said this, Lin Youde also felt that compared to a team name like the Protagonist Team, which only likes to be handsome and pretentious, a team name with special meaning like the Revival Team is more suitable for unification.

"You successfully convinced me, then change your team name to the Revivals."

When the team name was decided, everyone was smiling.

Then, everyone's topic turned to the name of the other team.

Liu Longma looked at Lin Youde curiously: "Youde, now that Kai and I, Wang Zhanya, have joined the Dragon Tiger Team, should the name of the Dragon Tiger Team also be changed?"

God Hayato echoed: "Dragon King + Tiger King, the name Dragon-Tiger Team is very suitable. But now that there is an extra lion, should it be changed to Dragon-Tiger-Lion Team?"

Tomoe Musashi tilted his head: "But dragons, tigers and lions don't sound good. How about calling them the Beast King Team? After all, dragons, tigers, and lions can all be the kings of beasts."

Du Jianlong's expression was a little subtle: "Beast King Team? Why do I feel that this name is a bit... not pleasant? Although the holy beast is also a beast, I always feel that something is not right."

Kang Dingbang also frowned: "Although what Musashi said is right, we must also take into account the will of the people. I don't think this name is appropriate."

Wang Kai suggested: "How about we call it Dragon and Tiger King Team?"

Everyone was surprised: "Dragon and Tiger King Team?"

Wang Kai nodded and said: "Yes, Dragon and Tiger King Team."

"The trump card of this team is originally the combined form of the Dragon King and the Tiger King, the Dragon and Tiger King."

"The original name of this team was the Dragon and Tiger Team."

"Although I am joining with my king Zhanya now, I think the king from King of Braves is more suitable for us than the lion."

"When the dragon, tiger and king are combined, doesn't it just happen to be the dragon and tiger king?"

"In the eyes of others, this may be the team name of our three mechas."

"But after the combination of the Dragon and Tiger Kings was revealed, it gave people a sense of grandeur that we had already put in the team name as our trump card, but you didn't expect it."

"So, I think it is undoubtedly more appropriate to use the team name Dragon Tiger King directly."

After everyone listened, they all thought it made sense.

As a result, everyone looked at Lin Youde.

Lin Youde also smiled at this: "Since you all have no objections, then so be it."

"The team names were changed to the Revivals and Dragons and Tigers."

"Next, the total number of our participating teams is as follows."

"ATX team: Gu Tie (Lin Youde), White Knight (Lei Mengmeng), Soul Seat (Alufemi)."

"SRX team: R-1 (Ni Xingxing), R-2 enhanced type (Ladis), R-3 enhanced type (Gu Lincai)."

"Dragon and Tiger King Team: Dragon King (Nan Ye), Tiger King (Li Te), and our King Zhan Ya (Wang Kai)."

"Team of Revivals: Mazinger Z (Du Jianlong), Da Majin (Kang Dingbang), Getaryu (Liu Ryoma, God Hayato, Tomoe Musashi)."

"Gundam Team: Gundam Infinite Justice (Aslan), Gundam Destiny R (True), Gundam Heresy Crimson Dragon Kai (Ro)."

"The above is our list for this competition. It makes no sense, so I will submit it!"

Everyone nodded: "No problem."

As Lin Youde made a complete decision, everyone began to prepare for the competition.

The calm time is always short-lived, and before long, the start date of the World Series is approaching.

For publicity, but also to shock.

Lin Youde asked Refina to drive the Feilong Kai, taking the five participating teams from the unified side to the competition location of the Neon Islands.

Not long after, Feilong arrived at the transport ship docking point designated by the competition.

It attracted the attention of countless people.

The observation deck near the port was crowded with people, and countless people were talking about the huge flying dragon.

"Wow, it's so big. Is this the latest unified battleship? It's so powerful. It's worthy of being my mother country. It's so powerful!"

On the observation deck, the green-haired Masaki Ando was lying on the guardrail, shouting at Feilong Kai.

"Dad?" The blond Luni Zoldak looked at her father worriedly.

Bian Zoldak, who was wearing a black and red uniform, crossed his arms and replied calmly.

"Don't worry, we have more comrades than you think."

These words shocked Luni Zoldak.

Not far away from Masaki Ando, ​​Luni Zoldak, and Bian Zoldak, another group of people were also commenting on Feilong Kai.

"Oh~! Is this the latest battleship of the Union? The Union has really built a lot of surprising things."

Ishimaru Hiroshi also looked at Feilong Kai, his eyes filled with light.

"Of course, that's the boy Sakura and I have our eyes on. He can always come up with some new surprises for us every time we meet. Right, Sakura?"

Ham Aika turned to Sakura beside him and asked.

Sakura's eyes, which had fully grown, were shining with an inexplicable light. She looked at Feilong Kai and responded with expectation in her eyes.

"Oh, yes……"

Beside Sakura, the young boy Husso Abin stared at Feilong Kai with great energy.

"Is that... the newly developed battleship developed by the legendary Amuro Rai?"

"The legendary Gundam pilot, I can finally see him this time..."

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